My Singing Monsters

My Singing Monsters

174 avaliações
How to breed every monster
Por jade
How to breed/get every monster on every island
Updated as of October 5th, 2024
The breeding methods in this guide do not guarantee getting it first try 100% of the time. It may take a LOT of attempts to get some of these, as a lot of them are extremely luck based.
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This is here to remind me what I was up to last time I updated the guide

-Added Titansouls and Phosphoran Phlox

-Added changelog
-All Ethereal Workshop Monsters as of BeMeebEth added
-Rare Wubbox updated for wublin island
-Mimic added
-Updated little note that says fire monsters are on magicals to say that they can be bought with relics
-Added disclaimer that says this guide does not guarantee success
-fixed an annoying typo in knurv's breeding that's been annoying me
-Reformatted Supernatural/Celestial section

Note - All the monsters here can also be bred with its rare variant + its common variant. This is a 100% chance of getting the monster you want, making it the best option.

Single Elements

Tweedle - Purchased from shop, can be bred with a quad + itself.
Noggin - Purchased from shop, can be bred with a quad + itself.
Mammott - Purchased from shop, can be bred with a quad + itself.
Toe Jammer - Purchased from shop, can be bred with a quad + itself.
Potbelly - Purchased from shop, can be bred with a quad + itself.

Double Elements

Dandidoo - Tweedle + Potbelly, or a quad + itself.
Cybop - Tweedle + Noggin, or a quad + itself.
Quibble - Tweedle + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.
Pango - Tweedle + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Shrubb - Potbelly + Noggin, or a quad + itself.
Oaktopus - Potbelly + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.
Furcorn - Potbelly + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Fwog - Noggin + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.
Drumpler - Noggin + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Maw - Toe Jammer + Mammott, or a quad + itself.

Triple Elements

Reedling - Dandidoo + Noggin, Cybop + Potbelly, Shrubb + Tweedle, or a quad + itself.
Spunge - Quibble + Potbelly, Dandidoo + Toe Jammer, Oaktapus + Tweedle, or a quad + itself.
Thumpies - Pango + Potbelly, Dandidoo + Mammott, Furcorn + Tweedle, or a quad + itself.
Scups - Tweedle + Fwog, Noggin + Quibble, Toe Jammer + Cybop, or a quad + itself.
PomPom - Drumpler + Tweedle, Pango + Noggin, Cybop + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Congle - Maw + Tweedle, Pango + Toe Jammer, Quibble + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Pummel - Fwog + Potbelly, Oaktopus + Noggin, Shrubb + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.
Clamble - Drumpler + Potbelly, Furcorn + Noggin, Shrubb + Mammott, or a quad + itself.
Bowgart - Maw + Potbelly, Oaktopus + Mammott, Furcorn + Toe Jammer, or a quad + itself.
T-Rox - Maw + Noggin, Drumpler + Toe Jammer, Fwog + Mammott, or a quad + itself.

Quad Elements
Note - 2+2 combinations are not included because they have a low rate of success.
Shellbeat - Scups + Potbelly, Reedling + Toe Jammer, Pummel + Tweedle, Spunge + Noggin.
Quarrister - Reedling + Mammott, Thumpies + Noggin, PomPom + Potbelly, Clamble + Tweedle.
Deedge - Spunge + Mammott, Thumpies + Toe Jammer, Congle + Potbelly, Bowgart + Tweedle.
Riff - Scups + Mammott, T-Rox + Tweedle, Congle + Noggin, PomPom + Toe Jammer.
Entbrat - Clamble + Toe Jammer, Bowgart + Noggin, T-Rox + Potbelly, Pummel + Mammott.

Mimic can be purchased for 500 relics on Fire Oasis.

Fire Monsters
Not all of the monsters can be bred with their rares, some can't be bred in the main game.
Most of these can be bred with a quad + itself
This might take a while, because there's a LOT.
All of the monsters mentioned in this section can be revived as a vessel on Amber Island
1 Elements
Kayna - Purchased in the shop for 10 relics, or a quad + itself.

2 Elements
Glowl - Kayna + Tweedle
Flowah - Potbelly + Kayna
Stogg - Noggin + Kayna
Phangler - Toe Jammer + Kayna
Boskus - Mammott + Kayna

3 Elements
Barrb - Dandidoo + Kayna, Flowah + Tweedle, Glowl + Potbelly
Floogull - Cybop + Kayna, Stogg + Tweedle, Glowl + Noggin
Whaddle - Quibble + Kayna, Phangler + Tweedle, Glowl + Toe Jammer
Woolabee - Pango + Kayna, Boskus + Tweedle, Glowl + Mammott
Repatillo - Shrubb + Kayna, Stogg + Potbelly, Flowah + Noggin
Rootitoot - Oaktopus + Kayna, Flowah + Toe Jammer, Phangler + Potbelly
Sooza - Potbelly + Boskus, Mammott + Flowah, Kayna + Furcorn
Thrumble - Fwog + Kayna, Stogg + Toe Jammer, Phangler + Noggin
Ziggurab - Drumpler + Kayna, Stogg + Mammott, Boskus + Noggin
Wynq - Maw + Kayna, Boskus + Toe Jammer, Phangler + Mammott

From here on, I will only include one combination to shorten the time it takes for me to write this.

4 Elements
Tring - Reedling + Kayna
Bisonorus - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Yelmut - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Flum Ox - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Krillby - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Sneyser - Congle + Kayna
Edamimi - Revived as a vessel on amber island
PongPing - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Incisaur - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Tiawa - Revived as a vessel on amber island

5 Elements
Candelavra - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Drummidary - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Bowhead - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Tuskski - Revived as a vessel on amber island
Gnarls - Revived as a vessel on amber island

As per recent updates, certain amber exclusive monsters have moved to fire and magical islands and can be purchased with relics.
Note: Very few magicals have rares
Most of these can be bred with a quad + itself.
As per recent updates, all of these monsters excluding Sanctum ones can be transported to Magical Nexus at level 18.

1 Elements
Theremind - Purchased in shop
Clackula - Purchased in shop
Fluoress - Purchased in shop
Floot Fly - Purchased in shop

2 Elements
Bonkers - Potbelly + Theremind
Gob - Potbelly + Fluoress
Peckidna - Noggin + Clackula
HippityHop - Noggin + Floot Fly
Poppette - Toe Jammer + Theremind
Denchuhs - Toe Jammer + Clackula
Bulbo - Mammott + Fluoress
Squot - Mammott + Floot Fly
Yuggler - Kayna + Theremind
Hawlo - Kayna + Clackula
Pluckbill - Kayna + Fluoress
Wimmzies - Kayna + Floot Fly
Xyster - Theremind + Clackula
Cahoot - Theremind + Fluoress
Deja-Jin - Theremind + Floot Fly
Roarick - Clackula + Fluoress
Osstax - Clackula + Floot Fly
Knucklehead - Fluoress + Floot Fly

3 Elements
Tapricorn - Oaktopus + Theremind
Spytrap - Furcorn + Fluoress
Rooba - Flowah + Theremind
TooToo - Flowah + Fluoress
Withur - Fwog + Clackula
Cantorell - Drumpler + Floot Fly
Uuduk - Stogg + Clackula
Bridg-it - Stogg + Floot Fly
Periscorp - Phangler + Theremind
Banjaw - Phangler + Clackula
Fiddlement - Boskus + Fluoress
Clavi Gnat - Drumpler + Floot Fly
G'day - Xyster + Fluoress
Larvaluss - Xyster + Floot Fly
Frondley - Knucklehead + Theremind
Mushaboom - Roarick + Floot Fly

4 Elements
Gloptic - Rootitoot + Theremind
Blow't - Sooza + Fluoress
Plinkajou - Thrumble + Clackula
Pladdie - Ziggurab + Floot Fly
Enchantling - G'day + Floot Fly
1 Elements
Ghazt - Entbrat + T-Rox
Grumpyre - Deedge + Spunge
Reebro - Riff + T-Rox
Jeeode - Shellbeat + Scups
Humbug - Quarrister + Reedling

2 Elements
Whisp - Ghazt + Grumpyre
Nebulob - Ghazt + Reebro
Sox - Ghazt + Jeeode
Jellbilly - Ghazt + Humbug
Arackulele - Grumpyre + Reebro
Boodoo - Grumpyre + Jeeode
Kazilleon - Grumpyre + Humbug
Bellowfish - Reebro + Jeeode
Dragong - Reebro + Humbug
Fung Pray - Jeeode + Humbug

Ethereal Workshop
3 Elements
Yooreek - Plasma , Shadow, Mech
Meebkin - Plasma , Shadow, Crystal
Blarret - Plasma, Shadow, Poison
Gadzooks - Plasma, Mech, Crystal
Auglur - Plasma, Mech, Poison (Unstable)
Flasque - Plasma, Crystal, Poison (Requires Refined Synthesizer)
Nitebear - Shadow, Mech, Crystal (Requires Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
Piplash - Shadow, Mech, Poison (Requires Hyper-Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
X'rt - Shadow, Crystal, Poison (Requires Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
Teeter-Tauter - Mech, Crystal, Poison (Requires Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)

4 Elements
Note: Quad breeding is different in that you need not just a triple element ethereal, but 2 meebs of each of said triple's own elements, and then 3 meebs of the one element said triple does not have.
When I mention a triple, I mean a triple plus the 6 extra meebs.

Whaill - Yooreek, + Crystal Meeb x3 (Requires Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
Vhenshun - Yooreek + Poison Meeb x3 (Requires Hyper-Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
Pentumbra - X'rt + Plasma Meeb x3 (Requires Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer) (Unstable)
Oogiddy - X'rt + Mech Meeb x3 (Requires Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer (Unstable)
Rhysmuth - Gaddzooks + Poison Meeb x3 (Requires Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer (Unstable)

Any quad
3 Meebs of each of said quad's elements
4 Meebs of the element the quad does not have.
Requires Ultra-Mega-Super-Hyper-Refined Synthesizer
If successful, synthesizer has to cool down for 2 days.

Core Seasonals
Punkleton - Bowgart + T-Rox
Yool - Thumpies + Congle
Schmoochle - Riff + Tweedle
Blabbit - Spunge + Scups
Hoola - PomPom + Pango

Aux Seasonals
Gobbleygourd - Kayna + Glowl, Punkleton + Yool
Clavavera - Withur + Clackula, Punkleton + Schmoochle
Viveine - Shugabush + Oaktopus, Punkleton + Blabbit, can be revived on Amber Island
Jam Boree - Punkleton + Hoola
Carillong - Mushaboom + Roarick, Yool + Schmoochle
Whiz-bang - Yool + Blabbit, Blow't + Spytrap
Monculus - Yool + Hoola, Nebulob + Jeeode, can be awakened on Wublin Island
Ffidyll - Pladdie + Floot Fly, Schmoochle + Blabbit
Boo'qwurm - Schmoochle + Hoola, Periscorp + Bonkers
Spurrit - Blabbit + Hoola, Wynq + Maw

Legendary Monsters
Werdos are legendary monsters, and can be purchased in the shop for 100 relics a peice on any island they're on.

Shugabush - Bowgart and Clamble
Shugarock - Shugabush + Mammott
Shugabass - Shugabush + Potbelly
Shugajo - Shugabush + Oaktopus
Shugabeats - Shugabush + Furcorn
Shugabuzz - Shugabush + Quibble
Shugavox - Shugabush + Deedge
Shugitar - Shugabush + PomPom
Cataliszt can be purchased in the shop
G'joob - Pummel + T-Rox
Strombonin - Spunge + Bowgart
Yawstrich - Scups + T-Rox
Anglow - Scups + Pummel
Hyehehe - Thumpies + PomPom
Cherubble - Congle + Woolabee
Buzzinga - Reedling + Barrb

Bleatnik - G'joob + Cataliszt
Cranchee - Strombonin + Cataliszt
Sporerow - Yawstrich + Cataliszt
Pinghound - Anglow + Cataliszt
Wheezel - Hyehehe + Cataliszt
shLep - Cherubble + Cataliszt
Knurv - Buzzinga + Cataliszt

Supernatural/Celestial Monsters
Wubbox can be powered up by:
On a natural island, box all the natural monsters there into the Wubbox.
On a fire island, box all the fire monsters there into the Wubbox.
On ethereal island, box all of the ethereals there into the Wubbox.

Rare Wubbox can be powered up by:
On a natural island, box all the rare natural monsters there into the Wubbox.
On Ethereal island, box all the rarethereals there into the Wubbox.
On Wublin Island, not all Rare Wublins need to be boxed to power it up, box the required Rare Wublins.

Epic Wubbox can be powered up by:
On a natural island, box all the epic natural monsters there into the Wubbox.

Wublins can be awakened by zapping the correct monsters within the given time period.
The same applies to Celestials.
Phosphoran Phlox: You must "link" 4 unique common, rare, and epic monsters to it. Once all 12 monsters have been linked, you can awaken it.
Dipsters can be purchased with keys on any island they're on.
60 comentário(s)
Pyropian 21/dez./2024 às 11:25 
I think you should mention that breeding fire and magic quads can be made WAY easier if you use the epic kayna breeding combination. Epic kaynas breeding combination is programed to have a significantly higher chance of resulting in a quad then any other combination. the combo needs the quad but this is super usefull if you need to get the quad again, for example when making a money farm(fire and magic quads give A LOT of money) or if you need it for a vesel

The breeding combo for epic kayna is:

tring + stogg
sneyser + phangler
on magic islands it's just the quad + double element natural
Джiган 15/nov./2024 às 23:36 
jade  [autor(a)] 5/out./2024 às 19:34 
alr update done waiting for steam approval
jade  [autor(a)] 5/out./2024 às 19:04 
alr guys im gonna update it wish me luck on not missing everything
jade  [autor(a)] 4/out./2024 às 19:51 
yeah i liek forgor this game existed
gimme a bit and ill do it
Yoshi Master Kyle 27/set./2024 às 10:41 
i mean im ok with you taking a while to respond but like come on a month (minus 2 days) is a long time
jade  [autor(a)] 27/set./2024 às 10:29 
i uh didnt update it in a while
Yoshi Master Kyle 29/ago./2024 às 5:47 
make sure to add bemeebeth when they arrive because you know everyones gonna want it
autism 28/ago./2024 às 14:28 
⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀⠀⠀hELP SHREK TAKE OVER STEAM AND BEAT ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠸⡇⠀⠿⡀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠀DOgE AnD BOB ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡀⠁⠀⠀⠈⠙⠛⠂⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⡿⢿⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀COPY AND PASTE IT⠀⠀
⠀⠉⠈⠉⠀⠀⢦⡈⢻⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⣽⡹⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀REMEMBER SHREK IS LIFE
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀ LEfTy sUckS
Man who is in the 2fort sewers 22/jun./2024 às 17:53 
ok but how do i breed myself with pom pom