Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

50 voti
Wild Tower Battle Ver.1 (4-player)
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7 ago 2014, ore 7:48
5 dic 2015, ore 4:23
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Wild Tower Battle Ver.1 (4-player)



This map works best for 2V2 or free for all gameplay with all human players. AI would not run ideally.


(1) In this map, players are intended to capture wild towers for resources bonus because of the limited natural mine resource.

(2) All wild towers are with a great health (around 10K), but still have risk to be destroyed.

(3) All kinds of watchtower cannot be built by players in this map except outpost; better keep this into your strategic consideration.

(4) To occupy (capture) the tower, you need be the first one that get close enough to the tower (make the tower in your units' view) till it change to your team color. Once it capture, it cannot be changed.

(5) Wild Tower bonus:
- You gain 50 gold and 25 rock every 2 minutes from each watchtower occupied
- You gain 300 gold, 300 wood and 150 rock every 2 minutes from the central cannon tower occupied
- Outpost occupancy does not provide auto-bonus, but you can find some natural resource nearby

note:there are totally 8 watchtowers, 4 outposts and 1 cannon tower in this map.

(6) The snowfields is covered with ice where you can't build buildings on, so make plan before you start building.

That's all you have to know. Try it with friends and have fun!

Last but not least, If you like my work, please leave your comment, give it a vote and follow my workshop. I'll keep working for more maps! Thank you!!! :)



(1) 此圖的目的在於佔領野塔以獲得額外的礦產資源,因為天然礦十分有限。

(2) 所有的野塔都有很高的血量(一萬上下),但仍然有被摧毀的風險。

(3) 本圖中,玩家將無法建造任何的箭塔及火砲塔,但哨站可以;請將此點納入您的戰略考量。

(4) 佔領野塔的方式為使野塔進入玩家單位的視野內,必須距離夠近直到塔的顏色變成玩家的顏色。只有第一名靠近的玩家能夠佔領,一但改變顏色,將不會再更變所有權。

(5) 野塔資源加成:
- 每佔領一座箭塔,你將每兩分鐘獲得50黃金和25石頭,佔領多座可往上加成。
- 佔領中央的火砲塔,你將每兩分鐘獲得300黃金、300木材和150石頭。
- 佔領哨站並不會獲得資源自動加成,但附近有些天然礦可供採集。


(6) 雪地中的冰上無法建築,請將此納入戰略考量。

大概就這些吧! 這是我從朋友建議得來的新點子,希望大家喜歡。 有任何BUG或建議也請不吝指教,我會盡速更正。
如果還喜歡我的作品,請訂閱、給個讚和留言支持唷! 謝謝! :D
16 commenti
JD OwO  [autore] 20 gen 2019, ore 22:28 
@Bite Me!
The idea I had was simply to encourage fights early through the late game, so whoever gets it first will have the advantages but will have to defend it in the rest of the game. While middle tower gives more resources, the owner will have to defend other 3 players because they should know who to target first. Thus, cooperation is possible in this map and hopefully make the game more fun.

BTW, I made this map 4 years ago, so I don't really remember the details, but you are more than welcome to edit the map and make it more customized if you know how to! :poc:
Bite Me! 20 gen 2019, ore 11:08 
One question tho: at least when going 1 vs 1 one team gets ressources from the towers and the other gets none. This doesnt change when the other player gets the middle tower first or the other way around. Is it intented that both players get ressources? In that case something goes wrong.
JD OwO  [autore] 20 gen 2019, ore 2:16 
@Bite Me!
Thank you so much for liking it! :x3: Have a great one! :mug:
Bite Me! 20 gen 2019, ore 2:04 
Me and my friends have had some amazing games on this map. Thanks!
Aidan 2000 ( VERY FINE!) 11 ago 2014, ore 7:54 
nice thanks
JD OwO  [autore] 10 ago 2014, ore 13:04 
simply click the "subscribe" (the green icon) above, and it should automatically download the map to your file, then you would be able to find it in the scenario mode.

@Miller0nfire, jonas.der.starke
Thank you! Hope you enjoy it! :D
XMANBEYOND 10 ago 2014, ore 9:50 
i cant get it to download.... what must i do?
Ross From Friends 10 ago 2014, ore 9:11 
Awesome, sounds like fun.
lolokiki 10 ago 2014, ore 8:12 
good job
JD OwO  [autore] 9 ago 2014, ore 15:11 