Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

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Chest Loot Rates and Tables
By Araxxor
A resource detailing the loot tables of chests and the chances of getting certain pieces of items from them. Loot tables and rates vary from dungeon to dungeon.
Basic Mechanics

The mechanics are pretty simple. If you open a chest, you'll get loot. There are 6 tiers of loot the game can pull from, which differs from dungeon to dungeon. When opening a chest, the game first chooses the tier of loot you'll get, then it rolls on the actual loot table there. The loot tables are detailed in their own sections later in the guide.

After the Hall of Trials, there's bad luck protection in place, allowing you to get higher tier loot more frequently. For each chest you open, the chances of getting higher tier loot increases, but this eventually caps after enough chests. Nothing can decrease the bad luck protection other than leaving a dungeon, where it resets back to the initial values. So the longer you stay in a dungeon, the more likely you'll get higher tier loot.

Trapped chests are generated beforehand when a floor is generated, so whether a chest is trapped or not is predetermined, namely so trap detection abilities like Charme's passive ability can function. Trapped chests have absolutely no effect on bad luck protection. There is no benefit to opening such a chest if you know it is trapped, so don't waste your time by doing so.

Hall of Trials:
  • You will always get tier 1 loot.
Jade Way:
  • Tier 1 loot is gained at a 100% rate until 3 chests are opened. Then the rate decreases by 2% per chest. This is capped at 80%, which is reached after opening 12 chests.
  • Tier 2 loot is gained at a 0% rate until 3 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 2% per chest. This is capped at 20%, which is reached after opening 13 chests.
The chest at the end of Jade Way is guaranteed to have a Very Odd Vase the first time you open it. On subsequent visits, it just acts like a normal chest.

Amber Garden:
  • Tier 1 loot is gained at a 96% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate decreases by 4% per chest.
    • After 4 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 4.5% per chest.
    • After 6 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 75%, which is reached after opening 13 chests.
  • Tier 2 loot is gained at a 4% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 4% per chest. This is capped at 20%, which is reached after opening 6 chests.
  • Tier 3 loot is gained at a 0% rate until 4 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 5%, which is reached after opening 14 chests.
The boxes that contain items in Tielle's boss fight count as chests and use the same rates and mechanics. Boxes that do not contain items do not increase the drop rate. Finding Tielle first does not count the unopened boxes in your favor.

Obsidian Tower:
  • Tier 2 loot is gained at a 96% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate decreases by 4% per chest.
    • After 4 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 4.5% per chest.
    • After 6 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 75%, which is reached after opening 13 chests.
  • Tier 3 loot is gained at a 4% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 4% per chest. This is capped at 20%, which is reached after opening 6 chests.
  • Tier 4 loot is gained at a 0% rate until 4 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 5%, which is reached after opening 14 chests.
Lapis Ruins:
  • Tier 3 loot is gained at a 96% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate decreases by 4% per chest.
    • After 4 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 4.5% per chest.
    • After 6 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 75%, which is reached after opening 13 chests.
  • Tier 4 loot is gained at a 4% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 4% per chest. This is capped at 20%, which is reached after opening 6 chests.
  • Tier 5 loot is gained at a 0% rate until 4 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 5%, which is reached after opening 14 chests.
Crystal Nightmare:
  • Tier 4 loot is gained at a 96% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate decreases by 4% per chest.
    • After 4 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 4.5% per chest.
    • After 6 total chests are opened, the rate decreases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 75%, which is reached after opening 13 chests.
  • Tier 5 loot is gained at a 4% rate until 2 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 4% per chest. This is capped at 20%, which is reached after opening 6 chests.
  • Tier 6 loot is gained at a 0% rate until 4 chests are opened. Then the rate increases by 0.5% per chest. This is capped at 5%, which is reached after opening 14 chests.
The boxes that contain items in Tielle's boss fight in the Crystal Nightmare count as chests, unfortunately they use the same drop rates and mechanics as Lapis Ruins and use the same rates and mechanics there. Boxes that do not contain items do not increase the drop rate. Finding Tielle first does not count the unopened boxes in your favor.

The chests on floors 30 and 60 have entirely different mechanics, which are detailed in their own section.
Tier 1 Loot
Worn Sword*
Rusty Dagger
Wooden Armband
Wool Hat
Wooden Helm
Souvenir Charm
Treeseed Necklace
Old Muffler
Summer Sandals
Unthankful Statue
Focus Staff
Scrap Plate
Metal Armor
Wooden Shield
Wooden Bow
Crafter's Knife
Cloth Robe
Iron Armband
Cloth Hat
Standard Charm
Shell Necklace
Cloth Cape
Leather Boots
Back Scratcher
Magician's Staff
Wooden Chestpiece
Iron Armor
Common Shield
Warrior's Helm
Pot Stand*
Thankful Statue

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Worn Sword is set to a 11/264 chance instead of the intended 10/264 chance, and the Pot Stand is set to a 3/264 chance instead of the intended 4/264 chance.
Tier 2 Loot
Leather Glove
Laundry Pole
Pot Stand
Steel Sword
Thief's Knife
Iron Spear
Tough Clothes
Thick Robe
Spiked Armband
Warm Hat
Popular Charm
Magnet Necklace
Adventurer's Cape
Handknit Muffler
Thankful Statue
Hand Lantern
Pretty Wand
Sturdy Glove
Shell Chestpiece
Parade Armor
Big Shield
Parade Helm
Knight's Blade*
Composite Bow
Practice Lance
Spiked Gloves
Silk Clothes
Wizard's Robe
Strongarm Band
Scale Hat
Sand Charm
Hard Boots
Picnic Basket
Perfume Staff
Steel Breastplate
Silver Armor
Knight Shield
Silver Helm
Starsand Hourglass
Breaker Sword
Hurricane Bow
Grand Naginata
Silver Gauntlet
Golden Pedestal
Cat Statue
Goldfish Bowl*

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Knight's Blade is set to a 5/208 chance instead of the intended 4/208 chance, and the Goldfish Bowl is set to a 1/208 chance instead of the intended 2/208 chance.
Tier 3 Loot
Evil Claw
Starsand Hourglass
Steel Claw
Battle Sweater
Fur Robe
Power Wrist
Pirate Hat
Old Cape
Fleece Muffler
Golden Pedestal
Goldfish Bowl
Silver Photo Stand
Pure Edge
Blazing Charm
Blue Teacup
Breaker Sword*
Cane's Staff
Giant's Fist
Spirit-beast Robe
King-shell Chest
Armadillo Armor
Fairy Bracelet
Salamander Shield
Bone Helm
Shell Charm
Silver Watch
The Sculptor
Cupid's Bow
Sailor Suit
Hood's Outfit
Sandwich Plate
Magical Hat
Cat Statue
Crystal Sword
Ace's Bow
Platinum Halberd
Rending Claw
Chobham Armor
Pearl Shield
Full Helm
Golden Scales
Skull Candle
Messy Scroll*

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Breaker Sword is set to a 5/181 chance instead of the intended 4/181 chance, and the Messy Scroll is set to a 2/181 chance instead of the intended 3/181 chance.
Tier 4 Loot
Battle Sweater
Fur Robe
Power Wrist
Pirate Hat
Cane's Staff
King-shell Chest
Armadillo Armor
Salamander Shield
Bone Helm
Blazing Charm
Golden Pedestal
Blue Teacup
The Sculptor
Cupid's Bow
Spirit-beast Robe
Fairy Bracelet
Magical Hat
Violet Necklace
Silver Watch
Messy Scroll
Giant's Fist
Sailor Suit
Hood's Outfit
Sandwich Plate
Chobham Armor
Pearl Shield
Full Helm
Shell Charm
Skull Candle
Crystal Sword*
Ace's Bow
Platinum Halberd
Punch Unit
Rainbow Mail
Ancient Armor
Superarm Band
Jade Shield
Ancient Helm
Wing Charm
Battle Boots
Golden Scales
Cat Statue
Old Teacup
Tuna Shanker
Crystal Rod
Harp Bow
White Gauntlet
Hammer Arm
Gold Candy
Glass Flower
Sticky Pottery
Arc Saber
Starstone Staff
Dudely Mitts
Ak-kai Claw
Disc Unit
Perfect Shirt
Goetia Robe
Belenite Plate
Guardian Armor
Angel Bracelet
Mana Charm
Spirit Magatama
Druid Mantle
Legendary Scarf
Winged Boots
Soul Ring
Hawk Statue
Gentlecat Statue
Old Clock
Raccoon Statue
Ferromin L*

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Crystal Sword is set to a 5/352 chance instead of the intended 4/352 chance, and the Ferromin L is set to a 1/352 chance instead of the intended 2/352 chance.
Tier 5 Loot
Crystal Sword*
Spirit-beast Robe
Fairy Bracelet
Magical Hat
Violet Necklace
Winged Boots
Ace's Bow
Sailor Suit
Hood's Outfit
Sandwich Plate
Chobham Armor
Pearl Shield
Full Helm
Shell Charm
Golden Scales
Old Teacup
Glass Flower
Platinum Halberd
Ak-kai Claw
Gatling Unit
Rainbow Mail
Ancient Armor
Superarm Band
Jade Shield
Ancient Helm
Wing Charm
Battle Boots
Sticky Pottery
Tuna Shanker
Crystal Rod
Harp Bow
White Gauntlet
"Fall From Grace"
Drill Arm
Gold Candy
Old Clock
Arc Saber
Starstone Staff
Dudely Mitts
Soul Eater
Gumball Unit
Perfect Shirt
Goetia Robe
Belenite Plate
Guardian Armor
Angel Bracelet
Mana Charm
Spirit Magatama
Druid Mantle
Legendary Scarf
Raccoon Statue
Messiah Unit
Hawk Statue
Gentlecat Statue
Welcome Bear
Pitted Pot
Ferromin L
Holy Sword
Dragon Fang
Megaflame Staff
Wyvern Wing
Cobra Spear
Dragon Buster
Fire-Dragon Claw
Gravity Cannon
Gothic Outfit
Gentleman's Suit
Moonlight Robe
Valkyrie Plate
Legendary Armor
Fairy Misanga
Legendary Shield
Kitty Hood
Legendary Helm
Love Charm
Imperial Cape
Diana's Heart
Soul Ring
Pharmacist Glasses
Miniature Castle
Filet Mignon
Omega Ferromin*

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Crystal Sword is set to a 9/439 chance instead of the intended 8/439 chance, and the Omega Ferromin is set to a 1/439 chance instead of the intended 2/439 chance.
Tier 6 Loot
Superarm Band
Rainbow Mail
Jade Shield
Ancient Helm
Wing Charm
Crystal Rod
Ak-Kai Claw
Ancient Armor
Battle Boots
Sticky Pottery
Old Clock
Tuna Shanker
Harp Bow
White Gauntlet
Spirit Magatama
Druid Mantle
Legendary Scarf
Raccoon Statue
Arc Saber
Dudely Mitts
"Fall From Grace"
Drill Arm
Perfect Shirt
Belenite Plate
Guardian Armor
Angel Bracelet
Mana Charm
Hawk Statue
Welcome Bear
Starstone Staff
Soul Eater
Gumball Unit
Goetia Robe
Pitted Pot
Holy Sword
Dragon Fang
Megaflame Staff
Wyvern Wing
Cobra Spear
Dragon Buster
Messiah Unit
Gothic Outfit
Gentleman's Suit
Valkyrie Plate
Legendary Armor
Fairy Misanga
Kitty Hood
Legendary Helm
Love Charm
Imperial Cape
Diana's Heart
Gentlecat Statue
Fire-Dragon Claw
Gravity Cannon
Moonlight Robe
Legendary Shield
Pharmacist Glasses
Miniature Castle
Filet Mignon
Ferromin L
Legendary Sword
Assassin Blade
Heaven's Key
Ancient Bow
Vacula Spear
Divine Finger
Dark Master Claw
Phalanx Cannon
Phoenix Garb
Eos Robe
Mythic Beast Plate
Stoneform Armor
Trinary Armband
Blue Line Shield
Emperor's Crown
Golden Helm
Victory Charm
Fruitdrop Amulet
Fisherman Flag
Dragon's Mane
Iron Sandals
Heavenly Heels
Soul Ring
Dragon Ornament
Book of Adventure
Omega Ferromin*

*Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Demonbane is set to a 9/448 chance instead of the intended 8/448 chance, and the Omega Ferromin is set to a 1/448 chance instead of the intended 2/448 chance.
Crystal Nightmare End Chests Basics

When you get to the end of the Crystal Nightmare on floor 30, or the end of its boss rush on floor 60, you'll enter the room pictured above.

When completing the boss rush, you'll always enter the room in the pictured state, with 3 chests to open. However if you're exploring the dungeon portion, the state of this room will differ depending on which floor you started from. If you started from floor 21, only the middle chest will be present. If you started from floor 11, only the middle and right chests will be present. And if you started all the way from floor 1, all 3 chests will be present.

Each chest actually has a different reward pool, which will be detailed in the sections below.
Crystal Nightmare End: Left Chest
This chest will only spawn if you started from floor 1. If you started from the boss rush, this chest will always spawn.

This one is simple. It's guaranteed to give you tier 6 loot.
Crystal Nightmare End: Right Chest
This chest will only spawn if you started from floor 11 or floor 1. If you started from the boss rush, this chest will always spawn.

This chest rolls combines all 6 tiers of loot together into 1 giant loot table. Resulting in an X out of 1892 chance to get any piece of chest loot in the game.

Due mistakes in the RNG code, the Worn Sword is set to a 11/1892 chance instead of the intended 10/1892 chance, and the Omega Ferromin is set to a 3/1892 chance instead of the intended 4/1892 chance. The RNG bugs from the other tables do not apply here.
Crystal Nightmare End: Middle Chest
This chest always spawns no matter what. However, its behavior can differ depending on where you started the dungeon.

If you started from floor 21, you have 2 possible loot tables the game will choose from. The rare loot table, or every single possible chest loot (Same mechanics as the right chest), with both having an equal possibility of happening.

If you started from floor 1, 11, or the boss rush, there are 3 possible loot tables instead. The rare loot table, or every single possible chest loot (Same mechanics as the right chest), or the ultra rare loot table, all having an equal possibility of happening.

The rare loot table is as follows:
  • Soul Cleaver
  • Dragon Fang
  • Megaflame Staff
  • Wyvern Wing
  • Cobra Spear
  • Dragon Buster
  • Fire-Dragon Claw
  • Gravity Cannon
  • Gothic Outfit
  • Gentleman's Suit
  • Moonlight Robe
  • Valkyrie Plate
  • Legendary Armor
  • Fairy Misanga
  • Legendary Shield
  • Kitty Hood
  • Legendary Helm
  • Love Charm
  • Spirit Magatama
  • Imperial Cape
  • Diana's Heart
  • Trailblazers
There are 22 items, all with an equal chance of being chosen. Notably, this is the only way to get the Soul Cleaver, as it only shows up in this pool. For best results, you're better off doing floor 21 runs until you get this.

The ultra rare loot table is as follows:
  • Legendary Sword
  • Assassin Blade
  • Heaven's Key
  • Ancient Bow
  • Vacula Spear
  • Divine Finger
  • Dark Master Claw
  • Phalanx Cannon
  • Phoenix Garb
  • Eos Robe
  • Mythic Beast Plate
  • Stoneform Armor
  • Trinary Armband
  • Blue Line Shield
  • Emperor's Crown
  • Golden Helm
  • Fruitdrop Amulet
  • Fisherman Flag
  • Dragon's Mane
  • Iron Sandals
  • Heavenly Heels
There are 21 items, all with an equal chance of being chosen. All the items from this pool are chosen from the rarest possible items from the tier 6 loot table. However, there are some notable omissions.
  • Ishtoril: Can be obtained in earlier tier chests.
  • Victory Charm: A 2 in 448 chance from the tier 6 drop table, with no other way to obtain. Good luck.
  • Soul Ring: One of the rarest pieces of loot from tier 4, 5, and 6's drop tables. Since this is on multiple drop tables, you're more likely to come across this at least.
  • Dragon Ornament: A 2 in 448 chance from the tier 6 drop table, with no other way to obtain. Good luck.
  • Book of Adventure: A 2 in 448 chance from the tier 6 drop table, with no other way to obtain. Good luck.
  • Omega Ferromin: Thanks to a bug in the RNG, this item is one of the hardest items to obtain from a chest, which makes this omission extremely unfortunate. Especially since you need at least 3 to be able to fuse every item. It does show up on the tier 5 drop table along with the tier 6 drop table, which is a small comfort.
SurfClay 21 Dec, 2023 @ 7:34pm 
Thanks for posting this! I'm still missing the book to this day and I've been searching for the chest loot mechanics for ages.
Amy 28 Aug, 2023 @ 5:20am 
Thank you very much.
Araxxor  [author] 11 Jul, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
Unfortunately I don't really have time to do so right now, and there's a lot of pages on the wiki that need correcting. And I mean A LOT.
Autumnchain 11 Jul, 2023 @ 5:02pm 
Thanks for your hard work. Are you willing to fix the wiki?
Araxxor  [author] 11 Jul, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
Their information is incomplete and the wiki is missing a lot of info in general. I data mined this info out of the game code and files.
Autumnchain 11 Jul, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
Really? The Recettear wiki says that certain items can only be gained from certain floor sets.
Araxxor  [author] 11 Jul, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
Loot is only separated by dungeons, not the floor count. The floor you open the chest on does not factor into this at all.
Autumnchain 11 Jul, 2023 @ 8:58am 
If I recall correctly, certain loot (like the Ak-Kai Claw) is restricted to certain floor sections. How does that fit into this because I'm not seeing any sign that it is.