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Tigershark LMG
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560.540 KB
12 Απρ 2023, 10:50
24 Απρ 2023, 7:48
2 σημειώσεις αλλαγών ( προβολή )

Συνδρομή για λήψη
Tigershark LMG

Adds the Black Ops 4 weapon of the same name to Barotrauma!

It shares its traits with the vanilla HMG, with the following changes/buffs:
- It's no longer a heavy weapon you need to place the backpack slot everytime you put it away but want to carry it on you
- Doesn't require a recipe, but needs Dementonite and Plastic instead of Rubber
- More expensive to purchase in outposts when it becomes available
- Weapon skill required lowered to 50 (instead of 75), same skill level applies to craft the weapon
- Ammo magazines last much longer
- Buffed damage, along with slightly stronger gunshot/bleeding/stun afflictions
- You get Vigor if the item is in your inventory

[Definitely not balanced for Vanilla]

I intend to split the weapon into two versions, the normal weapon which will be more balanced for vanilla, and a pack-a-punch version that gets all the powerful buffs that would be more suitable to mods like Barotraumatic.