Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

363 人が評価
[xdR] Sideways Ellis Pistol Animations
Survivors: Ellis
Game Content: Models
Weapons: Pistol
415.221 KB
2023年4月6日 22時17分
2023年7月14日 19時54分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

[xdR] Sideways Ellis Pistol Animations

Cuba 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Cuba's Animation Mods
32 アイテム
Ellis has taken a quick lesson in thuganomics 101.

An even older revision of Ellis's pistol that to my knowledge has never been seen before.

These are mostly original valve animations and have had no touch ups by myself. I personally had a hunch that he originally held his pistol sideways but until recently I didn't have much proof outside of an unused firing animation.

Most instances of these animations got saved over during the natural iteration that goes into development, so I've had to recreate a few animations.

Animations included:
+Idle Standing Pistol [Valve Original]-(Pose is original, idle noise added from pistol)
+Idle Crouching Pistol [Valve Original]-(Recreated Aimmatrix)
+Pistol Walk [Valve Original]-(Hand Rotated)
+Pistol Run [Valve Original]
+Shoot Standing Pistol [Valve Original]-(TLS Bones added)

Another interesting piece of history for all of you guys to enjoy.

Cuba - Recovering and Compiling
Valve - Animation Data
38 件のコメント
Lord301 12月8日 15時47分 
No estaria mal un RNG de la animacion predeterminada y la recortada mostrada
Junktown jerky vendor 12月4日 15時10分 
i ever tell you about the time me and m'buddy keith went to o-block? yeah, it was crazy, we were tryna order somethin' from burger tank, but then the cashier started muggin' us, then a freakin' shootout happened! bullet holes all over keith's legs, fortunately he survived
Les ennuis (WAKIN) 10月18日 23時27分 
Ellis from da hood
❄️ Jon Ice ⛄ (Aniversário 9月15日 0時06分 
Everybody Gangsta, when ellis starts shottin'
PanManDwn 5月16日 0時08分 
"i ever tell you about the time keith joined a gang?"
Axl™ 5月11日 18時38分 
God! No! he turn it sideways Killshot! thats a KILLSHOT!!!
sprya 2月6日 19時47分 
ok so i checked the xdreanims base mod and it says "custom models must have original skeletons", im guessing the model im using doesn't have the og skeleton and therefore this doesnt work. Sorry for saying it doesnt work on custom models!! :steamhappy:
Cuba  [作成者] 1月31日 12時30分 
It does.
sprya 1月30日 20時25分 
doesn't seem to work with custom models sadly :steamsad:
sprya 1月26日 11時08分 