Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Patterns Guide)
De Rigersen
Hot-rod Patterns!
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I checked all 1001 patterns and This guide contains three types of patterns (Based on positions of the White shapes), Each section has its own tiers which have this hierarchy: SSS > SS > S > A > B > C > D (Some sections may not have some of these Tiers if they don't have a pattern that fits.)

If there are multiple patterns in the same category, the one at the top is the best and those below it are considered inferior, and so on.

Remember that this list is ranked according to my personal taste, so what I ranked may not be the general consensus or what you think is the best.

I Hope you enjoy!

About the Patterns
This guide was made based on the amount of Red and White on the Sawed Off ( The less White and the Most Red are the best)

Special Thanks to @SeanErren for some advices!
White in the Front
Patterns with the most Red (White in the Front only), This is my favourite because you can put an red sticker to cover the white part, like this one:

*I Think this is a very cool crafting because the pattern is 22, the float is 0.022 and the sticker has an 22 also

SSS Tier "Hot Rod Patterns"

Pattern: 22

Pattern: 29

Fake White Front
White in the Front, but a bit in the bottom-back too

SS Tier

Pattern: 348

S Tier

Pattern: 395

Pattern: 229

Pattern: 46

A Tier

Pattern: 64

B Tier

Pattern: 105

White in the Back and Front
SS Tier

Pattern: 940

S Tier

Pattern: 754

Pattern: 33

Pattern: 815

Pattern: 915

A Tier

Pattern: 571

Pattern: 336

Pattern: 210

Pattern: 324

Pattern: 224

Pattern: 790

B Tier

Pattern: 205

D Tier

Pattern: 79

Pattern: 863

White in the Back
S Tier

Pattern: 447

Pattern: 577

A Tier

Pattern: 575

B Tier

Pattern: 403

Pattern: 468

C Tier

Pattern: 517

D Tier

Pattern: 648

Pattern: 690

Donations 😄
Creating a guide like this takes time and effort, and that's where you come in. By donating to creators, you're not just supporting their work, but you're also helping to keep the CS community thriving. With your donation, we can continue to create guides like this and help others find the skins they're looking for!

Any amount will be greatly appreciated!

*You'll also receive my guide in advance, so you can pursue the skins without too many people looking for them at the same time!

  1. Lil Stinky $2.56
  2. Fakir Yenilmez $0.50

Thanks for the support bros <3
Closing Remarks
author a écrit :
*Although I have checked the patterns one by one, there is a small possibility that I may have missed something, so if you find anything that catches your attention, please let me know through comments or Twitter!!

Thank you very much for visiting my guide! Please consider giving positive reviews or awards to encourage the work :)

If you find any errors, have doubts or anything that could be improved, please let me know in the comments!

8 commentaires
IrishDude 30 janv. à 16h04 
I have a pattern 790 0.015 float willing to sell/trade
Sam Winchester 30 janv. à 15h13 
I have an A tier pattern 790 factory new (0.024 float) willing to trade
Agua Obliterator 1 juil. 2024 à 6h14 
I save pIDs like these that I'm interested in on a .txt file for notes, when I was done transcribing the ones I liked (80% of em) I checked for those patterns on a marketplace I use & there was not one.

Except for a 0.01918... pID 348 listed for 0.65usd. Needless to say I was the fastest card in the west on that one.

Thanks man!
Agua Obliterator 1 juil. 2024 à 5h45 
Nice guide.
Yololi 27 juin 2024 à 20h41 
i have 224 fn float 0.004 if someone wants to trade :)
Muhamatti 31 mai 2024 à 3h45 
the 797 should be expensive pattern
swag 9 mars 2024 à 11h51 
how can I get an over pay for the 229?
λCID ENJØYER 2 mars 2024 à 5h12 
got 797, is the whitest thing :csgogun::csgoanarchist: