Julia: A Science Journey

Julia: A Science Journey

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100% achievements
By magnus77
How to get all achievements

Playtime: 30-60 minutes
Difficulity: Easy-medium
Missable achievements: 2-3 "real" missables along with several "three stars" achievements
Game in general
When you start the game, you will be asked to fill out some questions, they don't matter for gameplay

The game itself has a lot of restart features. If you miss something or don't get a good enough score, you can easily restart just that level/section (either after the minigame or with restart via Esc)
High school
- Survive high school
- A+++
- Smart ass

You need to keep the light bulp inside the frame. You can get a green box (below answers) even though you briefly get outside. In case you don't get a green box, restart the round.

Answer the following:

Introduction: The Spanish Flu
- 1918
- First World War
- A virus
- Humans and animals
- Triple

- Saliva droplets
- 1-2 days
- 24-48 hours
- Fever + Loss of smell + Fluid secretion in the lungs

Treatment and prevention in 1918:
- Aspirin + Blood transfusion
- Tobacco + Gargling with Listerine
- Masks + Gloves
- Quarantines + Disinfection and closure of public spaces + Air circulation in enclosed spaces

- 50-100 million
- 3-6%
- 1 year
- Young people
- Suicides + Depression
- Outside Spain

- True
- True
- True
- Be still vulnerable to new pandemics + Defend against viruses more effectively

Cycling + Fake news minigame
The cycling minigame is very easy. You got plenty of time (got three stars with like 32 seconds to spare). Only thing to remember: slow down a second when your face becomes red.

When you reach the grandparantes and hear about COVID, you get the achievement "COVID? Never heard about it"

Fake news minigame:
- Addicted to social media
- No, you are Fake news!
- Fake news debunker

You need to play through this minigame several times as you need to see all 30 "quacks". To get three stars, avoid getting warnings. I don't think the followers/mood matters.

If you see fake news, report it – anything else will result in a warning. But if you report something not fake news you also get a warning, so be careful.
Known fake news:
- "The mission of Scientists for the Truth is to AWAKENING people [...]"
- "A great PLANdemic called Covid has been imposed [...]"
- "#UltimaHora del #Coronavirus The Government is planning to imprison [...]"
- "Natural cure for #Covid Nanotechnologist Dr. Sirius Quintero explains [...]"
- "I don't understand why people make this scene [...]"
- "Don't panic! The over-80s will not die of #Covid [...]"
- "Doctors are going crazy with Covid, it's just a COLD [...]"
- "Experts have discovered the Mayans predicted a major pandemic [...]
- "How much proof do you need? The pictures of #InternationalWomensDay [...]"
- "My cousin, who is a doctor, tells me that #Covid is an infection [...]" (reporting this got me the "No, you are Fake news!" achievement)

Second cycling minigame. This one doesn't matter if you already have the achievement from the first one. Again, this isn't that bad, just don't get caught without the mask.
At the end screen you get the achievement "To be continued..."

To get "We want you!", write something in the box. You don't have to write an e-mail, I just wrote a . and got the achievement.
≈ Dzn Henrique ≈ 23 Mar, 2023 @ 4:33pm 
Thx for your help!