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Mortal Realms - Legacy of the Tuatha v.1b
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Mortal Realms - Legacy of the Tuatha v.1b

provinces: 50 land and 12 sea

Mortal Realms - Legacy of the Tuatha v.1b (Small, Randomized).

3 Player Map for the MA Nations of Man, Eriu and Ys.

62 Provinces (50 Land, 12 Sea), randomized Province Names, 3 predetermined starting Positions for Man, Eriu and Ys. 7 predetermined Throne Positions.

Version "a" = Basic Map
Version "b" = Map with starts for Man, Eriu and Ys
Version "c" = Map with starts for Man, Eriu and Ys and "Lore friendly" Names for all Provinces.