Victoria 3

Victoria 3

204 次評價
How to Industrialize and Become a Gigachad Nation
由 Jared 發表
Teaches you how to industrialize fast and to get the best IG in the game in control of your realm.
How to Industrialize for Dummies
It's very simple, just follow this simple process (IT ALWAYS WORKS!!!)

1. Keep your taxation to medium as in 1.7 they essentially made taxation counterbalance with turmoil and state construction speed debuff's associated with turmoil, and put consumption taxes on everything that makes you the most money (but grain cause 500 authority isn't worth the tax) (You can lower taxes if you have problems with turmoil which reduces your construction efficiency) (You can increase your authority temporarily through increasing governmental wages to the max to get more consumption taxation)

This will give you a ton of weekly income you can use to build construction sector and to build things, since the main difference between an industrialized and non industrialized country is the lack of peasants and subsistence agriculture in an industrialized one, we need to build as many buildings as possible (which ones? ill tell you)

In 1.7 they changed how ownership works, essentially capitalists Financial Sectors are only created when you are privatizing governmental buildings, and will result in the creation of a financial sector and random high literacy rich pops taking shop and deciding to buy state owned enterprises.

In the 1.7 patch the aristocrats were debuffed as now middle class pops such as engineers, and shopkeepers are more powerful and will support the industrialists and petite bourgeois, you will notice this when you are a well developed industrialized nation like the US or UK.

Lastly capitalists now invest 30% of their dividends into the investment pool instead of 20% which has been the case since 1.2 back early last year meaning they grow in strength faster, and are more helpful in industrializing and growing your economy.

(Not only will this take away power from the landowners, since most of their aristocrat pops come from the subsistence agriculture building (along with clergy) BUT IT WILL ALSO GENERATE MORE MONEY FOR YOU TO TAX AND BUILD MORE CONSTRUCTION SECTORS!!!)

2. Focus predominantly on producing buildings involving woodcutting, tools, and natural resources like coal (especially coal) there is a resource triangle around coal, iron, tools, and construction sectors.

These are the most profitable buildings in the game, especially woodcutting as its use will always be needed throughout the game along with coal as coal will be used in many production methods down the line which also makes buildings more profitable by decreasing the amount of workers. PS use auto expand to automate this process.

Early on you want to spam iron mines as they are the most costly input into construction sectors, you will need high MAPI (MARKET ACCESS PRICE IMPACT) in order for this to work well, however iron mines with atmospheric engine+ are still efficient enough to run 20% prices and below

Then work on the other inputs and the inputs of those inputs, ie coal explosives, tools, etc

However watch out when changing production methods as you may not have the goods to supply the change (changing the construction sector P.M is big aswell)

The most important goods as of patch 1.7.3 are wood - iron - tools - AND MOST IMPORTANTLY CLOTHING, the needs for clothing are so high and productive that you make like 1k margin per level of the building, which of course you can always export aswell.

3. If you have mercantilism you can get a market liberal landowner agitator, which you can get by getting grain prices >25% and on export focus, following this the corn laws journal entry begin, then some time later you will get an event called "A Modern Conservative" which gives you the agitator, upon getting the agitator grant him leadership by right clicking on him, AND BOOM! you have a market liberal landowner.

This will help with industrialization as now you can either switch off of traditionalism, or from interventionism to laissez faire, along with switching to free trade (which creates capitalists instead of shopkeepers in trade centers) .

4. Privatize your buildings!!!: If you privatize your buildings you can get like $50000 per building which then can allow you to spend even more money on construction sectors to then build more buildings. HOWEVER, if you have a mutual trade agreement, there is a good chance your buildings will be bought out by foreign investors and the profit will go to them, especially if the country is larger then you in investment pool income, however this can allow your capitalists to also buy in their country as well, which can be nice, this is also required to have industrialists since they will only spawn if buildings are privatized.

5. Trade: if you don't trade, then you are missing out on a lot of income, especially if your economy doesn't have certain good like coal, or oil. Free trade increases the amount of trade by a lot so preferably trade when you are on free trade to not waste bureaucracy, but when you are its worth it.

6.Build Ports: You need to build ports if you want to succeed, trade routes can only increase in level and volume if you have the convoys to do so, however convoys cost a lot of money and are only good if you are willing to deficit spend on increasing factors of trade, and not your own domestic production for your own pops.

7. Use Decrees and Encourage Immigration: Immigration is one of the most powerful elements of the game since when it comes to production, population/labor is responsible for the majority of output, from a simple production function AF(K^0.3, L^0.7), L being labor, and K being input goods, labor is worth more then the input, and is traditionally in economics, getting a larger labor force that doesn't need to be trained in order to work whatever jobs are available is essentially an infinite money glitch as they skyrocket your GDP, strength, income, and everything else. Greener grass campaigns are literally the most pro growth policy you can enact on your states (that are eligible for mass immigration)


Now after some time you should have tons of newly built factories to steal as many people as possible from the landowners and clergy IG, and towards the industrialists.

You will now be able to pass pretty much any reforms you want (especially if you have secret police as no one can rebel under it)

Additionally you can now launch wars without losing any money as you have the largest economy in the world by far and won't have to go into debt. You can also build a larger army aswell.

HOWEVER communists the trade union IG will come up a couple decades earlier due to your early industrialization, essentially speeding up the time frame for X country you're playing as.

For example, I got 200m GDP by 1870 as Russia and it was expanding exponentially as I became the No.1 GP by 1885, much different then how the Germans were scared of them industrializing before ww1.

Recently (3/24) I played as Austria and got 90 mil GDP by 1860 by stacking construction sectors and got to around 900.

10/20/24 I played as Belgium, annexed the Netherlands and had a population higher then France while immigrating millions of people to my country while investing in mainland Britain.
How to become the strongest nation on Earth!
A military, how else would I get dye for my factories?

1. Professional or Militia?

Preferably Professional as you want a productive industrial base along side your army, the Soviets took great notice of this and proceed to conquer all of eastern Europe.

National militia is nice, but you might kill your budget once you actually mobilize, and you may not have the factories built in order to sustain this militia, however can be very powerful if you know how many factories you need to sustain it, and if you don't care about a dying military industrial complex (which hopefully in 1.6 will force you into wars with nations who have natural resources such as oil coal.)

2. Build those barracks, but will the landowners care?

If you can't get off peasant levies, just build a massive military and increase pay that will increase the influence of the armed forces ig, other then that, built that military. If you want to fight a civil war to get rid of them, check where a civil war will start by attempting to pass a law, then only build barracks in the locations where a civil war won't occur, delete all other barracks's, then crush the landowners.

3. "We have technology" then proceeds to smash computer against desk.

Prioritize research like General Staff, Percussion Cap, and Breech-Loading Artillery.
There are other techs down the line, but you won't get those until pretty late game, however know that you will need a lot of ammunition, small arms, artillery, radios, rubber, and eventually oil and tanks. However know that the more techs are research the more likely the war will progress slowly on average.


Now you know the following tips, you should be able to annex any country on earth, however if you are playing a multiplayer game, you will probably die in a horrifying death as everyone bankrupts while basing their entire economy on total war Albert Speer style, make sure you have a sufficient economic base and budget surplus before going to war, (especially if you are on National Militia)
Now you should be OP! and not waiting 30 years just to become strong and BAsED!

Comment anything I should change or add if this becomes viewed enough.
Additions, Small Tips, and Suggestions to Paradox
How to deal with radicals?
  • Lower taxes by one tick, or pass guaranteed liberties and increase the institution to max level, depending on your circumstances, pass state religion and national supremacy. Additionally in 1.5 you can also pass healthcare to directly increase SOL for your pops.

What do I do if i've reached a limit on either construction points, or available workers
  • Lower taxes if you've got a situation when construction points aren't capping and are stagnating at a specific value (like 2000 perhaps) as you can't use this money for building, and you probably have some other issues like radicals that decrease construction efficiency
  • If you need workers sign free trade agreements to outsource your labor change your citizenship law to multiculturalism or cultural exclusion, since with 1.2 intelligentsia are now based balanced. Additionally your "church and state" set of laws control which types of religions can migrate to your country, additionally use the greener grass edict along with getting the intelligentsia to like you (+10 opinion)
  • Join a customs union or take Beijing and force them to migrate to your high SOL paradise
  • If you want to catch up with tech build as many universities as possible (up to 200) this will allow you to catch up with majors and will give you a massive tech advantage which you will need for wars and further eco boosting.

I hate these landowners and other igs, how do I get rid of them?
  • Industrialize, since that takes away clout from landowners, (like I said earlier)
  • Suppress them and hope you get the event to diminish their power
  • Start civil wars that you know you'll win (check which land will secede and delete all barracks in those states)
  • Tax them (consumption taxes, landowners being rich aristocrats)

Why autonomous investment doesn't really work and how state planning is more efficient more then ever?
  • The government is more efficient then private individuals and capitalists, so therefore maxing your taxes through proportional taxation will give the national government money to efficiently invest (the economic calculation problem doesn't exist, socialist governments have prices lol)
  • TLDR they suck, pass proportional taxation, need labor unions? become democratic, so you can harness their power of voting
  • Only capitalists mainly invest, unlike before 1.2 where they could possibly invest 70% of their dividends, now only 20 plus some modifiers, laissez faire is much less powerful (and kind of useless other then the interest rate decrease)
  • Unless you have an existing capitalist run economy, they won't be able to get off the ground, but its even worse after 1.2 as they can't really keep up with their dividend investment decreases from the patch
  • This is a paradox game, the best option is always the most authoritarian
As an aside, if paradox ever reads this or you ever wanted to know what I think should be added to "fix" the game
  • Watch Tarkusarkusar's videos on vic3 and how to fix it
  • Fix autonomous investment, especially on laissez faire, it feels like you outpace the capitalists at every turn, and its always more efficient to just tax the populace rather to the let em cook, before 1.2 you were in tandum, but even then, this could be mitigated via balance changes
  • Make innovation more tied to literacy and make it more influential in general, its odd how you can have a 20% literacy nation out tech other nations cause they simply have more money
  • Make the economic systems feel different, its like theres no reason to switch off of traditionalism if the capitalists are stupid and don't invest, nor does the general populace.
    This also extends to non capitalist professions, why can't they also invest a part of their wages, it would make sense to lower taxes and it to have an actual impact on the economy if you aren't on graduated or proportional taxation
  • Make ig's more dynamic so they aren't completely useless after a certain point in the game, its like the landowners just relinquish power, and the petite bourgeois don't matter at all, even if they oppose your goals, make them actually interesting rather then the game essentially forcing you to become a communist or authoritarian capitalist (but not headed by the landowners of course)
  • Add a parliamentary/legislature system so regions are more defined, as in vic2 individual states and even provinces were impactful, this would impact them by fleshing out what parts of your nation they support IG wise, it can also allow state level mechanics like gerrymandering, or debt slavery (which currently has no effect that i've ever seen) like share cropping, that can define some places like the American south a lot, or urban areas like Germany, France, and Russia that were historically the ones who revolted under liberal, anarcho communist, and bolshevik revolutions, fixing weird stuff the American civil war, and revolutions in general
  • Make internal markets, especially capitalist ones more interactive, like in Tarkusarkuar's video
  • Make army strategic objects a bit more interesting and make sense (and armies in general), (why can I cross entire mountain passes and rivers with no problems, im talking about you rhine, Dnipro, Danube, and Daugava rivers) im not asking for micro, if i'm ww1 Germany why can I easily walk over France as if its a flat plain (well it is kind of)
  • Make the AI more engaging and decisive (AI should fight over their homelands no matter the cost, have them act like claims to AI logic) and make markets more engaging and more like a SOI (Sphere of Influence like in vic2)
  • Add more states to the game, (my personal opinion, so countries like Bulgaria, Italy, France, and others can have their truly aw inspiring natural borders)
  • Make laws more consistent (you guys are doing this, good on you) like autocracy, oligarchy specifically helping ruling IG's like industrialists for example, (and not landowners...)
  • Add more interest groups, or make them kind of like the Better Politics Mod by lilliesea, so certain actual interest groups like business people aren't lumped in within an entire ideology.


  • Allow as much foreign investment into your country, it allows you to build less in yourself and then you can build in the highest profitable buildings anywhere on earth! All the profit will go to your financial sectors and increase your GDP through dividends, thats why some nations have gdp per capitas as high as $10 now!
25 則留言
JonxLeona 2024 年 12 月 9 日 上午 9:55 
Perfect guide for the 1.8 :steamthumbsup:
I have make a utopia Ottoman Empire with that ;)
Jared  [作者] 2024 年 10 月 21 日 上午 8:55 
Then privatize, you have to anyways now
TheGamingNot 2024 年 6 月 30 日 下午 5:06 
they gave all government built stuff a 50% debuff to economy of scale, so now i usually go bankrupt trying to do this
Jared  [作者] 2024 年 6 月 30 日 下午 3:26 
will update to 1.7, main change is that aristocrats can own capitalist buildings, but aren't really created, unlike capitalists which are created by pops who want to buy buildings.
TheGamingNot 2024 年 6 月 24 日 下午 7:53 
this strat doesnt work anymore :/
Jared  [作者] 2024 年 5 月 9 日 上午 11:16 
Radicals will increase a lot if they are below their expected standard of living (which comes from techs) usually you can only get rid of them if have 100 legitimacy and guaranteed liberties
crispy 2024 年 5 月 5 日 上午 8:29 
I'm always getting a huge amount of radicals, even with medium taxes.
Do I have to make sure to build enough stuff to make them happy? Like grain, simple clothes, instead of only focusing on construction.
Jared  [作者] 2024 年 3 月 20 日 下午 8:45 
AceofSpades 2024 年 2 月 29 日 上午 12:59 
Fun hack to get rid of landowners is when you are a subject, your overlord side with you no matter what and crush those losers so you can pass democratic reforms
ChaffyExpert 2023 年 11 月 12 日 下午 4:25 
Doesn't high taxes lead to low qualifty of life leading to revolutions then?