Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

123 人が評価
JP Asset, High-res building
50.799 MB
2023年3月8日 4時31分
2023年4月14日 20時49分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

JP Asset, High-res building

JP Asset, High-res building, by nob50506000 (from Cities Skylines)
Introduction :
This mod is a Cities Skyline conversion, permitted by the author itself. Without him, I couldn't provide you this mod.
Thanks so much nob50506000 !

This mod is an asset pack made out of the nob50506000 content. It include 12 High-res capacity building. Each building comes with it's own capacity (and type), all of them are residential except for Condo which are set to commercial.
You can choose to enable or not terrain alignment (with ground texture) and the same goes for residential capacities.

Mod content :
This pack 12 buildings variants out of the following Cities Skylines mods :

Authors :

Known issues :
As the model hasn't been deeply edited nor remade, few issue may happen :
  • No issue known yet.

Disclaimer :
Distribution of all or part of the mod is prohibited elsewhere than through this mod on the Steam Workshop.

Japanese community :
Transport Fever Japan[]
French community :
Transport Fever France[]
22 件のコメント
funky-x 2023年4月1日 22時09分 
Very well done, thank you!! Are there any plans to release more buildings? That would be great.
brockets 2023年3月15日 17時05分 
i hope to see commercial buildings from akihabara or shibuya it would be nice, very well done
Tochimoto 2023年3月15日 10時27分 
Nice mod, hugely save my time. Thanks for your effort, and hopefully to see more building packs. (BTW, this mod Would be perfect if these buildings are scalable.)
Popcat  [作成者] 2023年3月15日 7時50分 
Hey [FNC] Shenyuo, can you provide a stdoupt.txt file?

If you can contact me on discord or send it me on steam this would help me a lot.
[FNC] Shenyuo 2023年3月13日 15時32分 
The crash happend if some people spawned and the game is not paused the crash code: Fatal error
exception type;fatal error
Assertion Failure:Assertion count==1'failed
"Enable building Capacity" looks like buggy

As Assat work it fine without crash
Popcat  [作成者] 2023年3月13日 15時15分 
Can you explain more in details the condition of the crash ?
[FNC] Shenyuo 2023年3月13日 7時38分 
If i enable Person Capacity the Crash the game after few minutes as Assats work it fine "currently"
Popcat  [作成者] 2023年3月11日 8時02分 
ma3020 2023年3月11日 7時38分 
Popcat様へ、ビルを配置し、ズームでビルを拡大して見ているとフリーズして強制修了してしまいます。エラーコードはFatal error
exception type;fatal error
Assertion Failure:Assertion count==1'failed
minidump:C:/program files(x86)/steam/userdata/849263426/1066780/local/crash_dump/8be470b0-34ec-4172-a178-3ccb1734a592,dmp と出ます。

Google 翻訳

アサーションの失敗: アサーション カウント==1'失敗しました
ミニダンプ:C:/program files(x86)/steam/userdata/849263426/1066780/local/crash_dump/8be470b0-34ec-4172-a178-3ccb1734a592,dmp です。解決できますか?
Popcat  [作成者] 2023年3月11日 5時21分 