Μη αγαπημένο
"...that whatever the origin of these objects it is not the U.S. military. “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours,” said Rubio, who is vice chair of the Intelligence Committee."

"Above all, we need to listen to pilots. Military and civilian pilots provide critical, first-hand insights into advanced UAP. Right now, the stigma attached to reporting UAP is still too strong. Since I came forward about UAP in 2019, only one other pilot from my squadron has gone public. Commercial pilots also face significant risks to their careers for doing so."

The ✡️Powers That Be✡️ also admitted UFOs are a threat back in May (https://t.me/breakawaygermans/1036), September (https://t.me/breakawaygermans/1339?single) and December (https://t.me/breakawaygermans/1522?single) of last year.

The Return of the Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutschen) (https://t.me/breakawaygermans/1019?single) ⬛️⬜️🟥 ♥⚡️⚡️🛸🛸🛸

"When they appear/return its going to be a global outage. Kinda like you switch off the power and the world goes dark..."

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 🤚🏻⚡️⚡️"