Tetris® Effect: Connected

Tetris® Effect: Connected

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How to Modify your Savefile to Unlock 1989 (Tetris Theme A) Faster
By Hyrule
Ever wanted to play this absolute banger of a stage but cannot be bothered with the slow grind to level 50?
*You can unlock the song normally by reaching level 50!!*

I am a big Tetris fan and I have played the game on Epic and Game Pass before buying it on Steam so I can tell you I didnt want to grind to lv 50 again.

I have tried for 2 years to find a lv 50 savefile without any success so I decided to mess around with a save editor and decided to share my results with you guys.
  • 1. Get your savefile from steamapps\common\Tetris Effect Connected\TetrisEffect\Saved\SaveGames\[userid]

  • 2. Upload your savefile to https://www.saveeditonline.com

  • 3. Edit the line that says PlayerLevelPoints to a very high amount (it is the EXP, 10006099 seems to be the maximum aka level 100)

  • 4. Download the save and replace it.
*You will then need to play any mode to gain some form of XP so the game can unlock the rewards*

*Note. I have tried to change the line that says PlayerLevel without any success, it remained level 16 in-game even if I put 50.
I hope this "guide" was comprehensive enough.

This fix does not affect Multiplayer mode stats!!! They utilize an entirely different ranking system and I would not modify them if I were you.

FreshAppleSlices 11 Jan @ 12:52pm 
you are the absolute best 🙏 I've tried for forever to modify it with no luck since I played mainly on Xbox Pass, so glad I have 1989 again :luv: you're the bomb :VBCOOL:
rafavee 21 Jul, 2024 @ 3:17am 
Thanks for your help, it worked just great! Now I can play the '89 level! 😎