American Truck Simulator
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HPR-1 Trucking Music Show and In-Game Stream Fix
Από {ōmgōt} Sijullkahn
This post is to....

1~ Introduce those to weekly trucking music show.
2~ Fix the in-game broken stream issue.

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The Purpose
OK, so this post is to introduce those yet to know about this weekly show, although all the music on this station fits american roads in a truck, its all music you would have or still do hear in these trucks and truck stops hence the "fits" part.

Also, to fix the in-game stream link that is broken.

The Show

Truckin’ Across The Heartland with Trucker Rod
(most weeks) Premieres on Sundays at 9 p.m. Central and is then rebroadcast: Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Central, and Fridays at 4 a.m. Central.

So now, how to listen..
In-Game Streaming and Fix
There is a stream selection in-game in the streams list but its broken as these stream feed hashes tend to "cycle", yes some will stay the same but a lot change, so for now, best thing is external (not in-game) and fixes for the in-game haven't panned out yet (community)....till now

UPDATE: To FIX in-game stream..........

NOTE: First make sure you have originally populated stream list in-game before you attempt to fix it as it wont even be there till u click the update from internet button. After you FIX stream if you click the update button again it will put the broken link back.

1~ Go to \Documents\American Truck Simulator and right click live_streams.sii

2~ Open using notepad (un-check always use this when u select notepad)

3~ Scroll down to stream_data[29] and replace;?.mp3 with (don't delete the quote to the left of the https and make sure there is 1 space between the 3 and the |Heartland.....)

4~ Click file up on the top left of notepad and click save. Done, Enjoy
External Streaming

There are many ways i can link this but i think the cleanest easiest way and for the most part compared to other sources including the official players, lets say error free.

Click play and adjust volume like normal, enjoy
I don't really care for country music but i do love the crossroads and Americana eras so this station is one of my favorites and it really is the BEST station for trucking on American roads if you really want the true feel. (Well...used to be before internet & mobile services, bound to AM radio only for most of us outside major cities)

Mileage Up & Keep on Truckin'
The Taste

Just a taste of what u can expect