Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

145 voti
DoNotEat Building Pack
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Scenario: USA
Station: Train Station
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328.573 MB
19 feb 2023, ore 18:29
22 feb 2023, ore 12:42
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DoNotEat Building Pack

This pack DoNotEat Philadephila buildings, Warehouse collection, and Train stations. With 2 functioning stations including North Philly (modular) and Penn Suburban Station (underground station). Overbrook is a WIP and will be updated in the future to be functional.

Suburban Station
Available: 1930
Waiting room: 2000
2 levels of station and customization options for tile and track layouts

North Philly:
Available: 1870
Waiting room: 50
Category: NAMS

Please note: the subway function is a WIP and could be updated in the future for fixes.

Please report any bugs or issues

Join the North American Server:

Thank you DoNotEat for allowing us to port over your Cities:Skylines set. Took us a few extra months but finally got it in game!

Photos by: lskeetskeet
11 commenti
baronjutter 18 set 2024, ore 15:03 
Kongate 20 lug 2024, ore 12:37 
as philadelphian, i support this
Swiffer 31 lug 2023, ore 14:39 
safety third
KingSloth 18 giu 2023, ore 14:14 
I don't know if it's a bug or not, but i saw these lines in the stdout file while testing for an unrelated problem.
WARNING: The following models were removed because they reference an invalid resource:
* 3SPrewarWarehouseL1.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing:
- mtl/3SPrewarWarehouseL1
* asset/_NYPS.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing:
- US Stations/1623169012.PennStation_lod0.msh
- US Stations/Mesh_0.003_lod0.msh
- US Stations/Mesh_0_lod0.msh
- material/NYPS001.mtl
- material/NYPS002.mtl
- material/NYPS003.mtl
jorg2 22 mar 2023, ore 8:44 
you're telling me a coin (originally) made these?
TheGuy765 26 feb 2023, ore 7:42 
The population function for the townhouses isn't working properly. It's there, but it not spawning people onto the roads, like their trapped in the building. Nobody is walking to and from the buildings even though people live there.
jakan1604 21 feb 2023, ore 8:12 
Does this building pack have slides?
PineyCreek 21 feb 2023, ore 1:21 
Well there's your building pack.
Schubii10 20 feb 2023, ore 22:29 
Sehr schön geworden danke dafür 🙋🏻
APasz 「アパゾ」 20 feb 2023, ore 10:51 
I'm gonna eat it

ya can't stop me