ORION: Prelude

ORION: Prelude

111 ratings
Which class is the best for you?
By Elfee
A guide about the 3 different classes in the game "Orion: Dino Horde" / "Orion: Prelude". Also there are some tips how to play them and what to purchase with every class.
Choose Class

Some people ask me which class is the best to start with the game or which weapons and augmentations they should choose for their classes - so I decided to make this guide.

Please remember: In this guide I have written about my opinion, but there are different tactics possible! It's also possible that I made some english mistakes (sorry if I did).
English is not my native language but I tried my best so that everyone can read this guide.

Where you have a default class and where you have to choose a class:

In some game modes you will get a default class. Some examples:
In the „Slaughter“ mode you have to play the Support class also in „King of the Hill“.
In „Team Elimantion“ & „Duel“ mode there is only the Recon class.
In „Free for all“ mode there is Assault class only.

Apart from that you can choose the class you like the most in „Survival“, „Conquest“ and some other game modes.

For choosing one you have just 30 seconds time or you will get a class by chance. But don’t worry you can still change your class during the game by pressing the „N“ key. You'll respawn as the selected class at the next opportunity (which is mostly after you've died).

Small Overview
So which class could be the best for you?
There are 3 main carrier classes in Orion: Dino horde. Each has a unique ability via the ability key (default "ctrl" / "Strg") and specialized equipment.

All classes are equipped with the OSOR teleporting device (press „5“ on the keyboard to choose the teleporter). With holding down the left mouse button you teleport back to the base.

More starting equipment you will unlock with a higher level (see: Level-System).
Here is a chart about which equipment and augments you will get with the higher levels:
(Don’t forget we are talking about the classes level not the players' level! Means you can level each class to level 70 but your total level can be higher because it counts the amount of all 3 classes experience.)

Since the update for "Orion: Prelude" the level cap has been raised from 50 to 70 for each class.

The weapons you get with a higer level, other stuff (e. g. hats) and colors you can choose or change in the Loadout (menu).

Sometimes it makes also sense to level an other class to get some equipment for your „Loadout“. For example if your main character is an Assault, but you want the Trek-22 Sniper to choose it in the Loadout, you also have to level the Recon to level 30. Or if you want to get the Utility Gun (to refill your ammunition or to repair vehicles and the generator) you have to level your Supporter at least to level 10.

If you want to check the level of your classes you have to go to the menu / ACCOLADES / PERSONAL STATS. There you also find how many exp you need for your next level up with every class and in general. Plus you find many more interessting details about your gameplay.
The Assault carries a jetpack which makes you able to fly to high places.
Shield power: 150, Health: 100 points. Your health falls when your shield is broken.

Standing on high rocks keeps you away from the claws and bites of some small dinos and which is way more important also from the big boss dinos like Spinosaurus, T-Rex and many others. Some of the big boss dinos are able to eat players or to run over them and they aren’t killed as fast as the small dinos (depends on how many good players you have on your team and in which wave you are).

But you shouldn’t feel too safe on your high place. The Pteranodon
and the Rhamphorhynchus (Rham) are dealing you damage with picking you and they try to grab you (For a flight to the air! They drop you with the hope you die because of the fall). If they picked you up you can get free by shooting them or simply by pressing the mellee button „V“. When you fall you should activate your jetpack above the ground for not getting fall damage (the other classes have to buy the argument „No fall damage“ in this case).

Here you can see the Rham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And this is how it looks when they got you. lol

Also the Dilophosaurus is able to spit (acid) to higher places which deals more and more damage the longer you stay in the acid.

Acid spit reaches higher places.

An other danger for you is the T-Rex who (at least in this game) is able to throw rocks on you, which do a lot of damage. So always watch out for him and I advise to kill him first when you see him.

Besides the most important role the Assault has for the team is: to kill all the big dinos fast. The Assault is the only one who has a „safer“ place and a better view to the ground. Remember the big dinos are able to eat or to trample down your teammates! Especially in the games with higher difficulty his role to cover the Supporter and Recon becomes more important, because all teammembers earn less credits (to buy augments) in harder modes and so the Supporter and Recon are maybe not able to buy every augment they need.

If you stay on the ground (especially at the first small waves) it’s also a good tactic to fly backwards with the jetpack so that the small dinos can’t bite or scratch you while you are shooting them. But take care that you don’t run out of lift fuel (always take a look on the bar at the down center of your screen). By the way you also should look from time to time to the left bars (shield and health) because also with flying back the acid from the Dilo will hurt you.

When I use this tactic with flying backwards I mostly use the rest fuel / energy to fly on a higher place or I run away from the dinos with the „Shift" key for sprinting till my energy is full again.

Also intresting is that in the „Conquest“ mode there are sometimes loots which you just can reach with the Assault.

Your starter equipment with the assault:
• basic pistol
• frag grenades (dealing damage)

Take care with the frag grenades! If you stay too close to your own explosions, they can kill yourself too! Anyways they are the best choice if you see many dinos on one place (for example some dinos are attacking the generator or you are staying on a high place and you have a swarm of dinos below you).

Augmentations either enhance current abilities that your character has or gives your character new ones. Augmentations are purchased at the building labeled as such.

The best augments for the Assault are:
Energizer – This will give you DOUBLE fuel for your jetpack!
Rocketeer – For greater liftoff speed! This is good for escaping dinos more quickly especially when your health is nearly down or a big boss dino tries to snap you for his diner.

Best Weapons for the Assault:
1. Sidearms / Pistols:
The best basic weapons for the Assault are the C9 Revolver or the T-99 Dual Pistols because they have a good accuracy and deal higher damage.

• Press „3“ to use the pistol.

2. Secondary:
Depends on your tactic. If you are on the ground and you fly backwards the TREK Shotguns are the better choice, for shooting from a higher place you should take a SMG or you save your money for a good Sniper (under Primary Weapon).

• Press „2“ to use the secondary weapon.

3. Primary:
Here you find the good stuff (also more expensive). It’s just my opinion but for me the TREK-22 Sniper and TREK Longshot Sniper ♥ work best. I prefer the TREK Longshot Sniper because you can snipe from a really far distance with an amazing damage (you also kill big boss dinos really fast with them and it’s no problem to make headshots the whole time). Of course the TREK Longshot Sniper costs also 15.000 Credits. If you don’t have so much credits the TREK-22 for 7.000 Credits is also okaaay (but just 1/3 damage than the Longshot does).

• Press „1“ to use the primary weapon.

4. Adrenaline:
In my eyes all 3 of the Assault adrenaline weapons are usefull.
The Grenade Launcher kills the small dinos instantly if you hit them directly and deals much damage to the big boss dinos. If you hit the ground with your grenades they explode after a few seconds (this is sometimes annoying when the dinos are running away during this time).

That's why I like the Rocket Launcher way more… projectiles explode instantly and deal high damage. Plus it’s harder to kill yourself with the rocket launcher than with the grenade launcher. But both is possible. lol

The TREK Long Bow is not that easy to use for everyone (I personally love to play with the bow).
Pro: You have infinite ammo with this weapon and deal the highest damage (comparatively to the other adrenaline weapons). If you haven’t killed a dino with an arrow he gets at least a bit slower for a while because the arrow-hit makes him lurch.
With pressing the reload button „R“ you can also switch between different types of arrows: infinite (the normal arrows), explosive, smoke and emp arrows.
Con: Take care with the explosive arrows because if you shoot it to a dino too close to you, you can kill yourself with it. Also a negative aspect for some people is the slower shooting speed because you have to draw your bow always with a new arrow (1-2 seconds mouse pressing till you let the the arrow fly). You will get a feeling for this when you play the bow from time to time.

• Press „1“ to use the adrenaline weapon. – Yes it has the same slot like the primary weapon.

The Recon is a female character who can become invisible to dinosaurs with her cloak.
Shield power: 100, Health: 100 points. Your health falls when your shield is broken.

Recon using the cloak.

The dinos will run away at the moment you use your cloak but you can only stay cloaked as long as you have energy (so watch out for your energy bar). Also the T-Rex will still throw his rocks at your last known possition so don’t feel to save with your cloak, if the T-Rex is throwing a rock you still have to try avoide like the other classes).

When you get cloaked of course the dinos search a new aim so they maybe run to your teammates. And if you like your teammates you should help them out then. xD

Also an important fact: Don’t always use your full energy for getting cloaked, maybe you will need it again soon. So you should (like the Assault with jet pack) press the „Ctrl“/“Strg“ button again (to stop the cloak) when the dinos have enough distance to you again.

During your cloaktime you can kill dinos silent with a melee weapon. If you shoot them (with a weapon or grenade) your cloak will break and they can see you again. By the way also using the Utility Gun breaks the cloak. You have no energy to cloak again if this happens… With a special augment „Assassin“ you can fire silenced weapons while cloaked, but every shot costs energy! Also you should know that you can’t enter a vehicle or use a shop when you are cloaked.

The most important role the Recon has for the team is maybe to repair the generator and to help up downed teammates. When the generator is broken or a teammate needs revive, but there are still lots of dinos running around, the Recon can use his cloak to help without getting damage.

Your starter quipment with the Recon:
• basic silenced CV-10 pistol
• emp grenades (stun enemies, repairs vehicles, gives extra seconds on the generator countdown)

When you throw such an emp grenade on a vehicle to repair it the vehicle is disabled / stunned for a few seconds but works fine with new health after it.
The extra seconds for the generator countdown are mostly just needed with a higher level of difficulty (hard, insane, redikulous).

Augmentations either enhance current abilities that your character has or gives your character new ones. Augmentations are purchased at the building labeled as such.

The best augments for the Recon are:
Energizer – With this augment you can stay cloaked TWICE as long!

Ninja – This augment increases damage by attacking from behind.

Assassin – With this augment you can shoot dinos with silenced weapons while you are cloaked (without losing your cloak and your full energy).

Landing cape – This is for getting no fall damage when a Rham or Pteranodon takes you for a fly and let you fall. You could also use the augment „Steel Boots“ for not getting catched by those flying dinos but Landing cape is cheaper.

Iron Pecs – This augment will doubles your shield strength which is a great help when you are surrounded by dinos and can’t cloak.

By the way also Recon can reach some higher places with an augment: Power Jump.

Best Weapons for the Recon:
1. Sidearms / Pistols:
Depends on if you purchase the augment „Assassin“. If you buy the augment „Assassin“ the CV-10 Silenced Pistol is the best for you! If you don’t buy it the best basic weapons are the C9 Revolver or the T-99 Dual Pistols because they have a good accuracy and deal higher damage. But you shouldn't use them when you are cloaked! I mostly use the C9 Revolver between my cloak times for dealing more damage and I always just stay cloaked for 1 second.

• Press „3“ to use the pistol.

Also the Cyro Knife is a good beginner weapon for the Recon because it doesn't breaks your cloak. You find it under „Items“ in the shop and you use it with pressing „4“.

2. Secondary:
Depends on how you want to fight, the shotguns have devastating power on short distance, the SMG’s have a high rate of fire and are fairly accurate on longer distances. I would choose the MX-4 Silenced SMG because with this weapon you can kill dinos while you are cloaked and you can aim better with the sight.

Theres also the Ion Blade but it costs 20.000 credits which is (in my eyes too expensive for this sword).
If you still want to play it here are some tips:
Light attack (click left mouse button) – makes low demage…
If you hold the left mouse button for a longer time you make a bigger attack with it.
With pressing „V“ (melee) you make a forward stab, with „S“ and „V“ you make a backward stab. Holding the melee button „V“ for longer makes a 360° spin and holding the right mouse button blocks attacks. When you get attacked you can also click the right mouse button to counter and deflect fire when someone is shooting you.
Light attack combo: LMB, LMB, V
Heavy attack combo: holding RMB, holding RMB, V

• Press „2“ to use the secondary weapon.

3. Primary:
Same like with the Secondary weapons: it depends on how you play! With the rifles and the LMG you can shoot faster but you deal less damage with a bullet and you have no zoom. The snipers have a better accuracy and make it possible for you to zoom enemies from a bigger distance after you have been cloaked. You can kill them before they reach you with the powerful ammunition and if they still reach you, you have your cloak to make yourself invisible for them.

The TREK-22 Sniper and TREK Longshot Sniper work best.

• Press „1“ to use the primary weapon.

4. Adrenaline:
I tell you… before you waste your money for the Recon Adrenaline weapons it’s maybe better to buy a sniper or the augment "VIP" which makes it possible to buy an adrenaline weapon from an other class. For me the Rocket Launcher (from the Assault) works also for Recon good. I mostly kill the big dinos and big dino hordes with the Rocket Launcher before they reach me. And if they reach me I just cloak for 1-2 seconds.

Anyways the Adrenaline weapons for Recon are:
The Enery Carbine: too few ammo for this low damage… whenever I used this weapon on a harder level of difficulty I got into trouble with it because it kills so slowly.
The Laser Rifle: this weapon is better than the energy carbine because it can kill more than one dino with one shot. It deals an high damage but it needs a moment till it shoots.
The TREK Long Bow: deals also high damage and takes also a short moment till it shoots BUT if you haven’t killed a dino with an arrow he gets at least a bit slower for a while because the arrow-hit makes him lurch AND you have infinite ammo!! Plus with pressing the reload button „R“ you can also switch between different types of arrows: infinite (the normal arrows), explosive, smoke and emp arrows. Take care with the explosive arrows because if you shoot it to a dino too close to you, you can kill yourself with it.

• Press „1“ to use the adrenaline weapon. – Yes it has the same slot like the primary weapon.
The support class has no way to escape from danger instead of your smoker grenades which blind the dinos.

Because of that the supporter has a powerful shield (200 points) As long as your shield isn’t destroyed you don’t lose health. Also the supporter has a Medic Gun to heal himself and also other teammates anytime. Even downed people he can help with his Medic Gun.

The medic beam also has a slowing effect on dinosaurs. Smaller dinosaurs stop moving completely!

Supporter makes a Raptor not able to move

But even the biggest dinos slow down. Multiple stasis beams slow down a target more.

Supporter makes the Triceratops slower

With the Stasis Fury augment you can also deal damage to dinos with your Medic Gun.

Your starter quipment with the Support:
• basic M-40 Magnum (powerful pistol with good precision)
• smoke grenades (blind dinosaurs to your position and that of any other teammate within its plume, what gives time to heal or revive players and also to repair the generator)

Augmentations either enhance current abilities that your character has or gives your character new ones. Augmentations are purchased at the building labeled as such.

Clicking on the ALL tab will bring up all of the augments regardless of the players particular class.
Clicking on the CLASS tab will display a list of augments that are useful for the players specific class for that round.

The best augments for the Support class are:
Landing cape – This is for getting no fall damage when a Rham or Pteranodon takes you for a fly and let you fall. You could also use the augment „Steel Boots“ for not getting catched by those flying dinos but Landing cape is cheaper. You really need one of those augments because you can’t cloak (like the Recon) when they try to grab you and you can’t stop your fall with the jetback (like the Assault).

Stasis Fury – With this augment the medic gun of the Support class also deals damage to dinos which is really usefull when you are in trouble, e. g. you are having lots of dinos around you and you are healing yourself the whole time. At this time you are maybe scared to change your weapon (because if you do you will lose much health and you have no medic gun in your hands). With the augment Stasis Fury you can heal yourself, slow the enemies and kill some of them till you are prepared for your normal weapon.

Energizer - This perks affects the Support class differently than the Assault. This gives the medic gun twice as long to operate before needing to recharge. It is not terrible useful as the medic gun already has a substantial charge and recharges quickly.

Engineer - This augment gives the medic gun the ability to repair the generator and vehicles.

Iron Pecs – Even to the Support has a bigger shield than the other classes this augment will doubles your shield strength once more which is a great help when you are surrounded by dinos.

Some people also buy „Power Jump“ (gives more vertical height to each jump) and „Double Jump“ (allows to jump while you are still in the air to increase your overall vertical height). With those augments you are able to jump to some higher places but it takes a bit experience to know the places where you can get on the rocks.

Best weapons for the Support:
1. Sidearms / Pistols:
The best basic weapons are the C9 Revolver or the T-99 Dual Pistols because they have a good accuracy and deal higher damage.

• Press „3“ to use the pistol.

2. Secondary:
Depends on how you want to fight, the shotguns have devastating power on short distance, the SMG’s have a high rate of fire and are fairly accurate on longer distances. I would choose a shotgun because you can’t cloak (make yourself invisible) and you can’t fly away so the dinos will be fast around you and the shotguns are dealing more damage and more bullets with every shot.

I can’t advise the expensive (20.000 credits) Ion Blade for this class but if you want to try it you can read some tips in the „Recon“ section at „Secondary weapons“.

• Press „2“ to use the secondary weapon.

3. Primary:
Same like with the secondary weapons: it depends on how you play! With the rifles and the LMG you can shoot faster but you deal less damage with a bullet and you have no zoom. The snipers have a better accuracy and make it possible for you to zoom enemies from a bigger distance before they reach you. You have more powerful ammunition to kill them fast from distance but the slower shooting is a problem when the dinos surround you.

• Press „1“ to use the primary weapon.

4. Adrenaline:
Flamethrower & Gatling Gun!
Both weapons are perfect for shorter ranges and make long time damage to hordes of dinos till you have to reload.

The Gatling Gun (20.000 credits) deals more damage than the Flamethrower and has also a bigger Clipsize (thats why I prefer the Gatling Gun). The Flamethrower is a bit cheaper (15.000 credits) and gives a bit more safety because the raptors you burn will run away (the negative aspect is that dilos will still bite you and are hard to kill with this weapon on higher levels of difficulty). Also negative is that you can’t kill so many dinos when they are always running away (for it some dinos will die because they get permanent low damage when you have burned them once).

The TREK Long Bow: dealing high damage but it takes a moment for every arrow (this is why I wouldn’t use the bow with the Support class). When you are surrounded by a horde and the bow takes too long time to shoot the high damage and the different arrow type don’t help you anymore…

If you want to use an other adrenaline weapon you have to buy the Augment „VIP“ (7.500 credits). It’s better not to buy the Grenade Launcher with the Support class… you will possibly just kill yourself.

• Press „1“ to use the adrenaline weapon. – Yes it has the same slot like the primary weapon.
You can also purchase different items at the Item section (in the weapon store).

Health Kit – when your shield is broken, you already lost health and you have no supporter in the team who wants to heal you, you should buy this Health Kit.

Ammo Kit – refills Ammo

Cyro Knife – melee weapon (good for Recon)

UtilityGun – you can repair the generator faster, repair vehicles without stunning them and refill your ammo (also grenades) and the ammo of your teammates

Revival Kit – instantly revives teammates and repairs the generator faster

Turret – all the turrets deal constant damage to the enemies close to the turret for 60 seconds (good for big dino horde or big boss dinos). After that they need 2 minute cooldown time. If your turret is ready again or how long it takes to use it again, you see when you try to place it.
You want other Grenades?
You can purchase every classes grenades in the weapon shop under: Grenades!

Sources & Thanks!
• mostly own experiences
• some facts are from the Orion: Dino Horde Wiki
• for some words I have used the dictionary: direct.leo.org

If there are still English mistakes I am really sorry (it's not my native language)!

The screenshots with the weapons and augments I made alone.
For the classes screenshots I played in a game with 「 xander 」.

Other Pictures:
Some of them are from my own artworks (see: 「 Elfee Kila 」).

The classes overview, Leveling System chart and the Pteranodon are from Orion: Dino Horde Wiki
Link: http://orion-dino-horde.wikia.com/wiki/Persistent_Leveling_System

Thanks to:
Xander for being my screenshot model! ;p
.Rotiart for the hint to add shield and health to every class. :)
And thanks to everyone who has read this guide (it's my first guide ^^').

I hope it helped a bit for starting with a class!
Add: Useful text commands / votes
While you're in a game, you can cast a vote to change the map, game mode or difficulty.

Open the chat 'T' (chat) or 'Y' (teamchat) and enter your vote command:

Once you entered the command you can choose between:
• Slaughter
• Conquest
• Survival
• No change

Just press the number key with the mode you want.

• Noob
• Easy
• Medium
• Hard
• Insane
• Redikulous

Press the number key with the difficulty you wish.

• Arid
• Arid-Night
• Peak
• Peak-Day
• Raupi
• Slopes
• Strike
• Raupi-Night

Press the number key for your mapwish.

Press the number infront of the playername you want to kick.

Please remember always the majority of players in the game decide.

MilkFromTech 3 Sep, 2021 @ 9:10pm 
Idk the bow's explosive arrows mixed with 400 shield points and a self heal make supports like myself want nuke our self inside dino piles.
Fatasaurous 30 May, 2021 @ 10:02am 
thanks alot bro!!!
Elfee  [author] 14 Jul, 2015 @ 11:28am 
You're welcome.
Orange Doctor 14 Jul, 2015 @ 4:12am 
b1tmaster0 11 Jul, 2015 @ 7:54am 
Scorp 28 May, 2015 @ 7:58am 
I have my heart set on the bow. I can't notice very small details very far away, but I can see. So I'm basically a marksman with a bow. cx
Edward Wigglesworth 4 Apr, 2015 @ 4:22pm 
I have a new tatic for the assault
i call it "Jetpack Farting"
Know that moment when your trying to reach somewhere thats close to you but your up high and your fuel wont reach you to there?
then i have a tatic for you: JETPACK FARTING
How to jetpack fart:
when you go to jetpack, jump, then start mashing ctrl over and over again, what happens is that the fuel is slightly spared, but your still in the air, you dont go upwards, your going ACROSS.
its good for getting to places you need to get to get to without wasting precious fuel!
'Dx | Lieutenant Valkyria 2 Mar, 2015 @ 10:34am 
assault = begin with gatling ( need lvl 70 support) after play, and finally buy launcher rocket

Your assault have big dps and 2 good weapon depending on the situation and allows you to continue to clean while the other ammunition weapon regen for very large wave (or you are setting up and using the gun utility)
Botate 15 Oct, 2014 @ 7:58pm 
Note that the most important part of this game is the unlocks along the way. Wolverine (auto-heal) is inexplicably valuable & is an exclusive starter to Recon. Also, with the x2 ammo/reload speed the Energy Carbine becomes a viable weapon dealing the same amount of damage as the C-9, but has no weapon cooldown or trigger delay (shoot as fast as you can click)
Obi-Rotta 29 Sep, 2014 @ 3:02am 
How in the hell does that recon guy look that awesome in that picture :P