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[Solution/Fix/Improvement] Elsword
โดย Nikita
This is a guide to help players with installing issues, fix some bugs and even to improve performance regarding Elsword
How to Install Elsword on Steam?
So altough we already have posts about this... its seems people dont read them or find them so i decided to put it in a guide for that porpose

Why Can´t i Find Elsword on Steam?
Why its says restrict when i played it once.....?

The reason is that Steam decided to restrict Elsword in Europe and altough Elsword itself is not ip block there, some places are and since Steam doesnt separates them its all blocked, but that doesnt mean you can't play, if u have the game installed in your steam you can play with no problems.

So the only way to get Elsword in Steam is by using these methods:

  • Copy-paste the link (steam://install/237310) on a browser/chat
    ( i recomend this one the most cause its the fastest, it will start downloading right away) ***
  • Copying local files from one PC to another;
    ( This one takes alot of time if you want to give a friend via internet it takes alot to upload to a link and send )
  • Changing IP;
    (This one is bannable on Steam, so let's avoid this one)
  • Changing your region via clicking a steam powered link that leads to NA http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=NA just remenber after download it to put it back to EU, for it just replace in the link NA to EU;
    (This one is really good if you want to acess Elsword on Shop (even to post a comment to recomend or not ) even the DLC packs you can click and find it on Steam like it isnt restrict) ***

*** Note: well since steam updated, some of you these methods might not work, instead of making it by zone steam searchs for your IP adress in other words even if you change your location in steam you still wont find the game i susgest you use the other methods or if you don't want to bother the trouble just install the original client and put on as a non-steam game

Steam must be running issue
steam must be running to play this awesome game error?

usually this is fix just by closing your steam and openning as admim but you can also try to going to your direct folder.. go to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Elsword and click your Elsword.exe (just remenber open always as admin).

Elsword Closing itself
My Elsword its closing Itself, why?

Frist of all you need to have Internet Explorer.. for some reason Elsword is require to be played with IE so if you have it good.. in some cases installing the previouse IE works on stoping that issue.

But most of the cases when this occurs its your firewall or anti-virus the issue they are blocking some gate that might be needed to run Elsword or X-trap remenber to add it to your protected applications list. or just to make sure if is your firewall or anti-virus the problem turn both off and see if the problem persists.

If the problem continues maybe its your net, try to shutdow your pc, rebot your router and leave it 10 secs then turn on and run as admim don't forget to clearing temp files and your internet cache
if that didnt work better send a ticket to the support.

Grey screen
Hi there, after i start login instead of entering the game, it stays all grey what can i do???

Altough you can always try to reinstall Elsword and that might not work maybe its not really you this issue is regarding Elsword itself, you might say "but my friend is playing..." well some people get it some don't. so the only thing you have to do is to be pantience Elsword Team is aware of this kind of bug and will certainly will fix and if the problem its not fix bettew 1-2 days i recommend sending a ticket to them. Just remenber before you do if you are running the game as admin and if your anti-virus and firewall arent blocking any gate.

No Sound Error
I dont have any of the sounds or music, what do i do?

Sometimes after downloading or even just happend Elsword doesnt give any sound cause it put it on Off try pressing F10 and/or F11 to get your Sound back.

Also, remenber to check if your volume settings arent in the minimum.
Bank Share Bug! Item Missing!
When you put an item in the Bank and then switch char to retrieve it, for some reason the item disappeared, don´t worry the item is still there.

The only thing you need to do is taking all your items off your bank, then when theres nothing left to take just close the game.

When you enter again all the items that were missing will reapper.

The reason this happens is cause you usually put in so fast that it places over another item, making 2 items in the same place but you can only see and take that one out.
Server not Responding issue
Everytime i try to enter elsword it says "server not responding" why?

Usually this is regarding your net the examples i heard where cause they were using wireless connection and it was solve by putting the direct cable to the router i recomend always check your router restrictions, the gates and the zone if its close or blocked by limits
"No Response from Server"
So, i recently came back to the game i got this issue, i was constantly crashing and couldnt figure out until someone said to turn off teamviewer and guess what, it worked.

As you are aware you have some remote applications such team viewer, TNC viewer or anything like that running. therefore you have to stop it before running x2, just go to your Task Manager->check the programs you have on 2nd plan >right click those apps icon->exit/stop.

If this doesnt work, another method i read about its about TOS update and in the steam version you didnt redirect to the TOS verification page,

for that, what you have to do is goe to where is your elsword is,"Steam>steamapps>common>Elsword" and instead or login in through the one that says ESTEAM.exe you click on the elsword.exe and try to login untill you see the TOS.

Unable to download the file version error
I can't download Elsword cause it says "unable to download file version" what can i do?

So if you had Elsword instaled once, delete all files related to elsword check everything, even in your disk.. then before you redownload follow these steps
  • Go the Control Panel.

  • Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, and click Change adapter settings.

  • Select the connection for which you want to configure Google Public DNS. For example:
    -To change the settings for an Ethernet connection, right-click Local Area Connection, and click Properties.
    -To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and click Properties.

  • If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  • 4. Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then click Properties.

  • 5. Click Advanced and select the DNS tab. If there are any DNS server IP addresses listed there, write them down for future reference, and remove them from this window.
  • 6. Click OK.
  • 7. Select Use the following DNS server addresses. If there are any IP addresses listed in the Preferred DNS server or Alternate DNS server, write them down for future reference.
  • 8. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers:
    -*For IPv4: and/or
    - For IPv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and/or 2001:4860:4860::8844
  • 9. Restart the connection you selected in step 3 oe restart pc.
Then you can start downlaoding it
Unable to download patch error
I need help, my elsword doesnt patch what should i do?

So some of you probably are having a issue regarding patching.. while your steam is updating some of the files can't get it says that's unable to download patch or even just stoped there.

it's simply really the only thing you have to do is get that file from someone else you can ask me or a friend that can send you the file

Here's a post of an example:

P.S.: i prefer to send the link at the moment of the error i don´t think its worth posting the links since that file can be updated
Unable to compare Version Error
My Elsword just keeps telling me "Unable to compare Version" what can i do?

Well this was an anwser given by Elsword Customer Support so maybe it can help you

Try to clear your DNS Cache using the following steps:

  • Click Windows Start
  • in the Search and Programs and files
  • Type cmd
  • Click cmd.exe
  • Type ipconfig /flushdns then Enter
  • Try to run the game again

If that didnt work,, send a ticket with your NSLOOKUP to Elsword Support

  • Click Windows Start
  • In the Search and Programs and files
  • Type cmd
  • Click cmd.exe
  • Type nslookup koggames.cdn.reloadedtech.com then Enter
  • Screenshot and send the file to the Support
Also, please visit the link below and take a screenshot as well:
Better improvement
Latency and Connectivity Issues

how can i solve my lag problem?

Usually people with lag issues its cause of their distance bettew the server or from others players, the connectivity its not strong enough to pull at its best.

But some it isnt.. your ping is good but for some reason it lags... as you know giving and example in arena you will always find these so called "laggers" some do it on porpose and others don´t or perahps its even you!

So if you are getting latency problems try following these instructions:
  • Restart your computer and internet connection
  • Log on to your computer with Administrator access and make sure to run the game as an administrator
  • Close other applications as you launch the game client; this is to avoid any conflict as you run Elsword Online.
  • Clear the cache of your browser and temporary internet files on your computer
  • If you have an anti-virus program, do not forget to put an exception to Elsword or you may also disable your anti-virus as you run the game client
  • Disable the other network (aside from your internet connection) or network devices such as VPN, torrent, p2p application, etc., as it may cause interruption with patching the game client.

To clear your temporary files:

  • Open the Start Menu.
  • In the search area, type %temp% and press Enter.
  • Delete everything in this folder
  • If you receive a File In Use/Folder in Use error message while the files are being deleted, then this just means that one of the temp files is in use by a program right now. Click Skip to continue deleting the other files, then close all open programs, and repeat the steps above. If you still receive the message, then restart the computer or logoff and logon, and repeat the process again.
  • Close the temp folder when done and try to re-patch the game.

Some said by using the Battleping will also work.

" Battleping is a high speed Proxy tunnel which can help to fix Elsword online lag, latency and ping. Using Battleping will create an Elsword tunnel connection between yourself and the Battleping server you have chosen. Game packets can be sent at a faster rate than normal. Your routing to the game servers will be different. This can help get around problems such as packet-loss or a faulty route which are a big cause of lag spikes."

so if you are insterested here's the link :

Exe format :

Zip format:

P.S.: just remenber to not have too many programs on, or programs that pushes your pc too much
Visually improve your elsword's graphics.
How can I improve my graphics on Elword?

Did you know you can make Elsword Visually prettier by Enabling 32X CSAA



(click on the image to see up close)

How to enable it:
1. Go to Nvidia control panel
2. Manage 3D Settings
3. Find x2.exe
4. Anti Aliasing Mode - Overwrite any application setting
5. Anti Aliasing Setting - 8x if your video card is in the lower end 32x if you have a decent one and one a bit more prettier graphics.
6. Bonus: Power management mode: Prefer Maximum performance.

For AMD:
How to enable it:
1. Search for AMD Vision Engine Control Center on the Start Menu
2. Go to Gaming
3. Go to 3D Application Settings
4. Under Application Settings, press + Add
5. Look for x2.exe in your GarenaELSWORD directory
6. In the Anti-Aliasing Mode field, drop to "Override Application Settings"
7. In the Anti-Aliasing Samples field, choose any of the anti-aliasing procedures.

In my case, there's no CSAA, MSAA, or SSAA. Only AA and EQ AA. EQ AA is basically MSAA with less performance hit. It's between CSAA and MSAA. - Denzel94

Enjoy your new prettier elsword. Some people say they cant see the difference, but the difference is HUGE for me lol.

Also if you want to check your FPS go and download bandicam. It has a handy FPS thingy that you can just put at the upper left of your screen. (Look at the green number on the top left of my screenshot).

Warning: If your video card cannot handle it you might get FPS decrease.
How to check your ping in Elsword
How do i check if im the one lagging my ping is good but how do i see it on Elsword?

well i found this tutorial in the elsword philippines quite interesting:

!Note: First, you must run Elsword!

Press the Windows Button or click Start. Type " taskmgr " and press Enter as this will execute the Task Manager (taskmgr.exe)
Or type Run, press Enter, type in taskmgr press Enter.

Go under " Processes " section. Just above it, click View -> Select Columns ... it will show a pane, in it, check " PID(Process Identifier) " and click OK.
Next is to find x2.exe, this is actually your Elsword Client, now just beside it you should see, in most cases, four numbers under its PID column, and WRITE IT DOWN.
It's not always the same, however it's shown that i have it as 4340

Press the Windows Button or click Start. This time, type " cmd " and press Enter as this will execute the Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
It will show, in most cases, a black window. In it, type " netstat -no " as this will show brief details about active connections that is being used.
Now using that PID you wrote down earlier, you should find it here as highlighted in the picture.
Under Foreign Address, is the active IP you're receiving from Elsword Server.

Note: should be right because if you try to ping you will receive no response because i believe that this IP and internals is the server's firewall, it does that because by standard, firewalls doesn't respond to ICMP.

Now for the most important part.
We are now to test our ping or response delay from
We do that by typing " ping -t " inside cmd.
You should see something like this.

Your Ping or Response Time is shown as " time=xxxxms "
So yeah this is actually a good ping, ms = millisecond, ea: time=14ms. Like when you press A and you see it appears instantaneously, since we're using and talking about internet here, it's like when you press A, about .014 seconds later you should see the letter A that you typed in.
Go figure it out how that applies to the game.

That's about it.

By the way, this is how you also do tracerouting. Now that you know Elsword's IP, you simply type " tracert " in cmd.
Special Thanks
Since i didn´t discover all this by myself i wanted to thank all the people incluind the support that found the awnser's to some problems regarding Elsword.

So lets keep it that way ;3 if you found and issue that its not here and it was solve tell cause your problem can be anyone else and this guide its to make an easier search

Again thanks to all ;3 Best Regards Nikita

Special Video for all ;3
107 ความเห็น
Shadee 18 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 4: 45pm 
An update for "No Response From Server"
One thing I could assure you is, your device by default does not mess with the game. Its those programs you installed and currently running in the background. So, close them.

1. On you taskbar, to the right, click/extend the up-arrow thingy, and close all un-use background apps.
1a. Close Vanguard (Riot) if you have.

2. Open Task-Manager > Details
2a. WARNING: Don't touch things you don't know!
2b. Close all screen-share apps: Teamview, Ultraview, ... (not sure bout social apps)

3. Press keys: Window key + R > %temp% > delete everything

Then start the game. If the issue remains. Continue with the background apps

Note: One Drive, I don't have it, so I don't know. Try closing it and run the game if the issue continue to happen.

Your device, you know better than anyone.
Comaraderie... <3 29 ส.ค. 2024 @ 1: 03am 
I really need the "How to link your account to Steam", but I guess that's impossible.
DeathShinda 7 ก.ย. 2022 @ 8: 06am 
chave de mais
Nikita  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 ก.ค. 2022 @ 7: 23am 
When u you lost access to your account either via email or something else the best solution is contacting the support and confirm who you are and that u are the owner of the account, explain your situation clearly to them and they will help
Abyssal Wolfkrone 7 ก.ค. 2022 @ 9: 08pm 
so i have a new email so i put it on my steam account, but when i open the software it says i need to put a verfy code but it is sending it to my old email that i havnt used since 2016 and i cant access it and the yahoo peeps weren't much help to access, the only way i can acess that old account is from a phone number i no longer have so what can i do???
M00n_D&ncer_bestpony 8 เม.ย. 2022 @ 10: 22pm 
now only if you guys had the answer to why the game fucking crashes randomly at any given time XD
Nikita  [ผู้สร้าง] 18 ก.พ. 2022 @ 9: 52pm 
its not your firewal or antivirus, its teamviewer, press " ctrl+alt+delete" and search on the list teamviewer and make sure to complete close it. that should fix the problem
~Made In Heaven 18 ก.พ. 2022 @ 6: 32am 
Can someone help my elsword always Closing itself when i'm launching the game even after i turned off my firewall and antivirus
argh 27 ต.ค. 2021 @ 2: 56pm 
hi so im trying to bind my steam account to my KOG games one, but every time i put in the verification code it just says error, ive tried over and over but it keeps on saying error, is there any way to fix this? im not sure if im just being a idiot or if its an issue lol
Magic Tofu Cat 23 ส.ค. 2021 @ 3: 29am 
aye it binds your steam account too the first email you sign in with but you can use the manual non steam client too log in with email and password if you need too