Fable - The Lost Chapters

Fable - The Lost Chapters

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All armor sets and costumes
By Primo
Presentation of all sets of armor, costumes and headgear + how to get them.
Have fun^^
Part 1
No Outfit

Just take your clothes off!

Apprentice Outfit

You get it when you enter the academy of heroes.

Hooded Apprentice Outfit

You get it when you enter the academy of heroes.

Villagers Outfit

You'll get it after you graduate from the academy.

Bright Villagers Outfit

You can buy from merchants.

Dark Villager Outfit

You can buy from merchants and steal from houses.

Leather Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Bright Leather Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Dark Leather Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Chainmail Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Bright Chainmail Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Dark Chainmail Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Platemail Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Bright Platemail Suit

You can buy from merchants.

Dark Platemail Suit

You can buy from merchants.
Part 2
Will User's Outfit

You can buy from merchants.

Will User's Bright Outfit

The outfit can be found behind the demonic door in the Rose Cottage location.

Dark Will User's Outfit

The outfit can be found behind the demonic door on the location of the Darkwood Marshes.

Bandit Outfit

Get during the quest "Find the Bandit Seeress"

Assassin Outfit

Gloves can be bought at the Heroes Guild.
Pants can be bought from Twinblade's Camp or found in Twinblade's Elite Camp (chest on the left of the Assassins).
Jackets can be bought from Twinblade's Camp or found in Chapel of Skorm chest.
Boots can be bought at Twinblade's Camp or taken from the chest in the Oakvale (beach, behind the cave).

Guard Uniform

Buy from merchants or find in the Bargate Prison.


Dig in the Orchard Farm.

Bright Dress

Steal in a house in Bowerstone North.

Dark Dress

Steal from a house in Oakvale.
The Lost Chapters
Fire Assassin Outfit

Parts of this armor are in the homes of the residents of the village of Snowspire.

Archon's Battle Armour

Can be found in the Necropolis in a silver chest, which requires 25 silver keys to open.
Headwear (without set)
Fisherman's Hat

You will receive this hat for first place in the Fisherman's Contest.

Chicken Hat

Reward for 250 points in the game Chicken Kicking Competition.

Redhead Wig

In a closet on the 2nd floor of the Bordello.

Pimp's Hat

You can find it as a reward inside the Demon Door that is located in Darkwood Bordello.

Wizard Hat

Can only be obtained through mods, there is no legal receipt!

Bright Wizard Hat

Hand in the first 9 "good" books to the school.

Dark Wizard Hat

Hand in the first 14 "bad" books to the school.

Holy Warrior Helm

Can be found in a chest in the Lost Bay location.

Daemon Warrior Helm

Can be found in the chest in the Archon's Shrine location.

Jack's Mask

Become the new Jack of Blade.

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