Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

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Overwatch voice - Civil Protection radio chatter
Av Hardpoint Nomad™
Overwatch voice lines that can be heard from radio chatter of Civil Protection team officers. Square brackets are possibilities that are created by game and differs every time. Even same location will have different name and number; however, location names are divided into three sections - trainstation to canals, canals and later City 17. Only lines I personally heard ingame are included. Some lines from the game files are unused (less than 1 %).
At trainstation security checkpoint

Local Civil Protection teams report status.

Team, recalibrate socio-scan.

Team, recalibrate socio-scan, we are receiving conflicting data.

Team, confirm UPI alert.

Airwatch reports possible miscount.

Airwatch copies no activity in location
[location name] [location number].

[code⠀ word], [code⠀ number], [code⠀ word].

[location name] = Workforce intake hub, Transit block, Station block
[location number] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
[code⠀ word] = Administer, Amputate, Apply, Cauterize, Document, Examine, Inject, Inoculate, Intercede, Interlock, Investigate, Isolate, Lock, Preserve, Pressure, Prosecute, Restrict, Search, Serve, Sterilize, Suspend
[code⠀ number] = Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine

When Civil Protection officer dies (first line is from the last living team member, others from dead ones)

Engaging Protection team is non-cohesive. Reinforcement teams Code 3.

[unit name] [unit number] unit down at [location name] [location number].

Unit down at [location name] [location number].

Unit down at [location name] [location number]. All teams respond Code 3.

[unit name] [unit number] unit deserviced, remaining units contain.

Lost bio-signal for Protection team unit [unit name] [unit number].

[unit name] = Defender, Hero, Jury, King, Patrol, Quick, Roller, Stick, Tap, Union, Vice, Victor, X-ray, Yellow
[unit number] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
[location name] = Workforce intake hub, Transit block, Station block, Sector, Block, Canal block, Restricted block, Waste river, Storm system, Residential block, 404 zone, Production block, Distribution block
[location number] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

When Civil Protection officers attacking, losing target, player is near dead (≤ 20 HP), player is dead

All units apply forward pressure.

Officer closing on suspect.

Suspend negotiations, officer closing on suspect.

All units switch com to Tac-5 and report into Command point.

All units at [location name] [location number]: 10-0, begin scanning.

Attention [subject]: Prepare for final sentencing.

Attention [subject]: You are judged guilty by Civil Protection team. All units deliver terminal verdict immediatelly.

Attention: You have been charged with [crime]. Prepare to receive verdict: [verdict].

You are charged with terminal violations 148, 243, 245. All Protection team units, complete sentencing at will.

Reward notice: Protection team member, your family cohesion is preserved.

Final verdict administered. All units begin witness sterilization.

Socio-stabilization restored.

[location name] = Workforce intake hub, Transit block, Station block, Sector, Block, Canal block, Restricted block, Waste river, Storm system, Residential block, 404 zone, Production block, Distribution block
[location number] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
[subject] = UPI, Subject, Citizen, Anticitizen, Non-citizen, Sociocide, Freeman
[crime] = Divisive sociocidal counter-obeyance, Promoting communal unrest, Failure to comply with the civil will, Violation of civic trust, Destruction of corporal social Protection units, Capital malcompliance
[verdict] = Immediate amputation, Terminal prosecution, Disassociation from the civic populace

Idle lines

All units report status on 243 suspect.

All units BOL for 243 suspect.

All units return to Code 12.

Suspect is now 187.

Social fracture in progress, respond.

Anti-fatique ration is now 3 milligrams.

Protection teams: Be adviced, accomplices opperating in area.

Attention: Prepare visual download of Anticitizen One.

Rank Leaders: Reminder, 100 sterilized credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation.

Stabilization Team: Failure to treat identified local outbreak, will force team recall and recycle.

Attention Stabilization team Leaders: Report de-serviced unit to sterilized body count ratios: for reinforcement, reward, or removal processing.

Notice Protection teams: Civic Politistabilization Index is marginal.

Reminder: Memory replacement is the first step towards rank privileges.

Local Protection team units report on [subject].

All local Protection team units, prepare to inoculate [location name].

All units: Verdict code on suspect [subject] is now [code⠀ word], [code⠀ number], [code⠀ word].

Restricted incursion in progress, officer at [location name] [location number] investigate and report.

Premature mission termination will result in [result].

10-103-M disturbance by mentally unfit in progress, [task].

17-F fugitive detachment in progress, [task].

27 attempted crime in progress, [task].

51 non-sanctioned arson in progress, [task].

62 alarms in progress, [task].

63 criminal trespass in progress, [task].

63-S illegal in operation in progress, [task].

69 possession of resources in progress, [task].

94 weapon in progress, [task].

95 illegal carrying in progress, [task].

99 reckless operation in progress, [task].

148 resisting arrest in progress, [task].

243 assault on Protection team in progress, [task].

404 riot in progress, [task].

415 civic disunity in progress, [task].

507 public non-compliance in progress, [task].

603 unlawful entry in progress, [task].

647-E disengaged from work force in progress, [task].

[location name] = Workforce intake hub, Transit block, Station block, Sector, Block, Canal block, Restricted block, Waste river, Storm system, Residential block, 404 zone, Production block, Distribution block
[location number] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
[subject] = UPI, Subject, Citizen, Anticitizen, Non-citizen, Sociocide, Freeman
[result] = permanent off-world service assignment, immediate amputation, 50 % reproduction credits, 50 % rank points
[task] = respond, investigate and report, all units at [location name] [location number] respond
[code⠀ word] = Administer, Amputate, Apply, Cauterize, Document, Examine, Inject, Inoculate, Intercede, Interlock, Investigate, Isolate, Lock, Preserve, Pressure, Prosecute, Restrict, Search, Serve, Sterilize, Suspend
[code⠀ number] = Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
2 kommentarer
Undercover 25 jun, 2023 @ 22:20 
Gordon approved:gordon::gordon:
Kyras 17 jun, 2023 @ 9:06 
The combine are so awesome bros