Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

92 人が評価
Trombo's Nutrition Helper (req. Simple UI Library)
54.034 KB
2023年1月26日 18時23分
2023年5月6日 19時32分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Trombo's Nutrition Helper (req. Simple UI Library)

How It Works
View your nutrition levels. Levels are color-coded to indicate if they are too high or too low. I'll soon post a video here to explain what happens when your levels are outside of the normal range (this is regular game effects of nutrition, my mod shows you when you are being effected but it does not change these effects).

How To Use
To access your nutrition information, right click on the ground and click "View Nutrition."

  • Don't forget to enable the Simple UI Library mod as well!
  • Change from image: By "Calories" you'll now also see "Metabolism." Metabolism is a multiplier on your calorie burn if you are idling or sleeping (the mod does not add this, it's just hidden information from the game).

Come join the fun! Everyone is invited to the TromboSpace Discord:

If you would ever consider gifting me a coffee or the like or if you're curious about the rest of my content, please check me out on Patreon:

Workshop ID: 2924092162
Mod ID: TrombosNutritionHelper
34 件のコメント
SunSu Draconis 1月1日 16時22分 
+1 for B42!:steamhappy:
[76] Kampin Karl 2024年12月28日 15時28分 
Is this mod getting updated for B42? I really like it, this should be basegame.
jotapilsen 2024年12月23日 22時29分 
stagefright85 2024年9月8日 10時46分 
Is there a way to show nutrition just when you open health screen, instead of right clicking ground?
Arena22 2024年6月17日 12時37分 
"The panel not showing up, Try Ctrl + right click. IDK why but this ended up bringing up the Nutrition panel option again."

This did not work for me, the panel still not showing up.

Any help?
Trombonaught  [作成者] 2024年2月14日 22時45分 
@TheQuangster hmm Simple UI hasn't had any updates and neither has this... this mod makes a check to your stats every 5 minutes iirc, so it shouldn't be that noticeable. I haven't noticed a hit myself, but if anyone reading this has noticed the same please let me know.
TheQuangster 2024年2月12日 16時31分 
Performance takes a huge hit with this mod enabled. Unsure if it's this mod or Simple UI Library causing it.
Weol 2024年1月18日 18時46分 
Outstanding mod! also your explanation video deserves its own spot in the guides area. I had a good grasp of the nutrition system but the video REALLY lays it out. And the panel makes it easy to keep on ^_^
StanleyHavok 2023年8月23日 15時26分 
The panel not showing up, Try Ctrl + right click. IDK why but this ended up bringing up the Nutrition panel option again.
totallynoteski 2023年8月10日 4時45分 
having the same issue as others where it doesn't show up in right click menu, has fix been found?