Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

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Secrets and Tips for Getting Started in Cyberpunk 2077
Készítő: Gr1mdec
This page of my guide includes a set of Cyberpunk 2077 starter tips. I have prepared various tips and tricks for beginners.

They revolve around the exploration of the world, stealth mechanics, combat, and leveling up the protagonist.
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Tip #1: Don't get hung up on role-playing games
This is not to say that the choice of background should be taken extremely seriously. Because it will only affect the first half hour of the game. Over time, unique plot lines will open up and certain phrases will appear, but all this will not be in abundance.

In addition, no matter who you start playing, the character will still be a kind of "kid from the neighborhood." Even if the character in the past was an office plankton. Thus, it would be better to take the backstory if you want more canonicity, a child of the streets or a nomad. On the other hand, the corporate will open up the opportunity to play the game as a scoundrel - this path will be familiar to all those who want to play some kind of renegade from the Mass Effect series.

However, the corporate will also have the opportunity to play the role of a positive character. Therefore, a positive ending can be obtained even in this scenario. After all, not a single choice, except for the final ones, radically changes anything. Therefore, you can not go in cycles strongly on role-playing.
Tip #2: You don't need a high level of difficulty
Before you decide on the difficulty, you need to know that the choice of difficulty will only determine the outgoing and incoming amount of damage. As well as the health of the opponents. At the same time, the gameplay does not fundamentally change at all. Roughly speaking, at a high level of difficulty, you just have to “pick” enemies for a long time, but no more.

In this regard, if this is your first playthrough, then it is better to choose, for example, the average difficulty level, thanks to which you can enjoy moderate action and storyline. But a high level of difficulty should be chosen only by those who are already well acquainted with the game, due to which they understand the mechanics and what needs to be pumped in the first place.
Tip #3: Don't Download Everything
With pumping in the game, things are almost the same as with when you need to choose a backstory. And in short: the game will absolutely not limit your choice in any way and will not punish you for making the wrong choice of skills. Especially if you play on a low difficulty level, although on higher difficulties you should not freely scatter skill points in any case.

The essence of the advice is that you do not need to try to mold a character from a universal character or a “jack of all trades”. Try to just focus on the core skills. In addition, fully pumped open in their "branches" at the end of the best abilities that always look better than any standard features.

However, it cannot be said that if you do not have enough “Technique” or “Strength”, the character will lose a lot. Since quite often skills begin to duplicate each other. For example, if you don't get to secretly crack doors, then there will always be second doors that you can knock out corny.
Tip #4: "Technique" is useful to everyone
Regardless of which type of passage you choose, "Technique" will be required for everyone. Especially for those who want to get legendary items. The main reason is crafting. For example, if there are no skills related to technology, then it will not be possible to create items, as well as improve them. However, if you want to create legendary items, then you need level 18 in Technique.

In addition, if you contact crafting, then it is imperative to pump the skill "Creating Parts" and "Automatic Garbage Dismantling". Plus, a skill that reduces the cost to create will not be superfluous, because cool equipment will require a huge number of components. And since it is either difficult or expensive to obtain or buy all this, the skill will be indispensable. Although if you do not plan to engage in crafting, it is still recommended to download the equipment for the sake of parsing garbage, which can later be sold for good money.

And finally, in the “Techniques” branch, we also recommend that you take immunity to explosions from your own explosives without fail. At first glance, this may seem like complete nonsense. However, in Cyberpunk 2077, it is actually easier to explode from your own explosives than from the enemy.
Tip #5: Not all implants will be useful
Unfortunately, not all implants in the game are implemented at the proper level. And this is not counting the fact that they do not change the appearance of the character. On the other hand, some of them will still be of great benefit. For example:

For those who have invested well in the reaction, Mantis Blades will do.

For those who play the role of a formidable enforcer, Gorilla Hands will do.

For those who have invested in composure, Leska is definitely suitable.

In addition, it is mandatory for the character to install a modification for the legs on riperdocs, which makes it possible to jump as high as possible. Or, alternatively, you can install an analogue of this implant, which makes it possible to make a double jump.
Tip #6: Do side quests
We strongly recommend that you do side missions between the main tasks, since from time to time you need to swing. Of course, the quests won't have serious requirements in terms of level and stats, but more advanced characters will be able to unlock some new dialogue options. In general, the higher the level of the character, the greater the variety in the passage awaits him.
Tip #7: Build Reputation
Reputation is an extremely important indicator in Cyberpunk 2077. Because thanks to reputation, new tasks will open. In addition, after clearing areas, new tasks will also open. At the same time, it is worth considering that the maximum reputation level is 50, but it is actually quite easy to get to this mark if you actively clear areas.

Tip #8: Don't feud with Johnny
Unfortunately, the developers have decided not to reward players for internal struggle with Johnny, so there is no point in fighting him and confronting him. Moreover, if you are friends with him, then a huge number of new quests will open, unique items and other equally useful content will open. However, if you are at enmity with him, then this content will not be able to be seen. Therefore, those players who want to feud with Johnny and oppose will be disappointed, especially in the ending. Because nothing but a sad ending can not be seen.

Tip #9: Don't Lose Iconic Weapons
In no case should you sell or dismantle iconic equipment. Because there is no way to create a cult weapon again, and it, in turn, is required to create cooler weapon options. So in no case do not lose the iconic weapon.
Beginning of the game and role-playing
The choice of a character's backstory should be taken seriously: it determines the first 20-30 minutes of the game, opens up unique storylines, influences the ending, and provides a few special phrases in the dialogue that help your roleplaying.

No matter where you start, your character, V, will always be the "kid from the neighborhood" - even if he worked in the office for several years. Given this and the events of the game, the path of the nomad (Nomad) and the child of the streets (Street Kid) will be more canonical. The Corpo is an option for a second, "sleazy" playthrough if you want to look at the path in the spirit of a renegade from Mass Effect.

However, nothing prevents you from playing like this in the very first run - the game does not set any restrictions. Even as a corporate, you can play a good guy and reach a positive ending. Almost all choices in the game, except for the key ones before the very end, do not affect anything and only change the details and methods of passing intermediate episodes and additional missions.
Pumping is divided into five characteristics, which include 2-3 branches of abilities that affect several different aspects of the hero.

Force. Melee combat, heavy weapons and stamina. A strong character will be able to more successfully bully opponents in dialogue, kick doors, tear off machine guns from turrets and fire them.

Reaction. Blades, rifles, pistols. The only branch where there are no non-combat skills at all. The best choice for dodgers, stealthers and other opponents of heavy weapons.

Technics. Crafting, working with mechanics, energy weapons (it can break through walls). An experienced technician can notice important things when discussing robots and machines, as well as show off their wits in dialogues on the topic of repair.

Intelligence. Hacking, programming. Hacking, cheating machines, reprogramming turrets and cameras - it's all about the mind. Also affects dialogs related to code and hacking.

Coolness. A thread entirely dedicated to stealth and how you carry yourself in conversations. Unlocks V with more calm and cool response options in some dialogues, as well as a powerful passive ability that is useful in combat.

In total, the hero has 50 possible levels, for which he receives 50 points of characteristics (not counting those that you will be given at the beginning of the game). You can scatter them evenly and be able to do everything little by little, but it’s better to choose two main characteristics for yourself and pump them up to a maximum of 20 points, and either scatter the remaining ten at will or invest in something third: for example, in the same reaction so that you had a larger selection of weapons.

Keep in mind that 20 points in reaction will not give you anything other than combat skills - there are no abilities in this branch that increase your income or skills outside of battles. And no one needs composure, except for fans of pure stealth: even a loud cabinet-silovik can covertly go through the game, composure only increases the already working invisibility and allows you to inflict monstrous damage from weapons with a silencer.

Therefore, the advice is this: be clear on who you want to win back and scatter the additional 50 stat points in a 20-20-10 pattern - two main stats, one additional and everything else a little bit.

Of course, you can ignore our recommendations and choose anything (especially on easy-medium difficulty), but it is much more interesting to play when you know one thing very well. Yes, and high difficulties still require thoughtful pumping, if you do not want to suffer.
Based on the "canonical" roleplay, we can recommend the following set:
Corporat: intelligence and composure + reaction and technique. So you will have a master of hacking, able to sneak into the territory of the enemy with a silencer on the weapon. In the event of an open confrontation, it will be fought off with the help of a short barrel, rifles and blades (ordinary swords or wrist weapons). Due to slightly pumped equipment, he will be able to slightly improve equipment. Strength can be ignored - with stealth you will not need it anywhere, except for rare boss battles, which, however, can also be taken with stealth skills with good ingenuity and pumping.

Street Child: Strength and Technique/Intelligence plus 10 points to choose from. It's more logical for a gopnik from the bottom of society to be a mountain of muscles, and invest the rest in what you like best. Technique will allow you to create the best equipment, intelligence - to hack enemies and get money from stealing other people's data. As a result, you will get a terminator machine that can assemble a huge machine gun for itself and open steel doors with its hands.

Nomad: technique and reaction plus 10 points to choose from. Nomads are better suited for sniper rifles and energy weapons, to which you can optionally add all the same intelligence for hacking and strength for stamina or close combat if you are not a fan of swords. With this layout, the character will become a skilled mechanic from the Wasteland, able to cut enemies with blades and shoot them with a sniper rifle or revolver. Well, or energy weapons, if you want to be a real combat engineer.

Characteristics determine the maximum threshold of your abilities: that is, if you have 10 reactions, then you will not pump blades, rifles and short barrels above 10. Abilities develop according to The Elder Scrolls scheme - the more you use, the better you do it. Only affects damage and effectiveness: a character who cannot shoot a machine gun will be able to use it if his strength allows. It’s just that there will be little use for this: the damage from the weapon depends on whether you downloaded the characteristic, abilities and the necessary perks. The shotgun will be like shooting salt from the reaction priority player, and the revolvers will turn into water pistols in the hands of the enforcer.

Ability points are given not only for a new level, but also for the development of these same abilities, as well as rare chips that can sometimes be found among loot. That is, there are much more than 50 points for obtaining perks in the game, they can be spent more freely.
A few more tips for pumping
In the tech tree, be sure to take immunity to explosions from your grenades. Useful, as it is very easy to get blown up by your explosives.

Do not download knife throwing in the branch of composure. This is a surprisingly useless perk.

Vehicles are needed by all characters, regardless of the type of game, if you want legendary equipment. The reason is craft. Without tech skills, you won't be able to improve and create things, and if you want to craft legendary equipment, you need skill level 18.

If you are going to craft, upgrade the following two abilities: automatic scrapping (unnecessary items for sale will immediately turn into crafting parts and will give you experience for scrapping) and creating parts from other parts of a lower rank. A skill for a reduced cost of creation and improvement will also be useful: the best equipment requires too many parts, and it is very difficult to get them, let alone buy them. If you don’t need craft, don’t download garbage analysis, it’s better to sell it.

All branches have an infinite ability in which you can invest an unlimited number of points. Think thrice before doing this: there are a lot of abilities in the game that are more useful to invest in than another increase in crits.

If you develop intelligence and hacking, invest in the skill of increasing the amount of money for stealing other people's data. This is a profitable source of income, and if you master the local mini-game, then each theft will bring you a thousand or two eurodollars, which is very good.

If you need pistols or blades as an additional weapon, and not as a main weapon, then 10 reaction points should be enough for you (at least on medium difficulty).

For good implants, breaking most doors and other little things, 8 strength is enough for you. The best implants will require 12, but this is already an extra expense - leave it to the enforcers.

If you do not want to download stealth and do not plan to make a completely invisible character with a silencer - just forget about composure. You won't lose anything if you don't download it. You can go through the whole game on stealth without investing a single skill in it. So it is only needed by ardent fans of the most inconspicuous game and those who want to win back a calm mercenary.
Unfortunately, the augmentations in Cyberpunk 2077 are rather modestly implemented: a bunch of passives that do not change your appearance, and four combat arm implants that change hand models.

Mantis blades. The choice of those who have invested as much as possible in the reaction and especially in the blades - augmentation receives all the bonuses of bladed weapons. Useful if you want to save a weapon slot (the blades are on the fist button) or if you don't have a normal sword or knife.

Gorilla hands. An excellent choice for enforcers and those who find it difficult to complete melee missions, as they can be used in the ring.
Fishing line. Pretty weak weapon without leveling composure, whose bonus is area damage. Not a particularly necessary thing, you can ignore.

Rocket launcher. Free infinite explosives with low accuracy and rate of fire. There is not much use, since the rocket launcher takes up a grenade slot and is less effective than a banal hand explosive spam. It flies more precisely and faster, and a pack of five grenades is much more useful than one slanting rocket from an implant for a lot of money, which also does not apply to grenade bonuses.

Of the useful things for riperdocks, be sure to put yourself a leg implant that allows you to jump high. Or its counterpart with a double jump. These are almost the most useful augmentations in the game, which will greatly facilitate your passage. Hackers will benefit from an implant with increased memory for hacking, and characters with eight or more points of strength will benefit from an improved skeleton with a 40% increase in health.
What to do in the city
The number of side activities at first can turn your head. Night City is jam-packed with all sorts of content, and chances are you'll want to watch or do everything you can get your hands on. But this is a dangerous path - you will almost certainly quickly get tired of either the excess of monotonous missions.

To make it easier for you, remember: everything interesting in the game is marked in yellow. The most set and more or less plot tasks are marked in the corresponding section of the magazine. These tasks are given to you directly by the characters by phone call. By the way, if another friend calls with an urgent request at the wrong time, you can just say that you are busy now. Then you can just call back at a convenient time and start the quest.
General Campaign and Side Mission Tips
Activities marked with blue labels are strictly optional farming of resources and money. If you do not want to deal with outposts and towers, feel free to skip. Everything interesting is yellow, except for Silverhand Tarot cards. They have a separate mission.

Try to complete side tasks between missions to pump up. Tasks do not have serious requirements for the level and your performance numbers - just a more developed hero will have more interesting options for dialogues and passage. The higher your level, the more variety. Well, strength too.

Reputation on the streets opens up new missions for you. If you have cleared one area, then expect new missions to appear in it later. The maximum 50 renown levels up very quickly and is easy to get by clearing a couple of districts.

It is not necessary to spend money on buying cars. The city is full of fast travel points, and other people's vehicles can be stolen by threatening the driver with a gun (although you can't call someone else's car later or use its trunk as a warehouse). In general, the cars here differ from each other mainly in appearance, and local races can be won almost on foot. Plus, several vehicles are given to you for free in the story. Given the brutal prices for cars, there is no point in buying them - only if you set yourself the goal of collecting.
Be sure to complete the mission with finding Delamain's taxi. This is a full-fledged story quest, although from the beginning it looks like a banal search for seven items.

It is better not to quarrel with Silverhand. The war with the inner rocker will not give you anything, but the union will open up a huge number of tasks, unique items and other content that will be a shame to miss. Alas, for those who want to compete with Keanu Reeves, there is nothing in the game - except perhaps the appropriate endings. By the way, if during his missions you are offered the key to the container, be sure to agree.
Take your actions seriously. If you listen to the terms of the quest or don't listen to the character's advice, you may fail the quest. If a character asks you not to kill people, even if it's a bunch of killers, don't expect thanks for completing the task with noise and gunfire.

It is not worth exploring the very first area from the prologue clean. Better focus on the story. As soon as the big Cyberpunk 2077 inscription appears on the screen, the prologue will end, and now you are free to both explore the entire Night City and close all the side effects.

Don't leave the main side quests for later. The obligatory campaign here is very small, since most of the well-placed tasks are hidden in the "sides". In addition, friends' quests open up new paths and even endings.
Think ahead
In Cyberpunk 2077, you won't be able to become a jack of all trades, so when creating your character, pay attention not only to the thickness of the beard and the length of other interesting places, but also to your initial characteristics. Think about which style of passing you are most close to. The game will almost always give you a choice: stealth, hand-to-hand combat, firearms, or advanced hacking of the security systems and microchips of the enemies themselves. Improvements on the upgrade tree will help you effectively and without much energy to solve the most difficult situations, both during the battle and outside the battles.

Check your health
Articles have already appeared on the Internet in which the authors complain that some visual effects in the world of Cyberpunk can provoke real headaches and even epileptic seizures in people with a corresponding history. The main trigger can be "brandens" - attractions of the future in the form of a virtual reality system in which the characters observe and feel all kinds of life scenes, most often pornographic or shocking content. These recordings often consist of a lot of flashes, flashes, harsh sounds, graphic artifacts, image distortion, so be careful if you are prone to painful reactions to such things.

Don't hesitate to get trained
Of course, the game is quite intuitive in terms of basic mechanics and controls, but still, we strongly advise you to take a tutorial in the prologue. It is very short and will help to consolidate all the skills that will be useful to you in the future.

Don't rush through the story
Once in Night City, do not rush through the main quests. Walk around the city, explore the surroundings, find interesting side activities, communicate with different characters, and most importantly - try to earn as much money as possible. This often doesn't matter much in games, but in Cyberpunk, extra cash in your pocket can help you out in a critical situation, changing the course of events.

Look for workarounds and stay out of trouble
Leveling up your hero plays an important role in Cyberpunk 2077. Many quests and tasks will be marked with a red mark of “high danger” until you reach the desired condition. Do not try to break through the concrete wall with a kitchen knife - in almost all missions you can find alternative paths, and if the enemies press too hard - step back, build up muscles, brains and cybernetics in your body. Despite the rich selection of weapons - this is not a shooter. You can't solve problems with clever headshots.

Drive carefully
When you're behind the wheel, there is an underlying desire to start playing Grand Theft Auto, knocking down pedestrians left and right. In Find City, this does not work, especially in wealthy areas where the police are as tough as possible. There will be no ceremony. Sometimes a couple of shots are enough for the cops to send you to the next world.
Obvious answers don't always help
The dialogue system in Cyberpunk always challenges your wits. Even if you see an icon that indicates a unique line due to your hero's backstory or high intelligence skill, it doesn't mean that it will automatically benefit you. Sometimes it happens that completely non-obvious remarks can open up new branches of dialogue that will help you out at a difficult moment. Think beyond the usual patterns of video games. Analyze your interlocutor and look for an individual approach to him.

Don't collect junk
In the process of passing the game, you will inevitably collect a lot of items, weapons and just garbage, which will interfere with navigating in your inventory. In Night City, it is not necessary to look for merchants to get rid of trash. Find a self-contained parcel terminal, unload everything you don't need there and get a small profit.
Try to make the most of it
Passing story quests, he will be attentive to the smallest details, take into account all the nuances, search every centimeter of space in search of things that can help you. Check and recheck items received from side characters. Side quests can also contain extremely useful items that can help you in the future. Do not ignore the opportunity to ride through the whole city to complete the task in 100%.

↓ 8 Cyberpunk 2077 Things You Can't Miss ↓
Find all the missing Delamain cabs

After the prologue, you will return your car. It is located in the parking lot next to Megatower H10. If you don't know where to go, mark the side quest "Where's my car, chumba?" in your journal. As soon as you get into it, a Delamaine taxi will crash into the car, after which it will disappear from the scene of the accident. You will be contacted by the main AI and informed about the possibility of receiving compensation.

In the end, by following the Compensation quest, you will unlock the Reintegration quest, during which you need to return 7 cars. At first glance, it's boring. Cars are scattered in different parts of the world, including in the wastelands. But the quests associated with each of them are unique and fun in their own way. And after finding all the cars, you will unlock the most interesting ending, in which V will have to make a difficult decision. And at the end, the taxi will become part of V's garage!
Work with River Ward

At some point in the game, you will be given the contacts of Police Detective River Ward. As soon as NPC missions become available, immediately take them on. You will get to know him through the side quest "Guardians of Disorder" by Elizabeth Perales.

In the future, one of the best chains of side quests awaits you. V will become embroiled in a dark and twisted series of events involving Night City's notorious serial killer. And River is one of the partners for the sex scene, but only if your V is a girl.
Use an eye implant

The first cyber-implant V receives in the story is Kiroshi's new optics. After installing the implant, if V has no weapons in his hands, holding RMB will allow you to move the camera a little closer. But the game will not inform you that further scrolling of the mouse wheel will allow you to zoom in / out of this zoom. This is a great feature when you need to keep an eye on distant targets, cameras or turrets in stealth mode. Or just to explore some of the details of Night City.

Well, do not forget to activate the scanner in order to examine objects, things and analyze enemies. Sometimes, identifying vulnerabilities can save your skin, especially against thick-skinned enemies.
Buy an Akira bike

As you progress through the game, you will receive constant messages from various fixers and other characters who sell cars and other vehicles. At some point, a message will come from Wakako, the leader of the Tiger Claws gang, and she will offer to buy a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X motorcycle for 22,000 Eurodollars.

It's a great bike and once you get it, you won't want to get behind the wheel of a car again. Kusanagi is parked in Westbrook, near the Skyline and Salinas fast travel point.
Talk to the cops in V's megatower

After completing the prologue, you will see a couple of police officers trying to get through to V's neighbor on the floor below. They seem to be worried about the guy inside, whose name is Barry. It may seem that this is one of the side scenarios that you can just watch a little, but in fact, communication with the police activates an unusual and touching side quest.

The quest has multiple endings. Show interest in Barry and you can get the best of them!
Meet Meredith Stout

At the beginning of the game, you will be given the opportunity to cooperate with Meredith Stout, one of the senior employees of Militech. If you meet her and complete the quest on her terms (or just don't pay Royce in the quest "Crash into the Maelstrom" by killing him immediately), she will call you later and invite you to her motel.

This will be a bed scene during the "Venus in Furs" spin-off, and at the end of it you will receive the iconic club "Vstanislav Shishkin". Yes, yes, the same dildo. Unfortunately, the sex scene with Meredith is similar to any scene with a prostitute in the game.
Explore the bar at Conpekey Plaza

During the first global mission, you will visit with Jackie Konpeki Plaza - a luxury hotel owned by the Arasaka company. When you arrive there, disguised as arms dealers, V and Jackie will stop at the bar where the cyborg is luring you. There will be an opportunity to go further or look into the bar.

Definitely, you should stop by the bar, because here you will meet a cameo of one of the most important people in the gaming industry - Hideo Kojima. You can even listen to what this "Japanese genius" has to say.
Visit vending machines

If you play like me, you will pick up literally everything that is crooked in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. But since there are some restrictions on carrying capacity, V will soon be simply overloaded with this approach. You won't be able to run and will get other debuffs. You can find a shop, a dealer in weapons, things, and so on, but it's much easier to get to the nearest vending machine. Such devices are marked on the map as a "cardboard box".

Press J to immediately drop all the junk, and then sort the weapons by price and sell the cheapest for sure. Remember that iconic weapons can be upgraded to match the V level, as well as increase their rarity with the right components.
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27 megjegyzés
Gr1mdec  [készítő] 2024. dec. 13., 11:11 
steve 2024. dec. 12., 18:25 
even in 2024 this guide was helpful to me thank you so much friend
Gr1mdec  [készítő] 2024. okt. 17., 7:52 
For You <3
♥ XTS ♥ 2024. okt. 16., 23:38 
Amazing! Great work! Rated, Favorited, Awarded.
Much Appreciated! :_T_::_Y_:

I do, however, keep my junk. I sell only the valuable junk. :) The rest I break down into parts for upgrades. (One man's trash is another man's treasure - or woman's, in my case. lol)

Thanks for the screenshot tips, too :D Early on, I did not know some of the tricks. Missed a lot of good shots, I'm sure I did.
Vigilante 2023. aug. 27., 15:59 
Dang, a lot of effort went into this post. Thank you for the guide!
O.G.Trashboat 2023. jún. 21., 4:54 
Setting junk to be automatically dismantled is a mistake IMO. There are some items that are better off being sold to a vendor for $.
Nymhorndynn 2023. ápr. 30., 15:05 
some junk items sell for a couple of hundred eddies. a shame to throw all that cash away especially beginning the game when money is an issue. You will definitely earn more money than you can spend (eventually), but you will also be lev 50 with 50 street rep...eventually... :)
Juzi 2023. ápr. 21., 14:13 
You need to take an english course dude
Slush E 2023. ápr. 19., 15:30 
this is not a good guide and u explain things horribly and ur grammar and sentence forming is awful it was hard to read more than 2 sentences m8 most of this doest even make sense
Dr. Satan 2023. ápr. 8., 7:46 
TECH isn't technique. It's short hand for technology