Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Rise of the Lion - Czechoslovakia Rework
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Rise of the Lion - Czechoslovakia Rework


Rise of the Lion features a completely new focus tree for Czechoslovakia and Slovakia. The new Czechoslovakian focus tree consists of the following paths:
1. Communist path - Embrace the revolution through its various interpretations and ally or fight the Soviets
2. Democratic path - Join the Allies, or take your destiny into your own hands by forming the Danubian Confederation or restoring the Entente
3. Fascist path - Ally with Italy and Poland, take Silesia back from Germany and form Great Moravia, or go a step further and unite all Slavs under one flag
4. Habsburg path - Restore Austria-Hungary and realize Kaiser Otto's paneuropean dreams.
5. Lobkowicz path - Restore the glory of the late Přemyslid dynasty by taking over Poland and Hungary while also dealing with various estates.
6. Liechtenstein path - Work with the aristocracy to build a great nation and to form the South German Confederation.
7. Wittelsbach path - Take over Bavaria and avenge the losses suffered by the Wittelsbach family all over Europe.
8. Hussite path - Embrace the Hussite spirit and fight against all who dare invade, once again defeating them.
9. SDP path - Start an uprising in the Sudetenland and, depending on the world situation, either rejoin your brothers in the Fatherland or restore fascist rule in Germany

The Slovak focus tree consists of 3 main paths.
1. Fascist Path - Become an 'equal partner' of Germany and help realize the final victory, securing Slovakia's place in the new order.
2. Crusader Path - Banish the fascists from the Ludak party and embark on one last Crusade to end all Crusades.
3. Communist Path - Overthrow the Ludak regime and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat, spreading communism to Czechia and Poland and eventually forming Zapadoslavia.

If you conquer France as historical Germany, you can also release and play as Burgundy, which has its own focus tree.

Note on DLCs - Since Paradox merged Death or Dishonor and Waking the Tiger into the base game, DLC ownership should no longer have any impact on the Rise of the Lion experience. However, we still recommend having all DLCs enabled.
Note on Compatibility - The mod is not compatible with any mods that alter Czechoslovakia or Germany or add new states. Mods that alter Hungary or Poland may have minor issues.

Vanilla Super Events for being our template for the superevents, the two mods are fully compatible with each other and we recommend using it alongside Rise of the Lion
CaptChetson for Jan Syrový's portrait
Hoi4 Axis Rework for a few portraits
No more generics for Khrushchev's portrait
Map mod used in some screenshots: Updated WW's Map +

Discussões Populares Ver todos (2)
11 out. 2024 às 15:20
AFIXADO: Bug Reporting
Sir Lancelot
28 dez. 2023 às 10:20
There should be a way to subvert the munich conference like Dreams of Greater Austria.
179 comentários
baucom444 Há 16 horas 
máš soundtrack k úvodní hudbě? je to krásné. také zbožňuji tvůj mod, úžasná práce
baucom444 Há 16 horas 
do you have the soundtrack for the menu music? it’s beautiful
Sir Lancelot  [autor] 9 de mar. às 5:27 
@martinecfilip12 byl to bug uz je to fixed
martinecfilip12 8 de mar. às 4:59 
Omlouvám se, že ruším, ale snažil jsem se vyhodit Beneše, ale nikdy nemohu dostat NSJ, aby vyhrály volby. Prosím o radu. Děkuji
randkenyon1980 28 de fev. às 21:30 
how to get the national spirit "crisis in the sudetenland"
midget 25 de fev. às 9:10 
frajer tpč :steamthumbsup:
yamato.1945 24 de fev. às 8:28 
Can U teach me how to play it in Japanese?
Sir Lancelot  [autor] 18 de fev. às 5:50 
@theoreogamer9386 disable any other mods that change the czechoslovak focus tree
theoreogamer9386 17 de fev. às 15:17 
doesnt work for me just gives basic focus tree got any fixes
Mikey 17 de fev. às 7:27 