Kirima Syaro banner 2023
"More spotlight for Kirima Syaro~

No explanation this time, it took more time than i expected. Spend 2 - 4 hours just to make this coz i forget how to make banner honestly. Gladly i remember everything. This one is a new experiment, because i put more effect. Of course if i put much effect the quality getting worse. It's fine with original size but when need to be compressed, it goes really bad. Why i still show this? not because how i tried, it is because only this what i have xD. Too tired if make another one. And i thought in full screen it is better. I'd just know that Steam now only accept less than 5MB and it's really annoying.

Note: Now Steam only accept banner size under 5MB in my case and it make the quality pretty bad (even though less than 8MB is better)"