Crusader Kings III
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EK2 Undead Expanded
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16 січ. 2023 о 10:41
5 верес. 2024 о 10:35
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EK2 Undead Expanded

Elder Kings 2 Submod - Undead Expanded
Ever wanted to march your vast Undead armies across Tamriel, leading known civilization into an Age of Darkness, but your small minded Vassals just keep trying to murder you? Well no more! Undead Expanded offers you the opportunity to create a new (better) Empire for everyone (you)!

What this Mod does

Currently this mod allows player Necromancers to turn any prisoner into a loyal Undead Thrall, this does the following:
  • Requires Journeyman Necromancer Perk to use
  • Turns the selected character into an Undead
  • Changes the character to look like a Lich
  • Increases their Opinion of you by 1000
  • Gives you a Strong Hook on them
  • Changes their Culture and/or Religion to yours, should you so choose
  • Strips them of their flesh, should you wish to
  • Recruits them to your Court
  • They will not plot against you
  • They are considered criminals and you may do with them as you please
  • Costs 40 Magicka to cast
  • Any valid execution reason will allow you to perform this action without repercussion, otherwise you may find yourself faced with a tyranny penalty

Does not work on other Undead.

Will work on Landed Characters.
Before they are turned they will be deposed and replaced by their heir, who will watch helplessly as their predecessor is reduced to a mindless slave.

Ascend Undead
Transform mindless Undead into powerful Liches with this fun party trick! (Diving into the Soul Cairn and retrieving their Soul).
  • Cost: 60 Magicka
  • Required Perks: Master Necromancy
  • Turns any Undead into a Lich
  • Grants you a Strong Hook for 100 Years
  • Grants you a 200 Opinion modifier (Decaying) for 100 Years

Grant Lichdom Blessing
A new interaction found in the magic section. Offer characters you have personal relations with or exert control over the opportunity to become an immortal Lich. Costs the same as becoming a Lich yourself. Their acceptance depends on a number of factors including:
  • Religious acceptance of Liches and their legal status
  • Your personal relation
  • Personality traits
  • Their health
You can see the exact modifiers both in game or in the files. For more info check the changelog. Please note that characters with a Lich Blessing retain their agency and will not become your obedient servants.

Shed Flesh
Any Lich Character may now shed their flesh and attain a beauty standard super models around the world will hate you for. Simply right click your own character and choose the "Shed Flesh" interaction to relieve yourself of muscle and fat.

Craft Flesh
Don't recognize yourself in the mirror anymore? Becoming a lich comes with some side effects that moisturizer alone can't fix. Fortunately, now there is a solution! Use the "Craft Flesh" interaction on an (un-)willing prisoner and banish maggots and mold from your reinvigorated body!

Steal Face
Tired of looking at the same face for 500+ years? What you should be doing is looking for a fresh new face at the top of your Evil Empire (and we're not talking about a change in leadership)! If you just don't feel comfortable in your own skin, the time has come to get comfortable in someone else's! Select from a wide range of ambitious vassals, unwanted bastards and unfortunate peasants and find the face that best fits you!

Major Restoration
Use the corpses of others merged with Black Magic to restore your crippled body's physical form to its truly terrifying potential once more.

Harvest Soul
Are your soul gems too easily depleted? Are rats and deer unable to sustain your truly megalomaniacal needs? Do you suffer from an overabundance of small minded enemies trying to keep you from unfolding your true potential? Well we have a solution that will solve all of your issues! With our new and improved Black Soul Gem technology you'll be executing your arcane rivals in an environmentally conscious and sustainable way in no time! Don't miss out on this special brand offer and secure your magic supremacy for but a token price!

What's planned for the future?

Will not be adding the possibility to resurrect dead courtiers or family members as to my knowledge this does not align with gameplay functionalities.
Коментарів: 191
COFindus  [автор] 15 січ. о 23:24 
Hey there Xardes! Assuming you have rolled back your CK3 version to the last one compatible with the Elder Kings 2 base mod then Undead Expanded is still fully functional.
Xardes 15 січ. о 17:28 
Does it still work?
COFindus  [автор] 26 листоп. 2024 о 8:24 
That means a lot! Thank you so much <3
Juraj Vysokaj 25 листоп. 2024 о 10:43 
This mod is the most precious treasure for me, it has been a long time since I had so much fun playing ek2!
Myphicbowser 11 жовт. 2024 о 3:37 
Great mod, but I'm going to admit that it was the blushing Skull that made me actually look at the page
COFindus  [автор] 21 верес. 2024 о 15:37 
Hey there Grey Ghost!

I think that would be an amazing feature that would greatly cut down on the rather unfortunate tendency of summoned armies to clog up the special units' section of the military screen. Unfortunately at least for the time being I would not be aware of a way to do this, as they are special regiments which are set not to reinforce at all (which is done during regiment creation and can thus not be adjusted later on to my knowledge).
Grey Ghost 14 верес. 2024 о 22:31 
a ritual to replenish undead companies could be cool.
Konstantin_Shio 14 верес. 2024 о 17:04 
Thanks for the reply. We'll have to try to do it. =)
COFindus  [автор] 14 верес. 2024 о 15:24 
Hey Konstantin!

My mod does not affect the likelihood of successfully becoming a lich because this would require messing with the base files, which is something I categorically do not do to prevent compatibility issues.

You can however use the Offer Lichdom interaction, assuming you befriend (or seduce) Mannimarco while having the required Perk to make him become a Lich as this interaction (currently) does not come with any associated risk.
Konstantin_Shio 12 верес. 2024 о 19:28 
Hi, I've been looking for a mod like this for a long time! Can you tell me if your mod affects the probability of becoming a Lich for master necromancers? I'm tired of watching Mannimarco, in almost every new campaign, fail to become a Lich and die.