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How to understand the alien language? 外星语言解读指南
By 冰河洗剑
The hidden theme of the game is actually "understanding/communication," which runs throughout the game but is not easily noticeable. It’s only when players find themselves bewildered by how to choose at the ending, and unintentionally trigger the understanding ending without knowing why, that they realize there is something more. Here, I will specifically highlight the "understanding" part, teaching everyone how to learn the alien language and understand the ending.

A guide to help you understand the alien language | 外星语言解读指南
On the surface, the core theme of the game appears to be family, which is evident from the straightforward presentation of the game, and some of the endings align with this theme. However, the hidden theme of the game is actually "understanding/communication," which runs throughout the game but is not easily noticeable. It’s only when players find themselves bewildered by how to choose at the ending, and unintentionally trigger the understanding ending without knowing why, that they realize there is something more. Here, I will specifically highlight the "understanding" part, teaching everyone how to learn the alien language and understand the ending.


The key to understanding the alien language involves three points: children's graffiti, observing small spheres, and attempting communication. There are five instances of graffiti in the game. The first one is found in the cave where the child is located. Behind three blue circles, there is a drawing of a person. Later, you will encounter three purple triangles, three red circles, blue-purple-purple, blue-red-purple, and a single purple triangle. These graffiti all appear to be drawn by the child (presumably after being abducted by aliens) and are all in the background. They are easy to overlook on the first playthrough.


The second point involves interacting with alien spheres. Throughout the game, you will encounter several alien spheres that attempt to communicate with us using a language consisting of three-word phrases. However, we cannot understand them on the first playthrough. For example, the first sphere you encounter, while trapped behind a fence, will say "red-purple-purple." After you help it escape, it will say "purple-red-red." Later, when it meets another sphere, they will say "blue-red-blue" to each other. In fact, the meanings are quite easy to guess, but players don't usually think about it on their first playthrough. Additionally, there are 10 other exploratory sphere scenes in the game related to the achievement "First Contact." Finding and observing them will reveal many other words.

第二点就是外星小球与我们的互动,流程中会遇到多处外星小球,他们常会用三个一组的语言与我们尝试交流,但我们第一遍肯定看不懂。比如,碰到的第一个小球想通过栅栏,会说红紫紫,帮他出去后他会说紫红红,之后他碰见同伴,互相会说蓝红蓝,其实很容易猜出意思,但首次玩的时候不会往那里想。此外,流程中还有10处可探索的小球场景,关联到一个成就“First Contact/初次见面,请多关照”,找到他们,观察他们,能发现不少其他的词汇。

The last point is attempting to communicate. We also have alien abilities, so we can try to communicate with them. In the early stages, we only have the blue ability, which allows us to express one meaning using a set of three words. In the middle stage, we acquire the red ability, which theoretically gives us eight combinations to use. However, in practice, only four of these combinations can be used for communication. In the late stage, after obtaining the purple ability, we only have one chance to communicate, which is at the end of the game. Therefore, the key lies in the middle and early stages. Finding the hidden spheres in the cave area is crucial for our communication attempts. By trying out the four combinations of red and blue, we can get feedback from the spheres. By combining the vocabulary we've seen before and the meanings we've guessed based on the behavior of the spheres, we can decipher the language.

Alien Language Glossary | 外星语言词汇表
The meanings of the following 11 words are quite clear. Once you learn them, you'll be able to understand all the dialogue at the end of the game.
  • Blue-Blue-Blue: Human/Human adult 蓝蓝蓝:人类/人类成人
  • Purple-Purple-Purple: Alien 紫紫紫:外星人
  • Red-Red-Red: Child (whether human or alien) 红红红: 小孩(不限人类还是外星人)
  • Blue-Red-Blue: Hello 蓝红蓝:你好 Blue Red Blue: Hello
  • Blue-Blue-Red: Who are you/What are you 蓝蓝红:你是谁/你是什么
  • Blue-Purple-Purple: Killing/death 蓝紫紫:杀戮/死亡
  • Red-Purple-Purple: Help 红紫紫:帮助
  • Blue-Red-Purple: Peace 蓝红紫:和平
  • Red-Red-Purple: Danger 红红紫:危险
  • Purple-Red-Red: Thank you 紫红红:谢谢
  • Purple: Destruction/Attack 紫:毁灭/攻击

The following words appear very rarely and their meanings are unclear, with some personal speculation:
  • Purple-Blue-Blue-Blue-Blue: Appears when the six spheres are in a meeting, which deviates from the usual pattern. Preceded by "Who are you," followed by the answer "Alien." My personal guess is it means something like "Who's the best."
  • Red-Blue-Blue and Blue-Red-Red: Uttered by the sphere in the car trunk before and after being released, respectively. The former is similar to "Red-Purple-Purple," meaning a plea for help. The latter is akin to "Purple-Red-Red," meaning thank you. These two could also be a result of confusion between red and purple.
  • Red-Purple-Red: When you tell the spheres in the cave "Child/Red-Red-Red," they respond with "Red-Purple-Red," suggesting a meaning akin to "Yes/Sure."
  • Blue-Purple-Blue: Two spheres converse in the mine, one saying "Alien/Purple-Purple-Purple," and the other responds with "Blue-Purple-Blue." The meaning is uncertain.
Ending analysis | 结局解析
The mothership activates a non-lethal illusion defense, simulating a human living environment in an attempt to control the protagonist. However, the protagonist sees through the illusion, regains the red-blue ability, and discovers numerous children trapped inside the mothership, but is unable to release them. Failure to dispel the illusion will trigger the "Acceptance" ending, where the protagonist remains trapped.


After the protagonist breaks free from the car murder trap, he finds the purple warrior and gains the crucial purple ability from her, which grants him the power to attack and destroy. With the purple ability, the protagonist frees many trapped children, finds numerous abducted humans, and is given the opportunity to dialogue with the alien leader.


In the crucial dialogue at the ending, the alien will first say "Blue-Red-Blue," meaning hello, and we respond accordingly.


Then, the alien will ask "Blue-Blue-Red," meaning who are you. If we say we are human, the alien will bring us to the chamber where our wife and child are held, and the price of their release is the protagonist's three abilities and his life. This unlocks the "Family First" ending. Later, the family returns home with the dog, while the aliens still control the world, and the house remains dilapidated.


If we say we are aliens, or respond randomly, the alien will think we are talking nonsense, and the alien leader will provide an illusion of family. Those who enter the illusion will remain trapped within it, triggering the "admit your fate again" ending.


If we answer that we are both human and alien (or vice versa), the alien will say "Blue-Blue-Blue" and "Blue-Purple-Purple," meaning human killings, referring to how humans killed the first arriving aliens for research purposes and turned many juveniles into fuel, which was the reason for their invasion.


There are three responses we can give: Aliens killed by humans (indeed, many people died); Aliens killed humans (same as above); Humans helped (humans are not just about killing, and not all humans are killers).


Then, the leader will say aliens help children, intending to offer humans the option of being ruled. There are three responses we can give: Aliens kill (emphasizing their actions); Aliens kill children (seemingly helping, but actually killing and destroying); Humans help children (humans can rule themselves and won't repeat past mistakes). With both worlds understanding each other, the "Understanding" ending, the most beautiful one, is triggered. Previous misunderstandings and killings are reconciled, and the aliens release all abducted humans, repair the damaged areas to some extent, and gradually leave the Earth.


Additionally, we can continue to use the purple ability to destroy the alien core, triggering the "World War" ending. The abducted humans and the alien leader perish together, all alien ships lose control, and humanity is ultimately decimated. Only the dog returns to the dilapidated home.

Plot Analysis 1 (Full Spoilers) | 剧情解析 1【完全剧透】
The first scene of the game shows a star and a spaceship, indicating a very early point in the timeline. Combining this with two other scenes viewed when regaining abilities on the spaceship, it becomes clear that a small part separated from the mothership in front of the star. When the spaceship arrived on Earth, three colored light spheres (representing three adult aliens) descended into the sea. It is speculated that the spaceship was captured by humans, and after the three light spheres fell into the sea, humans built an underwater research lab at the landing site. Scientists transferred the abilities represented by the three colors to three soldiers through their research. These soldiers used the blue and red abilities to manipulate alien materials to create armor and devices, and used the purple ability to gain offensive capabilities and energy. The cost was using alien orbs (alien juveniles) as fuel. Anticipating the consequences of their actions, humans built numerous spaceships based on alien technology and installed an alien cannon on the sea surface near the underwater base to fend off possible retaliation and invasion. News related to the aliens might have leaked, leading to widespread public fascination with the theme, including large-scale themed music festivals.


The main events of the game take place in the UK, as indicated by vehicles driving on the left side of the road and the paint job on the police cars. The term "Somerville" is not a place name and has no relation to Somerville College at Oxford University or the city of Somerville in the USA, as clarified by the developers. It likely represents a name or surname, possibly that of the protagonist and his son, given the game's family theme. The story revolves around a family of three and their dog, living in a rural farmhouse with a standalone garage, doghouse, and basement, enjoying a peaceful and quiet life. When the family falls asleep watching TV, a news broadcast begins reporting on an alien spaceship invasion, indicating a large-scale invasion with little human resistance as the signal is quickly cut off. When the protagonist sees a massive alien spaceship arriving, planes based on alien technology are the first to respond, suggesting they have not been destroyed or are the fastest. The cylindrical objects landing in the protagonist's yard are actually "bullets," a larger version of the projectiles fired by the alien quadrupeds seen later. The blue warrior crashes into the protagonist's yard and shows him scenes from the lab, intending to direct him there. However, the protagonist, overwhelmed after gaining the ability, passes out. Believing the protagonist to be dead, the female lead leaves with the child to find a safe place, even changing his clothes before departing. The dog, primarily cared for by the protagonist, refuses to leave and continues to guard him. A few days later, the protagonist's body finally adapts to the abilities, merging human and alien elements, and he revives as a hybrid.


After leaving home, the protagonist traverses a farm, a forest, and finally arrives at a hill. Along the way, he encounters several alien spheres, but with only the blue ability, he can only express a single word, and attempts at communication yield little success. The protagonist's blue ability cannot be directly used and requires the assistance of other luminous objects. These objects can liquefy alien material, leaving behind blue-colored fragments. The encounters with purple light are alien scanning beams, which suck up living beings upon detection, primarily used to retrieve juveniles and abduct humans, especially children. If encountering potentially hostile entities, they will shoot bullets to destroy them. Upon reaching the hill, it becomes clear that humanity is on the verge of extinction, either being killed or abducted, or trembling in shelters. The world is almost entirely under alien control. At the hill, three key symbols can be observed: a flag, a pyramid, and a church. Each location is significant, and the protagonist will visit them in sequence. The red warrior has long noticed our presence and has been observing and protecting us.

Plot Analysis 2 (Full Spoilers) | 剧情解析 2【完全剧透】
Starting from the signpost, the protagonist separates from the dog and traverses the entire area, which is a vast music festival zone. A few people are still hiding there, but most are taken by the purple scanning beams. The protagonist is attacked by alien quadrupeds, and at a critical moment, the red warrior rescues him and escorts him forward. However, after only a few minutes together, the protagonist accidentally falls into a mine shaft. The red warrior falls in an attempt to save him but is much more severely injured.

Deep in the mine, the red warrior uses his last breath to transfer his ability to the protagonist. Through a series of memory images, he directs the protagonist to the laboratory and, upon dying, transforms his body into a church-like shape, signaling the protagonist to go there first (an interpretation I believe I am the first to decipher). With the red ability, the protagonist can solidify alien liquefied material and even seal alien spheres and quadrupeds (which can be unsealed using the blue ability). This ability implies that, if used well, one could completely manipulate alien materials with their mind. The vocabulary expands to four words, enabling limited communication with hidden alien spheres.

After escaping the quadrupeds and emerging from the cave, the protagonist falls into a cold river, suffering significant injuries. He is unexpectedly carried to a human refuge where his dog, wife, and child are all present, leading to a family reunion.


After the reunion, the protagonist's wife, a medical professional, finds medication to heal his injuries. A crucial point here, which might cause confusion if not resolved, is why the family doesn't stay at the shelter. This is because the protagonist has a mission to fulfill—he must reach the laboratory, but before that, he must go to the church. Throughout the journey, we see many distant views of churches, including when we emerge from the cave. These churches have the same shape as the red warrior's transformed body and leave behind purple diamond-shaped markings as signs. Therefore, the protagonist is determined to go there, and his family is willing to follow. Unfortunately, they encounter the quadrupeds again on the way. Upon reaching the church, the purple warrior, waiting there, makes a heroic appearance and covers the protagonist's ascent into the aircraft, disregarding the importance of his wife and child, leaving them behind.

The protagonist is transported to the underwater laboratory, where he passes the red-blue test. The scientists believe he can replace the two warriors and, besieged by aliens, decide to use the ultimate weapon—the super cannon. The laboratory uses a large number of alien spheres as fuel. The cannon engine launches the protagonist and the purple warrior into the alien mothership, hoping they can destroy it.


The mothership activates a non-lethal illusion defense, simulating a human life environment in an attempt to control the protagonist. However, he sees through the illusion one by one, regains the red-blue abilities, and discovers numerous children trapped inside the mothership. Despite this, he cannot release them (failure to dispel the illusion triggers the "Acceptance" ending, trapping him inside). After breaking the car's murder trap, the protagonist finds the purple warrior and obtains the crucial purple ability from her, gaining offensive and destructive capabilities. Using the purple ability, he frees many trapped children, locates numerous abducted humans, and is given the opportunity to converse with the alien leader.

In the pivotal conversation at the end, the alien leader first says "blue-red-blue," meaning hello. After responding in kind, the alien leader asks "blue-blue-red," meaning who are you. If the protagonist claims to be human, the alien leader will bring the protagonist's wife and child to the chamber, with the cost of releasing them being the protagonist's life and the three abilities. This unlocks the "Family First" ending, after which the family returns home with the dog, but the aliens still control the world, and the house is in disrepair. If the protagonist claims to be an alien or responds randomly, the alien leader considers it nonsense, and the protagonist is trapped in an illusion created by the aliens.

If the protagonist answers that he is both human and alien (or vice versa), the alien leader will again say "blue-blue-blue, blue-purple-purple," meaning human slaughter, referring to humans killing the aliens who arrived first for research and using many juveniles as fuel, which is the reason for their invasion. We have three responses that can all pass: aliens slaughtering humans (indeed, many people died), aliens slaughtering humans (same reason), and humans helping (humans are not just about killing, nor do all humans kill). At this point, the leader will say that aliens help children, intending to provide humans with the option of being ruled. We have three responses that can pass: aliens slaughtering (continue to emphasize), aliens slaughtering children (meaning seemingly helping, but actually killing and destroying), humans helping children (humans can rule autonomously and will not repeat previous mistakes). The two worlds come to understand each other (Understanding ending), resolving past misunderstandings and killings. The aliens release all abducted humans, repair the previously damaged areas to some extent, and gradually leave the Earth.

Additionally, you can continue to use the purple ability to destroy the alien core, leading to the "World War" ending, where the abducted humans and the alien leader perish together, all alien ships lose control, and only the dog returns to the dilapidated home.

冰河洗剑  [author] 4 Aug @ 4:23am 
@el_mafia_88 Lo siento hermano, solo podía hablar inglés y chino. Puedes usar Google o ChatGPT para traducir.
el_mafia_88 4 Aug @ 4:17am 
en español por favor?
MorgooN7 11 Apr @ 11:06am 
Deep research, hats off lad
6lancmange 2 Jan @ 9:56pm 
I thought maybe you remembered the specific situation (other than communicating with the spheres), but that's fine!
冰河洗剑  [author] 2 Jan @ 9:49pm 
graffiti, alien spheres, and communication
6lancmange 2 Jan @ 7:42pm 
Thanks for this guide. Needed explanation of what the hell happened. I wonder, where do we learn the death/kill colour password? Is this something that the little alien spheres say?
Vipus 28 Nov, 2023 @ 7:21pm 
Jesus. This is terrible game design and horribly unintuitive. This game is a mess.
Torus 29 Oct, 2023 @ 10:35pm 
Thanks for this guide. I google for the language as well, and the discussion on Steam and Reddit also have obviously wrong translation, when one pays attention.
I played through a 2nd time with a lot of attention, and agree with your translation. Good job.

Also have you found a in game use for BlueRedPurple? I it shown in a wall drawing with HumanSphereChild and in the circle dance in the forest. Peace seems like a useful signal.
Torus 29 Oct, 2023 @ 10:34pm 
Yes. In the almost last chapter, where you cut through walls a lot, and end up multiple times in the cube sea with the sphere with a human child in it, where you look your arm to open the sphincter and then try to use your powers to get the purple sphere.
It might be 5 times in total you do that (an in the beginning, you are stopped by the purple beam).
So I opened the sphere, but did not do anything else and just watched the child.
Two of them had a flash light.
1 Girl (the 2nd sphere maybe) looks at notes, and cycles through BlueBlueBlue, PurplePurplePurple and BlueRedBlue.
Later, another child (4th sphere maybe) only repeats RedPurpleBlue. (I took notes)
I found that fascinating, and tried to answer back, to for me, they only reacted scarred and stopped flashing.
冰河洗剑  [author] 29 Oct, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
The meaning of BlueBlueBlue,BlueRedBlue,and PurplePurplePurple should be easy to guess and
understand. I have never seen RedPurpleBlue before, could you tell me where is it? Like ChaperX-X, and how to find it.