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Cities: Skylines

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Star Trek Bajoran Cargo Freighter
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24 déc. 2022 à 8h06
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Star Trek Bajoran Cargo Freighter

Dans 1 collection faite par DTOX
86 objets
Star Trek Bajoran Cargo Freighter by DTOX

---- Prop version is included ----

"The Bajoran freighter was an Antares-class vessel that was approximately 250 meters in length, and it was used for transporting cargo and passengers. By the 2360s, it was considered an antiquated vessel and many examples did not have warp power, with their top speed limited to half impulse."

original model by Wholock

Every scifi, futuristic, and cyberpunk city needs a spaceship! Several more spacecrafts in my workshop. Enjoy! :)

Check out other items in my workshop! :)

3 commentaires
YodasWs 11 mars 2023 à 8h25 
A cool blimp would be my favorite Star Trek ship: the USS Voyager (NCC-74656)
DTOX  [créateur] 24 déc. 2022 à 8h48 
@cratt085 I've def been slacking when it comes to Star Trek. More to come! The Interceptor would make a cool blimp, I may bump it to the top of my to-do list :)
cratt085 24 déc. 2022 à 8h45 
Great to see Star Trek assets, hope to see the interceptor eventually.