Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

Nedostatek hodnocení
DEPRECATED - (CleanSlate) No Pregnancy Cravings
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532.303 KB
19. pro. 2022 v 18.09
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit
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DEPRECATED - (CleanSlate) No Pregnancy Cravings

This mod is deprecated, because version 3.0 of No Pregnancy Cravings should now be fully CleanSlate compatible on its own. This mod still technically works, but it overwrites more than it needs to, so the main mod should be used instead.
Počet komentářů: 1
QuinoaFalafel  [autor] 12. led. 2024 v 19.59 
I updated the original mod to be more compatible, and it should now be fully CleanSlate compatible on its own, so I'm officially deprecating this branch. If you have any issues with the original mod and CleanSlate that I overlooked, let me know.