JellyCar Worlds
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100% Achievement Guide | JellyCar Worlds
Από Choolio123
This guide will cover the requirements for all 18 achievements in JellyCar Worlds.
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Introduction and Resources
This guide will cover all 18 achievements in Jellycar Worlds. If you have any corrections or suggestions, please let me know in the comments down below.

Below are other guides that will be used as references for various achievements in this guide.

All Secret Exit Locations by Toddsnegh

How To Unlock Every Car Shape by Toddsnegh
Level Based Achievements
This section will cover all achievements that unlocked by completing a certain level.

Generic Levels
Driver's License
Complete Level 1-1

Simply beat the first level in the game, Level 1-1. This is the level you a thrown into immediately upon starting a save file.

The Car Is Jelly
Reach the stop sign in World 1

Complete all levels in World 1 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 2.

Big And Small
Reach the stop sign in World 2

Complete all levels in World 2 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 3.

Going Up
Reach the stop sign in World 3

Complete all levels in World 3 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 4.

Sticky Situation
Reach the stop sign in World 4

Complete all levels in World 4 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 5.

Blast Off
Reach the stop sign in World 5

Complete all levels in World 5 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 6.

Binary Search
Reach the stop sign in World 6

Complete all levels in World 6 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 7.

Frost Mountain
Reach the stop sign in World 7

Complete all levels in World 7 and touch the stop sign at the end of the level to unlock World 8.

Jelly Medley
Reach the stop sign in World 8

Complete all levels in World 8 to complete the final world in the game.

Secret Exit
Find your first secret exit

Simply find any secret exit (market by a green triangle as in the achievement image).

For a guide on all secret exits, please follow Toddsnegh's guide below.

Skull Levels
Overcome A Skull
Complete any 'skull' level

Complete any skull level. There's exactly 1 skull level per world which is only unlocked after finding all primary and secret exits on all levels in that world.

I recommend doing the skull level for World 1. See the commentated video below for a guide on the World 1 Skull Level.

Skull Levels
Octo Skull
Complete 8 "skull" levels

This requires you to beat 8 skull levels, which is every skull level because there is 1 per world. There are no real good tips aside from practice, practice, practice as these levels are very challenging.
Time Based Achievements
This section will cover all achievements that are based on completing a level within a certain time limit.

Beat the Dev Achievements
Beat The Dev
Complete a 'beat the dev' challenge on any level

Simply beat a dev time on any level. This must be completed by activating the dev challenge on the level where you race against Walaber's ghost. The challenge selection can be activated by driving in front of a level's door and hitting Right DPad on controller or TAB on keyboard.

Really Beat The Dev
Complete 20 'beat the dev' challenges

Do the same thing as before, but for 20 total levels. You can track the progress either by counting the number of flags you have completed in a world (you must be in the world as the "Beat the Clock" and "Beat the Dev" challenge counters are combined at the world selection screen as a trophy icon) or by tracking the achievement via the Steam achievement page itself, which properly tracks this progress.

The main tip for beating Walaber's times are following his ghost closely, watching what he does, and trying to do it just a little bit faster. It sounds basic, but since all you need to do it beat his time by 1/1000th of a second, this is the easiest way to do it.

Note: Sometimes the tracking can take up to a minute to update (including the achievement popping).

Below is a list of all levels I personally found the easiest to complete this challenge on:

  • Level 1-1
  • Level 1-2
  • Level 1-3
  • Level 1-4
  • Level 1-5
  • Level 1-6
  • Level 1-7
  • Level 2-1
  • Level 2-3
  • Level 2-5
  • Level 2-6
  • Level 2-7
  • Level 3-1
  • Level 3-2
  • Level 3-4
  • Level 3-5
  • Level 4-1
  • Level 4-2
  • Level 4-3
  • Level 4-5
Design Based Achievements
This section will cover achievements based around changing the design of your car.

Play a level using a custom car body or tire design

Head to the Car Customizer on the Main Menu. Under either of the tires or the body, choose My Designs and click the plus button. Add an image or draw your own design. Then, complete a level with any custom tire or body equipped.

Note: Just like the "Really Beat the Dev" achievement above, sometimes the achievement doesn't pop immediately upon completing a level.

New Car
Unlock a new car shape

New car shapes are unlocked by finding the secret exit in each of the worlds (not in the levels). Simply equip any new car shape from the pause menu after unlocking one in the overworld and the achievement will pop.

For a complete guide on unlocking all of the new car shapes please follow Toddsnegh's guide below.
Distance Based Achievements
This section will cover all distance based achievements within the Long Jump Challenge.

1K Jump
Jump 1000m or further in the Long Jump Challenge

This can be unlocked as early as completing World 2. You will need at least the Grow/Shrink (World 1 Stop Sign) and Balloon (World 2 Stop Sign) to reach 1000m. More information will be provided for the 2K Jump achievement

But with only these two unlocks, focus on using the grow ability to squish between any forward-moving spinning wheels. Use the balloon to get just below the top of the spinning wheels. Grow just before touching them and shrink just after clearing the top to get the most distance.

2K Jump
Jump 2000m or further in the Long Jump Challenge

With all 4 unlocks (which requires getting to the stop sign in World 6), this becomes a much easier task. Here are some general tips, but watch the video below for a more in-depth guide.

  1. Grow when entering the initial spinning wheel and shrink when leaving to get the most initial speed.
  2. Use the grappling hook to grab forward spinning wheels to release at a point that will throw you at a 45° angle upwards and forwards.
  3. Feather the balloon and rocket combo to maintain altitude and forward momentum and continue to use the grappling to launch off spinning wheels.