Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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All unique items Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Bởi Hopirion
This guide describes all the unique, legendary and glitch items, how to get them (from whom they drop, at what location, and so on), as well as their brief description.
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Main game. Part 1.
Legendary rocket launcher "Nukem"

Dropped by the "Flame Knuckle" at "Helios Station", or from its copy in the arena "Holodome"

or from its copy in the arena "Holo-dome" (Holodome)


Legendary rocket launcher "Thingy"

Dropped by "Iwajira" at "Serenity's Waste"

Fires a green projectile that travels in a horizontal undulating path. Upon contact with an obstacle, it explodes and disintegrates into 3 green homing projectiles. Small explosion radius. Consumes 3 rockets per shot


Unique assault rifle "Hail"

Dropped by "Iwajira" at "Serenity's Waste"

Shooting goes along a parabolic trajectory. Bullets in flight are divided in two in a vertical plane. 150% increased critical damage. Deals additional elemental damage in an area, which is why in practice the damage and the chance of an elemental effect are higher than those indicated on the card. 3% of damage dealt is returned as health


Unique oz kit "Invigoration"

It is a reward for the side quest "Land Among the Stars" - gives "Janey Springs" in the location "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

Oxygen canisters not only restore oxygen, but also heal you for 25% of your maximum health


Unique oz kit "Freedom"

It is a reward for the side quest "Land Among the Stars" - gives "Janey Springs" in the location "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

Increases damage dealt when shooting while jumping. Reduces oxygen consumption during a long jump


Unique laser "Vandergraffen"

Dropped by "Deadlift" at "Regolith Range"

Slightly reduced accuracy, but increased elemental effect chance and damage. When reloaded, it explodes like a grenade. In addition, there is some chance that the lightning will jump to another enemy, causing him damage. These random lightning strikes far enough


Legendary sniper rifle "Skullmasher"

Dropped by "Nel" at the "Regolith Range"

Fires 6 bullets using only one ammo, increased total damage outweighs damage, reduced accuracy


Unique pistol "Probe"

Issued for the duration of the task "Torgue-o! Torgue-o!" - gives "Janey Springs" in "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

Very low damage, heals for 5% of damage dealt


Unique shotgun "Torguemada"

It is a reward from the side quest "Torgue-o! Torgue-o!", if you destroy the light reactor - gives out "Janey Springs" on the location "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

The significantly reduced amount of pellets is offset by the increased damage of each pellet. Increased rate of fire. Each pellet hitting the surface creates 3 additional projectiles that will slowly travel from the point of impact in a random direction, exploding multiple times. After a short time, additional projectiles disappear. The damage of additional projectiles is equal to the damage of one pellet. Shot scatter forms a triangle


Unique laser "Firestarta"

It is a reward from the side quest "Torgue-o! Torgue-o!", if you give the light reactor "Janey Springs" - gives out "Janey Springs" on the location "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

Increased elemental effect chance and damage


Unique shield "Rapid Release"

Obtained during the quest "Nova? No Problem!" (remains with you after completing the quest) - gives "Janey Springs" at "Serenity's Waste" or "Concordia"

Reduced capacitance, wave damage, wave radius, and recharge delay. Increased recharging speed

Legendary oz kit "Support Relay"

It is a reward from the side quest "To Arms!" - issued by the bulletin board at the location "Triton Flats"

Increases oxygen supply by 25 and reduces oxygen consumption by 20% for each Relay equipped on each player on the team


Main game. Part 2.
Legendary pistol "Zim"

Dropped by "Giant Shuggurath" of Ice in "Triton Flats"

Increased magazine capacity and damage. Slightly increased accuracy


Unique shotgun "Too Scoops"

It is a reward for the side task "Holes in the Ice", if you give the ice "B4R-BOT" - gives out "Nurse Nina" at the location "Concordia"

Reduced damage, accuracy, magazine capacity. Fires two ice balls that fly for a short time, freezing everyone in their path, and then explode for more ice damage. Consumes 2 ammo per shot


Unique assault rifle "Ice Scream"

It is a reward for the side task "Bunch of Ice Holes", if you give the ice to "Nina" - gives out "Nurse Nina" at the location "Concordia"

The increased magazine capacity is offset by slightly reduced damage. During shooting, it plays a special melody. Movement speed while aiming is not reduced


Legendary laser "Excalibastard"

Can be found stuck in a stone in "Stanton's Liver", can only be pulled if you have 2500 or more badass rating

Critical hits freeze the target. Melee attacking a frozen target creates a singularity that pulls in nearby enemies and then explodes in an icy wave


Legendary shotgun "Flakker"

Dropped by "Even-More-Disgusting-Tork" at "Stanton's Liver"

Instead of firing explosive projectiles, creates a large number of explosions in a large area ahead. Highly increased damage, very low rate of fire. Consumes four rounds per shot


Legendary oz kit "Oxidizer"

Dropped by the "Rooster Booster" at "Stanton's Liver"

When the player is in the atmosphere, increases the chance of being set on fire, creates fire explosions when igniting enemies, and increases resistance to fire. When the player is in a vacuum, restores health


Legendary shotgun "Striker"

Dropped by "Belly" at "Crisis Scar"

+50% bonus to critical damage, magazine capacity from 2 to 4 rounds, very high accuracy, accuracy and improved optics


Unique submachine gun "Black Snake"

Dropped by "Red" at "Crisis Scar"

Shoots two bullets with a spread in a horizontal plane for the price of one cartridge. Reduced magazine capacity, temporal elemental effect chance, and damage per bullet


Unique submachine gun "Marek's Mouth"

Dropped by "Rabid Adams" in "Outlands Canyon"

Increased magazine capacity and rate of fire, reduced damage. On hit, there is a chance to inflict a random elemental effect in addition to corrosion


Unique sniper rifle "Razorback"

It is a reward for the side task "Home Delivery" - given by the bulletin board at the location "Concordia"

Always with a blade and no optical sight. Increased damage. Despite the lack of a sight, it gives an approximation approximately equal to 4.5x optics


Legendary submachine gun "Fatale"

Dropped by "Drongo Bones" in "Outlands Canyon"

Increased critical damage (+75%). In addition, damage, accuracy, and magazine capacity have been increased. In the aim shooting mode, maximum accuracy is achieved instantly


Unique submachine gun "Meat Grinder"

Dropped by "Meat Head" at "Triton Flats"

Fires 3 bullets with reduced damage, absorbing 2 rounds per shot. Very low accuracy


Legendary shield "Supernova"

Due to an in-game bug, it may look different:

Dropped by "Bruce" at "Crisis Scar"

High wave damage and huge radius

Main game. Part 3.
Unique shotgun "Boganella"

It is a reward for the side quest "Another Pickle" - given by "Davis Pickle" at the location "Outlands Canyon"

Increased damage, accuracy, rate of fire and magazine capacity. Consumes 3 ammo per shot. Equipped with AI with a unique voice module that comments on the player's every action with abuse. It activates when selecting this weapon, firing, reloading, aiming and killing


Unique shotgun "Wombat"

It is a reward for the side quest "Zapped 3.0" - gives out "Janey Springs" at the location "Concordia"

Fires 5 (7 if front-handled) grenades. When they hit any surface, they stick to it and explode either if an enemy is nearby, or after a while. Explode instantly upon hitting an enemy


Legendary assault rifle "KerBoom"

Dropped by "Boomer" at "Outlands Spur"

Like the projectile, it fires small, straight-flying missiles, consuming 4 rounds per shot. When a rocket hits anything from the point of impact, a small grenade is thrown, dealing the same damage as the projectile itself. Increased damage and reload speed, but reduced rate of fire


Unique grenade mod "Baby Boomer"

Dropped by "Boomer" at "Outlands Spur"

With whatever prefix the grenade is, it is always rubberized. Behaves like a regular rubberized grenade, but after each jump it throws out 2 grenades that explode after a second


Unique oz kit "Cathartic"

Dropped by "Poop Deck" at "Pity`s Fall"

When slamming, sounds similar to gas emission are heard


Legendary rocket launcher "Cryophobia"

Dropped by "The Bosun" at "Pity`s Fall"

The rocket explodes repeatedly in flight. The blast wave ignores obstacles


Legendary submachine gun "IVF"

Dropped by "The Bosun" at "Pity`s Fall"

When reloading, the discarded submachine gun explodes after a few seconds and spawns two small copies of itself, which explode with the same element as the original (if the original has no element, then burst damage is dealt by default). Increased base damage and high explosion damage on reload


Unique pistol "Cyber Eagle"

Located in the Zarpedon chest, which opens after completing the side quest "The Secret Chamber" - gives out a recording device at the location "Pity`s Fall"

Maximum precision. Reduced damage. There is no return. The effect of the shot corresponds to a laser weapon, not a regular revolver


Unique pistol "Gwen's Other Head"

Can be found at the "Titan Industrial Facility" in one of five locations:

Fires two bullets, consuming two rounds per shot. Increased critical damage and magazine capacity. Specific dispersion of bullets: one bullet flies where the scope points, the other - with a strong deviation to the left


Legendary grenade mod "Quasar"

Dropped by "Felicity Rampant" at "Titan Industrial Facility"

While pulling enemies hits them with electric charges, then explodes


Unique rocket launcher "Volt Thrower"

It is a reward for the side quest "No Such Thing as a Free Launch" - given by "Cosmo Wishbone" at "Triton Flats"

Increased strength and chance of temporary elemental damage. Increased: reload speed, magazine capacity and rocket speed

Main game. Part 4.
Unique laser "E-GUN"

Issued for the duration of the side quest "Sub-Level 13: Part 2", is also a reward for the side quest "Sub-Level 13: Part 2", if you turn in the quest "Schmidt" - the first part of the quest is given by "Davis Pickle" at the location "Outlands Canyon"

Movement speed while aiming is not reduced. Slightly reduced damage bonus for continuous firing. The only weapon capable of dealing damage to ghosts from level 13


Unique laser "Vibra-pulse"

Can be obtained during the completion of the story mission "Home Sweet Home" at the location "Concordia"

Fires a beam of energy that continuously deals shock damage to enemies. Power increases as you shoot. When an enemy is hit for a long time, a chain reaction occurs: lightning will begin to strike in the opponents closest to it. Lifesteal: Restores player's health equal to 2.5% of the damage dealt to the enemy


Unique shield "Slammer"

Can be obtained during the completion of the story mission "Home Sweet Home" at the location "Concordia"

Chance to drop Rumbler Shield Booster when damaged. Picking up Rumblers gives you a brief movement speed, fire rate, and reload speed boost

Unique grenade mod "Kiss of Death"

Can be obtained during the completion of the story mission "Home Sweet Home" at the location "Concordia"

Increased damage compared to other transfusions of a similar level. When thrown, the grenade flies up to the enemy, sticks to him for 3 seconds and, while the grenade is on him, takes away health, after which it explodes and releases balls with health in the amount indicated on the item card in the form of a multiplier that fly towards the player and him allies. Always has a 3 second explosion delay


Legendary oz kit "Ack Ack"

Dropped by "Corporal Bob" at "Hyperion Hub of Heroism"

After hitting an air target, the rate of fire and reload speed increase. The effect is cumulative - the more hits, the greater the bonus. Chance to spawn flak around air targets


Legendary submachine gun "Torrent"

Dropped by a "Meg" at the "Hyperion Hub of Heroism"

Increased damage, magazine capacity and rate of fire. Severely reduced returns. Movement speed does not slow down when aiming. Fires a short burst (no delay) of 5 shots when aiming


Legendary class mods "Eridian Vanquisher"

Dropped by "X-STLK-23" at "Research and Development", also dropped by "The Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

Legendary oz kit "Moonlight Saga"

Dropped by "Tiny Destroyer" at "Research and Development"

Provides various benefits for being in a vacuum or atmosphere:
In a vacuum - provides vampirism.
In the atmosphere - gradual recovery of health


Unique shotgun "Octo"

It is a reward for the side task "Lab 19" - gives out an ECHO at the location "Research and Development"

Fraction multiplier x8 or x10. The pellets when fired form a square pattern. The middle bullet always flies straight, while the others fly in a sinusoid and periodically converge with the central bullet, and then diverge again


Main game. Part 5.
Unique grenade mod "Snowball"

It is a reward for the side quest "Infinite Loop", if you disable "DAN-TRP" - gives out "Jack" at the location "Jack's Office"

Zero fuse delay, very small radius of destruction, but huge damage


Unique laser "Mining Laser"

It is a reward for the side quest "Infinite Loop", if you turn off the "CLAP-9000" - gives out "Jack" at the location "Jack's Office"

Increased damage, reduced accuracy. Shoots 3 beams, one flies in the direction of the sight, and the rest - with a deviation from the trajectory. Consumes 7 ammo per shot


Unique laser "Freezeasy"

Issued for the duration of the side quest "In Perfect Hibernation" - gives out "Lazlo" at the "Veins of Helios" location, also drops from "Lazlo" at the "Veins of Helios" location

The high chance of an elemental effect is offset by greatly reduced primary and temporary elemental damage


Unique submachine gun "Fridgia"

It is a reward for the side quest "In Perfect Hibernation" - gives "Lazlo" at the location "Veins of Helios"

3 times the chance of a temporary elemental effect. Fires 2 bullets with reduced damage for the price of one round. Strong recoil reduction. In aiming mode, it can burst up to 14 shots, that is, fire 28 bullets. The dispersion of bullets forms the silhouette of an animal


Legendary pistol "Blowfly"

Dropped by "Eghood" at "Veins of Helios"

When fired, the bullet almost immediately splits into two, flying in spirals. Deals additional elemental damage in an area, increased chance of temporary elemental damage, reduced accuracy. When fired with a scope, fires a burst of seven bullets


Legendary oz kit "3DD1.E"

Dropped by "CL4P-L3K" at "Veins of Helios"

Periodically repairs your shield and life support systems in combat. When you kill an enemy, it can drop a humanitarian aid package (which usually consists of 3 items, which may include ammo, money and first aid kits). Also increases laser weapon damage, maximum shield capacity, and air handling. When you are melee attacked, there is a chance that the breathpack will electrocute the nearest enemy


Unique pistol "Globber"

It is a reward for the side quest "Eradicate!" if you save "CL4P-L3K" - gives notice board on location "Jack's Office"

Increased damage and high chance of temporary elemental damage, reduced rate of fire. Bullets with low speed fly along a flat (sloping) trajectory, can bounce off surfaces twice, up to contact with the enemy


Unique oz kit "Systems Purge"

It is a reward for the side quest "Eradicate!", if you kill "CL4P-L3K" - gives out a bulletin board at the location "Jack's Office"

Uses your oxygen supply to boost your shots. If the player's oxygen supply is above 75, then the next shot will remove 50 units. oxygen and will create a shock wave when it hits an enemy, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. Replenishes oxygen when killing an enemy


Legendary shield "The Shooting Star"

Dropped by "Lost Legion Powersuit Noob" at "Lunar Launching Station"

It has very high damage, coupled with a high recharging delay. On impact, a miniature "shooting star" is created, dealing additional burst damage

Unique shotgun "Moonface"

It is a reward for the side quest "Red, Then Dead" - issued by the notice board at the location "Lunar Launching Station"

Shoots a wave of 7 pellets in the form of a smiley face with a low projectile speed. Five of them deal non-elemental damage, the remaining two deal explosive damage

no element, but also deals explosive elemental damage

Unique shield "Sunshine"

It is a reward for the side quest "To the Moon" - given by the bulletin board at the location "Lunar Launching Station"

When discharged, it shoots fire beams in all directions with a high chance of igniting. Gives immunity to fire


Legendary laser "ZX-1"

Dropped by "Colonel Zarpedon" at "Eye of Helios", also dropped by "The Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

After the first hit on an enemy, all subsequent shots are automatically aimed at him, until reloading or death of this enemy. Increased rate of fire, maximum accuracy. The beam pierces targets. Deals additional elemental damage, causing actual damage and chance to ignite significantly higher than indicated on the card

Main game. Part 6.
Legendary shield "Prismatic Bulwark"

Dropped by "Colonel Zarpedon" at "Eye of Helios", also dropped by "The Invincible Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

Increases the player's laser weapon damage and resistance to laser damage. High probability of absorption of laser beams

Unique shield "Asteroid Belt"

It is a reward for the side quest "Guardian Hunter", if you kill the leader of the bandits - gives out "Sterwin" at the location "Vorago Solitude"

Chance to launch a homing meteor when damaged. Probability: 19% to 61%

Unique assault rifle "Wallop"

It is a reward for the side task "Gua", if you talk with the leader of the bandits - gives out "Sterwin" at the location "Vorago Solitude"

Additional bonus to critical damage + 84%. Reduced damage, accuracy and rate of fire


Unique laser "Bright Spadron"

It is a reward for the side quest "These are the Bots" - gives out "ICU-P" at the location "Abandoned wastelands" (Vorago Solitude)

Very high damage, high sustained fire damage bonus, very large magazine. Very low range - at melee level


Unique sniper rifle "Fremington's Edge"

It is a reward for the side quest "Don't Shoot the Messenger" - gives out an ECHO at the location "Tycho's Ribs"

11.4x optical sight, increased critical damage in aiming mode


Legendary class mods
"Celestial Gladiator"
"Celestial Fragtrap"
"Celestial Enforcer"
"Celestial Lawbringer"
"Celestial Doppelganger"
"Celestial Baroness"

Dropped by "The Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

Legendary shield "Black Hole"

Dropped by "The Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

If the shield is depleted, then first it will pull the enemies to itself, and then release an electric wave


Legendary sniper rifle "Longnail"

Dropped by "The Invincible Empyrean Sentinel" at "Eleseer"

Ignores enemy shields, dealing damage directly to health. Reduced damage, increased rate of fire and magazine size, reduced recoil


Unique laser "OI' Rosie"

It is a reward for the story quest "The Beginning of the End", but only on RIIR and RIIR.

High damage over time bonus (368%), offset by slow damage increase rate


Unique submachine gun "Frostfire"

It is a reward for the side quest "The Best Story Ever Told" on normal difficulty - given by the notice board at the location "Concordia"

Increased chance of temporary elemental damage. Burning targets have a chance to turn into an ice block. Consumes 2 rounds per shot. Can randomly freeze the wearer when fired

always of the fiery element, despite the element of cold indicated in the card
Main game. Part 7.
Unique shield "Haymaker"

It is a reward for the side task "DAHL Combat Training: Round 5" - gives out "TR4NU" at the location "Abandoned Training Facility"

Transfers your temporary elemental effects to enemies when you melee attack them. Increased maximum health bonus

Unique sniper rifle "Wet Week"

Dropped by "Swagman" at "Stanton's Liver" and "Outlands Canyon"

Increased damage, but reduced bullet speed. In aiming mode, it shoots bursts with a cut-off of 3-4 shots


Legendary grenade mod "Four Seasons"

Dropped by "Badass Kraggons"

Always throwable. Random elemental effect upon explosion (regardless of the element indicated on the card)


Legendary grenade mod "Bonus Package"

Dropped by "Badass Tork"

When detonated, it splits into 8-10 child grenades, each of which releases another grenade after the explosion

Claptastic Voyage. Part 1.
Unique pistol "Hard Reboot"

It is a reward for the side task "Chip's Data Mining Adventure", if you kill "Cookies" - it gives out a "Chip" at the location "Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4"

Significantly enlarged area of ​​the lesion. Increased Base Damage, Increased Chance and Damage of Temporary Elemental Effect


Unique grenade mod "Data Scrubber"

It is a reward for the side task "Chip's Data Mining Adventure", if you kill "Shame" - it gives out a "Chip" at the location "Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4"

Slow flight speed and zero delay before explosion. Dealing damage to an enemy generates homing shield boosters. Gradually regenerates grenades (~1 grenade per 24 seconds). Impressive blast radius


Unique laser "Atonement"

It is a reward for the side task "Rose Tinting" - gives out "MINAC" at the location "Cluster 00773 P4ND0R4"

Random element of each shot (fire, shock or corrosion). High damage but low fire rate. Consumes two ammo per shot


Legendary laser "Longest Yard"

Dropped by "Teh Earworm" at "Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K"

High primary and critical damage. Increased reload speed and magazine capacity, reduced rate of fire. Slightly increased chance of temporary elemental damage. Consumes 5 ammo per shot


Legendary sniper rifle "Omni-Cannon"

Dropped by "Sphonx" at the "Subconscious" location

Deals additional explosive damage. Slightly increased damage and accuracy, slightly reduced rate of fire and reload speed


Unique laser "Laser of Enlightment"

It is a reward for the side quest "Temple of Boom", if you give the code "Patricia Tannis" - gives out "Patricia Tannis" at the "Subconscious" location

It shoots not a beam, but a jet of fire, which gives a huge chance of temporary elemental damage at the cost of a limited range. Slightly increased damage, very large magazine capacity


Unique shield "Shield of Ages"

It is a reward for the "Temple of Boom" side quest, if you give the code to "Gladstone" - gives out "Patricia Tannis" at the "Subconscious" location

Huge capacity with fast recharging. Increased health penalty

Legendary grenade mod "Meganade"

Dropped by "Despair" at the "Subconscious" location

Creates a singularity three times before exploding. Fuse delay is always zero


Legendary laser "Thunderfire"

Dropped by "Self-Loathing" at "Subconscious"

Deals additional fire damage in an area. Reduced damage and rate of fire, increased chance of temporary elemental damage. Consumes 2 charges per shot


Glitch submachine gun "%Cu+ie^_^ki||er"

Can be found in a special red chest in "T.K. Baha's" hut after completing "The Sum of Some Fears" side quest - given by "Jack-in-the-Box" at the location "Subconscious"

Fixed error code - O4L0M0A4, that is, the maximum probability of failures is Overload and Gain, and zero - Cycle and Multishot. Equipped with AI with an evil squeaky voice module


Legendary laser "Laser Disker"

Dropped by "5H4D0W-TP" at "The Cortex"

Fires discs that deal heavy explosive damage. Low rate of fire, consumes 2 ammo per shot. Huge reload damage. Double damage to air targets. When reloading, the thrown weapon shocks nearby enemies with electricity


Legendary shield "Rerouter"

Dropped by "5H4D0W-TP" at "The Cortex"

Heals for the amount of energy cost when using an empowered shot. Huge amplification damage and increased energy consumption. Reduced capacity. Huge recharging lag and very fast charging speed

Legendary laser "Absolute Zero"

Dropped by "EOS" at "Deck 13.5"

Very high base damage and chance of temporary elemental damage. Increased temporary elemental damage. Very small store


Legendary rocket launcher "Kaneda's Laser"

Dropped by "EOS" at "Deck 13.5"

Fires a powerful explosive laser. High accuracy and magazine capacity. Deals both area damage and direct damage, which is why the actual damage is much higher than indicated on the card. In addition, it can deal critical damage.

Claptastic Voyage. Part 2.
Legendary submachine gun "Cheat Code"

It is a reward for the "System shutdown" story quest - given by "Handsome Jack" at the location "Deck 13.5"

In the Fight for Your Life mode, it consumes almost no ammunition. 75% increased critical damage. Increased damage, reduced reload speed and magazine capacity. Achieve maximum accuracy quickly


Unique pistol "Party Popper"

It is a reward for the side quest "h4X0rz" - gives out an anonymous "ECHOmail" at the location "Deck 13 1/2"

Shoots confetti and serpentine. Shoots 7 full damage bullets; has a reduced rate of fire, limited range and very low accuracy


Legendary shield "MORQ"

Can be obtained only once on any difficulty by each of your new characters in a special chest at the "Motherlessboard" location:

Increased health gain and elemental resistance. Reduced recharging delay and capacity. Equipped with AI with a unique voice module

Glitch laser "/He4rtf;ull Spl0Dge..r"

Can be found in a special chest at "Cluster 99002 0V3RL00K", once on each difficulty. Resetting progress in RVIR mode will not refresh the chest:

The error code for this weapon is fixed - O0L4M4A0, that is, the maximum probability of Cycle and Multishot failures, and zero - Overload and Amplification. Equipped with AI with a unique voice module that mimics Pickles' voice


Legendary shotgun "Flayer"

Dropped by "Viruses"

Large magazine capacity, increased amount of shot. Slightly improved accuracy


Legendary pistol "Luck Cannon"

Dropped by "Adbugs"

Very high damage, but only one round in the magazine. Randomly has a chance to deal significant additional explosive damage on hit. Increased accuracy, high bullet speed


Legendary pistol "Proletarian Revolution"

Dropped by "Badass B4nD1Ts"

Increased rate of fire. Once per second, one cartridge is added from the backpack to the weapon magazine, while the magazine capacity is also increased


Legendary assault rifle "Fusillade"

Dropped by "Badass Insecurity Bots"

High stats for this type of weapon: damage, accuracy, reload speed and magazine capacity


Items with no specific drop location. Part 1.
All items in this section do not have a specific drop location, and have a small chance of being obtained from any suitable loot source.

Legendary shield "The Sham"

Very high chance of absorbing bullets and other projectiles, ranging from 77% to 94%

Legendary shotgun "Viral Marketer"

Bullets ricochet off the surface once. Increased accuracy and speed of recoil recovery. Reduced amount of shot and weapon reload speed


Legendary pistol "Logan's Gun"

The projectile from this pistol explodes on contact, after which it flies further until it encounters an obstacle. Explodes up to four times when hitting an obstacle


Legendary laser "Cat o' Nine Tails"

When hitting hard surfaces, the laser beam ricochets, splitting into 9 beams, which ricochet again, but without separation. In addition, each beam deals damage equal to the value indicated on the card. Beams pierce opponents. Severely reduced damage and rate of fire


Legendary pistol "88 Fragnum"

Fires five bullets at once with low damage and fairly good accuracy. Critical damage increased by 25%. Consumes 3 ammo per shot


Legendary laser "Min Min Lighter"

Very low rate of fire. Consumes 5 ammo per shot. Shoots large, slow-moving balls with a large radius of destruction. The balls bounce off surfaces and enemies, and disappear after a while. In flight, the balls fire lightning at nearby enemies


Legendary shield "Avalanche"

Combines Steroid Shield, Spiked Shield, and Wave Shield. Has very high steroid damage, increased spike and wave damage. Very long charging delay. Currently the most powerful steroid shield in the game


Legendary pistol "Maggie"

Fires six bullets using just one round. Very high damage, relatively low accuracy


Legendary pistol "Shooterang"

When reloading, it flies like a boomerang, shooting in all directions. High base damage and increased magazine size


Legendary submachine gun "Hellfire"

Deals additional area of ​​effect damage equal to 50% of base damage. Increased ignite chance, temporary elemental damage, and magazine size


Legendary rocket launcher "Badaboom"

Fires 6 missiles in a slightly chaotic straight path. Consumes 1 ammo per shot


Legendary rocket launcher "Mongol"

When fired, the weapon fires a single parent missile, which creates small child missiles in flight, randomly deviating from the original trajectory. Consumes 2 rockets per shot

Legendary grenade mod "Leech"

Reduced radius and damage. Splits into homing child grenades. All damage dealt by the grenade itself and child grenades instantly heals the player and their allies


Legendary assault rifle "Hammer Buster II"

Significantly increased damage, 50% increased critical damage

Items with no specific drop location. Part 2.
Legendary assault rifle "Major Tom"

Fires 3 bullets at a time for the price of 2 rounds. One bullet flies straight, the others - with a deviation to the left and right. In the aiming mode, it fires bursts with a cut-off of 5 shots, while the angle between the bullets decreases, becoming minimal on the last shot in the burst. Increased damage, accuracy and magazine size


Legendary shield "Kala"

Always has Shock Elemental Resistance. Upon receiving electrical damage, the shield is charged. Has an average ammo absorption chance of 23% or more. Reduced recharging speed and high charging latency


Legendary shield "Bigg Thumppr"

Huge increase in melee damage after depleting the shield. Long recharging delay. When charging starts, deals damage to the shield owner based on how much melee damage you dealt while the shield is depleted, up to a maximum of 99.9% of your maximum health

Legendary shotgun "Sledge's Shotty"

When the trigger is pulled, it fires in a double burst, with a short delay between each shot. The number of pellets fired increased by 2


Legendary assault rifle "Shredifier"

Increased rate of fire and magazine size. Increased rate of fire with a long pull on the trigger, and this rifle has a huge rate of fire with the barrels untwisted. In addition, the barrels continue to spin during reloading, which allows you not to lose the rate of fire


Legendary sniper rifle "Magma"

Increased bonus area damage, reduced base damage


Legendary shield "Whisky Tango Foxtrot"

On shield
Situation normal... – Chance to drop an IED Booster when damaged
On boosters
...all foxtroted up. – Spawns 3 volleys of shock grenades


Legendary grenade mod "Storm Front"

After the initial detonation, the grenade creates an area of ​​electric field, inside which all enemies take damage from electricity. In addition, four or five (depending on the modifier itself) child grenades fly out of the grenade, each of which creates its own area of ​​\u200b\u200belectric field. An enemy can be hit by multiple electric fields at once and take damage from all of them at the same time. Child grenades explode immediately after the final detonation of the main grenade


Legendary sniper rifle "Invader"

Fires a burst of 5 shots. Increased magazine size and reduced damage


Legendary shield "The Cradle"

If the shield is depleted, then a copy flies out of it, which explodes on contact with the enemy. Explosion damage equals shield capacity

Legendary shield "Reogenator"

Increased health gain and elemental resistance. Reduced recharging delay, reduced capacity. Slowly regenerates health, and faster when the shield is depleted

Legendary sniper rifle "Pitchfork"

Fires five bullets in a horizontal "V" pattern. Consumes two ammo per shot


Legendary grenade mod "Bouncing Bazza"

Launches child grenades with each jump


Items with no specific drop location. Part 3.
Legendary grenade mod "Nasty Surprise"

After being thrown, it splits into four grenades that teleport at the feet of enemies in the direction of the throw. Reduced damage and blast radius


Legendary grenade mod "Pandemic"

After the initial detonation, launches three homing mini-grenades that stick to the nearest enemy, dealing corrosive damage until they die, and then seek out another target. This will continue until the grenades are gone. Target search radius is limited


Legendary grenade mod "Fire Bee"

After the explosion, the grenade spins around the detonation point and spits out 4 jets of fire in a horizontal plane. In addition, it fires a large number of unguided miniature fire rockets in a radius that exceeds the fire damage area radius of the Fireburst grenade


Legendary grenade mod "Rolling Thunder"

With whatever prefix it may be, it is always rubberized. At first, it behaves like an ordinary rubberized grenade, but after each jump, an explosion follows. After a few jumps or upon contact with an enemy, it explodes as a Split Grenade


Legendary shield "Fabled Tortoise"

Huge shield capacity, but when fully charged, movement speed is greatly reduced, and if the shield is depleted, then movement speed is greatly increased

Unique shotgun "Jack-o'-Cannon"

It can also be obtained using the corresponding SHiFT code

Shoots a single large pumpkin that explodes on impact. The pumpkin flies in an arc, which is why you need to take a lead at medium and long distances. Consumes 2 ammo per shot


Unique assault rifle "Ol'Painful"

It can also be obtained using the corresponding SHiFT code

Increased damage, rate of fire, accuracy and magazine capacity. The effect of the shot corresponds to a laser weapon, not a regular assault rifle


Unique shotgun "Boomacorn"

It can also be obtained using the corresponding SHiFT code

Fires five multi-colored pellets, each of which can have any random element (fire, corrosive, shock, freeze or explosive). Increased damage. The shot is accompanied by the sound of a horse neighing. Fixed Components (All parts strictly from Jacobs, no scope and accessories)

Possesses all the elements at once:

Unique sniper rifle "The Machine"

It can also be obtained using the corresponding SHiFT code

rate of fire and damage increase with continuous firing. Increased magazine and rate of fire


Unique shield "Deadly Bloom"

The shield releases a wave when the shield or health is at zero
The Holodome
Legendary rocket launcher "Berrigan"

It is one of the rewards for the side quest "Digital Madness: The Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the "Holo-dome" location

Fires in bursts of 3 shots, releasing 2 rockets with each shot


Unique pistol "T4s-R"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 1" and "Digital Madness: Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome", also drops from "Guardian Pondor" and "Lost Legion Eternal Powersuit"

High rate of fire and 2x chance of temporary elemental damage. Increased magazine capacity, reduced base damage. The effect of the shot corresponds to a laser weapon, not a regular pistol


Unique submachine gun "Boxxy Gunn"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 2" and "Digital Madness: Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome", also drops from "Guardian Pondor" and "Lost Legion Eternal Powersuit"

Increased damage, but reduced reload speed and bullet flight. Unstable Reloading: The more ammo left in the magazine when manually reloading, the more likely the weapon will explode right in the owner's hands and deal shock damage to you. Bullets ricochet off the surface twice


Unique assault rifle "Cry Baby"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 3" and "Digital Madness: Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome", also drops from "Guardian Pondor" and "Lost Legion Eternal Powersuit"

Reduced rate of fire. Possible unique, not characteristic of any other weapon, components that give unique prefixes


Unique shorgun "Party Line"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 4" and "Digital Madness: Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome", also drops from "Guardian Pondor" and "Lost Legion Eternal Powersuit"

Increased damage. Fired bullets explode into fireworks. When reloading, the shotgun shoots up, where it also explodes like a firework. In addition, the weapon has a slightly reduced amount of shot, accuracy and rate of fire, but a slightly increased magazine


Unique sniper rifle "Plunkett"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 5" and "Digital Madness: Badass Round" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome", also drops from "Guardian Pondor" and "Lost Legion Eternal Powersuit"

In case of critical hits, cartridges are consumed not from the magazine, but directly from the ammunition supply. Reduced magazine capacity


Legendary class mods "Chronicler of Elpis"

It is a reward for the side quest "Digital Madness: Round 3" - gives "H010-TP" at the location "Holodome"
Items outstanding for purchase Borderlands, Borderlands 2 and TFTB
Unique shotgun "Bullpup"

It can be obtained as a "loyalty reward" if the player has a "Borderlands" save.

A very large store. Increased rate of fire, accuracy and reload speed


Unique oistol "Smasher"

It can be obtained as a "loyalty reward" if the player has a "Borderlands 2" save.

Fires 7 bullets per shot, consuming 3 ammo. Bullets have a horizontal spread. The total damage slightly exceeds the damage of similar revolvers


Unique shield "Naught"

Awarded for the purchase of "Tales from the Borderlands" on "Steam"

Zero charging delay. Slow recharging speed

Unique assault rifle "Boss Nova"

Collected once in the SHiFT machine for the purchase of the game "Tales from the Borderlands" on "Steam"

When fired at the aiming point, an elemental explosion is instantly created. Very high base damage, elemental damage chance, and reload speed. Reduced rate of fire and slightly increased magazine capacity. Consumes 2 ammo per shot


Unique submachine gun "Fast Talker"

It is a reward for having "Tales from the Borderlands saves" (taken from the SHiFT machine in "Concordia")

Huge rate of fire, increased accuracy and fast reload


Unique shotgun "Company Man"

It is a reward for having "Tales from the Borderlands saves" (taken from the SHiFT machine in "Concordia")

Huge magazine size, increased damage, slightly reduced accuracy


Unique shotgun "Moonscaper"

It is a reward for having "Tales from the Borderlands saves" (taken from the SHiFT machine in "Concordia")

Fires 5 (7 if front-handled) grenades. When hitting any surface (floor, ceiling, walls), they begin to slowly rise up and explode either if an enemy is nearby, or after a while. Explode instantly upon hitting an enemy

1 bình luận
TITOMOSQUITO187 3 Thg04, 2023 @ 8:51pm 
Nice guides dude. :Upvoter: