Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

62 人が評価
How to Avoid Spending $ at the Cash Shop
作者: Dawnminatrix
A simple, 4-step guide to help you keep Fatshark's grubby little hands off your money.
I have noticed many people expressing concern about the morally dubious tactics Fatshark is using to brainwash people into buying their things. As such, i have taken it upon myself to create this simple guide designed to help you keep your hard-earned birthday/christmas money in your pockets, and out of the evil, sneaky hands of Fatshark.
Testimonials From Satisfied Readers
  • demon says: "You're amazing. Thank you so much"

  • SlyFX says: "Thanks for fighting the good fight. If i never read this guide I would be in the cash shop this exact moment spending all my money away.....infact im seeing sales all over steam right now and honestly im glad i saved my money on cosmetics that have 0 impact on game play to buy games with game play."

  • Blejk says: "If only I found this amazing guide before I spent all my family savings and my wife left me.
    I hope it will at least prevent such awful tragedies in the future. Amazing work."

  • Ponyeater says: "This guide has saved me 20 or so dollar.
    I'm hugely thankful for the uploader. Now I can go to McDonalds one more time."

  • Decanus says: Unbelievably based. Thanks so much!

  • Malus says: Sadly Steam thinks I've only a single hand. That hand has given you a thumbs up, however.
Step One: Prevention
This first step is the most important and the most reliable. This step utilizes a technical loophole which was overlooked by Fatshark. It turns out you can actually completely ignore the cash shop! It's rushed implementation resulted in you, as the player, having the option to never open or interact with the cash shop at all! It turns out its actually completely impossible to buy something without first opening the shop menu. You can exploit Fatshark's blunder to be 100% certain you will never buy anything from their twisted shop.
Step 2: Action
The vast majority of readers will not need anything past the first step, but sometimes unexpected situations can occur. Perhaps you opened the shop on accident. Maybe you were unable to resist the urge to interact with something you don't like or agree with. Whatever the case, there is still a guaranteed way to solve the unfortunate situation that resulted in the opening of the shop and walk away with no money spent. All you have to do at this step is proceed to close the shop menu!
Step 3: Consideration
If you find yourself failing both step 1 and 2, you are in some serious trouble! You've fallen prey to the insidious allure of Slaneesh Fatshark's premium cosmetics. But don't lose hope just yet, there is still something you can do to prevent Fatshark from robbing you blind! What I'm about to share with you are incredibly complex and difficult psychoanalysis techniques that would normally be very hard to understand. Luckily for you, I managed to distill them down into an easily understood and simple to follow flow chart. Follow these steps before you make any final decisions!
Step 4: Adapt
If all the previous steps were unable to prevent the unthinkable; I'm sorry. My guide has failed you. All you can do now is adapt to your new life in the shadow of Fatshark's malevolent manipulations. I can, however, recommend some actions to take to help prevent such a tragedy from repeating itself.

The first possibility is to give control of your finances to a trusted individual, be they family member or a hired professional. Just make sure they are at least somewhat more responsible than you are.

Another option is to consider moving to a country like North Korea. There you will have the freedom to make regrettable mistakes such as this one conveniently stripped from you, along with many other pesky and potentially overwhelming liberties.
The End
I sincerely hope this simple guide was able to provide you with some crucial tools to keep your funds where you want them. Additional resources will likely continue to be provided in the comments by resident hero of the people, WSkD.
24 件のコメント
Cullen 2023年2月9日 10時03分 
@Azfwub the Slaughtergave misses the point that giving the company your money is your business so do what you want, but at the same time, giving them your money is encouraging them to continue whatever behavior they're up to right now, which is bad for the video game hobby as a whole.
Malus 2023年1月23日 16時13分 
Sadly Steam thinks I've only one hand. That hand has given you a thumbs up, however.
Corvalex 2023年1月20日 9時21分 
The thing you fail to miss is that, yes, the shop can be totally ignored, but a persons money is theirs, to spend as they see fit. And if you see something in the shop that you cant resist buying for 5-10$, buy it. Like the cybernetic eye. I snatched that up right quick cos it is seriously bad ass looking and as much as gameplay is important, so is having a cool looking character.
DaMockre 2022年12月21日 1時08分 
*Savage veteran skin appears
Decanus 2022年12月14日 18時28分 
Unbelievably based. Thank you so much!
Dawnminatrix  [作成者] 2022年12月11日 13時38分 
@sinistra everything in the present shop combined is much less than $300 so you lie!
Sinistra 2022年12月11日 13時06分 
This guide made me spend $300 USD just to look better then the other slumlord plebs on here breathing my air and taking space in My world
Ponyeater 2022年12月11日 8時08分 
This guide has saved me 20 or so dollar.
I'm hugely grateful for the uploader. Now I can go to McDonalds one more time. :d2invoker:
WSkD 2022年12月10日 8時19分 
@Dawnminatrix Fair enough. Thanks for the guide.
Dawnminatrix  [作成者] 2022年12月10日 8時16分 
@WSkD but, you've already done that. People are busy nowadays, if they wish to get more information, they are welcome to. This is, again, just a simple, easy-to-follow guide to guarantee no money spent (if steps are followed)