41 оценки
Baltika RP
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Baltika RP - это игровой проект, который был образован в 2023 году после слияния команды Alternate и команды Phobia Role Play.
Главная цель проекта - создание автономной RP платформы в сеттинге сталкера, который позволит игрокам получить обширный игровой опыт построенных на механиках и нарративных решениях, следствием которых будет возможность строить самостоятельно свое РП.
Мы хотим добиться золотой середины в которой игроки имея интересный и простой геймплей смогут самостоятельно строить социальную активность на сервере без привязки к ивентологам и администраторам.

Дискрод нашего проекта -
Артикули (23)
Създадена от Aki
Baltika Building
Създадена от Aki
Baltika Rebalans
Създадена от Aki
Създадена от Jacob_Mango
This is a Community framework for DayZ SA. One notable feature is it aims to resolve the issue of conflicting RPC type ID's and mods. For help on using this mod in your own projects, follow this README on github the Community-Framework github here. Install...
Code Lock
Създадена от Room Service
Introduction: Code Lock is aimed at simplifying the base combination lock. No longer will you have to scramble to lock a gate that gives access to your base. There are also tons of configurable settings for this mod including logs, raid times, raid setting...
Dabs Framework
Създадена от dab
Dabs Framework is an Open Source, lightweight modding framework, designed to give modders and server owners tools to quickly and effectively create new mods for the community. Source Code: All source code is available on the Github Monetization: You are he...
DayZ Editor Loader
Създадена от dab
This is a loader mod for edits created in the DayZ Editor. Only mod that implements deletions, currently can delete 40k objects per second, deleting NWAF is fine Instructions: 1) Load the mod on your server, this will generated a folder called "EditorFiles...
Създадена от KGB.BEST
KGB_LIB v.8! Bohemia Interactive Studio TERMS! Автор сообщения: Bohemia Workshop Contributions are Subscriptions, and therefore you agree that any Subscriber receiving distribution of your Workshop Contribution will have the same rights to use your Worksho...
Създадена от Helkhiana
Mod Support ended with Version 1.26 Mod will work until it won't. Use it if you want but there won't be any more updates Repack is still not allowed. Use DayZ modding system to do fixes if you wish so. WARNING: Install this after a vehicle wipe. This will ...
Създадена от affenb3rt
PseudoGiant This mod adds the PseudoGiant from S.T.A.L.K.E.R ported to DayZ. The PseudoGiant uses custom animations from the original game and behaves like a zombie with extra aoe attacks and additional ai behavior. Licenses Arma and Dayz Public License Sh...
Създадена от 🎱Ball
Вопросы и деловые предложения по моду, пишите в личку Steam Перепаковка мода запрещена. Если файлы данного мода появятся где то в другом месте. Буду кидать страйк Зачем этот Мод-Плагин? В Основной модификации SFP , появ...
Създадена от 🎱Ball
Вопросы и деловые предложения по моду, пишитев личку Steam Перепаковка мода запрещена. Если файлы данного мода появятся где то в другом месте. Буду кидать страйк Если вы хотите активировать анимации в моде, вам нужно бу...
STALKER Equipment
Създадена от GLy6a
Хай, леплю данный мод с целью хотя-бы немного восстановить аутентичность сталкера, не знаю как вам но лично мне надоело видеть "кибер-тактикульных" сталкеров. Основная задача на данный момент Повторить всю экипировку из оригинальной серии игр. На данный мо...
STALKER Equipment ReTex
Създадена от GLy6a
Авторское право принадлежит GLy6a. Продукт может быть опубликован в Steam исключительно через аккаунт с именем GLy6a...
Създадена от Dmitri
TraderPlus Mod: Elevate Your Trading Adventure! 🛍️ Introducing TraderPlus, a standalone new Trader Mod that injects excitement into your DayZ gaming experience! Get ready for a trading revolution that's not only dynamic but also loads of fun. Say goodbye t...
ToFu Virtual Storage
Създадена от Funatic
ToFu Virtual Storage This mod adds some new barrels to DayZ which store items outside the DayZ database to increase server performance. This release is a first beta, so use it accordingly with caution. On my live server, virtual storage has been in use for...
XZone GasMasks
Създадена от ZAKAT
Данный мод содержит 15 противогазов. Данный мод совместим с модом XZone Radiation О наличии багов проьба писать в телеграмм или в комменатриях к моду. Идеи и предложения туда же. This mod contains 15 gasmasks. This mod is compatible with the mod XZone Radi...
Създадена от DaOne This is the official Steam Workshop page for VPPAdminTools. Join our Discord (click image above) to leave feedback / suggestions. Project source code & contributions: Install & Configuration F...
XZone STALKER Mutants
Създадена от ZAKAT
ENG / RU Description / Описание Adds 15 models from the stalker universe. Boar, Burer, Cat, Himera, Blind-dog, Pseudo-flesh, Izlom, Krovosos, Pse-dog, Pseudo-giant, Poltergeist, Snork, Tushkano, Zombies. Добавляет 15 моделей из вселенной сталкера. Мутирова...
Създадена от [G.P.]NOlZZ(MC2)
BuildAnywhere version Allows ghosts to be set anywhere for placing objects and building of components where the vanilla game normally would not. There are some limitations, for example if you cannot see the trigger points (ie putting a fen...
Doors and Barricades - ProjectBR
Създадена от Morette
This model was based on Mod More Doors, we had full permission from its creator to edit and rework it as we wanted, we are grateful that he gave us this opportunity. This mod will be one of many that we plan to launch, we are two Brazilians who love dayz, ...
Създадена от Deadcraft
This mod adds a banking system that lets players interact with ATMs around the map to deposit and withdraw money from their banking account. As the mod is highly configurable, how it is used in practice really depends on the server and its goals for the pl...