Nyanco Impact
54 valoraciones
Nyanco Impact Online
Por Nyanco Channel
How To Access? / アクセス方法? / 如何访问? / 접속방법?
*AI Art Generator🎨 Link : Nyanco Impact Online[3f76-192-145-119-133.ngrok-free.app]
*AI Chat LLM Proxy💬 Link : https://de45-192-145-119-133.ngrok-free.app/v1
(The above links may change at any time)

Note : Users who have activated the Nyanco Impact DLC can check the login credentials to experience the AI Art Generator in Nyanco Impact Online on the main screen of the game app. Your support, such as purchasing DLC or gifting DLC to your Steam Friends, is very helpful to us! 🙏
Nyanco Impact Online : AI Art Generator + AI Chat LLM
The server is undergoing maintenance?!

To use the Nyanco AI Chat LLM, copy the proxy access web link that is spoiler-tagged in black in the guide, and paste it into the 'Reverse Proxy' section box in the Nyanco Impact app.

Nyanco AI Chat LLMを利用するには、ガイドで黒くスポイラー処理されたプロキシアクセスウェブリンクをコピーして、Nyanco Impactアプリの「リバースプロキシ」セクションボックスにそのリンクを貼り付ける必要があります。

要使用Nyanco AI Chat LLM,请复制指南中以黑色剧透标记的代理访问链接,然后将其粘贴到Nyanco Impact应用程序的“反向代理”部分框中。

Nyanco Impact Online Server Open!?

Dear Nyancos,

The Nyanco Impact Early Access Online server has been temporarily opened! You can directly input text prompts on the server to create AI-generated artwork.

You can find the public login credentials for the Nyanco Impact Online server on the game's title screen. Feel free to share your opinions and upload user-created content, but please don't forget to follow Steam guidelines.

Without your support, this project would not have been possible. We hope you're enjoying Nyanco Impact!

When you're feeling down, turn on 《Nyanco Impact》 to cheer you up!

Note :
The Nyanco Impact Online server's public username & password, and server status may change from time to time according to updates or related reasons. This online server is purely for our users, players and fans who enjoy and support this game. Also, the Nyanco Impact Online server may shut down at any time.


Nyanco Impactオンラインサーバーがオープン!?


アーリーアクセスに合わせて、Nyanco Impactのオンラインサーバーが一時的に公開されました!サーバー上でテキストコマンドを入力することで、AIによるイラストの作成を行うことができます。


皆様のご支援がなければ、このプロジェクトは実現しませんでした。これからもNyanco Impactをお楽しみいただければ幸いです!

落ち込んでいる時は、《Nyanco Impact》をオンにして元気を出してください!

オンラインサーバーのログインに必要なユーザー名、パスワード、またサーバーの公開状況は、今後のアップデート及び関連する事柄に伴い変更されることがあります。このオンラインサーバーは、このゲームを楽しみ、応援してくれるユーザーのためのものです。また、Nyanco Impactのオンラインサーバーは予期せず停止されることがあります。


Nyanco Impact在线服务器开放!?


Nyanco Impact抢先体验在线服务器现已临时开放!您可以在服务器上直接输入文字tag来创作AI生成作品。

您可以在游戏的标题界面中找到Nyanco Impact在线服务器的公开登录凭证。可自由分享您的意见以及上传用户创建的内容,但请务必遵守Steam条例

没有各位的支持,这个项目不可能实现。衷心希望您能喜欢Nyanco Impact!

当你感到情绪低落状态不佳时,打开《Nyanco impact》振作起来!

Nyanco Impact在线服务器的用户名和密码,以及服务器状态可能会根据更新或相关原因而随时改变。这个在线服务器纯粹是为我们的用户、玩家和喜欢并支持这个游戏的粉丝而设。另外,Nyanco Impact Online服务器可能会在未来的任何时候关闭。


Nyanco Impact 온라인 서버 임시 오픈!?

친애하는 Nyancos,

Nyanco Impact 앞서 해보기 온라인 서버가 임시 오픈되었습니다! 서버에서 텍스트 프롬프트를 직접 입력하여 AI가 생성한 아트워크를 만들 수 있습니다.

게임의 타이틀 화면에서 Nyanco Impact Online 서버의 공개 로그인 자격 증명을 찾을 수 있습니다. 자유롭게 의견을 공유하고 사용자 제작 콘텐츠를 업로드하세요. 하지만 Steam 가이드라인을 따르는 것을 잊지 마세요.

여러분의 지원이 없었다면 이 프로젝트는 불가능했을 것입니다. Nyanco Impact를 즐기시기 바랍니다!

기분 전환이 필요할 때는, 《Nyanco Impact》를 통해 기운 UP!

메모 :
Nyanco Impact Online 서버의 로그인 방법 및 서버 상태는 업데이트 또는 어떠한 이유에 따라 수시로 변경될 수 있습니다. 이 온라인 서버는 순전히 이 게임을 즐기고 지원하는 사용자, 플레이어 및 팬을 위한 것입니다. 또한, Nyanco Impact Online 서버는 언제든지 종료될 수 있습니다.

FAQ / よくある質問 / 常问问题
If you get a black screen, it means the image generation had failed. Please try again. Otherwise, the artwork you create may potentially void Steam Guidelines. Feel free to share your opinions and upload user-created content, but please don't forget to follow Steam guidelines.



검은 화면이 표시된다면, 이미지 생성에 실패한 것을 의미합니다. 다시 시도해주세요. 혹은, 귀하가 생성한 아트워크가 잠재적으로 Steam 가이드라인에 맞지 않는 것일 수도 있습니다. 자유롭게 의견을 공유하고 사용자 제작 콘텐츠를 업로드하세요. 하지만 Steam 가이드라인을 따르는 것을 잊지 마세요.

Memo / 注意点 / 알림
In this game, pre-generated AI artwork will be randomly loaded to help you find your own favorite nekomimi girl variant of Nyanco. You can randomly discover your own ideal cat girl in this game.

AI generators require high PC specs for individual Steam users to run. In order for the generators to run properly, they must have GPUs equivalent to the Nvidia RTX 3000 series chipsets. However, according to Steam hardware surveys, most Steam users are still using the Nvidia 1000 series chipsets.

For the above reasons, we use pre-generated AI artwork in our early access builds. The AI artwork is curated by us and is Nyanco-themed in a sophisticated and polished way. This means players can enjoy curated, high-quality Nyanco AI artwork in early access builds easily without having to use AI artwork generators.

We are possibly exploring a way for players to use the AI generators though. The most realistic way to implement the AI generation at this point is for developers to build servers and link/program them into the game. While this is feasible, it comes with an additional problem of covering the cost of the server. Furthermore, according to Steam DB[steamdb.info], this free game has less than 10 concurrent users. As mentioned in the game introduction, it is difficult to implement without the support of players and users.

Fortunately, AI artwork generators are currently being developed as open source projects. If their projects become more lightweight and optimized, even Steam users with relatively low-end PCs will be able to run it.

In conclusion, we are currently looking for and discussing various methods. Currently in Early Access, we use pre-generated AI artwork. As an alternative, the Nyanco Impact Early Access Online server has been temporarily opened, but this server may shut down at any time for the above reasons. This bonus content is purely for our users, players and fans who enjoy and support this game. We hope you understand.

15 comentarios
Nyanco Channel  [autor] 28 ENE 2023 a las 5:55 
DEARSTOW 28 ENE 2023 a las 3:18 
Nyanco Channel  [autor] 20 ENE 2023 a las 12:45 
AI image generation models are subject to change and may not always function optimally, however, they should currently be working properly.
Crystal Goddess 11 ENE 2023 a las 16:56 
Do tags even work properly at the moment? It doesn't seem to matter what tags I use, I always just get an odd chibi-style image, even if I use tags that would imply more detail. It's seeming like the only tags that are working are ones to determine the colour of certain parts and some clothing related tags. Even clicking the palette button before generating still results in a chibi image.
Nyanco Channel  [autor] 5 DIC 2022 a las 9:30 
You can enter your desired tags in the txt2img section. Currently, tags for generating images only work in English.
意丶 5 DIC 2022 a las 2:17 
How do I know the tag library
Dr.Dre 1 DIC 2022 a las 14:53 
how can I login in link server?
Nyanco Channel  [autor] 25 NOV 2022 a las 0:30 
If the link does not work, the server may be under maintenance or the link address' URL may have changed. Please check the link address' URL and try to access the server again.
Dr.Dre 24 NOV 2022 a las 12:47 
nie wiem jak to dziala. chcialem zrobic to przez link ale chyba nie dziala
Laykan 18 NOV 2022 a las 8:43 
:heartg: :heartg: :heartg: