Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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🎮✅How to boost your FPS in CS:GO✅🎮
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In this guide i'll show you how to get 50-60 more fps in CS:GO without any software!

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❗❗❗❗❗ Follow simple rules while entering CS:GO Launch Settings: ❗❗❗❗❗

❗ Start each command with - or +
❗ Separate commands by spaces
❗ Don’t use quotes - " "

1. Right-click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your game library in the main Steam window
2. Select “Properties” in the menu
3. A new window will open. Click on the “SET LAUNCH OPTIONS” button
4. Another new window will open. In this one, you can set the different launch options. Every new launch option starts with a dash or a plus, DO NOT separate the launch options with a comma or a semicolon, just a space needs to go in between the different launch options.
5. Click OK and Close and your all set!

-novid //Disables the game's intro screen saver.

-high //Starts the game with a high priority.

-threads <number of cores/threads> //The number of processor cores that the game can use.

-nod3d9ex //Reduces memory consumption and speeds up switching between windows (alt+tab)

-noaafonts //Removes font smoothing.

-no joy //Removes gamepad/joystick support.

+cl_showfps 1 // to show FPS CS:GO

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