Dota 2
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7.32c (Offlane) Axe pos epic
By Buttery THUD
Best way to describe Axe is "time-sensitive." This hero outclasses nearly every hero when it has momentum and can be used in a few different ways to a very high standard. He is your typical blink initiator with the capacity to completely run over the matchand end a game in under 25 minutes. Axe as a hero is defined by its laning stage, even though it has the ability to catch up. Coming out on top in the lane is important for this hero, as it is your job to buy time for your carries. With blademail, you will usually have the damage to solo kill most carries, and this is exactly the mindset you need to have with this animal. You don't farm long, since as soon as you have blink you should be running around the map and looking for kills with your mid or supports for damage. Once you have blademail you can look for kills solo. Later into the game, you are the initiator more than a damage dealer, and looking for the heroes with the highest teamfight impact to kill first. Dont be picky only looking for multiple hero calls and heroes that only have a creep wave around them :)

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