Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

328 hodnocení
HL2 Features
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
Velikost souboru
4.233 MB
2. lis. 2022 v 12.54
4. dub. 2024 v 10.44
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HL2 Features

I have developed this mod to add details of half life 2, which are not present in Garrys Mod, as well as some more realistic features when playing

They are small details that by themselves do not seem to change the game much, but they will be noticeable when there are NPC battles or the player faces NPCs!

HL2 Features adds/fixes the following features:
* Avoid damage between antlions/antlions worker/antlions guards

* AntlionGuards now summon antlions of their own race (NPC Variants required)

* AntlionGuards can now summon antlions on dirt or grass, not just sand (NPC Variants required)

* Combine floor turrents can explode when knocked down

* Adjusted damage for striders, also now they use their cannon to defend themselves and shoot aggressively for some
periods of time if they are badly hurt

* Adjusted damage for combine helicopters, also now bombard nearby enemies and fire more aggressively if hit

* By default, Zombines do not use their grenade unless the player is nearby. Zombines now have a chance to use their grenades against other npc without the player having to be around

* Drowning system. Players have an oxygen level that depletes underwater, the game will show alerts to notify the player of their remaining oxygen level, also the underwater environment now plays when entering underwater from Half Life 2 or BMS (random) and the player can be heard breathing heavily upon surfacing if they are low on oxygen.

*Due to the lack of Cvars for the Fast Zombie, the HP cannot be set, making it a ridiculous enemy in NPC battles. The equivalent HP it had in HL2 has been added, and now it also causes more damage, similar to the damage it could do to us in half life 2... Now they are more dangerous!

*Vortigaunts will now always kill an overwatch soldier in one hit, like in Half Life 2 (not Elites)

*Antlion Warriors do twice the damage of a normal antlion in HL2 Features (Antlion Warriors are available in the NPC Variants addon)

*Antlion Spitters do twice the damage of a normal antlion in HL2 Features (Antlion Spitters are available in the NPC Variants addon)

* Antlion worker acid blast damage fix on death. Now the acid blast can kill nearby zombies/soldiers and is dangerous for the player!

*Increased the damage of the Combine shotgunners with the shotgun against other NPCs... Enjoy shotgun soldiers smashing the heads of zombies! (the damage was not increased against the player, because it is too difficult, it is only against anothers NPC)

*Now fast zombies always die impaled by a crossbow shot, like in half life 2

*Antlion spitter, while similar to workers (both spit acid), will now not explode due to their hard shell, unlike workers which do.

*If zombines HP settings are too high, they sometimes don't die even after exploding their grenade in hand... Now zombines will always be blown to pieces when their grenade explodes, regardless of the HP value

*Now the Combine Ball from the elite combine soldiers does a lot of damage to the player (90hp) and is almost always an instant kill against other NPCs (except very big ones like the antlion guard, etc...)... They are dangerous!

*Players who are burning, the fire will be extinguished underwater

*Combine mines now do deadly damage

*Adjusted damage for manhacks (more like HL2)

*Adjusted damage for Combine turrets (more like HL2)

*New health for combine ceiling turrets, since they do not have Cvar (just like the fast zombie)

*Now combine turrets have valid health and can die and explode!

*Adjusted damage for gunships

*Adjusted damage for APCs

* More realistic flashlight system, it wears out and needs to be recharged, although it is quite durable.

If you get any errors please leave it in the comments and I will fix it right away.

(highly recommended along with HL2 Features)
Do you want to have a similar or more difficulty in gmod as you had in HL2, but are you too lazy to configure everything yourself? Here is a small file (Highly Improved) with all likely the proper HL2 settings like NPC HP, Weapons Damage, Explosions Damage, NPC's Damage, etc... which will give your NPC's a higher difficulty to balance fights between them!

Extract rar archive into your garrysmod folder (NOT IN ADDONS FOLDER)
Remember that you can always edit it as you wish if any of the values ​​are not what you want.

In order to help you, you must comment all the details, all actions and steps you followed to be able to reproduce the error and also, if it is a lua error leave the error line. all this in the comments. If the information mentioned above is missing, you will be possibly ignored.

All of this work is my property and you are NOT allowed to use all or part of my source code for another addon (much less upload it to a workshop or another website) without my explicit consent.

Any attempt to use this for another addon will be considered property theft and I will initiate proceedings against that user's Steam account.

When I no longer work on this addon and no longer support it, it will be communicated in the description, and only then can you modify it yourself or use this addon in another addon. while I am supporting this addon you cannot do, be warned.

See also:
Dismemberment Gore Reconstructed
Immersive Battle Cleanup
Spawn Platforms Deluxe
Universal Army Skins (7 hours war)
Advanced TRATools
NPC Variants
War Machines NPCs
Better Explosions Pack

Copyright 2022 [TR@VIESO]. This article/content is not authorized to be published on Steam, except under the Steam account with the name TR@VIESO
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (1)
31. čvc. 2024 v 6.51
There may be a reason why the flashlight won't turn on...
Počet komentářů: 95
Страшный Балбес 5. bře. v 21.47 
when i disable damage for combine machines or turrets, it's still enable. Help me with it!
Specneo 11. led. v 8.02 
"[HL2 Features] lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:392: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. SetPos - [C]:-1
2. HL2F_AntlionSummon - lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:392
3. unknown - lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:882"
Specneo 11. led. v 8.01 
"[HL2 Features] lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:376: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. SetPos - [C]:-1
2. HL2F_AntlionSummon - lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:376
3. v - lua/autorun/server/hl2features.lua:312
4. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96"
ballsaSTEEL2001 29. lis. 2024 v 17.06 
I love this mod so much my man, would you just be willing to add a convar or something? I don't mind the text-chat being used to tell whether the flashlight is about to go out or the drowning feature using it, too. It's just that the text saying, "Half Life 2 Features: Oxygen" etc. is very immersion breaking. If you could just offer a code or a modification overall that would allow us to change the format/nature of the message that'd make this addon perfect!!
Combine_Gunship 3. říj. 2024 v 10.37 
al reemplazar el archivo, los npcs mueren de un disparo, por lo menos los combine, como hago para configurar su vida y resto de cosas y que surta efecto?
Combine_Gunship 3. říj. 2024 v 10.23 
ahhhhh gracias parcero, soy de Colombia, y por lo que veo, eres venezolano. Hare eso, perdon si mi pregunta sono tonta, lo hare, y si ocurre algo fuera de lo normal, te lo hare saber, gracias
TR@VIESO  [autor] 30. zář. 2024 v 19.05 
es por que debes reemplazar el archivo del juego por ese nuevo, igual saca una copia de seguridad de tu archivo original por si necesitas volver al original
Combine_Gunship 27. zář. 2024 v 13.08 
Hello, I am a new person to this gmod, sorry for the inconvenience, I am Latin American, but I did not understand very well how to make HL2 SKILL OVERHAUL work, since when downloading the file, unzipping it and putting it in its respective location, it conflicts with another folder with the same name, and it seems to be something important in the game. In short, I didn't understand how to make it work, help
CEO of oxygen 23. čvc. 2024 v 10.05 
theres a mod that already does that
Clefable_Recon ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ 11. čvc. 2024 v 13.01 
Sometime it is boring to use HL2 RPG, and custom swep RPG are not generally that good either.