Stay Out of the House

Stay Out of the House

28 ratings
~Aka's SOOTH Guide~
By Aka
Full Game Walkthrough - Maps - Item locations - Notes - Achievement Guide - More
~~~~~HOW TO PLAY~~~~~
Game Visibility - Go to options in the menu and change the video to ''1999'' or ''off'' if you would like to see the game better.

Start Point - If you want to skip straight to the horror, you can just select ''The House'' at the menu.

Difficulty - Medium difficulty starts you off with security cameras, making it harder to sneak around. Hard add whole new mechanics like hunger, thirst and bleeding, which come with new items for managing that. You will also take fall damage as well.

Saving - If you find a safe room, you can save your progress at the tv. You'll need a video tape which can be found around the house. Safe rooms can be found in vents.

Kill The Grandma - Get the gun and shoot her face off. It will make moving around the house without being seen much easier.

EASY EASY MODE - Get the radar. It makes being outside the vents much less terrifying. Its honestly like cheating, which is why I call it easy easy mode. If you want a scary experience just don't use it.

MAX HORROR - Turn your lights off, use a headset, change the FOV to 55.
I dare you.
After playing through the opening story, you basically are on a scavenger hunt to find items that will assist you in unlocking new areas and escaping. Like a big puzzle, and there are 2 ways of beating the game:

Ending #1 - Find the key to the front door and escape

Ending #2 - Access the bunker in the basement and find a way out that way
Night Shift
This is mostly a straight forward story building section. Just walk in, start your shift and do the customers dumb requests.

Step 1: Go into the back rooms and clock In (You wanna get paid right?)

Step 2: Wait around until 3 customers have come in and left

Step 3: Wait around until you hear a door creak and investigate the now open back door and bathrooms

You did it!
The set up. Here we go!

Step 1: Get out of the car and start looking for Brendan

Step 2: Keep going until you come across some buildings and a dog

Step 3: Once you find the dog it's vitally important that you pat him on his cute little head. Once completed, take the path on the right and start looking for a red truck.

Step 4: When you find the red truck there will be a little opening into the cornfield beside it. Go through until you find an opening that leads to the house.

Step 5: When you get to the house the dog will run inside and get caught in a bear trap in the basement. Oh no, not my lil doggo! Free him and continue looking around.

You did it!
The House (Part I)
So now your transitioning from a linear story game to more of a hide-and-seek item gathering kind of thing. It's important to have a get a way plan at all times, somewhere to run off to and hide if you are seen. Remember that the vents have the safe room where you can save your progress. Also try and keep all the lights off, it makes you harder to notice. You have 3 days to escape the house before The Butcher kills you. Every time he catches you, he'll lock you up in a different room and a day will pass by. Also expect him to have set up cameras around the house each time he catches you. If your playing on medium you should look at for cameras at all times. Two very important items to get that will help you are the gun to fend him off, and the radar to know when he's nearby. You can see where to get those in the Items section below. But here's the step-by-step of what you need to do to escape:

Step 1: You wake up in a cage feeling drugged and ''Status: Fine''. Escape the cage by pulling the hole open in the top corner.

Step 2: Grab the Lighter out of the drawer by your cage. Your going to need it to see. Remember to keep the lights out so you won't be seen.

Step 3: Search the nearby rooms until you come across a locked box. Open it with the code: 4262 If you want to figure it out yourself, the code is written in a note in a nearby room.

Step 4: Once you have the Screwdriver, find the room with the vent and unscrew the screws for the vent cover to get inside. Make sure you are pointing at the screws directly with the screwdriver equipped. You can turn the room light on for a moment if you need to see better. You have to unscrew all 4 to get it open.

Step 5: Go through the vents until you find an opening to the 1st floor of the house. Look around for hiding spots like beds or tables. Your goal now is to find the Hammer. It will be in a drawer somewhere on the 1st or 2nd floor.

Step 6: Once you have the Hammer, you can pull the nails out of a boarded up door on the 2nd floor. Inside your find a closet with a boarded up hatch that you can also pry open. Jump down in there and come out the other side. You should find yourself in a Storage Room.

Step 7: On one corner of the Storage Room will be a closet door. Go through to find a bed room with some drawers and a desk. In one drawer is a can of Drain Cleaner. Grab it.

Step 8: Time to get cleanin. There's sink in the 2nd floor bathroom that is clogged. Pour the Drain Cleaner in it and it will loosen. Nothing is suppose to come out so don't get confused.

Step 9: So now that you unclogged the drain, there's a spill on the basement floor. Go and grab the item that is in it.

Step 10: You may have already noticed a power box in the basement that can be opened with the Screwdriver. If not go find it and open it. Inside there is a wire that needs to be cut. This box powers the fan in the vents by the Safe Room.

Step 11: Take the Hex Key and look for a locked cabinet in the 1st floor bathroom. Pick the lock and take the Rubbing Alcohol.

Step 12: There is a tied up cabinet in the kitchen. You need to pour the Rubbing Alcohol on the rope and burn it with the Lighter. Grab the Wire Cutters inside. Watch out for The Butcher, he likes to spend a fair amount of his time in there. Try and lure him away or wait for him to walk off somewhere. Hide under the table in the nearby Dinning Room if you have to. Once you have the Wire Cutters, make your way back to the power box in the basement and cut the wire.
The House (Part II)
Step 13: Now that the power to the ventilation fan is cut, you'll be able to crawl through it. this will take you do a new section. Be very cautious as The Butcher is nearby this area often. Find a bed to hide under. You'll come across a boarded up hole that you can lead you back to the other section. If you didn't bring the Hammer with you don't worry, there is a 2nd Hammer in a drawer by the clock. Also something to note is that in this area is the Backpack in a locked cabinet which lets you carry more items on you. Its helpful to have so try and find that if you want.

Step 14: So here is the part that anyone would have gotten stuck on and needed a guide for. You wouldn't know it but your next objective is to unlock the attic area. The passage to get to it is hidden by the clock. To make the passage open you have to repair the clock and make it go off. If you pull the clock away from the wall and look behind it you'll see a small compartment that can be opened. A Gear is required to make it function again. Yeah.. That's a lot of very unlikely things you would have to just figure out, being chased by a psycho killer or not.

Step 15: It gets more complex though. To get the Gear that you wouldn't know you need, you have to break it off of the meat scale in the room nearby. You do that by placing body parts you find around the area on it. I believe you need 7-8 pieces. They shouldn't be that far away. If you get stuck you may be missing a piece that is sitting inside the van in the garage. Use the hammer to break the window and pull the lock to open the door. Make sure you run away quick because The Butcher will likely hear the loud sound. Once you've broken the scale the Gear will come out of the backside of it. Grab it and head back over to the clock.

Step 16: Stick that Gear into the gear peg in the back of the clock and start messing with the dials. If you set the clock to 5:00 it will go off and the passage next to it will appear.

Step 17: If you go up the stairs and explore around the attic, you'll eventually come across a barbed-wire pit blocking another section. To cross it, find the Wooden Plank in the back of the van. You'll have to break the window open again.

Step 18: Cross the pit and continue on until you make it to this creepy Bone-Structure Room. In there will be a Shed Key which you will need so take that with you. Behind the Key is a vent passage.

Step 19: Go through the passage and you will come out to the backyard. This will effectively be all the essential areas you need to escape now unlocked. Now how to get out. You need the Key to the front door. It's hidden in a can in the kitchen, and a can-opener sits right below. But it needs batteries, there are 3 around the house and you need all of them. The first 2 are simple, one is above the Dinning Room table in the smoke detector. The other one is upstairs in the radio in the Bedroom.

Step 20: The final batteries is sitting on a fan blade in a room in the attic. To turn the fan on and knock it off, you need to fix the switch. You'll see a cut wire above it. With the Shed Key you got earlier, head back outside and open the Shed. Inside is Tape you can use to fix the wire. Go back and grab the last battery.

Step 21: Now put all the batteries into the back of the can-opener and use the can on it. A Key will pop out. Grab it and unlock the front door.

Step 22: Run off to the right and enter the buildings. Grab the Key on the floor and open the locked door near it. On the other side after some hallways will be an open window you can jump through.

Step 23: Run through the field until you get to a trailer park. There will be a trailer at the end that you can bang on the door for to see if anyone will help you. Use your stamina sparingly :)
You did it!
The Bunker
Quick Tip: If you are in the house and going into the bunker, try and take as much tools and helpful things with you. A lot of them will already be down there but if you already have tools on you that will make things easier. The door slams shut behind you so you can't go back.

Step 1: If you need a screwdriver, find the room "B106'' or what I call it, the Piggy Room. The door will say ''Trash can't use'' on it. Otherwise, find the Storage Room ''B102". There is a vent in there you need to climb into.

Step 2: Go through the vent until you come out into the Security Office. You'll find a key in one of the desk drawers. It's labeled ''Pump Room Key''. Unlock the door and search for the Pump Room ''B107''.

Step 3: So now that you've gotten into the Pump Room, you have to pump the water out of the floor below. But the button won't work until you swim down and pull the trash off of 2 drain holes yourself. So put your swim trunks on and get into that vent by the button. The Safe Room will be on your left and the hole to the next floor is on your right. Make sure to grab the water there.

Step 4: Once you have the 2 drains clear of trash. Push that button in the Pump Room. The water will drain and you can jump back down. On the left is the Computer Room ''B212''. Search the computers for a disk marked ''Notes'', and take it.

Step 5: Look around the B2 floor for a red door, Secure Storage ''B209''. Push the security door button inside and go into the other section. There will be a computer in there with a disk marked ''Operations''. The door will shut so you have to put the ''Notes'' disk into the computer to make the door open again. But thats ok, you don't want that crap.

Step 6: So because the disk got a little completely submerged in water somehow you have to dry it off. Is that how floppy disks work?, you just dry it off a bit and its good? I don't know but that's what we're doing now. Also, here's a great idea, don't use a towel, use burning hot steam shooting out of a pipe that could kill a person to dry it off. Lucky for us there happens to be just that in a room on the floor above ''B105''.

Step 7: Go back to the Security Office ''B103'' and load that boy into the computer.
Now for the scariest part of the game, defraging a computer. I'm making a joke but i'm also deadly serious, this is like hell on earth, and the puzzle is scrambled differently every time so I can't really help you here. The goal is to make the image look like this:

Step 8: After somehow completing that, hit the ''Access HVAC'' button on the screen and shut it down. This turns off the fan in the vent. crawl through that.

Step 9: Once your in the elevator you can use it to get to floor B3. Now you can escape if you want. On the right you'll see a hole which leads to an exit door. Hurrah for you, good job :)

Step 10: If your brave enough to explore around a little and learn what the hell is going on with this game then here we go. I'm gonna be somewhat vague so I don't spoil much but your looking around this floor for some Bug Spray now. You may have noticed a bunch of bugs in the kitchen on floor B2, well that's where your going after you get it. To get back up to the floor above you have to go through the vent in the cells by the way. If you need a screwdriver there should be one on the floor in the Science Room.

Step 11: Go through the bug vent while spraying everything that moves and drop down some holes until you find yourself in Chernobyl's nuclear control room. You can open a door that leads to floor ''B3'' or shoot open some doors that will take you to floor ''B2'' from that room by the way. Now you need to gather 2 keys, to turn whatever this thing is on. One red, one blue:

Blue Key : On the first floor is a room with a cow for some reason ''B104''. You need to grab the Bolt Cutters in the big Garage Room ''B101'' and cut open the cows fence (Aim for the sparkles). The Blue Key will be in there. I guess the cow was guarding it.

Red Key : As stated in a note that a dead guy in a freezer generously left for you, the Red Key is in a locked footlocker. You can find that at the very end of floor ''B2'' in the Dorm Room ''B202''. The code is: 1394

Step 12: If you have the 2 keys your golden. Now you need the launch codes. I have no idea how your suppose to get them yet soooooo... I'll update this in the future but for now here you go:
Blue Key: B2-A2-C4-B1-B3-C1-A4-C2
Red Key: A1-B2-C3-B3-A3-A4

Once the thing starts, make your way up to the garage and pull the fallen beams off of the exit door and get out of there. Good luck with that.
~~~~~HOUSE MAP~~~~~
Attic (Coming Soon)
2nd Floor Vents
2nd Floor

Cage Room :
  • Lighter
Mannequin Room :
  • None
Vent Room :
  • None
Locked Box Room :
  • Lightmeter
  • Sound Meter
  • Alarm Clock
  • Screwdriver
Dead Women Room :
  • Gun
Bathroom :
  • None
Wardrobe Room :
  • Possibly Hammer
  • Flashlight
Bedroom :
  • Battery
  • Drain Cleaner
Storage Room :
  • None
1st Floor (Coming Soon)
Outside (Coming Soon)
Basement (Coming Soon)
~~~~~BUNKER MAP~~~~~
Floor B1 (Unfinished)
Floor B2 (Coming Soon)
Floor B3 (Coming Soon)
House Key Items
{In a drawer in the 2nd floor Cage Room}

Can be used to light up your surrounding area and burn certain things.

{In the locked box on the 2nd floor}

For unscrewing screws and disabling bear traps.

{In a drawer on the 1st or 2nd floor}

For pulling out nails.

{In a drawer in the 2nd floor Radio Room}

There is a drain in the house that needs cleanin.

{On the basement floor after unclogging the drain}

Can be used with a Paper Clip to pick locked drawers and cabinets.

{In the locked cabinet in the 1st floor Bathroom}

Can be used with the Lighter to burn the rope in the Kitchen.

{In the roped cabinet in the Kitchen}

Can be used to cut a wire or disable security cameras and trip wire traps.

{In the meat scale in the 1st floor Meat Scale Room}

Can be used to fixed the clock in the 1st floor Clock Room.

{In the van, in the Garage}

Use to walk over barbed-wire pit in the attic.

{In the Bone Structure Room, in the attic.}

Used to unlock the shed.

{In the Shed}

Used to tape the wire in the attic Fan Room.

{In the well in the backyard}

Attach to the threaded hole in the basement and turn 3 times to turn off the steam, unlocking a new passage in the Kitchen vent.

{In the drawer, in the basement Fuse Box Room}

Use 4 of them to power the fuse box.
(Don't go over 200 volts)

{In the Kitchen, overtop the can opener}

Get 3 batteries and open it with the can opener.

{In the Can}

Unlocks the front door.
Bunker Key Items (Incomplete)
{In the Piggy Room ''B106''}

For unscrewing screws and disabling bear traps..

{In the Security Office ''B103''}

Can be used with a Paper Clip to pick locked drawers and cabinets.

Helpful Tools
{Found in drawers and cabinets around the house and bunker}

Use them at the safe room TV to save your progress.

{In drawers and cabinets around the house and bunker}

To heal yourself with.

{On the floors around the house and bunker}

Can be used as a distraction to lure The Butcher away.

{In a cabinet in the 2nd floor Locked Box Room}

Can be used as a distraction to lure The Butcher away.

{In a cabinet in the 2nd floor Locked Box Room}

Basically helps you know if the lights in a room are on or not......

{In a cabinet in the 2nd floor Locked Box Room}

To show you with a fine measurement how loud and annoying you are.
Also really useful for getting rid of one of those pesky open spaces in your inventory.

{In the 1st floor Locked Closet}

Very useful for knowing where things that want to kill you are.

{In the boarded up room on the 2nd floor}

Can be used to scare off the butcher (requires 2 shots)

{Found in drawers and cabinets around the house and bunker}

Ammo for the Gun. (You have to reload manually)

{Placed around the house by The Butcher}

Can be reused to trap The Butcher.

{In drawers and cabinets around the house}

Use with the Hex Key to unlock locks.

{In the locked cabinet in the 2nd floor Wardrobe Room}

Can use to see in the dark while holding another item.

{On The Butcher}
(Sneak up behind him and grab it)

Used to unlock certain doors with titanium locks.

{In the locked cabinet in the 1st floor Backpack Room}

Upgrades your inventory space to 8.

{In the attic Bedroom, on the dresser}

This is a item you can eat if your playing on hard mode to restore your hunger meter, or you can give this to the injured captive outside in exchange for Bandages.
Body Parts
#1. Torso
{In the Small Bedroom on the 1st floor}

Used to break the meat scale.

#2. Foot
{In the 1st floor Mannequin Room}

Used to break the meat scale.

#3. Organ
{In the Cabinet in the 1st floor Clock Room}

Used to break the meat scale.

#4. Forearm 1
{In the Garage}

Used to break the meat scale.

#5. Hand
{In the Garage}

Used to break the meat scale.

#6. Upper Arm
{In the Garage}

Used to break the meat scale.

#7. Forearm 2
{In the van, in the Garage}

Used to break the meat scale.
Battery #1
{In the radio in the 2nd floor Radio Room}

Used to power the can-opener.

Battery #2
{In the smoke detector above the Dining Room table}

Used to power the can-opener.

Battery #3
{On the ceiling fan blade in the Fan Room in the attic}

Used to power the can-opener.
House Codes
Locked Box: 4262 (Look around the first area for a note)
Locked Closet: 5291 (A note in a vent passage will help you here)
Bunker Keypad: 9751 (There are 4 clocks in the house)

Fuse Box: Put in the 30v, 45v, 50v, and 70v fuses and pull the lever
Bunker Codes
Locked Footlocker: 1394

Blue Key: B2-A2-C4-B1-B3-C1-A4-C2
Red Key: A1-B2-C3-B3-A3-A4
Night Shift Achievements
Good Employee - If you want to be a little try hard, you have to do all the dumb stuff that the manager wrote on his list. You can find it behind the counter:

1. Sweep the floors - Grab the broom by the clock-in machine and sweep whatever your little heart desires until the meter runs out:

2. Place items that weren't purchased back where they belong - Just take the items in the basket behind the counter and put them back where they go:

3. Clean the bathrooms - You don't have to do this part because the doors are locked

The Powerdrill Massacre - Complete the Powerdrill Massacre arcade game.
Here's 2 lil tips:
1. On the first screen of the game you can get 98 lives by standing in this corner off screen

2. On the final stage of the game named ''Escape'' you will not make any forward progress. Making this achievement very hard to get naturally. If you can do it then I applaud you but if you cant but still want the achievement you can use a hacking tool and run a speed hack to make it bearable. Here's a link to download Cheat Engine if you want to try that method:

Bad Customer Service - When the 2nd customer comes in just be really rude to her. Its fun. One correct method is:
1. ''Hi''
2. ''Your the quiet type?''
3. ''Do you want something or not?''

The Night Shift - Complete The Night Shift
Prologue Achievements
Road Trip - Complete The Prologue.
House Achievements
CFV - While in your cage, stare at the tv until it kills you

Not Grandma! - Find the Gun, find the Grandma, introduce them to each other.

Payback - Find the gun and use it on The Butcher until he runs away. (You can't kill him) You have to shoot him twice or he'll just shrug it off, a freaken bullet, he'll just shrug that off even if you shoot him in the face.

Shortcut - So this is a cool little helpful tip, if you didn't know, you can just shoot locked doors open.

Gotcha - At some point while looking around for you, The Butcher will start laying down Bear Traps around the place. You can disable them with the screwdriver and even use them yourself. You get this for using one on him.

No More Big Brother - Disable a camera with the Wire Cutters.

Radar - Get the radar, it's in the locked closet right before the basement stairs. But it's locked up so here's the code: 5291

Fresh Air - Find the passage in the attic to get outside to the Backyard.

To The Rescue - Once you get outside to the Backyard, find the captives in their cages. You can unlock the cages with your Hex Key and a Paperclip.

Don't Look Back - Offer a captive to The Butcher as a friendly gesture.

The New Butcher - Once you get outside to the Backyard, find the captives in their cages. You can unlock the cages with your Hex Key and a Paperclip. Now enough with the false hope, shoot them! Do It!

Hero - Once you get outside to the Backyard, find the captives in their cages. You can unlock the cages with your Hex Key and a Paperclip. Now you have to escort them to the Safe Room in the vents. You can only tell 2 of them to come with you at a time and their are 4 total outside. I recommend using the gun to make this easier and hiding the 2nd group behind the shed while you take the 1st group to the vents.

It's Alive - This one is interesting. You may have noticed a room in the attic you can't get into, and it has some creepy sounds coming from the other side. You may have also noticed a creepy thing staring at you from a vent in one of the rooms The Butcher places you in. I'm gonna show you it's lair. In the attic there is a room with a secret passage on the ceiling. Climb some furniture to reach it.
You have to time your jumps and crouching to make it. On the other side is the creepy room.

Smile - While in the creepy room, you'll find a camera. Take a picture with it.

Bunker - You have to type the code into the keypad in the basement and enter the bunker. The code is the time that the 4 clocks around the house go off. Or I could just tell you... Bunker Keypad: 9751

Sacrifice - Just get caught 3 times.

Parasite - Escape The House. Basically do everything in the house walkthrough above and get out the front door.
Bunker Achievements
The End - Start the countdown and escape through the garage exit door.

Rebirth - Escape through the long passage on the bottom floor of The Bunker.
End Game Achievements
Investigator - You have to read all the notes in the game. Check the ''Notes'' Section below for all locations.

Easy - Beat the game on easy mode.

Medium - Beat the game on medium mode.

Hard - Beat the game on hard mode.

Death To CFV - You have to shoot tv's in the House and Bunker. I've heard that it doesn't have to be the spawn room ones but i'm honestly not sure. The locations for all the tv's in the game are here:

TV #1: (2nd floor Spawn Room)
TV's #2-6: (attic Spawn Room)
TV's #7-8: (basement Spawn Room)
TV #9: (1st floor Granny Room)
TV #10: (Kitchen)
TV's #11-16: (lab area Cell 1)
TV's #17-22: (lab area Cell 2)
TV's #23-28: (lab area Cell 3)
TV #29: (upstairs lab area Chair Room)
--------------------------------------------NIGHT SHIFT----------------------------------------------
#1 Boss's Note (Behind the counter in the store)
#2 Brendan's ID (Outside the bathroom, on the ground)
#3 Mill Closing Notice (On the building wall by the trucks)
#4 Church Letter (Inside the church)
#5 CFV Pamphlet (In the cornfield by the van)
#6 Driver's License (Inside the van)
---------------------------------------------THE HOUSE----------------------------------------------
#7 Newspaper 1 (In a drawer in the 2nd floor Mannequin Room)
#8 Toolbox Note (In a drawer in the 2nd floor Mannequin Room)
#9 Survival Guide (In the Safe Room)
#10 Closet Padlock Note (In Vents by Dining Room hole)
#11 Dead Victim's Note (In the Revolver Room)
#12 Gun Guide (In Hole between Revolver Room and Storage Room)
#13 Lockpick Guide (In the desk drawer in the 2nd floor Radio Room)
#14 Sweat Meats (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#15 Lonely Season (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#16 You Are Here (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#17 Flood The Wall Holes (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#18 Angels (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#19 Working Smarter (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#20 Divine Truth (In the 1st floor Locked Closet)
#21 It Feels You (In a drawer in the 1st floor Clock Room)
#22 Newspaper 2 (On the cabinet in the 1st floor Backpack Room)
--------------------------------------------THE BUNKER----------------------------------------------
#23 Security Memo (In a drawer in the Security Office)
#24 Pump Room Memo (On the wall in the Pump Room)
#25 Janitor's Note (Next to The Cow in the Cow Room)
#26 Bug Spray Memo (On the Kitchen Door)
#27 Note To Matt (On the floor in the Kitchen Freezer)
#28 Shutdown Code Drawling (In the B2 Storage Room)
#29 Guard's Journal (In the locked footlocker)
#30 ResearchLog (In the Lab Area)
#31 Sermon (In the Broadcast Room)
#32 Power Plant Shutdown Manuel (In the Power Plant Room)
The uncaring friend who doesn't want to pick you up later.

The co-worker who pretends he has a date so he can have an excuse to rush out the door.

The shift manager whose never around.

This guy is kinda creepy and mysterious. That's all I really know about him.

This isn't Roxanne, this is a stock image I found on google but you get the idea. The generic protagonist that doesn't have many lines.

Roxanne's boyfriend? Or travel mate? He's the kind of guy who will stop for a quick bathroom break and never come back.

Look at it. It's adorable.

A very cult-like figure that the butcher wants you to listen to for some reason. Here are some of the quotes from his sermons:
''Brothers and sisters, children of faith, I'm honored that you've decided to take this journey with us. To understand the true calling that we are through with on this earth. We all have goals we seek. Expectations that others have, and that we have for ourselves. But don't worry, it's not selfish. There is a world that we envision for ourselves. Perhaps a perfect idea of a utopia where we all live in our loved peace. Make no mistake, that is all apart of the plan that is set before us, and we all have the tools we need to get there. We simply need some guidance to utilize those tools correctly. That's why your here, with us. You simply need to seize that happiness. The one that's already been set before you, and help us create that perfect world. That world of shape and reason, and the divine understanding. Throughout our series on tape, we'll be helping you see the vision of perfection you can create with us. That guides our hands and hearts, and with your patience, we'll bring you with us into that perfection we've already seen. Join us, body and spirit, and you will soon see this perfect world take shape.''

The ''Night Shift Abductor'' is the games killer you should be on the look out for.

She's basically a mobile alarm system. I'm not sure how she's even alive and I believe I saw that she's missing a whole arm. And yes, she can go up and down stairs on that thing.

I'm not sure what kind of breed this thing is but it's pretty savage. I wouldn't let it out if I were you.

These guys are brain dead. They will not do anything unless you tell them to do something.

I think this is a baby? Not a normal one though. Don't be tricked by it's gifts, it's not friendly.

They love people.

It's a cow.

He's a wise old man with knowledge of the bunker.
Set on the border of Texas and Oklahoma in the mid 1980's
Game Facts
  • It's possible to kill the Butcher's Dog. You have to shoot it 5-6 times.

  • If you get caught in the house and sent to the next day, all of your items will be placed for you in the locked closet. The code for the padlock is: 5291

  • If you shoot one of the captives, the others are cool with it. Or maybe I just shot the unpopular one..

  • Sometimes The Butcher just starts freaking out for no reason. He throws a tantrum and usually flips a table or bed.
The Aether Aegis 18 Sep @ 1:57am 
In regards to the Power Drill Massacre arcade game, if you mash space repeatedly, you gain speed, and if you stop, it depletes about as fast.
Even with that knowledge, the last area is going to still be hell, and kill you quite a many times until you understand the layout well enough and are skilled enough not to die.
But the Spacebar makes the game SO much easier.

BTW, thanks for the guide, mate~!
Aka  [author] 24 Sep, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
i will admit tho the map may be a loss cause that would take a long time and im lazy
Aka  [author] 24 Sep, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
yeah sorry everyone havent played this in awhile lol planning to pick it up again next month because spooky time ill try and update a bit.
enaemon 24 Sep, 2023 @ 8:05am 
hey stinky, in the house there's this room on the 2nd floor (you can access it by a hatch in the closet of the room where the 1st pistol is found) where there's a lot of food and water storages, you just have to click on the water one and you'll drink it!
in the bunker there's a bottle of water in one of the dorms, you'll find it after draining all the water of the flood floor, but i'm not sure if there's another way of getting it
i can post a video or share my screen if you're not sure how to find it :mikuDIVA:
stinky 31 Jul, 2023 @ 9:28pm 
how do you get water
MopHead 25 Mar, 2023 @ 9:24pm 
yeah that would be awesome
Aka  [author] 25 Mar, 2023 @ 9:14pm 
dont think theres any vr for now but maybe someday :) would be pretty scary
MopHead 25 Mar, 2023 @ 8:47am 
When you say use a headset, do you mean headphones or vr?
L E W 偏执狂 15 Mar, 2023 @ 12:58am 
GG! :TOIcrown:
luvfreaky02 30 Dec, 2022 @ 5:48pm 
its alright lol, thank you for the help though!