Victoria 3
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A Guide to Japan Before the Inevitable DLC [Probably Outdated]
От Giant Enemy Crab
You know it's coming, I know it's coming, Paradox knows it's in the pipeline, they just prefer not telling you that it is so you buy the game anyway. So I'm writing this guide after putting 85 hours into the country, since nobody else has written a guide yet.
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Japan Overview
So, you want to play Japan, but you don't know what you're doing. Well, you're in the right place for learning how to industrialize Japan.

I'll not bandy words like I did with my EU4 guide, which was super in-depth. You start with virtually nothing. Also, your economy is barely kept afloat.

So, we start with the Shogunate (landowners) and Samurai in power. The Shogunate has 50% clout, and the Samurai have about 9-10%. This is pretty daunting stuff, but we'll oust them all soon enough. Our main goal, in order to get to the modicum of unique flavor that Japan gets, is to trigger the 'Honorable Restoration' journal entry. It requires the shogunate faction be out of power and be below 20% clout for 10 whole years.

Yep, 10 years in game spanning 100 years. It doesn't reset or anything if you mess up, but the timer pauses instead. Once we trigger the Meiji Restoration, as it is traditionally known, the Shogun abdicates his responsibilities and you hit the first brush of flavor. Namely, your country finally changes to Japan, adopting its signature red color, a new flag, and moving the capital to Edo (Tokyo). You also get three new events relating to the Restoration. These involve the evolution of the Samurai into the Armed Forces interest group (removing their Bakufu trait), the end of Sakoku (closed country), and urbanizing Japan. In most runs, these will still be available by the time the Restoration fires, but if you've been an eager beaver, you may have ended Sakoku already and the corresponding journal entry (along with its reward) will vanish into the aether. You also unlock the decision upon forming Japan to adopt State Shinto as the official religion. This modernizes the Buddhist Monks, removing another annoying trait they had.

The final reward for completing the Restoration is that you get claims on Korea. That's it. Enjoy the last 30-40 years of the game though!
Opening Construction
On its surface, Victoria 3 might appear like a rich economic and society simulator. But once you crack the code, you realize that things could not be further from the truth. And that code is understanding the game's economy loop. Every building in the game produces something from something else, and you need something that requires what that first building produces. In most circumstances, that need comes from pops, who consume things like goods and services so you, the country, can make money.

A more literal example is this: your logging camp makes wood that fuels your tooling workshop. The tools go back to increasing productivity in the logging camp, allowing for more wood to be produced. You then expand an iron mine that allows you to upgrade your tooling workshop to develop iron tools for more tools, creating a demand for iron. You just expand this never-ending loop until you get bored and quit the game, basically.

This is especially true as Japan, where this formula is my recommended opening move.
Japan begins with a grand total of 9 construction, with 5 being the base and 4 coming from two other construction centers. This is obviously untenable, so I build an equal number of construction and logging camps, ending with a single tooling workshop and iron mine. This allows me to sustain a solid amount of construction in the early game while still making money through consumption taxes and budgetary discretion. Specifically, these expenditures are offset by early consumption taxes on luxury clothing, porcelain, tea, tobacco, liquor, and services. You might be tempted to use grain or clothes instead, but I feel that these penalizes your lower strata moreso than taxing vices and services instead.

You may also be wondering why I build in Shikoku. And the rationale here is simple: Shikoku has the easiest time recovering from a chronic problem that every state (except Ryukyu) in Japan suffers from: Insufficient Taxation Capacity. This is a walloping modifier to each state's effective tax income, but it's actually less sinister than you might otherwise be led to believe. This is because at game start, you actually are just taxing peasants for the most part. There's not really much of anything else in the way of industry.

This leads me to my next point for Japan, early-game Government Administrations, Barracks, and Naval Bases are all noob traps. As far as an early Japan is concerned, you might as well pretend they don't exist, with some exceptions. This is because all of these buildings cost money to run, and we want to snowball our economy, not bog it down with the infinite expenses of the bureaucracy. No seriously, look at how much a single GA building costs to run: roughly 800 a week. Barracks and Naval Bases will employ pops, but they'll also suck away your income into their wages and military goods.

The exception to this rule of thumb is when you're first building in Shikoku. Since you're so close to the tax inefficiency threshold, I personally like to throw down 2 more GA buildings here, just to hit positive taxation for the future industry we'll be building here.

And that's really the initial build. Over the first few years of the game, this will complete, and you'll want to add more construction that equalizes your market's demands, like tools and such. If you did things right, you should be making money as the build completes. You'll also want to switch all buildings to use tools (Wheat, Rice, Pastures, Logging Camps, etc.), and scale up demand accordingly. As your treasury nears its maximum, which should happen around 8-10 years in, go ahead and switch all 8 construction centers to iron-frame construction. This will sap your economy in the short-term, but will double your construction output once you satisfy the increased demand on the iron mines and tooling workshops. You'll also want to get the railways technology ready soon, so you can build steel mills and motor industries to build railways, providing transportation to your pops and solving infrastructure problems forever.

Additionally, you'll also want to get 5 universities built as soon as you finish the Academia technology. This costs money to run, but it's well worth the investment early. You could technically build 15 of these to hit your innovation cap immediately, but that would seriously tank your economy. Besides, there's production methods that let you shore up the difference. When you finish the Academia journal entry, pick one of the tech options, as the throughput bonus will only result in 1500 total innovation over 5 years if you have 5 universities, instead of the 1650 from a tech option. If you come up with different math though, definitely let me know.

Another side note here is to max out your ports in Shikoku, as that early infrastructure before railways come online will help avoid market access penalties.

On another note, try to specialize your states in Japan. This is because you'll want to spread out the modernization of Japan, as this satisfies a journal entry for the Meiji Restoration (to have 70% of states with a level 5 Urban Center (500 Urbanization). After much trial-and-error, part of which included realizing it doesn't matter very much, I opted to go with the following breakdown. This also helps consolidate your Economy of Scale/throughput bonuses, which cap out at 50% for having 51 levels after two additional techs (beginning at 20 for 21 levels). But again, as long as you stack the industry somewhere, it doesn't matter where it goes, except for the Shipyards in Shikoku.

Hokkaido: Power Plants, Electric Industry, Wheat (This is your only source of wheat fields, which are the only non-trade source of wine in Japan, though this is equal to tea in terms of pop demands (luxury drink)).
Tohoku: Arms and Munitions; Livestock.
Kanto: Universities and Art Academies; Silk.
Kansai: Groceries and Textiles; Rice.
Chubu: Glass and Fertilizer; Tea.
Ryukyu: War Machines and whatever else you want, I grew Tobacco here to give them something to do.
Chugoku: Paper and Furniture; Dyes.
Kyushu: Steel and Engines; Dyes.
Shikoku: Tools and Shipyards; Dyes (Shikoku is the only state with a unique trait that gives +10 Naval Base levels and +10% Shipyard throughput).

This was just how I broke it down for Japan, and it ultimately doesn't matter as long as you concentrate all the industry in the same states, expanding railways as needed. Once you allow migration, your pops will be able to move freely between states, but that should generally not be an issue, given your 31m population.
Colonizing as Isolationist Japan
I know what you're thinking: "Holy hell why is Russia colonizing Hokkaido?" Or: " that the British? What are they doing in Hokkaido?"

And the answer is a frustrating one, as Japan doesn't fully control Hokkaido at game start. While this is technically accurate as the game depicts Japan in 1836, it is absolutely incompatible with how the game depicts colonization: as a mad dash to gobble up all the possible land you can get. And for the non-malaria provinces in the world, that means literally all of them will be done in the first 10 years, if not 20. Historically speaking, it wouldn't be until the Meiji Restoration that Japan took full control of Hokkaido, so that's obviously off the table if we want to avoid having to fight Russia over it.

As a pitiful consolation prize for not even having claims on our future de jure territory of Hokkaido (unless the finisher event for the Restoration that gives you claims includes Hokkaido if you don't own it already, and if not, then lmao), you get claims on Sakhalin that you can press if Russia (or anyone else) colonizes it before you.

Paradoxically, rushing colonization is actually a terrific strategy for Japan to do, despite the ahistorical nonsense that this is. This is because all of the remaining lands in the world that have not been colonized, are divided between those that do not have malaria, those that have malaria, and those that have severe malaria. The provinces without malaria require only the first technology of Colonization to begin passing the law for, and those with malaria require the next tech in the chain: Quinine. But for our purposes as Japan, all we want is Colonization.

This is because fully controlling Hokkaido is such an important goal for Japan. In the coming decades of the game, Hokkaido will have a gold rush that spawns 8 gold fields. Until these fields deplete, their base minting income (that you receive directly) of 500 each won't seem terribly impressive. But once they deplete, you're then able to build the more lucrative upgrade: gold mines that scale with technological improvements. So now Hokkaido is supporting your treasury directly with minting income and growing wine for all of Japan. Pretty sweet gig, right? It's made even sweeter by the fact that Hokkaido has 36 coal, 36 lead, 33 lead, and 32 sulfur mines to go with it. It supports 54 wheat farms as well, so don't sleep on this.

Sakhalin is also a great state to snag early, but it's not the end of the world if Russia gets this state. Sakhalin boasts 45 iron mines, 32 coal mines, but can only raise livestock. It can support some fish, lumber, and whaling stations though.

So, I personally make Colonization the first thing I go for every game. This is because Russia doesn't always colonize Sakhalin and Hokkaido, and even if they do start on Sakhalin, this isn't the end of the world, because you usually have time to get Hokkaido colonized before Russia can start.

From there, whatever's left of the world is your comical oyster. You can go for the quinine stuff (which requires universities to be built, which you'll want anyway, since it'll boost your effective innovation stat), or just disable the colonization institution once you're done. Your main options depend on what your game's AI has decided it wants, but Oceania is usually very attainable for Japan, as is South America. One run, I even got into Kenya (East coast of Africa, decentralized power), and kept expanding into the interior. It was great. There's also Papua New Guinea, but the AI tends to colonize parts of it. They're annoyingly relentless, despite the 99% penalty to colonization speed.

Speaking of speed, this is why Japan functions so well as an effective colonizer: their starting population of 31 million that ranks #6 in the world. This gives them the max colony growth speed at 2% per day. If you start a second colony, this narrows it down to 1.66% per day— still a good deal. The South American colonizers are so comically slow at this that you can easily snatch up vast swaths of the region uncontested. Or, even if contested, at the small cost of 20k lives (99% of which will be attrition deaths).

This opener does require a bit of luck though, since Russia usually likes to colonize near you. Someone suggested that improving relations with Russia increases the likelihood of them going away, but I haven't found that to be the case in my experience.

The other component of said luck also involves your parties and radicals. Colonization is not popular, and you'll likely accrue some 1 million radicals in the aftermath of passing the law. This is basically inevitable if you're stridently ignoring opposition and pushing for a liberal utopia, but feel free to revert to no colonialism if you're content with what you've gotten. And once you finish with all your laws, your interest groups will mellow out and stop being so mad all the time now that they realize life is pretty good.

As a final reason to colonize, your mid/late-game trade will be reliant almost entirely on convoys. As of this initial version of the game, you as Japan are utterly limited by the number of ports you can build. It doesn't matter that you can build 1000 railways in a state, you're stuck with a hard limit of 4-7 ports based on tech. This will give you anywhere from 12-24k convoys (or more with the last tech), but you'll still find yourself needing many, many more.

This is where Oceania comes in. Every coastal province will have the same port threshold: 4 at game start. And given how few states there are in Japan, and how many there are in Oceania that are uncolonized, the picture becomes very clear: Japan should take the islands, which they wanted to do anyway.
Overthrowing the Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration
This will likely be the source of most players' frustrations when they first attempt Japan if they're new. I know it was for me, but once I understood the economic loop, it became a breeze to oust the shogunate. But they start with a commanding 50% clout, seen below.

As you can see, they get a massive amount of bonuses, but this clout is a paper tiger, since there aren't really any other classes in Japan, besides the peasantry, Buddhist monks, and samurai. As you industrialize the country, the other groups will eat away at this power base, and you'll see this first happen when the samurai fade into obscurity. So our goal is to remove the shogunate from power by empowering other interest groups and diminishing the shogunate's power. Industrializing the country accomplishes both of these things. But what of laws?

As you see in the screenshot above, five different laws boost the shogunate's influence. Of these laws, we'll want to remove all of these except the Monarchy boost. This will involve us passing Professional Army, National Guard, Dedicated Police Force, and Abolish Serfdom. These are obviously going to upset the shogunate in some way or another, but that's okay. This is because even though the shogunate (and others) may oppose a proposed law change, like Professional Army or something, their opposition actually doesn't matter if it won't push them over the edge to a revolution.

And it's this part, the revolution part, that I want to emphasize. It is absolutely possible for you to overthrow the shogunate without having to fight a costly revolution. This is because even though they're unhappy with a law being passed (such as going to Dedicated Police from Local Police), this unhappiness is fleeting. It'll eventually burn off as you pass other laws. But if you try to be too ambitious in your political legislation game, they'll quit your government, tanking your legitimacy in the process, and decide that you are too dangerous to be left alive.

This is obviously not ideal. So if you ever see a revolution brewing, look at why they're trying to do this, and either cancel your pending legislation, or start passing something at least one IG about to revolt would be appeased by, preferably a law you wanted to pass anyway.

And...that's about it. If you're going the colonialism route, do be aware that once you pass it, your peasantry will be quite upset by this break in isolation, and you'll probably take on a million radicals in very short order. But radicals are just a number, and Hokkaido's gold more than makes up for their fleeting unhappiness.

EDIT: As of the first hotfix, 1.0.4, you can no longer ignore political movements if their radicalism goes beyond 50. This pauses the Meiji Restoration timer, because the revolution meter will now appear at 50 (being capped at the level of radicalism). Paradox may or may not change this again for Japan, but the interim solution would be to either spread out your populace's mass dissatisfaction with your modernization efforts, or kill them all via revolution.
Why Read When Few Word Do Trick?
Here's a list I initially intended to be super-compact when I first started writing it, but then I realized that it was not as compact as I wanted it to be, and gave up. Anyway, here's what I do on day 1 when I play Japan. Bear in mind that some interest group leader traits and Russia's colonialism RNG will change some of the law-specific steps by delaying them. If executed properly, however, this shouldn't result in any revolutions.

Day 1

Set consumption taxes on Services, Liquor, Tobacco, Tea, Chinaware, and Luxury Clothing. Optionally, decrease military spending by one level.

Delete the two whaling stations in Kanto. The oil they produce is pointless this early, and the jobs have a 30% mortality rate. Deleting them before you unpause deletes the timed journal entry you have on Day 1 that asks you to increase it to level 3 and hire an admiral. The rewards are -2% mortality risk for a few years, or 25% throughput on an industry you have virtually no demand for, so delete it and build them when you have demand for oil (and preferably workplace safety institution at -100%).

Go to Buildings Side Menu. Change production for Urban Center to Market Stalls and Free Churches. This will increase services offered and decrease the amount of clergymen. Feel free to leave them in if you're looking for a more historical Japan with religion as a more focal point though, this way just fires some clergymen and reduces their clout (which is quite high in Japan for the start). Do the same for Government Administration, changing to Secular Administration.

Go to the Rural tab. Change Wheat Farms to Fig Orchards, and Rice Farms to Fig Orchards. Change your Fishing Wharves to Fishing Trawlers. Go to the Development tab. Change Ports to Cargo Ports.

Edit: The original version of this guide suggested changing wheat field production to vineyards, which I have found to be less efficient than fig orchards, as you desperately need sugar production to scale up your Food Industries before you end isolationism and can import it. Doing this prevents the solitary event regarding wine from firing (a temporary prestige boost or 50% throughput boost, yay...), but the luxury drink need is equally satisfied by tea or coffee, unlike intoxicants, which have varying conversion rates.

Queue up 6x construction centers in Shikoku, followed by 6x logging camps, 1x tooling workshop, and 1x iron mine, changing the tooling workshop to use pig-iron tools instead. This is your basic bread and butter that you'll fulfill pretty much all game.

Set first technology project to Colonization, with Hokkaido and Sakhalin being the first two priorities. Oceania being a distant third. Feel free to be as ambitious as you want though. South America will have some gold you can exploit if you're not satisfied. If you earnestly do not care about colonization, then take Academia (this will be our second tech anyway).

With our leftover Authority after the consumption taxes, begin bolstering the Intelligentsia and suppressing the Buddhist Monks. Alternatively, you can do one or neither of these things and benefit from the surplus 425 authority's -15% law enactment time. It's up to you.

Regardless, every game's opening law strategy will have the same four options: State Religion, Professional Army, National Guard, or Dedicated Police Force. Depending on your RNG, these may not be compatible with Colonization Law, so check who supports that too before deciding on anything. Essentially, if you pick the wrong combination of laws that piss off the shogunate and the peasantry (Colonization radicalizes them from day 1 if passed), they'll start a revolution. Thus, I like to begin with Professional Army, as it makes the peasantry happier, enhances the strength of your army, and usually the only supporting interest group, the Samurai/Armed Forces, are in power on Day 1.

After Day 1

Once your tooling workshops come online, go back to the Buildings Side Menu again, and change Wheat and Rice Farms to use tools. Do the same for Livestock Ranches (Butchering Tools) and Logging Camps (Saw Mills).

Build things to meet demand, balancing your economy as it grows. Depending on your luck with your first few law checks, you may or may not have something passed by now. Regardless, once you get Colonization researched, that law will be your priority. So if you just rolled the checkpoint, just drop the law and move onto starting Colonization. This is doubly true if Russia has started colonizing Sakhalin, as you're running out of time. Personally, I restart if they get Hokkaido, but that's up to you.

After you get Colonization (or Academia), your priority is to build 5 universities now, preferably in the same state. Take the 50% throughput bonus when the event fires. Be sure to set them to secular if that's what you're aiming for. As your second or third technology, you'll also want to get Romanticism for access to the lifesaving Agrarianism Economy Law. This is because our Traditionalist Economy is horrifically awful, so you don't want to stick around a moment longer in it than you have to.

By 1846 (Or Earlier)

Once you've got your universities and basic production economy setup, you'll want to balance between researching important production technologies (like railways, fertilizers, and so on) and society technologies that give you access to new laws like human rights (what a concept). Be sure to never sit on the chances of a 0% law— just move onto something else instead.

By 1846, your treasury should be full, or nearing it, and you'll want to make the dramatic switch into Iron-Frame Buildings in your Construction Centers. If you built exactly 6 as mentioned earlier, this will set you into a healthy deficit. But you'll narrow this deficit by scaling up your iron mines and tooling workshops in Shikoku, adding ports to offset the infrastructure demands as needed.

As this is going on, or even sooner, you're probably out of laws to pass by now. So go ahead and reform the government to kick the samurai out, and add in the intelligentsia. These guys support a number of more forward-thinking reforms, like changing the distribution of power in the country to Landed Voting. This one should be your immediate priority, as it has a good chance of passing thanks to themed events that give near-guaranteed increases in success chance. Once this law passes, parties will begin forming based on the Society technologies that have been researched. As more parties form and splinter away from each other, the less power that the shogunate will enjoy, and in a few decades, you'll be able to effortlessly kick them out of government after one such an election. They'll still probably be powerful, however, but now they're vulnerable to suppression effects, which can trigger an event chain dedicated to suppression measures.

After voting, however, our main law priorities are to pass everything possible that we want to, but three major laws stand out: Agrarianism, Per-Capita Taxation, and Free Trade.

As mentioned earlier, Agrarianism is lifesaving because now the waning aristocrats can contribute monies to our non-existent investment fund. And Per-Capita Taxation is just leagues ahead of the aggressively awful law that is Land-Based Taxation. And for Free Trade, we want access to markets around the world so we can import sugar and export fine Asian goods, like Chinaware, Tea, Luxury Furniture, and Luxury Clothing. Depending on how the markets in your game evolve, this can be a tremendous boost to your economy. In one game, I was shipping almost 4000 units (pounds?) of tea to the British Market alone. The only constraint in this version of the game is how many ports and convoys you can build. So go wild.
If you've had a bit of luck on your side and a bit of shrewd economic judgment, your economy should break even again after implementing some laws and changes through Agrarianism and Per-Capita Taxation. This will take a hit once you enact Free Trade, but you can shore things up with some profitable routes, such as for Tea. Once you get these critical laws passed, work on the other laws you haven't managed to pass yet, as there will be plenty to keep you busy for a few decades longer.

Of these remaining laws, Proportional Taxation and Laissez-Faire (or even Interventionism as an upgrade over Agrarianism) will be your last boosts in law-related income. This is because you've been building up a base of healthy capitalists in your country, and they're all eager to contribute to your investment fund, allowing you to build relentlessly. And when you pass Laissez-Faire, capitalists give the highest contribution to your investment fund.

And as your income expands, you can eventually take on the upgrade to Steel-Frame Buildings, or even just expand and modernize your armies and navies. But don't forget about your inefficient taxation penalties, either.

Once you trigger the Meiji Restoration and fulfill all of its objectives, you'll be rewarded with some dying gasps of flavor, and claims on Korea.
A Brief Aside on Why Industrializing Works
When I was first taught how the economy worked, I was confused. Surely if building A required 100 tools, and I built enough to produce 100 tools, that both would be profitable. This is an annoyingly common misconception that defies conventional wisdom. This is because the game actually wants you to create a slightly higher demand level ranging in the 5-10% range. So it's not enough that you achieve true equilibrium between supply and demand, but that some demand goes unfulfilled. It's arcane and I don't know why it works, but it works.

Another reason that industrializing is so effective at ousting the incumbent landowners (Shogunate) faction is for a relatively obtuse reason. While yes, building anything has the effect of employing more pops that go on to join interest groups that aren't named Peasants, what's going on behind the scenes is the real reason for the dramatic shift in power.

Let's look at a quick example of this:

In this new Japan game I just started, I've queued up an iron mine to show you what it looks like by default. Specifically, look at the starting ownership of the building— the Merchant Guilds. Now, later on in the game, you'll have some flexibility in how you tailor this particular setting, but in the early game, we don't actually care about any of that. Rather, we only care about getting out of this default level as quickly as possible so we can get to the capitalists.

And looking at the image above, we see that the ownership actually changes automatically as we upgrade our industry. The game does not tell you of these changes as you upgrade production methods, for some reason. But it happens all the same. You'll also notably not see many options for the aristocrats to remain in power, which is another reason that they diminish so quickly— there's quite literally no room for them in the industrialized future.

So just building and expanding your industry with cutting edge production methods will dramatically grow the up-and-coming capitalist pops for their future role in society: paying monies into your investment fund (and taxes, I guess).
[1.0.4] The Armstrong Method
"I do need capital. And votes. Wanna know why? 'I have a dream.' That one day, every person will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think — to act — for himself! ♥♥♥♥ all these limp-♥♥♥♥ lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. ♥♥♥♥ this 24/7 newspaper spew of trivia and shogunate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. ♥♥♥♥ "Japanese pride", ♥♥♥♥ the newspapers! ♥♥♥♥ all of it! Japan is diseased, rotten to the core. There's no saving it — we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down! And from the ashes, a new Japan will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive — free to live as they see fit, they'll make Japan great again!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You still don't get it. I'm using taxation as a business to get elected, so I can end taxation as a business. In my new Japan, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE. Not for money, not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!"

— Senator Armstrong, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Day 1 Strategy

This strategy is inspired by my success with two runs I've had with this approach, where I hit top 5 GDP in 50 years, without even building for trade. It is also inspired by Senator Armstrong [Spoilers]:

This is basically a speedrun for accruing radicals, but until the shogunate is out of government, our only concern about political movement radicalism is avoiding 100 or the inevitable upwards lategame creep after 75% radicalism on a movement (which will just inch closer to 100%). This makes rushing max Home Affairs the most important law in the game with how overtuned radical generation is right now, as their level 5 institution actively works double-time in generating loyalists (which reduce radicals) and reducing radicals. This law requires a few technologies, but mainly passing Protected Speech in Censorship laws and then upgrading your National Guard law to its final form. Then, you can upgrade the institution. Once we kick the shogunate out of power (and they're below 20% clout), we'll want to keep political movement radicalism below 50%, so the revolution doesn't pause our Restoration timer. But after the Restoration fires, eat your heart out.

As a "fun" fact, a revolution progresses by 10% per week after 50 radicalism triggers the spawn. But it decreases by 1 per week after, if the movement doesn't evaporate completely for law-related reasons. This means it can take up to a year for a revolution that won't even fire to fully dissipate. Isn't that amazing?

Anyway, let's get into what we're doing differently.

  • Delete all barracks not in our capital of Kansai, or our future capital state of Kanto. If you goof and a revolution does become inevitable, you'll want 100 professional regiments in your always-loyal capital state than anywhere else, as you'll still have to kill conscripts and reconquer most of Japan. You may also want to put your arms industries here, so that's up to you to plan accordingly for. You can see which states will revolt by hovering over the revolution bar, but a safe bet is "most of them".

  • Set taxes to very high, government and military budget to very low, and pass every single consumption tax that nets you the most income. This includes grain and things like clothes or services. If you have leftover authority over 100, pass more consumption taxes. I'm not joking. This will put you at an insane 60k a week. And yes, some people may be upset at the standard of living plummeting, but why do we care about the wellbeing of peasants? Spoiler: We don't. I even had a famine event fire that would have required me to take authority off of consumption taxes to pass emergency decrees. You know what I did instead? I let them starve and about 1-2 million died. You know who else also died? About 1-2 million radicals. I'm exaggerating a bit, but my radicals genuinely declined as I let famine rock three different states. Oh well. Future immigration made up the difference anyway.

  • Build 15 construction centers in Shikoku. Feel free to apply this strategy to any state of your choosing, since Shikoku will quickly run out of meaningful jobs to give people if you go with the original guide's recommended industry distribution. As usual, build an equal amount of logging camps to go with the centers. Then, do the usual route of scaling up your tooling workshops and iron mines to supply your country's immediate needs.

  • Research Colonization and Academia as before, but instead of building 5 universities in one state, build 15. Even after hitting 15 construction centers or even converting them to iron-frame construction, you have enough spare income to fully fund these universities. And as I recently found out (and cover in my brief Tech overview in a separate guide), the 'Found an Academy' journal entry rewards become less-efficient than the output boost if you have 13+ universities. So take that and prosper.

  • Take Iron Frame Construction when you research the Atmospheric Engine. While you'll want to heavily invest in Production tech's Tier 2 and Tier 3 unlocks as fast as possible, your iron mines on day 1 won't be able to efficiently produce the iron your construction industry will demand, exploding demand for both that and tools, unless you have a steel mill also set up to make steel tools. But with the next improvement, your iron output grows tremendously, and we avoid creating radicals from your 24/24 iron mines in Shikoku suddenly dropping to 65% cash reserves because you produce far too much iron than you needed. Generally aim for around 5 years to make the switch, since you'll be building with considerably more construction centers compared to the original start. You'll take a bit of an income penalty, but this will dissipate once you stabilize the market.

    Special Note: Each jump in production methods for construction may seem like a larger up-front cost, but each upgrade is actually more efficient for income per construction spent. Just upgrading to iron alone is something around a 33% decrease in baseline construction costs per construction point, and that decreases by a further 25% or so for steel and arc-welding, as these double previous values.

  • From there, you basically just industrialize at an ungodly pace, building as much as you possibly can, wherever you can. As a side note, my personal experience regarding fishing wharves has been that their demand appears to be rather invisible. That is, as I built more and ignored what the market said it needed, their consumption went up. It's not life-changing or anything, but food for thought.

  • And by year 50 (1886), you should be easily top 5 GDP, if not top 10. And as you pass the relevant budgetary measures (trade, economy, taxation) and liberal laws that reduce your authority, feel free to scale back your consumption taxes and adjust taxes as needed. You may notice your slow-burning radical population not caring very much about this, and this is why you need to get the Home Affairs institution maxed out as fast as possible, to put out the fire and finally doing some damage control.

Other notes for the Armstrong Method include noting your starting Standard of Living average, which is 10. It'll drop a bit as you tax the planet to high heaven, but once you give them jerbs, some of them will get over it.

Other Capitalism Quotes

"Rate hike! Rate hike!" — Palmer, Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)

"Capitalism, ho!" — Recette, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

"Well, I don't write my own speeches." — Senator Armstrong
This is just to track changes, so people can see how guidance has evolved with changes to the game or new information or the DLC.

November 5th, 2022
  • Changed recommendation about Wheat Field production method to instead recommend Fig Orchards, as Japan lacks meaningful non-trade sources of sugar outside of building up rice or wheat fields. Rationale here is that wine's role in the market is already covered by tea, and as such, you can instead build up tea plantations to cover luxury drink needs.
  • Added Armstrong Method section as an alternative strategy.
  • Amended guide in response to new information about historical status of Hokkaido, tobacco, and cotton (the last of which is likely just a combination of textile-based plants, I assume).
To the Websites Stealing my Work
It's recently come to my attention that other websites have been blatantly stealing my work here (and for my tech guide). As a result, I've been working to issue takedown requests. If you see any of them, shoot me a message or comment and I'll hammer them with one too. I've also set up a Ko-fi account. When I wrote these guides, I wasn't really thinking of adding these, but being left out in the cold by these ♥♥♥♥♥♥ websites collecting ad revenue off my work has left an especially bad taste in my mouth. As such, I've set one up. There's no expectation of anything, of course, but it's there if you're so inclined.

Per copyright law, this guide and all of its contents may not be reproduced anywhere else without express written permission from myself. And as per Steam user guidelines and rules, Steam has a non-exclusive license to host this guide, and all images belong to Paradox Interactive.
35 коментара
drthwanda 19 ноем. 2023 в 4:07 
Lol. Step one: check that British/USA/Russia want to kick your ass and make them --> wait for war to finish --> enjoy open market and no shogunate with clout of 0.4%. Done.
Supply Slut 12 май 2023 в 12:05 
On day 1 with Japan check Russia’s attitude towards you, if it’s belligerent or anything red just restart until it’s neutral or green. This will almost always keep them off your back for the first few years, immediately improving relations then helps keep them off your back for longer.

Another day 1 check is seeing if the leader of the shogunate (not the head of state, the leader of the interest group) is a jingoist - this will allow you to pass colonial institutions immediately without much delay (since their clout is huge at the beginning). This same jingoist will allow you to switch to professional army, which is a nice first hit to the shogunate clout bonuses (it starts on peasant levies which gives +25% to shogunate).
PresidentStorm 13 март 2023 в 11:51 
Japan got a bit easier in the update. You start with colonization (though you don't have to worry about Hokkaido being colonized anymore) and academia, while they also changed it so you can instantly get the Honorable Restoration by winning a revolution against the Landowners. Pretty good stuff.
Giant Enemy Crab  [автор] 4 ян. 2023 в 20:13 

Right, figs and citrus as production methods for rice/wheat just produce fruit and sugar.
Rabbit 4 ян. 2023 в 15:57 
It just gives me the option to change wheat to citrus and wine no figs for that
Giant Enemy Crab  [автор] 8 дек. 2022 в 3:29 
[And apparently, Steam has a comment character limit of 1000...]

Anyway, I'm planning on doing a 1.11 or 1.12 run soon so that I can update the guide accordingly, but we know how Paradox is with their patch stability. I believe there's a current bug in 1.11 about high legitimacy creating radicals, so I'm not sure if I have the tolerance for more of that just yet. 1.11 did apparently fix the 0% industrialists bug though, so maybe in a year we'll have a stable game...
Giant Enemy Crab  [автор] 8 дек. 2022 в 3:28 
Hey guys, looks like some websites have been scraping the text data from my guides. While they are unwise to anger a Giant Enemy Crab, please let me know if you see any of these shitty websites, and I'll issue a takedown request. Just because the guide is published on Steam, doesn't mean it's public domain or that I somehow lose ownership of the contents (save for the images, obviously).

I wrote these to mostly distract myself from having to work on my manuscript and to give people a valuable resource. And from what I can tell, enough of ya'll have voted this guide high enough that it's currently the third best guide in terms of ratings, so I'm glad it's been helpful. To that end, and in large part due to the aforementioned shitty websites, I've started a Ko-fi account for anyone who may wish to donate. It's listed as a coffee, but it's really a bit of seaweed to sustain my massive frame.
Giant Enemy Crab  [автор] 15 ноем. 2022 в 13:01 
@Infinite Beak

Stacking construction is better for a single state, as it gives a local bonus. The main strategy has everything in Shikoku, while the alternate one is more flexible.
Infinite Beak 15 ноем. 2022 в 11:31 
In the opening construction, are you building all the construction and logging camps in Shikoku, or one in each state?
tance 12 ноем. 2022 в 0:16 
top tier guide, the cherry on-top was the office reference. :steamthis: