Victoria 3
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Dense Market Details
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29 ott 2022, ore 16:55
25 nov 2024, ore 13:11
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Dense Market Details

In 1 collezione di Seppiya
UI Mods
2 elementi
Tired of scrolling through the market details tab? This mod condenses the entries in the list so that more goods are visible at once.
88 commenti
Ilhan 7 dic 2024, ore 10:30 
nice idea. I hope it doesnt slow down the game.
lucas 30 nov 2024, ore 19:42 
also got the uninitialized, tick the game error
Rasol 29 nov 2024, ore 6:33 
hey guys. "Some More Denser Screens" mod is problem on 'Uninitialized, tick the game' error
Mr. Wayne 28 nov 2024, ore 5:31 
Bracc 28 nov 2024, ore 1:20 
Also getting the 'Uninitialized, tick the game' error. Ran the game vanilla with no other mods just to confirm it was this mod and still got the error.
rugger88 27 nov 2024, ore 20:36 
I'm getting an 'Uninitialized, tick the game' error with this mod while trying to access the market. Running the game forward doesn't fix it.
In A Silent Way 26 nov 2024, ore 11:52 
Thanks for the update, if i could only have one mod in vic 3 it would be this one.
Chirico 25 nov 2024, ore 23:26 
Thanks for the update! have been jerking in other games only to wait till mods could get back online, dude you are a life saver.
Galocego 25 nov 2024, ore 13:25 
As I had imagined, you must have been busy. Thank you for the update.
Seppiya  [autore] 25 nov 2024, ore 13:18 
Update should be out now. I was busy with other stuff and didn't even notice the DLC dropped.