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How to find out all the codes in Stray + (bonus) How to find all the notes
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Hello everyone, in this guide I will tell you how to find out all the codes and how to find all the notes in Stray
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How to find out the code from the safe
During the passage of Stray, you may stumble upon two different safes. The first one is located in a Slum, on the left side of a bunker guarded by a Keeper. Here, on the floor by the wall sits a musician who needs to give the notes collected in the Slums. Go a little further than him and look to the left to find a red safe with a note. Read this note. This is a mysterious binary code.

If you show a note to any robot, he will say that only a real geek can solve this code. We are talking about the programmer Elliot, whom you should find in any case according to the plot of the game. After doing this, show him the note. He will decrypt it without any additional actions. The note says that you need to go to the Dufer bar. So do it. Dufer Bar is located at the beginning of the alley opposite the Keeper.Once inside, jump on the bar, near which the bartender and the visitor are standing. Look at the wall on the left, where the painting hangs above the sign BAR DUFER.Interact with her. After dropping the picture, you will see the code from the safe — 1283. This code is the same for all players. That is, you don't have to find it. You can immediately enter it on the safe to discover the musical notes hidden inside [8/8]. Or you can go straight to the bar and knock down the picture to see this code.

The second safe can be found in Midtown. Enter the second store on the right side (moving along the main street of Midtown). There is another safe hidden in the upper left corner, on top of the shelves. The code is located in the same room. Ask the robot to translate the inscriptions on the wall, and you will find out the necessary code — 8542. Inside the safe you will find a collectible item — a cat icon.

Note. All code combinations in the game remain the same for each passage or player. There is no randomness here, so you don't have to search for these codes yourself.
What is the code from the lab
After you collect all the notebooks and meet Momo at the bar, he will take you to Seamus' apartment. Get inside it and look around. After communicating with Seamus, you need to jump on a long table against the wall and dump all the photos and paintings hanging there. Under one of them you will find a code panel, under the other — a hint. The last one says: "Time will tell." Pay attention to the four set of clocks hanging on the wall nearby. They all stopped a long time ago. The hour hands indicate the desired code combination — 2511. Enter it on the panel, and you will be able to access the Doc's laboratory.

Note. All code combinations in the game remain the same for each passage or player. There is no randomness here, so you don't have to search for these codes yourself.
How to find all the notes (bonus)
Всего в Трущобах есть 8 нот. Вот коротко об их расположении:

1)Внутри сейфа чуть дальше музыканта. Код — 1283.
2)В библиотеке, на пианино. Попадете туда по сюжету, выискивая записные книжки.
3)В квартире Клементины, справа от кровати. Попадете туда по сюжету, выискивая записные книжки.
4)В кладовке в квартире Дока, слева, за решеткой. Темная комната с коробками.
5)На втором этаже бара, на одном из столов.
6)Рядом с квартирой Клементины, с правой стороны есть балкон. Там стоит круглый стол и пара стульев. Ноты лежат на столе.
7)В доме программиста Эллиота, висят на большой картине на первом этаже, напротив входной двери.
8)Последние можно обменять на 1 энергетический напиток на рынке, у меняльщика Азуза.
The end
So the guide has come to an end. I hope you liked it and you will appreciate it with a like and a reward. Have a good day, see you all.


4 comentário(s)
Kira 5/ago./2024 às 11:23 
arignacio 30/jul./2023 às 15:57 
arda.dede120 16/mai./2023 às 10:29 
Lemoncat05 29/dez./2022 às 9:01 
can you do how to find all of the notebooks?