My first AK / Craft ever ~
"This AK-47 Holds a special place in my heart, It was both the 2nd skin i ever owned and my first AK / sticker craft on a skin.

Let me explain:
Back in 2016 i started getting into CS:GO and skins, Not knowing much about skins, i just opened a few capsules from the majors at the time and just threw them on a skin with the same colour, I had no idea about rarity's, floats, StickerValues, PatternOverpay etcetc, But i was a massive fan of Faze clan, In special one of their players called Rain, I always dreamed of playing with or against him one day :) But because i liked the team ( and this was one of the only affordable skins at the time for me ) i ended up putting stuff together which made me end up with this AK-47 Redline craft. I have many good memories playing with friends till late in the night, Sucking together in Silver and playing operations together ( Mainly Operation Hydra )

This AK was one of the only skins i had at the time, and reminds me most of these fond times.
Sadly back in 2017 I got scammed by a random Russian trader who promised to upgrade my items for a knife, And because i didn't know much about trading at the time, i accepted an empty trade-offer on a promise that he would send his knife afterwards, which obviously didn't happen.

Now, More than 5 years later, I decided to go look and see if the skin still existed, ( We now have many great tools to find items instead of back in the day, when something was traded away it was almost impossible to find it ) I had assumed that the skin had been used in a trade-up contract or had been scraped of all its stickers. But after many nights of searching through trade-logs from old steam accounts, Float.DB databases & Csgo.Exchange inventory's I finally found the exact AK i held so dear with memories, stuck on a random innocent Russian players account who bought it from a random Russian 3rd party marketplace back in 2018.
Super hyped to finally have found the skin & realising it had not been used in a trade-up contract I tried reaching out to the owner and asked if he was open for offers for it.
At first i did not get a reply, but after messaging a few English-Speaking Russian friends that we happend to share in our friends list, i eventually got a reply through one of my Russian friends, Luckily the Russian owner was still active and after having explained my story he agreed to trade it with me.

Now, 5 Years later, my first craft and AK skin ever, is back in my hands, and i'm super glad to have it in my possession again. This is a skin that i will " NEVER " sell or trade and This is a skin that will remain in my steam inventory as long as CS:GO exists.

CS:GO has changed a lot over the years, I might not play as often as i used to, but i have achieved many great things through this game.

I've made many friends, I got signed by my first PRO team, I reached the top of a game for the first time, Played in LAN and Online tournaments, my first FPS ( Besides 1.6 ) My first introduction into " Stock / Trading markets " & Most importantly my first introduction in gaming as a whole.

I'm very proud of the progress i've made over the years both inside and outside the game, I will keep playing this game forever, not because this game is so amazing, or refreshing or fun at all times, but just because its an experience i will never ever have in any other game, and because of all the happy memories it has brought me.

Thanks CS:GO for existing, Thanks for being a part of my life.

So far, My story. My first AK / Craft ever ~

Signed by MSE ( F3MSE ) 18 // 10 // 2022. 03:42 AM