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Vortex class subs are known for their simpler structure, well equipped,reasonable array of light and heavy firepower, and their general dependability,carrying two spray type assault shuttles.speed is average however any captain should be aware of their huge potential whether there is an anti-thalamic-pump or not.At the beginning , it was designed to support the battlefield and carry out patrols and exploration missions in the rear channel. Unexpectedly, experienced sailors relied on shuttle planes to successfully eliminate and recover pirate ships,And more and more ships of this type appear at the forefront of human conflicts
基本信息Basic information
  • 定位:攻击型T2,官方原版舰船,多人原版/mod战役、PVP
    role :ATTACK TIER II,vanilla,vanilla multiplayer/mod campaign, PVP
  • Item数:1,621。(包括基础物资、穿梭机与可动部件)
    item:1,621(Including basic materials、shuttles and movable parts)
  • 售价:4,000Mk
  • 尺寸:54*22m
    Dimension 54*22m
  • 载货量:36箱
    Cargo capacity 36 crates
  • 武器数据:4+1。 3个双联电磁炮、1个轨道炮、1个连射炮
    Weapon data: 4+1. 3 dual electromagnetic guns, 1 rail gun, 1 tandem gun
  • 初始水平速度:23km/h
    Initial maximum horizontal speed:23km/h
  • 最大下潜速度:22km/h
    Maximum diving speed:22km/h
  • 推荐船员数量:7~11
    //Don't hide it. Everyone is a lone sailor. The "recommended crew number" depends on how many people or NPC you can find(ᗜᴗᗜ)//
  • 多功能穿梭机Multi-purpose shuttle

    Initial maximum horizontal speed:49km/h
    Maximum diving speed:21km/h
    Small size, fast speed, less dead Angle, emergency braking system, air lock room to prevent it from sinking rapidly, up and down can be actively docking, endurance time of about 20 minutes, can actively switch its power consumption equipment (including oxygen generator). Distance FREE COMMUNICATION TERMINAL, remote switch and light indicator for hangar door, charging slot for battery oxygen tank wetsuit, ammunition box and supply cabinet, condition monitor and mineral scan. Electrical equipment without maintenance, pay attention to the maintenance of the hull.Periscope control, double-click to switch to the naval gun, navigation button to switch the navigation terminal mode
  • 备用电池(反应堆友好)Batteries (reactor friendly)
    The backup batteries are in the reactor room and the shuttle room, and all the electricity can support the ship's full power operation for about 20 minutes. The switch is on the upper level of the reactor room. In order to reduce the power system burden can be turned on standby battery stable output. The charging speed of the battery depends on the remaining battery power reserve. When the charging percentage of the battery is lower than the lower limit, the battery will charge at full speed. When the charging percentage is higher than the upper limit, the charging rate of the battery will slow down.
  • 通讯终端Communication Terminals
    指挥室和穿梭机有不限制距离的通讯终端The command room and the shuttle have communication terminals with unlimited distance
  • 指挥室监控Monitoring
    指挥室潜望镜可以监控船内外的状态,鼠标左键切换视角。The command room periscope can monitor the state of the ship inside and outside, the left mouse button to switch the view.
  • 半自动反应堆Semi-automatic reactor
    可以覆盖反应堆的自动模式或者手动操纵,开关在反应堆旁边It can override the automatic mode of the reactor or the manual operation, the switch is near by the reactor
  • 默认装备矿物扫描Equip mineral scan
    left is the sonar monitor providing mineral scanning, and right is the navigation terminal(Only these two devices will release the sonar),condition monitor are mostly connected to the sonar monitors.
  • 反丘脑水泵Anti-thalamus-pump
    打开压载舱的开关,然后用蒸汽炮或者喷火器高温灭菌Turn on the switch in the ballast and then sterilize it with steam gun or flamethrower

As customary, I've hide a Safe box for cheating
How do I find the idcard and open this safe box?•᷄ᯅ•᷅

( ᗜ`˰´ᗜ )我故意限制了整艘船的能力,让她变得有意思而且有挑战性,请随意更改我的船,让它更符合你的喜好。再一次感谢给与我无私帮助的朋友,愿深渊给各位带来数不尽的财富与希望!
( ᗜ`˰´ᗜ )I have deliberately limited the abilities of the whole ship to make it interesting and challenging. Pls feel free to re-edit my ship to suit your preferences. Once again, I would like to thank the friends who helped me. May the abyss bring untold wealth and hope to you!

carrier,shuttle,support,assault,hangar,gate,advanced reactor,emergency power supply
Discussões Populares Ver todos (1)
8 out. 2023 às 4:28
[VORTEX漩涡] Bug reports 问题反馈
Jade Phoenix
23 comentários
TRON 7 dez. 2024 às 21:09 
I can't dock the ship to the station; there's a rock in front of me blocking the nose
TRON 7 dez. 2024 às 20:52 
Jade Phoenix  [autor] 4 nov. 2024 às 5:13 
2 nov. 2024 às 4:04 
Jade Phoenix  [autor] 1 nov. 2024 às 5:39 
the shuttle is periscope control(
Jade Phoenix  [autor] 30 out. 2024 às 4:33 
Only if you press the button "on/off" in the terminal can you undock.:KOh:
Then press the button "on/off" again can use battery power on...
I'll Updated shuttle the in this weekend,this type is the oldest one:mhwgood:
הזי 29 out. 2024 às 8:21 
@Jade Phoenix
yes but atleast for me the "ON / OFF" button does not do anything it just always says "insufficient power" in the terminal
i even just double checked again

i have even tried using the little electrical skill i have to "fix" it but i cannot get the shuttle to start
Jade Phoenix  [autor] 29 out. 2024 às 7:52 
thee's a button in the shuttle's navigation terminal :barotrauma:
הזי 22 out. 2024 às 14:15 
hello i cannot turn on the shuttle it says "insufficient power" always
pf01 10 abr. 2024 às 4:16 
Update ?