Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

85 avaliações
Multicinemas Azteca 5
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
Publicado em:
2.961 MB
26 set. 2022 às 8:48
1 nota de alteração ( ver )

Subscreve para transferir
Multicinemas Azteca 5


Model Information
  • Triangles: 1600
  • Vertices: 940
  • Textures: 1024 x 1024 (D – I - S )

You can search for this pack with the "Find It" mod with the name “Multicinemas Azteca 5” and you can move it with "Move It ".

Azteca 5 Multicines is a cinema in the city of Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, a border city with the United States.




Thanks to this month's patrons: Bastet69, Sean T, Casey Irwin, Kody Koelling, Alvaro Garrido, Keith Denny, Dany Cuba, decafisevil, Blue Thunder, Keith Denny, R3D Koolaide, xanadu.

Tags: USA, US, América, America, Mx, México, Mexico, Mexicano, Mexican, Tienda, Latino, España, cinema, cine, Azteca
5 comentários
CesarKiller 2 jan. 2023 às 18:31 
Checo Mx  [autor] 1 jan. 2023 às 14:37 
@CesarKiller Todos mis assets comerciales, residenciales e industriales son growables.
CesarKiller 28 dez. 2022 às 14:13 
Ojala sean growables!!
Checo Mx  [autor] 29 set. 2022 às 6:26 
@SkyNet commercial
SkyNet 29 set. 2022 às 0:47 
is it the commercial tab or leisure tab?