Garry's Mod
348 人が評価
Prop Cannon Tool ( Improved )
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
Addon Tags: Build, Fun
73.577 KB
2014年7月15日 7時48分
2023年12月14日 7時42分
55 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Prop Cannon Tool ( Improved )

[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID! 作成の 1 件のコレクション
DVD's addon collection
255 アイテム

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This addon can give you the ability to have your own movable cannon that fires props.

Feature List
  • Supports and controlled by wire
  • Very stable damage inflicting hook
  • Works with advanced duplicator 1 and 2
  • Both shooting modes have dedicated numpad control
  • When connected wire inputs override internal values
  • New and recent code-base in tone with GMOD 13
  • Ability to change the model of the cannon and ammo on the fly
  • Additional features not included by the original author
  • Logging is available ( turn off by default )
  • Ability to update a cannon with left click entity class
  • Maximum value control setup tweaks are available
  • Many other features not implemented by the original author
  • Supports custom bullet entity class. Resets on empty string
  • Automatically centers bullet relative to the fire direction and OBB
  • Automatically controls your bullets via custom configuration
BULLET:Arm() -- The Arm() method is called when the class does not match the integrated bullet BULLET.CannonNoArm = true -- Forces the cannon not to call the Arm() method when firing BULLET.CannonAimAxis = Vector(1,0,0) -- Bullet forward local is used to calculate spawn angle BULLET.CannonArmArgs = {1, nil, 2} -- Passes max of nine arguments as is to the Arm() method BULLET.CannonEnAlign = true/false -- Enable or disable the bullet velocity alignment BULLET.CannonVeAlign = 10 -- Overrides the server owner enabled bullet align magnitude

For detailed manual, please refer to readme file below!


Git repository:

Report errors to:

Reuploading and source stealing will not be tolerated !
Please respect the original author for creating this addon
Credit for fixing this for Gmod 13 version style goes to me !
Selling it is also out of option, as the open source suggests !

If you want to support me and you like what I do:
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年3月6日 5時38分
Bur Reports ! ( Report bugs HERE Spamming is deleted !)
[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID!
93 件のコメント
[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID!  [作成者] 2023年3月11日 8時27分 
Ramenya 10 Mar @ 12:43pm

Hey, you can enable the feature if you like. I've coded PD-control to align the bullet.
Pizzaundpepperonies 2023年3月10日 2時43分 
Aight thanks!
[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID!  [作成者] 2023年3月7日 13時40分 
Ramenya 6 Mar @ 3:41pm

There is nothing wrong with it. The bullet velocity alignemnt is currently experimental. The problem comes form the server still running while the game is paused. Gmod uses the time ( kg * m^2 * degrees / s ) to calculate the applied torque according to the function wiki page:

This messes with the output force in the next tick after the game is unfrozen

Please, enter the following in the console: "propcannon_bualgnvelcty 0" to disable the featutre
Pizzaundpepperonies 2023年3月6日 5時41分 
Does not work
[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID!  [作成者] 2023年2月3日 22時50分 
@Mihacappy 7 hours ago

Sure thing buddy :P
Mihacappy 2023年2月3日 15時34分 
@[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID! yes
|Angry Virgin Gamer| Trade.TF 2022年12月28日 21時57分 
*insert war of the servers music here*
frogsåup 2022年8月21日 0時54分 
[Sk$Bh]Trick or treat KID!  [作成者] 2022年8月20日 11時26分 
@frogsåup 19 Aug @ 8:53pm

You can use the convar "propcannon_maxfireforce" to define the fire force upper limit. The lower limit will always be zero. Curre tly the upper limit default value is 500k. Adjust it wo whatever you like and reload the control panel
frogsåup 2022年8月19日 10時53分 
3x the current one would be good if thats possible