Cities: Skylines
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Network Anarchy
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9 серп. 2023 о 10:57
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Network Anarchy

Network Anarchy 3.2.5
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17 (23nd May Update)


This mod adds additional options when building networks (roads, quays, etc) and provides game-wide anarchy to let you break the placement rules.

Network Anarchy 3 is the official continuation and combination of Fine Road Tool 2 and Fine Road Anarchy 2 by SamsamTS and Klyte45, and includes additional features.

Replaced Mods
You must unsubscribe from the above mods to use Network Anarchy.
  • More Network Stuff - in-game features only, so you can create and delete ship and plane paths. If you remove MNS, Prefab Hook may also no longer be needed. You can run MNS together with NA for MNS's map/asset editor features.

Maximum Segment Length
Formerly the Node Spacer mod. It is hidden by default, go to Options to make this feature visible.

Lets you set a maximum length for network segments. For example, instead of the default 96m (12u) long segments, you can build a bridge with 48m (6u) segments for more realistic pillar spacing.

Use this to build Railway Project bridges with the correct arch size - typically 64m long, but check the Railway asset to be sure.

All shortcuts can be modified in Options. Anarchy and Collision shortcuts are always available, the others are available whenever the Network Anarchy panel is visible.

Ctrl + Up/Down to change the elevation step (it goes from 1m to 12m).
Ctrl + Left/Right to change between placement modes.
Home to reset the elevation.
Shift + S to toggle the Straight slope option.
Ctrl + A to toggle anarchy
Ctrl + B to toggle segment bending
Ctrl + S to toggle node snapping
Alt + C to toggle collisions

Uses Harmony 2 by boformer. This mod can be removed at any time without affecting your save game. Source code and non-Steam download: GitHub[]

Thanks to REV0, SamsamTS, Klyte45, BloodyPenguin, Ronyx69, Mbyron26, and all the translators and beta testers!

Join my Beta Testing discord[] for technical support.

Translations by:
Chamëleon TBN, acc[], Almi, Armesto, Benjamin Crewz, Deeheks, fgds, Frostbite[], gatomo, Geze, Hyposim, Jitaenow, kjmci, KoXz, Klyte45, macsergey, Modocero, 네인 | neinnew, nihShin, Othercakes, Pablo Martín, Palm'sTime, Raistlin46, Ryuichi Kaminogi, shg166, 我家是个大鱼缸 (Slicky), stabby bird, Svis, たこうま (Takouma), Tchelow[], Vinicius, Zarrix

Популярні обговорення Переглянути всі (50)
2 лют. о 7:35
network anarchy
19 жовт. 2023 о 7:59
Collision not working with anarchy turn off
Kurt Peters
28 лип. 2024 о 16:27
Suggestions and Issue Fixes
Коментарів: 1 521
kyran808 26 лют. о 22:01 
Why when i turn it off its still on!
DapperPanda42O 26 лют. о 17:41 
Having the same issue as Thuund3erstorms. I am new to the PC version of this game, so I am unsure of how to fix this problem.
Thund3rstorms 9 лют. о 11:12 
Honestly, I would have taken the time to learn this mod but it had me yelling at my screen for almost an hour. Once i opened it, in one of my game, I immediately started having issues. My ground toggle stopped working. Attempting to build roads was a joke. 9 times 10 when attempting to connect roads I would get an over lapping circle. It doesn't matter what road I used or what setting that I changed to attempt to turn it off. The result was all the same. Still the same issue. Tell me what the issue might have been and I may try again but as right now Im getting rid of it for the safety of my computer.
Noctre 8 лют. о 10:40 
Good mod, but avoid the "change max turn angle" setting, because it will most likely break trams for you without the game obviously telling you what is wrong
jayjoe 6 лют. о 9:09 
sadly - and i don't know why - i cannot raise or lower the nodes of pedestrian pathways. can someone help? other networks work just fine. anyone can help?
ice9be 2 лют. о 7:47 
I posted it in the thread, but I'll also post it here.

If all the anarchy states are turned ON by this MOD, causing trees to grow from roads, deleting this MOD and removing the files in the path below, then reinstalling the MOD will fix the issue.

"C:\Users\<<User Name>>\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\NetworkAnarchy.cgs"

However, this is a temporary workaround, and the permanent solution can only be addressed by waiting for a fix.

Note: The "AppData" folder is a hidden file and must be made visible in Windows settings.
pyrotechNick 28 січ. о 17:22 
Doesn't work for me the mod doesn't seem to load properly
Zachita 27 січ. о 9:57 
Experiencing the same bug as Seagullman87 noted. Game was running fine for a few hours and then suddenly this mod decided everything was in anarchy and wouldn't be turned off. Could build buildings inside each other and building roads or buildings would leave the trees sticking through them.

Removing the mod fixed the anarchy issue as long as I dont add it back.
nico4649 6 січ. о 3:35 
seagullman87 5 січ. о 2:04 
Noticing a weird bug where my game seems to be stuck in Anarchy mode regardless of whether the Anarchy Icon is triggered or not. This issue goes away as soon as the mod is uninstalled (as you'd expect), but will reappear once its re-installed.