STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004)

STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004)

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Guide to the Republic
Por Steppewalker
A faction guide for the Clone Army that fights for the Galactic Republic, helping you sort out the difference between an ARC Trooper and a Clone Sharpshooter.
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The Clone Army of the Galactic Republic
Clone troopers, also known as Republic troopers, Republic troops, Republic soldiers, Regs, and nicknamed the "Boys in White," were highly trained soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Representing the future of galactic warfare, clones were designed to be far superior to battle droids.

This is the fourth and final faction guide, for the Grand Army for the Republic. I now have the Prima Game Guide to supplement my own writings on the troops, so I will also retroactively add some of those stats to my older guides.
Clone Trooper
Republic DC-15 Blaster Rifle (60/180 ammo)
Republic DC-15s Blaster Pistol (Overheat / Cooldown)
Mer-Sonn V-6 Haywire EMP Grenade (3) - Anti-Droid grenade
SoroSuub LXR-6 Concussion Grenade (2) - Anti-Vehicle grenade

The standard trooper, armed with your standard array of trooper gear. It remains pertinent that the Clone Trooper is the choice for a default combat situation - with no particular specialties. They are, however, the core of your army, and their rifle fire is devastating when considering how often there will be more than one firing at a single target. Mowing down enemies is easy when you travel in squads of troopers - but troopers are not particularly quick, and alone they can be easily picked off by Droidekas or snipers. Good at medium / close ranges. They appear to have more accuracy than a Super Battle Droid (the CIS equivalent), but this is hard to confirm.

Their EMP grenades are perfect for flushing droids out to be mowed down by your rifle, but considering the Clone Army is up against the shielded Droideka, should be saved to quickly drain a Droideka's shields. It is also worth considering the concussion grenades, which, while they probably won't destroy a vehicle on their own, become more effective again when you consider that Troopers are the most common unit on a battlefield, and can hurl their grenades at vehicles in swarms.
ARC Trooper
Merr-Sonn PLX Missile Launcher (2/6) - fires one missile, reloaded every two shots
Republic DC-15s Blaster Pistol (Overheat / Cooldown)
Merr-Sonn V-1 Thermal Detonator (3) - anti-personnel grenade
Conner Ship Systems HX2 Mine (4) - mostly anti-vehicle traps, but can be used against troopers as well

Perhaps the best Heavy Trooper in the game, the ARC Trooper earns this badge entirely on the fact that they don't have to reload immediately after firing one shot. As you may have already discovered, missile launcher reload times are painfully slow, and any way to cut down on that time is appreciated in the heat of an anti-vehicle battle. To maximize the missile launcher's effectiveness against infantry, it is easier to fire against the ground, using the splash damage from the explosion to kill or at least knock them off of their feet so you can use your blaster pistol.

When travelling around, it is very much worth arming yourself with the Blaster Pistol, as it's much easier to defend yourself with that rather than relying on a quick reaction shot with the slower missile launcher.

So when should you use them? Well, against enemy vehicles - they have the kit made deliberately for it. But should you find yourself without an enemy vehicle to fight, they have some anti-personnel strategies they can use, mainly centered around holding chokepoints. Mines can be used to great effectiveness in said chokepoints across a variety of maps. The Carbon Freezing Chamber on Bespin has a floor that lends itself perfectly to placing down mines, and mines can also be hidden in shrubbery like on Yavin IV: Temple. Narrow corridors or staircases can be great places to lay mines and kill multiple enemies at the same time. As with all other classes with Thermal Detonators, use them to their fullest potential by throwing them into the same kinds of narrow chokepoints, or use them to flush enemies out of their hiding spots so you can dispatch them with a blast from your missile launcher or rapid fire from hammering the blaster pistol.

The ARC Trooper, like other Heavy Troopers, has more health but moves a bit slower than other classes. While these differences aren't huge in the grand scheme of things, it does pay to be aware of your character's limitations, especially in multiplayer skirmishes.
Clone Pilot
Drever Corp "DN Bolt Caster" Plasma Disruptor (Chargeable weapon, fires a bolt of lightning)
Republic DC-15s Blaster Pistol (Overheat / Cooldown)
SoroSuub F-187 Fusion Cutter (repairs vehicles, health/ammo stations, and turrets)
Dispenser Health & Ammo (does exactly what it says on the tin)

There should basically be only two instances where you are using the Clone Pilot - either you are using them as a support unit, hanging back, supplying your fellow clones with health and ammunition at crucial command posts throughout the battlefield, or you are in a vehicle, as pilots automatically heal vehicles they are inside. Their bolt caster is simply too ineffective in a straight firefight against opponents. To do any real damage, you have to charge for a short period of time, and as you again may already know, it's a death sentence to stand there waiting for your weapon to charge while your opponent probably has a blaster pistol already firing. It should be something you walk around and prepare to fire with instead of trying to charge once or more in the middle of a battle. Instead, rely on your blaster pistol in heated firefights.

Two things also worth noting that could make them redeemable is that a fully charged shot can take down a Droideka's shield (though you have to get painfully close, and then figure out a way to still deplete the Droideka's actual health bar), and that the lightning arcs from target to target. This means you can damage large clusters of enemies in your opening attack, if you are lucky enough to spot a clump of enemies. However, it might still not be enough to kill them, and you again do have to get pretty close. As such, Clone Pilots should either stick with a vehicle, or stay support - not go off on their own.

Clone Pilots are probably the weakest overall unit in the Clone Army, but that doesn't make them completely terrible, just much more situational than other units. Consider carefully what kind of actions you are planning to undertake when spawning in as a Pilot - they are not a good frontline unit.
Clone Sharpshooter
Republic DC-15x Sniper Rifle (6/36) - 1x Scope, Headshot instant kill
Republic DC-15s Blaster Pistol (Overheat / Cooldown)
Mer-Sonn V-1 Thermal Detonator (3) - anti-personnel grenade
Arakyd R-1 Recon Droid (1) - lightly armoured droid to scout ahead, armed with an incredibly weak blaster pistol and incredibly powerful orbital strike

The divide between the Clone and Confederacy snipers is exactly the same in terms of weaponry as the divide between Rebel and Imperial - Rebels get a better zoom function, but Imperials get a larger clip size. So Clones have less zoom, but the larger clip size (since they evolve into the Empire, it just makes sense). The trade-off gives pros and cons in different situations, and I find that personal preference is really the deciding factor in which unit ends up better off. Again, just like the Rebel / Empire divide, the Sharpshooter is a little harder to counter with their special unit, as the Sharpshooter can pick off rolling unshielded Droidekas very easily, and they have access to the jet packs in this scenario. But the added droid sniper zoom means good counter-snipers can track down and kill Sharpshooters with more efficiency. As such, Clone Sharpshooters will need to be on the move against human opponents who remember where you last fired from, and making use of both the crouched and prone positions to avoid detection. Use thermal detonators to cover your tracks in tight corridors and to flush enemies out of hiding spots within range.

When moving around, it is worth equipping the Blaster Pistol so as not to be caught entirely unawares in some kind of close-range sniper duel (unless that's your kind of specialty, somehow).

Wherever possible, remain in the back lines - Sharpshooters are still the most fragile unit on the battlefield. To aid in hanging back, the Sharpshooter can also use a recon droid, which is armed with its own blaster pistol (which isn't very useful at all, so try not to pick fights with it, even if the recon droid is small and hard to hit) to scout an area out for you or your team. It requires you to remain stationary while operating it, so it could be considered a risky proposition to use it if you aren't located somewhere safe. A recon droid can call down an orbital strike too on a specific outdoor location, which can do an extreme amount of damage to an enemy placement. It is the Scout's best way to deal with enemy vehicles, or fortified areas - if the droid can survive long enough to reach the destination the orbital strike needs to be called down onto. You also can only hold one recon droid before you need to find more ammunition - meaning it is basically a one-use resource for Sharpshooters away from home.
Jet Trooper
Merr-Sonn EM Pulse Launcher (2/6) - Fires an EMP blast like a rocket
Republic DC-17 Blaster Pistol (Overheat / Cooldown) - Faster firing blaster than other units
Merr-Sonn V-1 Thermal Detonator (6) - anti-personnel grenade

A superb "unorthodox" unit, the Jet Trooper is a masterful unit in the right hands, being a unit that can use a steady jetpack to fly across the battlefield and rain down havoc with their large pool of thermal detonators, which can flush poor droids out of their hiding places to be annihilated with EMP missiles or by waiting Clone Troopers. While they are a little vulnerable in the air without cover, their ability to flank as well as to open up the battlefield by traversing large gaps (like Bespin Platforms) and moving vertically, Jet Troopers expose flaws in defenses very easily. They are also great at killing Droidekas, with their EM Pulse Launcher able to deal high amounts of damage to their shields and especially to their chassis.

Unfortunately their launcher fires a little slow even between shots, and takes a second to reload, so it is good that they can rely on their blaster pistol, a more advanced model than other Clones have access to. It fires faster and takes a little longer to overheat, so they should use it wherever possible (especially after their EMP launchers have taken down the droideka's shield). Basically, avoid going up against vehicles too often, but expose flaws in an enemy's defenses or even flaws in maps that the enemy can never hope to expose or access. While they are often alone because of this capability, the area of effect blast of their EMP launcher can be devastating against the flanks of heavily defended positions. Really a fantastically versatile unit that actually changes the way you approach the previously "flat" maps. Experiment and try daring stuff all the time! Don't forget your thermal detonators either - they're just too much fun.
Prima Game Guide Intra-Faction Rankings
I must admit, I can't be quite sure on what basis something like "firepower" is ranked - I assume it's the damage from a single shot from their main weapon - but I was obviously not present while the Prima Game team was defining these things, so it could be some obscure calculation regarding their potential damage output. Also, I believe "stamina" refers to health. Speed I hope is self-explanatory!
I figured despite some vagaries it is worth digitizing anyway, and might be of some interest to people wanting to really get stuck into the game's stats. Note that the Jet Trooper is in the middle for all stats, but that the jetpack really transforms the battlefield. These stats aren't everything!

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope you found this guide (or guides if you've read the other ones too!) to one of my favourite childhood games - it has been a great pleasure revisiting it, as well as seeing the lovely responses to these guides. Keep on fighting on the battlefront!
3 comentários
=CrimsoN= 22 mar. 2023 às 14:07 
Nice guide! I agree, regarding the pilot class. Pilots/engineers are my favorite class in all the Battlefronts, but the clone pilot is by far the weakest or at least the most difficult to use. It definitely helps that the Republic has access to a lot of vehicles though on most maps, so it sort of balances out.
Steppewalker  [autor] 4 mar. 2023 às 17:54 
Just jump twice while you are using a jetpack unit and it will toggle on. Jump again and it will toggle off!
five_rocks 4 mar. 2023 às 14:30 
i'm just getting into this game,, how do i use the jetpack(s)?