Prison Simulator

Prison Simulator

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Prison Simulator 100% Achievement Guide
By nz_2683
This is a guide to unlock all of the achievements in Prison Simulator. I couldn't find an achievement guide to use while I was playing, so I thought I should make one. Hopefully this is helpful :)

Sorry the images are so big, I couldn't make them any smaller.
A deal is a deal
Pay your first bribe
This should unlock when you try to confiscate or take a prisoner's contraband, and they offer to bribe you to let them keep it.
Almost like home
Buy all the available prison upgrades and furniture
For this achievement, you need to purchase all the available prison upgrades that are possible. This includes everything under the prison, showers, and workshop tab. You can find the things available for purchase on the computer in the warden's office. The easiest way to get money for all of this is in Free Play mode. This way, you can schedule one routine a day and still make the same amount of money as you would in a normal day.
Any last words?
Execute your first prisoner
This will occur as part of the main story line.
Are You Finished
Urge the prisoner in the shower
After you unlock the shower routine, some prisoners may take longer than others. To rush them, hit the shower stall with your nightstick to make them shower faster.
Asta la vista
Buy all available weapons
You can buy weapons using the warden's computer. You need to purchase the gun, pepper spray, and taser (you should already have the nightstick). I believe you also need to purchase the vest, helmet, and knee pads for this achievement as well. (Update: if this achievement doesn't unlock upon buying each weapon, try purchasing a different skin for each one).
Best buddy officer
Gain 100% prisoner's respect
This is obtained easier by playing on the easiest game difficulty. To gain prisoners' respect, you need to let them keep their contraband, complete tasks for them, give them extra time in the canteen and prison yard, give them illegal contraband, sell illegal contraband to them, and don't search them/their cells unless you have to.
Collectibles hunter
Collect all prison booty
There are 10 collectibles to find. You can only collect one a day, and you must collect them in order. Here they are:
1. Bottle
This is found in the cell block B underneath the stairs leading to the second level.
2. Soap
This can be found in the shower room, (you must have unlocked the shower routine first) next to the bin of dirty towels.
3. Feather
This can be found in the prison yard, next to the fence that leads to the basketball court.
4. Shank
This can be found in cell block B, inside cell 15, under the bed.
5. Lipstick
This can be found in the guards room, on the counter, next to the bowl of fruit.
6. Pruno
This can be found in cell block B, in cell 4, inside the toilet.
7. Bloody Nails
This can be found in the infirmary, to the left, next to the second bed.
8. Psych Evaluation
This can be found inside the trash can in the warden's office.
9. Beanie
This can be found in the workshop, right next to the first workstation, as soon as you enter the room.
10. Toy Locomotive
This can be found inside the second cell in the death row building, under the bed.
Cookie monster
Find and take 30 cookies
This achievement can be very frustrating and time consuming. Cookies are very rare, and you can only obtain them by searching things. For this achievement, I would search all of my prisoners every other day (their respect drops quicker if you do it every day), search all the cells in death row, search all the cells on the upper floor of cell block B (after you purchase all of them), and search other prisoners in different rooms during free time. It can be very, VERY time consuming.
Darts master
Win bet of darts mini game
The easiest way to get this is to pick the easiest game mode and bet on the smallest amount of money (usually the high score one-just aim for the bullseye).
Collect all evidence from the secret laboratory
This is part of the main story line, so it will automatically unlock upon completion.
Dirty Money
Make 1000$ from dirty business with prisoners
When you have the contraband you have taken for yourself in your inventory, you can sell it to any prisoner with a $ icon over their head. This usually becomes available a little later down the story line, and I found that I need to have a decent respect level with my prisoners to be able to sell to them.
Schedule your day with Free Play
Upon completing the main story, the Free Play game mode will unlock. You are able to schedule whichever activities you want for that day. After you begin the day, the achievement will unlock.
Do not disturb
Enter the “wet” room uninvited
After unlocking the visiting routine, some prisoners will ask to go into the separate private room. Just walk into the room while the prisoner is visiting in there.
Drug dealer
Sell 20 packs of drugs
The ability to sell drugs unlocks later in the game, and I found that you need to have decent prisoner respect for them to start buying. You can sell drugs to prisoners with a $ icon over their head. They have to specifically be drug packets for this to unlock. You can get the drugs from searching cells and keeping the contraband for yourself.
Everything's gonna be ok
End up in the infirmary
When you are beat up by a prisoner to the lowest of HP, you will end up going to the infirmary. This can not be unlocked during a Permadeath setting game though, because that leads to death.
Extreme life
Cause the prisoner respect status to 10%
I got this achievement the easiest on the Permadeath difficulty, because prisoners are very hard to please. You can get this by constantly searching them and their cells, hitting them for no reason, overworking them in the workshop routine, cutting their canteen and prison yard time short, failing to complete their tasks, and never speaking nicely to them. Low respect causes lots of riots though.
First Day
Finish your first day
This will automatically unlock after you finish your first day in the game.
Give me your strongest potion
Buy a lemonade
Lemonade can be purchased from any vending machine. To drink it, open up your inventory and select "drink." You won't be able to drink it if you don't need it though. You can only drink it if you have low stamina.
Gold Keeper
Confiscate or take contraband 500 times
This achievement can be unlocked during the main story, and through the beginning of Free Play if you stay dedicated to it. During other routines, you can search some of the furniture and other prisoners for contraband. You can search a lot of stuff during free time as well. Once you unlock the cabinets in prisoners' cells, there will be a lot more contraband to take. This will decrease prisoner respect though.
Good Guard, bad guard?
Ignore the reprehensible behaviour of the prisoner
When two prisoners begin fighting, instead of breaking up the fight, just let it happen.
Fix a broken camera
This can only happen after you have unlocked the monitoring shift, and a prisoner is tampering with a camera. Broken cameras can be fixed during free time, and there should be an icon for you to follow that will lead to the broken camera.
Report 30 incidents during the monitoring duty
If you do not get this achievement before the end of the main story, you can continue to do monitoring shifts in Free Play and eventually it will unlock.
I'm badass
Finish the campaign on Permadeath difficulty
This achievement is not as difficult as it sounds. It is a lot more challenging in difficulty, but it's not that bad. When you run out of HP, you simply start back at the beginning of the day, instead of going to the infirmary. You do not have to start the entire game over again, like it sounds.
I mustn't run away!
Use all your stamina
When running, your stamina will eventually run out. This should be easy to unlock, as your stamina is very low in the beginning.
Iron man
Gain maximum defense
Defense can be gained during free time. There are usually prisoners that stand near to the basketball hoop with a game controller icon over their head (not the ones for the basketball mini game). You will be able to fight with the prisoners. The number you have to fight usually increases with your defense points. After you defeat them, your defense will increase, and after the maximum is reached, you will unlock the achievement.
Is this a Post office
Search 50 parcels
If you don't unlock this during the main story, just keep scheduling the parcel searching routine in Free Play until you have searched 50 of them.
It's just a fuse
Restore the electricity
When the power goes out, you will need to find the missing fuse. It will spawn in either the infirmary, the workshop, or the canteen.
It's just a tiny wound
Finish your day with low HP
I got this achievement after completing a riot day. This is hard to obtain by just letting prisoners hit you, because the HP does not get low enough before they knock you out. I got it because the prisoners were shooting at me and I ran out of health supplies before the riot was done.
Justice was served
End warden's dirty drug buisness
This will unlock upon completion of the main story line, at the end of the game.
Knock out them all!
Knockout 50 people
This includes both prisoners and officers. Just knock them unconscious 50 times.
Legs day
Gain maximum speed level
Speed can be gained during free time. Exit the prison from the parcel searching room and there should be a guard standing near the door with a box icon over his head. Delivering the packages to the correct guards in the limited amount of time will increase your speed.
Let's tackie it
Take found contraband for yourself
When you stumble upon contraband, do not confiscate it. Instead, select to take it for your own personal inventory.
Luck of the newbie
Diffuse the bomb
Sometime during the main story, a bomb will appear in one of the parcels to be checked for the parcel routine. Successfully complete the puzzles (they are random each time) to diffuse the bomb and unlock the achievement.
Mine! Mine! Mine!
Take the contraband for yourself 100 times
Instead of confiscating the contraband, you need to keep it for yourself at least 100 times.
Nap time!
Spend your free time on the corridor bench
Benches are located all over the prison. Interacting with one will prompt you to sit down and skip your free time by sleeping.
NBA enthusiast
Win the basketball game bet
During free time, or even during the prison yard routine, a prisoner will stand near the basketball hoop with a game controller icon over their head. You just need to get the best score before the timer runs out (bet on the least amount of money for the easiest difficulty).
NBA weirdo enthusiast
Throw garbage into basketball basket
This should be completed closer to the beginning of the story, because the garbage will disappear later in the story line. In the prison yard, pick up some trash, and instead of throwing it into the garbage can, use your mouse to throw it into the basketball hoop.
None shall pass
Reject prisoner
During the prisoner induction routine, you can reject a prisoner if there paperwork information does not match. I've never rejected a prisoner for no reason, so I'm not sure if that counts toward the achievement or not.
Not on my watch
End the riot
A riot will take place during the main story line, and upon completion, this achievement will unlock.
Oh, you're approaching me?
Throw a piece of garbage on prisoner
This is best done towards the beginning of the game, because the garbage will disappear later in the story line. In the canteen or the prison yard, pick up a piece of trash, but instead of throwing it into the trash can, use your mouse to throw it at a prisoner.
One.. Two.. Three?
Complete morning attendance check routine
This can be obtained by using the clicker during the attendance routine to count all prisoners as present.
On the top
Your prison gain 1st place on the top list
On the computer in the warden's office, there is a list of the ranking top 20 prisons. The easiest way to get to the top is to maintain respect, and do a decent job of all the daily routines. I got this achievement during the main story, so you may not need to do much to get it.
Over 9000!
Execute the prisoner with 10.000 volts
This can be obtained when the first execution comes up in the story line. Just turn up the settings to the highest possible before beginning the execution.
Prison bully
Beat 20 prisoners without any reason
This can be completed by walking up to prisoners and hitting them with your nightstick when they are not doing anything wrong (prisoner respect will decrease though).
Riot? What riot?
End the riots 5 times
Riots are started more frequently when prisoner respect is low. The easier game modes are harder to trigger a riot, because your prisoners will typically like you more. I got this achievement in the Permadeath difficulty, because it is very hard to please prisoners. However, the riots are header in this game mode, and if your HP gets to zero, you have to start the riot over again.
Sapper is only wrong once
Fail the bomb event
This can easily be obtained the day the first bomb appears in the parcels to search. Wait for the bomb timer to run out. The bomb will explode, and you will restart the game from the last save point, but the achievement will unlock.
Throw 20 garbages to right bin
This is best unlocked earlier in the game, because for some reason, as you progress, the garbage disappears. There is garbage in the canteen and out in the prison yard. Just pick it up and use your mouse to throw it into the trash can. Do this 20 times and it will unlock the achievement.
Settle it in prison smash
Pacify guard
This can be completed either by doing a task for a prisoner to beat a guard, or by randomly walking up to a guard and using a weapon on them. They just have to be knocked unconscious.
Small talk
Talk with prisoners 100 times
You can talk to prisoners any time, during any routine. Interact with them 100 times to unlock the achievement.
Smelly guy
Let the smelly guy take a shower
Once you unlock the shower routine, some prisoners will come in extra smelly. You can spot them because the have a green stink cloud floating around them. Make them a priority for the showers by handing them the next clean towel. Your other prisoners will begin to get impatient if they have to wait in the smell for too long.
Smuggler buster
Confiscate or take 10 contrabands from the prisoners
When searching prisoners (which can be done at really any time) take any illegal contraband they have on them.
Sorry to interrupt you
Talk to the 15 prisoners during their intimate moment
When in the cell block, you can talk to prisoners for head count, cell shakedown, or even during free time. Just make sure they are sitting on the toilet when you talk to them.
Spring cleaning
Search 16 cells in block B during cell shakedown routine
Search at least one thing/piece of furniture in all 16 of the cells on the bottom floor during a cell shakedown routine.
Stronger than anyone
Gain maximum strength
You can work on gaining strength during free time, in the prison yard. Just walk up to the bench press and interact with it. You can not gain strength from the weight lifting mini game; that is only to get money. Once you have gotten to the maximum strength level, the achievement will unlock.
Win the weight lifting game bet
Either during free time, or sometimes during the prison yard shift, a prisoner will be by the weights with a controller icon over their head. Complete the game before time runs out to get this achievement (bet on the least amount of money for the easiest difficulty).
The best of the best
Gain 100% of the officers' respect
This is most easily obtained by playing in the easiest game mode. You can gain officer respect by completing tasks for them, confiscating contraband, and breaking up prison fights.
The cause of the fire was fire
Put out the fire
Fires will randomly start throughout the game. The most common places I've found where in the workshop, canteen, and prison yard. Just grab the nearest fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
The great escape
Witness a prisoner escape
This will occur during the main story line, and will unlock upon completion.
There will be salt
Eat 20 salty chips
Salty chips can be found by searching cells, but they are very common. You will probably find a lot more of these when you're searching for cookies. You can only eat them if you have low HP.
Gain maximum stamina level
Stamina can be increased by doing the weight lifting activity during your free time. Once you have obtained the highest level, this will unlock.
Use thundershock!
Paralyze 30 inmates with taser
Easiest way to get this is to use the taser to break up fights and stop prisoners from attacking you. The taser is not good for riots, because they only temporarily incapacitate prisoners. It's especially bad because some of them shoot at you from a fair distance.
What's inside?
Open the parcel you were supposed to deliver
Once prisoners start asking you to do tasks for them, they may ask you to deliver a parcel to another prisoner in exchange for cash. Opening the parcel they give you will unlock this achievement. However, if a guard catches you with it in your possession, you will lose the parcel, so open it as quickly as you can, out of view. Opening the parcel also decreases prisoner respect.
Work harder!
Force prisoners to work overtime
During the workshop routine, there will be a timer in the top left corner of the screen. The red portion indicates how much required time there is left for the prisoners to work. When this timer runs out, the green timer will begin counting the extra time prisoners spend working. It should unlock just by letting the time run over a little, but you can let it go until the routine stops, just to ensure you get the achievement.
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Lose consciousness 3 times
You will become unconscious when a prisoner lowers your HP until it is zero. This is easier to obtain when you are not wearing any armor, as it makes the process quicker. Do this 3 times. This does not work in the Permadeath difficulty, because when you lose consciousness, it is equivalent to death.
Cyborg 13 Oct, 2024 @ 3:44pm 
Hi, i don't understand why my " Use thundershock! " achievement is block at 14/30 inmates. I try to taze them while fighting etc but it doesn't increase my counter. Anyone having the same issue ?
Revolder 24 Jul, 2023 @ 12:43am 
Where is the duck in the new mode
BatuDeAngelis 22 Jul, 2023 @ 9:34am 
Extreme life achievement unlocked for me during last man standing mode. I don't know is this a bug or someting but I want say, maybe it will be benefit someone.
NaKKs1j 29 Jun, 2023 @ 11:08pm 
Trikl 30 Mar, 2023 @ 9:43am 
Glad it helped :winter2019happyyul:
triestar1 30 Mar, 2023 @ 8:39am 
Ok done it now like @Trikl said, with "pay your first bribe" . gave a guard his money, and got the achievment
nz_2683  [author] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 5:51pm 
For the "A deal is a deal" achievement, I got it pretty early on, but I'm positive I got it from a prisoner. It could be very possible that you can also get it from a guard, as Trikl stated, but I had not tried that at the time. For the "Asta la vista" achievement, I have recently seen that you might need to purchase a different skin for each weapon. Hopefully this helps!
Trikl 29 Mar, 2023 @ 7:18am 
@triestar1, I got the achievement "Pay your first bribe" when I bribed another guard when he wanted to search me (you need to approach one of the guards that has a red eye icon above)
triestar1 28 Mar, 2023 @ 7:29pm 
Or "Buy all available weapon" , I bought pepper spray, taser, helmet, armor, and leg guards via the computer, but did not fully upgrade. Do you have to upgrade all weapons for the achievement?
triestar1 28 Mar, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
Hello, I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the achievement: "Pay your first bribe".
I've searched several things, the prisoner asks for his item and if I tell him he can get it for $100, then he accepts it, but the achievement doesn't come?