Midnight Fight Express

Midnight Fight Express

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General tips for people having a hard time
By Raikorius
If you're sniffling and shaking and tears are falling down onto your keyboard or controller becuase you've died to another extremely telegraphed unblockable attack, a gun guy (who actually shot you!!!), or even just some random bozo or fat guy, then this guide is for you!
For fighting in general
I've only used the slow down time thing like 3 times my entire playthrough because I'm a baller like that, but I guess it's useful if you can't see the guys

Use the environment, 9 times out of 10 there's SOMETHING you can throw and stun with

If you keep dying to gun guys, kick a prop or throw a melee at them, or move behind a melee guy, or just rush him if you can

If you see an unblockable, dodge and wait until everyone else is done attacking, or use the leap attack (the one where you target someone else) to move away

If there's multiple gun guys, throw multiple things at them (or better yet wait until you can disarm one of them and then shoot everyone else, but you have to take your time)

If there's an unblockable happening and you see a gun guy, move till the gun guy's behind the unblockable guy (or dodge to a position where the gun guy would shoot the unblock guy)
Skills I've used the most
The prop kicking is really useful, especially since it interrupts most (if not all) the enemy's attacks, and props are pretty much everywhere

I've definitely used parries a lot, specifically the ones that disarm the melee/gun guys and the ones where you hold a direction while parrying and it does a good amount of damage, HOWEVER, just because you CAN do the full parry punish doesn't mean you SHOULD, think of it this way, just because you CAN eat all the cookies in the cookie jar doesn't mean you should, because then everyone will hate you (in MFE's case, everyone will beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of you while the animation runs)

I didn't use grabs that much because parries and finishers were better alternatives

The leap attack that makes you jump to another enemy helped me delay the gun guys from shooting me

The nut punch is great because it practically negates shield guys

During my playthrough I was able to pull off finishers almost every time the prompt was available so those are nice I guess

I only started using the revolver and the rope after I maxed out the other trees, but I mostly used the taze variants to give me time to fight other guys or pickup weapons
Specific level tips (only from the levels I've seen the most complaining about)
For the biker club, the bike is slow as ♥♥♥♥ and you can just sprint around it, disarm and/or kill a gun guy and mop the mob

For the elevator, dodge into one of the baton guys (or any of them so that the others will shoot them) and roll pickup the gun (the game literally says its faster that way) and its easy pickings; the ninjas are telegraphed to all hell and I didn't die to them once

The final boss takes more damage from a pistol's melee, and the insta kill is one of the most telegraphed moves they have, if you can't dodge it then idk maybe you just suck
I didn't find this game unfair at all, sure there were times I was like "ok wtf" but I put on my big boy pants and actually used my brain and did some critical thinking and I was able to beat the game with relative ease

The game gives you all the tools to even the odds against gun men, unblock guys, and bosses; its up to you to utilize them

I was gonna make this more of a troll guide to rile up the people ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and moaning about how unfair and hard the game is but I saw the light and decided to make it at least somewhat informative

It still doesn't change the fact that I'm not even that heavy into brawling games like this (I've only played a couple minutes of the Batman Arkham games, but I did play quite a bit of Hotline Miami 1 and 2, and Elden Ring if that counts because it has a dodge mechanic) and I still beat it on normal with relative ease (I can't speak for people playing realistic, but you guys LITERALLY signed up for it to be unfair)

Before anyone types anything along the lines of:
-Just because you had an easy time doesn't mean anyone else did(?)
-You played on normal, I'm playing on realistic(??)
-I don't want to use guns, they're too overpowered and trivializes encounters(???)
-I don't want to spam dodge/I can only spam dodge(????)

givesnofawkes 3 Jan, 2023 @ 4:09pm 
I feel like this isn't so much a useful guide written with the intent of helping players as it is the author humble-bragging about how easily he beat the game.

Gen Z is something else.
YoThePizzazHere 2 Oct, 2022 @ 7:27pm 
-I don't want to use guns, they're too overpowered and trivializes encounters(???)
if anyone thinks that, just get the gun finishers. Sure they're still overpowered, but you look cooler while being overpowered