Team Fortress 2
The scouts of old
โดย CheyChey
More or less of a history lesson from scouts weren't OP warriors of TF2
Back when I started playing TF2 6 years ago (call me an oldy or seasoned TF2 gamer, whatever) the scout, or the commonly known death machine of today, would barely take up place on the kill/information notification section on the upper right hand corner of the screen, why? Because scouts barely killed.
The scout's old mission
The scout was never a killer, but more a decoy or distraction for combat support, or of course the "capper" of the team. Scouts move faster, jump higher and twice as much (Literally), and could make an entire game with the sandman and bonk. The scout's decoy ability would provide an indirect support to the rest of the assault team following close behind. A scout could jump over and behind heavys, drink bonk to take all the fire of a sentry gun, and even distract an entire defence team. With the distraction of the scouts, the assualt team could easily charge in and destroy buildings, and wipe out defence details. Scouts being faster and having their double jump ability, they could capture the intel, or simply be the annoyance to the players trying to stop the intel stealer. Another usefull ability of the scout, is the double capture rate for capture points or the payload cart. In the old days, scouts were just like a fly, buzzing around to distract the enemy players.
The new scout
Most scouts do still capture intel and capture points, but now, they have changed their tactics majorly. Scouts are no longer the near-harmless captains of the distraction team, but now seen right along their attacking teammates, shooting just as much or even more. Scouts can now easily be seen with the top score, and top kills due to their smaller hit box, faster speed, and double jump. The scout's scattergun, was never originally intended for the scout to have (screw you valve), the SMG was intended for the scout and sniper. Instead of following their original plan, (once again, screw you valve) scouts were given the scattergun, with the power of the stock shotgun and same mag size, the scouts can now just mow down almost every single class at point blank range with 2 shells. Most of you modern scouts out there, if you're reading this, I hope you choke on your mistake weapon you call your scattergun. To the rest of us, we've had to counter this new over-powered annoyance with new tactics. I know I'm not the only one when I say I've been (sadly) dominated by these new battle scouts. Most of us TF2 players from the old days will look at the scouts and frown, knowing they will come up right in your face, or behind (cowards) and just blast you away.
Scouts who have Hale's own scatterguns and such, I hope you choke on them. I know I cannot change scouts back to the way they once were, but I do hope to all you sensable scouts out there, stop being such an Over-powered maggot and use weapons like the shortstop and other weaker guns just to damage, and please, stop being that one jerk who has 5 dominations with a 30-0 Kill to death ratio.
8 ความเห็น
Macie 29 ส.ค. 2018 @ 7: 01am 
the scattergun at close range is actually stronger
SojuGlow 3 ส.ค. 2014 @ 12: 21am 
You hurt my feelings. Then again, I main shortstop
CheyChey  [ผู้สร้าง] 15 ก.ค. 2014 @ 9: 04am 
I think you should stop playing on trade servers then
Vallinek 15 ก.ค. 2014 @ 3: 01am 
@arowin24 - I think you're more likely to bump into Trolldiers, Caber / Sticky Jumper Demos, a Sniper squad on the balcony and a bunch of Engies setting up at chokepoints on Hightower...
CheyChey  [ผู้สร้าง] 14 ก.ค. 2014 @ 6: 10pm 
The original plan as said was to give the scouts the Sniper's SMG. When I hear scout, I think of fast, light, agile...never think of a killer. I think the scout should have a pistol primary with a special such as bonk, or milk, then a melee.
arowin24 14 ก.ค. 2014 @ 5: 51pm 
i fully agree to this guide, even tough i didnt play from the start. new players invade tf2 from C.O.D. and main scout or sniper and pretty much dont do anything else. as soon as they get good, they will turn into pricks taunting when you die and mowing teams. valve really should put a nerf on the scattergun as 102 dmg close-by x 6 is devasteting. if anyone want to experience one of these dudes, go into a valve hightower server chances are you are gonna meet one.
CheyChey  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 ก.ค. 2014 @ 11: 38am 
TF2 when it first came out (Even though I started one year after) The game was almost the same as TFC. Now that TF2 is almost a Noob Fortress or Child Fortress, the game has gone downhill, scout first. Some classes have barely changed at all. Now the scout is just that one thing that really pushes me away from TF2.
Vallinek 12 ก.ค. 2014 @ 4: 20am 
I think this dates back to TFC...
Back then, the Scout was completely unimpressive. He was weak. His weapons were unimpressive and hard to score a kill with (unless it's on another Scout). He was blazingly fast, though, making him - like you said - either a distraction or the main objective capturer.
Now the Scout is basically the Fragile Speedster - he's far from durable, but fast and can dish out damage due to surprise factor.
If there is one Scout primary I defile, that would be the Force-A-Nature. It was intended as an ambush weapon, but the knockback is so strong, it actually can turn a standard fight into a hit-and-run (simply because, he shoots, distances you from himself, pops into cover / runs away, comes back, rinse and repeat).