Orwell: Ignorance is Strength

Orwell: Ignorance is Strength

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[FR/100%] Guide des succès d’Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
By Zepthot
Un guide détaillé et en français sur les 19 succès d’Orwell: Ignorance is Strength. Si vous n’avez pas encore joué à ce jeu, ce guide pourra vous montrer ma façon la plus rapide d’obtenir tous les succès. Mais vous pouvez également trouver comment obtenir certains succès s’il vous en manque.
Bonjour à tous,

Les 19 succès d’Orwell: Ignorance is Strength se décomposent ainsi :
  • Première fois = 13 succès
  • Deuxième fois = 6 succès
  • Troisième fois = 2 succès

Pour la première fois où vous ferez le jeu, vous débloquerez la majorité des succès. Sur la deuxième fois, vous aurez beaucoup sont des succès situationnels qui nécessitent certaines informations. Pour d’autres, certaines informations ne sont pas à prendre. Cependant, il existe 2 situations où les succès liés sont un peu plus complexes et nécessitent de refaire les situations une fois supplémentaire. Dans ce guide, vous aurez tout le chemin ainsi que les moments où vous débloquerez les succès.

Astuces : Si vous n’êtes pas sur le bon profil pour télécharger les donnés, laissez votre souris sur ce que vous devez télécharger et le nom de la cible apparaîtra.
Par ailleurs, pour que le guide soit plus clair, je vais utiliser un code. Familiarisez-vous avec pour que votre lecture soit plus fluide.

Pour vous guider dans le jeu, quoi ouvrir comme marques pages, messages, appels ou encore appareils, il y aura ceci :
\Reader \The Nation Gov - The office \ Phone call ZT-4V transcript

Pour vous guider dans ce que vous devez faire, il y aura ceci :
& Sélectionnez le profil « Unknow Person ».

Pour vous guider dans les datablocs/datablocs conflictuels (en jaune) que vous devez télécharger vers le profil, il y aura ceci :
<- « Oleg Bakay »

Pour vous guider dans les datablocs que vous avez récupéré et que vous devez télécharger vers la page dans un champ en rose :
-> « Janus »

Pour vous guider dans les objectifs, il y aura ceci :
! Follow Ampleford’s instructions to learn about Oleg Bakay and his profession.

Attention : Contrairement au premier du nom, le temps reste figé si vous ne faites rien : il faut télécharger un databloc pour faire avancer le temps. Il y a des événements qui n’arrivent qu’à un moment précis. Il y a donc des datablocs non essentiels pour l’obtention des succès qui figurent dans ce guide. Cependant, ils sont calculés pour avancer suffisamment le temps pour avancer dans l’histoire. Faites attention à ce que vous téléchargez. Évidemment, les solutions qui suivent vous spoil totalement le jeu.
Première fois
Dans cette première histoire, vous allez débloquer la majorité des succès ainsi que les plus compliqués. Commencez par créer votre profil, choisissez un investigateur en fonction de votre sauvegarde d'Orwell : Keeping an Eye on You. ( si vous avez joué au 1er épisode) répondez aux sept tâches posées, voyez le résultat et regardez ou non la vidéo. Attention, ne supprimez pas vos profils, ils pourront resservir pour les autres succès.
Épisode 1 (1/2)
! Follow Ampleford’s instructions to learn about Oleg Bakay and his profession.
& Sélectionnez le profil « Unknow Person ».
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\Phone call ZT-4V transcript
<- « Oleg Bakay »
<- « Truth… is dead. As you soon will be. »
\Reader\The national Beholder\Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?
<- « Pargesian army officer Oleg Bakey. »
<- Photo d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « a phone conversation between pargesian army officer Oleg Bakay and Raban Rhart »
\Reader\Pargesian Armyr\File : Bakay, Oleg
<- « Janus »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\Search database
& Cliquez sur la section « Aliases » du profil d'Oleg Bakay.
-> « Janus »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\File YR3-W-56 - “Janus”
<- Photo d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « Confidential informant as officer of the Pargesian army »
! Follow Ampleford’s instructions to learn about Oleg Bakay and his profession.
<- « Phone - UID SP-33742-0683 »
<- « Tends to use names of people close to him as passwords. »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop
! Find the key to Oleg Bakay’s phone and unlock it.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart
\Reader\The national Beholder\ Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?
<- « Raban Vhart is known as the editor-in-chief and founder of the highly controversial blog The people’s Voice. »
! Find the whereabouts of Oleg Bakay.
! Determine the connection between Raban Vhart and Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
<- Photo de Raban Vhart.
<- « The people’s Voice is supported by The “Angels of The Nation” Network, a volunteer team who provide development assistance in Parges. »
<- « raban@tpv.par »
& Cliquez sur l’article « The Nation BURNS again ».
<- « The nation, its CORRUPT leadership, and all of their deluded flock who elected them, carry the weight of the Freedom Plaza bombing victims upon their shoulders. »
<- « Thanks to The People’s Voice and our efforts to get the facts out to the people, the situation in The Nation has recently been rather calm. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « President Puppet STOPS RE-ELECTION PLANS ».
<- « For all we know Kassart is being controlled by The Nation’s shady administration. »
<- « STAND UP AND MARCH THE STREETS OF TRIFLITH TOMORROW! Updates on this via our Blabber account @PeoplesVoice »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The Office\Search database
& Cliquez sur la section « Aliases » du profil de Raban Vhart.
-> « PeoplesVoice »

Succès 01/19 : Verified / Vérifié
Trust, but verify. / Faites confiance, mais vérifiez.

\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
<- « I am not happy either that Oleg Bakay has gone missing. »
<- « Mainstream media have been MANIPULATING your thoughts since the dawn of humanity! Time to get rid of this ENEMY! »
\Reader\The People’s Voice- Admin Panel\Discussion: What have you done, Raban?!
<- « I have nothing to do with Bakay’s disappearance. Did I call him? Sure. Did I get a little… aggressive? I did. »
<- « Before we left Parges, Bakay had his mind set on joining the Pargesian army. He asked me to take care of his 14-year-old daughter, and I said yes.»
! Find a motive for Raban Vhart’s threat against Oleg Bakay.

Succès 02/19 : Drained / Drainé
Drain the swamp. / Videz le marais.

& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « I learned he had left for The Nation. He said he wanted to find work there.»
! Determine the connection between Raban Vhart and Oleg Bakay.
! Find a way how Raban Vhart was able to contact Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Tell us the truth about what happened to Oleg Bakay!! #SaveBakay »
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: What are you planning on doing against the FTP?
<- « As the school’s principal, I will therefore consider our option on how to protect the schools and Prava Secondary in particular. »
<- « I do think the FTP is fighting for the right causes »
& Sélectionnez le profil d'Oleg Bakay.
<- « my daughter Radka: »
Épisode 1 (2/2)
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop
-> « Radka »
! Find the key to Oleg Bakay’s phone and unlock it.
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\Call History
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « +777 142 311 665 92 »
& Écoutez l’appel qui vient d’apparaître.
<- « my wife »
<- « National soldiers, responsible for invading and ravaging countries! If it weren’t for them driving refugees out in the first place »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\RE: Good luck
<- « to be a true supporter of our cause »
<- « I have no doubts there will be a great stir very soon. »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\Revised article
<- « just like when we moved to The Nation. You’re my brother. »
\Reader\Secondary School\News
<- « the school administration has requested protection by the Pargesian army. »
<- « the school administration has now decided to provide a protective hideout from combat activities, by upgrading our library to a completely autonomous shelter situated in the basement of the school. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice\A Journey
<- « I even lost my ability to walk. »
\Reader\Central Medical Databse\Entry 1 - Vhart, R.
<- « August 15, 1972 »
<- « Currently residing in Outer Bonton Reception Camp »
<- « Raban had been buried by concrete blocks for at least 24 hours, following the bombing of a school building in his home town Prava »
<- « an MWC (manual wheelchair) for the patient »
\Reader\Secondary School\News
& Cliquez sur « Faculty »
<- Photo Raban Vhart.
<- « English, Philosophy »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\secMsg
& Sélectionnez le profil d'Oleg Bakay.
<- « WARNING: I fear that my cover might have blown and I suspect Raban Vhart to be behind it. »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\iTrace
<- « 22 Tesle Road, 60-74 Prava »
! Find the whereabouts of Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Arrival
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « We were assigned to the Outer Bonton Reception Camp, »
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban Vhart.
<- « your abilities as my co-writer »
<- « The destruction of the cooperation between Kassart and Blaine. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Arrival
<- « our social worker Karen »
\Reader\National immigration database\Vhart, Raban
<- Photo de Raban Vhart.
<- « 632-874-002 »
<- « Notebook, PC-94749-0665 »
<- « February 6, 2011 »
\Insider\Raban Vhart\Desktop\Trash\A token of my appreciation for your blog
& Sélectionnez le profil d'Oleg Bakay.
<- « Oleg Bakay: +777 200 165 89 »
! Find a way how Raban Vhart was able to contact Oley Bakay.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Your fan, David Johns »
& Cliquez sur « www.percoleaks.tna - Operation Flying Dog »
& Sélectionnez le profil d'Oleg Bakay.
<- « Oleg Bakay was arrested by soldiers of The Nation after an incident during the civil war, only to be released again later and placed as a spy within the Pargesian Army. »
\Insider\Raban Vhart\Notebook\Desktop\Pictures
<- Bakay_deal.jpg
<- Bakay_medal.jpg
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- PravaSecondary_RugbyTeam.jpg
<- PhilosophyClass2007.jpg
\Reader\The People’s Voice\An Unsung Hero that you need to know about
<- « Raban ran out to the shed and saved these children from certain death in this hellish attack. »
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “An Unsung Hero that you need to know about”
& Cliquez sur l’image postée par Terence H.

Succès 03/19 : Informed / Informé
Inform yourself well. / Informez-vous bien.

<- « The explosion, which was initiated by the FTP, caused the school’s principal, Raban Vhart, to be buried under concrete and rubble for at least 24 hours. »
<- « Mr. Vhart was injured on Monday, December 6, 2010 »
\Reader\Secondary School\News
& Cliquez sur « Mission » puis « pravasecondary.par »
-> « December 6, 2010 »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « Bakay, Radka »
/Reader/Blabber/@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « I have reason to believe he was involved in this horrid attack on my school back in 2010. »
! Find a motive for Raban Vhart’s threat against Olehg Bakay.
& Écoutez l’appel d’Ampleford et de l’équipe d’intervention.
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « Oleg Bakay is in custody. »

Succès 04/19 : Returned / Revenu
Retrieve with care. / Récupérer avec soin.

\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l'article « The Government of The Nation IS LYING TO YOU »
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le discours.
& Cliquez en haut à droite pour finir la journée.

Succès 05/19 : Thesis / Thèse
Complete April 13. / Terminez le 13 avril.
Épisode 2
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “The Government of The Nation IS LYING TO YOU”
<- « The People’s Voice will #FightBack against our so-called “president” Kassart!! »
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban Vhart.
<- « I’m relying on you both. If there is any weakness between us, they will find it, and they will exploit it. »
<- « This evening, i will send out a provocation against President Puppet. »
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
! Provide exploitable data on illegal or questionable actions on Ilya or Karen before Raban Vhart can release his provocative article.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Karen’s Timeline
<- « Karen Levine-Vhart »
<- « Refugee counselor at Rehab Council »
<- « I organized this get-together specifically for the refugees and a National Army veteran I am counseling who courageously rejected the war and left the army. »
! Look for inconsistencies in Karen Levine-Vhart’s files regarding the National army veteran.
! Determine whether or not Karen Levine-Vhart is legally counseling the deserted National army veteran.
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Home
& Cliquez sur le profil de Mrs. Karen Levine-Vhart en haut à droite
<- « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
<- « Counseling for Pargesian refugees »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
<- Photo de Karen avec un post-it « SP 71048 3237 »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Pattison, Bill
<- « my uTell Karen_Levine »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Contacts
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « +777 168 554 412 31 »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Discussion: What have you done, Raban?!
& Cliquez sur « Log »
<- « UID PC-31348-2809 »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\winner.jpg
<- Photo d’Ilya avec le trophée HoB.
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\Vulcan salute.jpg
<- Photo d’Ilya en salue Vulcain.
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\Trash\Overdue rent
<- « ilya.vhart@bontonmail.tna »
<- « Apartment 303 Penn Street 125 9R-BT Bonton »
& Lisez la conversation SMS entre Raban et Karen.
<- « bank account 336 100 181 01 »
<- « CASH ATM Oak Street, Bonton »
<- « Salary - Watergate Pharmaceuticals »
\Reader\Timelines\Ilya’s Timeline
<- « May 18, 1983 »
<- « I got myself the cash to quit my Watergate job soon (TM). Then it’ll finally be “Goodbye Bonton”! »
! Find out whether Ilya Vhart has acquired money by illegal means.
<- « I’m STILL single »
\Reader\Watergate Pharmaceuticals\Employee Ilya Vhart
<- Photo d’Ilya.
<- « June 7, 2013 »
<- « +777 800 110 90 - 851 »
<- « leaving the outer Bonton reception camp he had been assigned to »
\Reader\Watergate Pharmaceuticals\Employee Ilya Vhart\Your messages
<- « We urge you to help clarify the circumstances of your own presence, as well as the disappearance of these medications. The date of removal has been pinpointed to THURSDAY, APRIL, 13, 2017. »
! Verify Ilya Vhart’s alibi of having been on a date for the time of the supplies’ disappearance.
& Cliquez sur « last night » tout en bas.
<- « I have a date coming up on April 13, could you take my shift from me? »
\Reader\Hand of Blood Fan Club\About HoB Fan Club
& Cliquez sur « GO TO YOUR PROFILE ».
-> « Rowland Ellison »
<- « #1! PRIZE: 4,500$! »
! Find out whether Ilya Vhart has acquired money by illegal means.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: Kassart is a LIAR!!!
<- « Article publish scheduled for April 14, 2017, 6:00 pm »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Listener\Ilya Vhart\Mail\Sign up for Singular Pro today!
<- « Karen signed you up »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « Outer Bonton Reception Camp »
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Karen Levine-Vhart
& Cliquez sur « PATIENT DATABASE »
-> « Ilya Vhart »
& Cliquez sur « PATIENT DATABASE »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
-> « Raban Vhart »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Singular Ltd
<- « your friend “DamnGoodCoffee” has accepted your promotional code for Singular »
\Listener\Ilya Vhart\Mail\Re: Irregularities
<- « I was at work on Thursday as planned and I have been the entire shift on my own. »
! Verify Ilya Vhart’s alibi of having been on a date for the time of the supplies’ disappearance.
! Locate Ilya Vhart to cause him to become arrested.
<- « got home where I still am »
& Écoutez l’appel d’Ilya Vhart à Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur le titre « I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU AND I WILL NOT GO AWAY ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le discours.
\Reader\Singular\DamnGoodCoffee’s Profile
& Cliquez sur « Your conversations »
& Cliquez sur le profil de « Mary P.»
<- « I can’t believe we’re… doing this… dating and all. »
\Reader\Hand of Blood Fan Club\TopdeckLethal’s profile
-> « Mary P. »

Succès 06/19 : Revealed / Révélés
Search and find the documents hidden from sight. / Rechercher et trouver les documents cachés à l'abri des regards.

& Cliquez en haut à droite pour finir la journée.

Succès 07/19 : Avoided / Évité
Prevent a provocation. / Empêcher une provocation.

Succès 08/19 : Cornered / Acculé
Corner someone. / Acculer quelqu’un.

Succès 09/19 : Antithesis / Antithèse
Complete April 14. / Terminez le 14 avril.
Épisode 3 (1/2)
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « WAR is inevitable ».
<- « I hereby declare WAR on the government of The Nation, »
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\WAR is inevitable
<- « The government of The Nation have dragged my family into this conflict »
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Reader\Bonton Police Database\Vhart, Ilya (April 14,2017)
<- « his mobile phone in hand, just having spoken to his brother Raban Vhart. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
<- « Removed Contributor status from user Ilya »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Discussion: “I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU…
<- « If you’re not willing to go all the way with me, you are against me. You’ve been in my way for far too long already. »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
-> « #BlameOnVhart: Did Raban Vhart sell his brother Ilya to the cops to get rid him? Co-editors state “Vhart has seen us as enemies” »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: DESTROY THE MEDIA MONSTERS!!
<- « These awful creatures, who cannot be considered human, are again trying to damage my family members in order to get to me. They CANNOT tear us apart! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Karen Levine-Vhart
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « PC UID: PC-35207-1174 »
& Écoutez l’appel de Karen à Raban.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « You’ve disregarded Ilya far too many times since you left the encampment. »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Rehab Council\Case Report Patient No. PR-34207
<- « The patient was initially very unresponsive and reclusive, even apathetic in therapy sessions. »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Private\saved_protocoll_raban83.txt
<- « I think we could have a beautiful wedding ceremony at Bonton City Park. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « I love you! »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “Arrival”
<- « We have to find a way to escape the refugee camp at any cost ! »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
& Sélectionnez la catégorie « BACKGROUND » dans le profil de Raban.
-> « Bonton City Park »
<- « But if our marriage has brought any good, Raban and Ilya finally didn’t have to endure that awful camp any longer. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « UID SP-46813-3277 - Ilya Vhart »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\SkyChat\Cassandra Watergate
<- « Truth be told, I often dream about quitting… and not just quitting, but getting out and away from my brother. »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
-> « #FakeMarriage: How Raban Vhart of The People’s Voice his escape from a refugee camp by seducing their therapist »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: THE BIG CONSPIRACY
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Blaine and Kassart are conspiring against US! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Karen’s Timeline
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Karen, my daugther. We had our differences about your marriage with Raban for his refugee status »
\Reader\Campaign Elizabeth Levine\News
<- « The Party supports Karen Levine’s work directly via state funding. »
& Cliquez sur « The National Beholder: Exclusive interview with Elizabeth Levine ».
<- « In any case, you can rest assured that my daughter Karen stands firmly behind me, as does my whole family. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Did you know this impertinent person invited soldiers into a school? »
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: The Pargesian army will protect Prava Secondary
<- « I have managed to make a deal with Oleg Bakay, whose unit from the Pargesian army will protect our school »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\I have to disappoint you
<- « My unit was being targeted by someone unknown, that was all! »
Épisode 3 (2/2)
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\Know that I stand with you
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « Ilya got your parents Anastasia and Milovan in deep trouble »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Note
<- « Uncle Simos »
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Initiative “Save Parges”
& Cliquez sur « MESSAGE BOARD » à gauche.
-> « Simos »
& Cliquez sur « Thread: I don’t want to join this stupid war! ».
<- « I just got a note telling me to report for duty by next week! I was drafted! »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « I am going to talk to Oleg and get you exempted from service. It might cost me a few favors and take some time, but I will get you out. I promise. »
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Message board threads
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « Thread: CHECK MESSAGES ASAP »
<- « MOM AND DAD ARE GONE! THEY TOOK THEM! They sent soldiers to our home!! It was so horrible. They started hitting Dad and yelled that this was his punishment. »
/Reader/Pargesian Army/File: Vhart, Ilya
<- « Attempt to flee from service, punished »
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s article.
-> « #ArmyLover: Former principal Raban Vhart sold school’s shelter to Pargesian army prior to schools’ destruction through bombardment »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: The National government KILLS
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « The National Governement ordered the shelling of Prava Secondary. »
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\RE: Know that I stand with you
<- « You have been with me from the start. The People’s Voice would not nearly have become what it is had you not been there. You’re more than a fan. You’re a true friend. »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “An unsung hero that you need to know about”
<- « You straight up lying to make me feel better will not change this! »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\not your friend
& Cliquez sur « percoleaks.tna/pNpgRUdQ89 »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « only one known civilian survivor, whom the Pargesian soldiers had managed to save, but was still seriously injured. The school’s principal Raban Vhart had been found wounded and retrieved from the ruins. »
<- « Raban Vhart was met with extreme aversion and had to be protected from them by the army. » good
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: My child died in the school bombing…
<- « all my pupils died in the bombing of Prava Secondary »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
! Spread a narrative to destroy Raban Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».

Succès 10/19 : Repulsed / Repoussés
Decrease their numbers. / Diminuez leur nombre.

\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to #NoPargesianHero
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « THIS IS MY LAST ANNOUNCEMENT ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le podcast.

Succès 11/19 : Delivered / Délivré
Dispense deliverance. / Dispenser la délivrance.

Succès 12/19 : Synthesis / Synthèse
Complete April 15. / Terminez le 15 avril.

Une fois de retour au menu principal, relancez le troisième épisode sur le profil que vous venez de terminer. Pour recommencer un épisode, sélectionnez le profil que vous venez de terminer puis « PROFILE OPTIONS », cliquez sur le troisième épisode et enfin le bouton en bas « LOAD EPISODE ». Confirmez puis refaites exactement ce que vous venez de faire au dessus mais arrêtez vous avant d’utiliser le « #NoPargesianHero ». Vous en êtes ci-dessous et vous allez pouvoir continuer pour le prochain succès.

\Reader\Prava City\Thread: My child died in the school bombing…
<- « all my pupils died in the bombing of Prava Secondary »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
! Spread a narrative to destroy Raban Vhart.
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Rehab Council\Case Report Patient No. NA-13514
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « I was aware that something was up with Mrs. Maternova and she had seemed unusually stressed. »
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to #TraitorWife
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « THIS IS MY LAST ANNOUNCEMENT ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le podcast.

Succès 13/19 : Antagonized / Antagonisé
Frame someone. / Piéger quelqu'un.

Deuxième fois
Dans cette deuxième histoire, vous allez faire le chemin « inverse » de la première fois et sur lequel il y a le plus de succès. Commencez par créer un nouveau profil, choisissez un investigateur en fonction de votre sauvegarde d'Orwell : Keeping an Eye on You. ( si vous avez joué au 1er épisode) répondez aux sept tâches posées, voyez le résultat et regardez ou non la vidéo. Et n’oubliez pas de ne pas supprimer vos profils, ils pourront resservir pour les autres succès qu’il reste.
Épisode 1 (1/2)
! Follow Ampleford’s instructions to learn about Oleg Bakay and his profession.
& Sélectionnez le profil « Unknow Person ».
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\Phone call ZT-4V transcript
<- « Oleg Bakay »
<- « Truth… is dead. As you soon will be. »
\Reader\The national Beholder\Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?
<- « Pargesian army officer Oleg Bakey. »
<- Photo d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « a phone conversation between pargesian army officer Oleg Bakay and Raban Rhart »
\Reader\Pargesian Armyr\File : Bakay, Oleg
<- « Captain »
<- « Janus »
<- « 1st Infantry Division Prava »
<- « protection of Prava from the ongoing threat through anti-government group “Forces of True Parges” during Prava Civil War »
<- « Awarded ‘Medal of Honor’ for saving civilians »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\Search database
-> « Janus »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The office\File YR3-W-56 - “Janus”
<- Photo d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « May 4, 1975 »
<- « Pargesian »
<- « Confidential informant as officer of the Pargesian army »
! Follow Ampleford’s instructions to learn about Oleg Bakay and his profession.
<- « Phone - UID SP-33742-0683 »
<- « Tends to use names of people close to him as passwords. »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop
! Find the key to Oleg Bakay’s phone and unlock it.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart
\Reader\The national Beholder\ Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?
<- « Raban Vhart is known as the editor-in-chief and founder of the highly controversial blog The people’s Voice.»
! Find the whereabouts of Oleg Bakay.
! Determine the connection between Raban Vhart and Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
<- Photo de Raban Vhart.
<- « The people’s Voice is supported by The “Angels of The Nation” Network, a volunteer team who provide development assistance in Parges. »
<- « raban@tpv.par »
& Cliquez sur l’article « The Nation BURNS again ».
<- « The nation, its CORRUPT leadership, and all of their deluded flock who elected them, carry the weight of the Freedom Plaza bombing victims upon their shoulders. »
<- « Thanks to The People’s Voice and our efforts to get the facts out to the people, the situation in The Nation has recently been rather calm. »
& Cliquez sur l’article « President Puppet STOPS RE-ELECTION PLANS ».
<- « For all we know Kassart is being controlled by The Nation’s shady administration. »
<- « STAND UP AND MARCH THE STREETS OF TRIFLITH TOMORROW! Updates on this via our Blabber account @PeoplesVoice »
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
<- « Oleg Bakay will certainly not be missed. »
<- « Mainstream media have been MANIPULATING your thoughts since the dawn of humanity! Time to get rid of this ENEMY! »
\Reader\The People’s Voice- Admin Panel\Discussion: What have you done, Raban?!
<- « I have nothing to do with Bakay’s disappearance. Did I call him? Sure. Did I get a little… aggressive? I did. »
<- « Before we left Parges, Bakay had his mind set on joining the Pargesian army. He asked me to take care of his 14-year-old daughter, and I said yes.»
! Determine the connection between Raban Vhart and Oleg Bakay.
! Find a way how Raban Vhart was able to contact Oleg Bakay.
! Find a motive for Raban Vhart’s threat against Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
<- « Tell us the truth about what happened to Oleg Bakay!! #SaveBakay »
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: What are you planning on doing against the FTP?
<- « As the school’s principal, I will therefore consider our option on how to protect the schools and Prava Secondary in particular.»
<- « I do think the FTP is fighting for the right causes »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Oleg Bakay.
<- « And go where? The Nation?! This pitiful stretch of land? Never! »
<- « my daughter Radka:»
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop
-> « Radka»
! Find the key to Oleg Bakay’s phone and unlock it.
Épisode 1 (2/2)
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\Call History
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « +777 142 311 665 92»
& Écoutez l’appel qui vient d’apparaître.
<- « my wife »
<- « National soldiers, responsible for invading and ravaging countries! If it weren’t for them driving refugees out in the first place »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\RE: Good luck
<- « to be a true supporter of our cause »
<- « I have no doubts there will be a great stir very soon. »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\Revised article
<- « just like when we moved to The Nation. You’re my brother. »
\Reader\Secondary School\News
<- « the school administration has requested protection by the Pargesian army. »
<- « the school administration has now decided to provide a protective hideout from combat activities, by upgrading our library to a completely autonomous shelter situated in the basement of the school.»
\Reader\The People’s Voice\A Journey
<- « I even lost my ability to walk. »
\Reader\Central Medical Databse\Entry 1 - Vhart, R.
<- « August 15, 1972 »
<- « Currently residing in Outer Bonton Reception Camp »
<- « Raban had been buried by concrete blocks for at least 24 hours, following the bombing of a school building in his home town Prava. »
<- « an MWC (manual wheelchair) for the patient »
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « I know that he was one of the people in charge during the Prava school attack since, knowing what would happen, he did not let his daughter attend that day. »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\secMsg
& Sélectionnez le profil de Oleg Bakay
<- « Warning: I fear that my cover might have blown and I suspect Raban Vhart to be behind it. »
<- « Moving to secret location in order to conceal my whereabouts. »
\Insider\Oleg Bakay\Phone\Desktop\iTrace
<- « 22 Tesle Road, 60-74 Prava »
! Find the whereabouts of Oleg Bakay.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Arrival
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « We were assigned to the Outer Bonton Reception Camp, »
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban Vhart.
<- « your abilities as my co-writer »
<- « The destruction of the cooperation between Kassart and Blaine. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Arrival
<- « our social worker Karen »
\Reader\National immigration database\Vhart, Raban
<- Photo de Raban Vhart.
<- « 632-874-002 »
<- « Notebook, PC-94749-0665 »
<- « February 6, 2011 »
\Insider\Raban Vhart\Desktop\Trash\A token of my appreciation for your blog
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « Oleg Bakay: +777 200 165 89 »
! Find a way how Raban Vhart was able to contact Oley Bakay.
& Cliquez sur « www.percoleaks.tna - Operation Flying Dog »
<- « Oleg Bakay was arrested by soldiers of The Nation after an incident during the civil war, only to be released again later and placed as a spy within the Pargesian Army. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\An Unsung Hero that you need to know about
<- « Raban ran out to the shed and saved these children from certain death in this hellish attack. »
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “An Unsung Hero that you need to know about”
<- « it was a military bombardment that wounded me severely. »
/Reader/Blabber/@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “Is anti-Kassart blog involved in Pargesian soldier’s disappearance?”
<- « I have reason to believe he was involved in this horrid attack on my school back in 2010. »
! Find a motive for Raban Vhart’s threat against Olehg Bakay.
& Écoutez l’appel d’Ampleford et de l’équipe d’intervention.
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
<- « Oleg Bakay is dead. »

Succès 14/19 : Vaporised / Vaporisé
Fulfill the prophecy. / Accomplir la prophétie.

\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « The Government of The Nation IS LYING TO YOU »
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le discours.
& Cliquez en haut à droite pour finir la journée.
Épisode 2
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “The Government of The Nation IS LYING TO YOU”
<- « The People’s Voice will #FightBack against our so-called “president” Kassart!! »
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban Vhart.
<- « I’m relying on you both. If there is any weakness between us, they will find it, and they will exploit it. »
<- « This evening, i will send out a provocation against President Puppet. »
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
! Provide exploitable data on illegal or questionable actions on Ilya or Karen before Raban Vhart can release his provocative article.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Karen’s Timeline
<- « Karen Levine-Vhart »
<- « Refugee counselor at Rehab Council »
<- « I organized this get-together specifically for the refugees and a National Army veteran I am counseling who courageously rejected the war and left the army. »
! Look for inconsistencies in Karen Levine-Vhart’s files regarding the National army veteran.
! Determine whether or not Karen Levine-Vhart is legally counseling the deserted National army veteran.
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Home
& Cliquez sur le profil de Mrs. Karen Levine-Vhart en haut à droite
<- « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
<- Photo de Karen avec un post-it « SP 71048 3237 »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Pattison, Bill
<- « my uTell Karen_Levine »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Molly
<- « war veterans like you, even if they weren’t dishonorably discharged »
<- « Looking forward to our session on the 13th! »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Ilya
<- « the website I set up for you »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Discussion: What have you done, Raban?!
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « Log »
<- « UID PC-31348-2809 »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\winner.jpg
<- Photo d’Ilya avec le trophée HoB.
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\Trash\Overdue rent
<- « ilya.vhart@bontonmail.tna »
<- « Apartment 303 Penn Street 125 9R-BT Bonton »
& Lisez la conversation SMS entre Raban et Karen.
<- « bank account 336 100 181 01 »
\Reader\Timelines\Ilya’s Timeline
<- « I got myself the cash to quit my Watergate job soon (TM). Then it’ll finally be “Goodbye Bonton”! »
! Find out whether Ilya Vhart has acquired money by illegal means.
\Reader\Watergate Pharmaceuticals\Employee Ilya Vhart
\Reader\Watergate Pharmaceuticals\Employee Ilya Vhart\Your messages
<- « We urge you to help clarify the circumstances of your own presence, as well as the disappearance of these medications. The date of removal has been pinpointed to THURSDAY, APRIL, 13, 2017. »
! Verify Ilya Vhart’s alibi of having been on a date for the time of the supplies’ disappearance.
& Cliquez sur « last night » tout en bas.
<- « I have a date coming up on April 13, could you take my shift from me? »
\Reader\Hand of Blood Fan Club\About HoB Fan Club
& Cliquez sur « GO TO YOUR PROFILE ».
-> « Rowland Ellison »
<- « #1! PRIZE: 4,500$! »
! Find out whether Ilya Vhart has acquired money by illegal means.
\Listener\Ilya Vhart\Mail\Sign up for Singular Pro today!
<- « Karen signed you up »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Singular Ltd
<- « your friend “DamnGoodCoffee” has accepted your promotional code for Singular »
\Reader\Singular\DamnGoodCoffee’s Profile
& Cliquez sur « Your conversations »
& Cliquez sur le profil de « Mary P.»
<- « So, I hope you don’t regret spending April 13 with me instead of your late shift. »
! Verify Ilya Vhart’s alibi of having been on a date for the time of the supplies’ disappearance.
\Reader\Hand of Blood Fan Club\TopdeckLethal’s profile
-> « Mary P. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « First Match Trophy for “Karen” »
\Reader\Singular\DamnGoodCoffee’s Conversation with Mary P.
<- « that magical evening we had the other week at the hotel. »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « No. 101422 - Bonton Park Hotel »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « Bonton Park Hotel »
<- Photo d’Ilya et Karen.
! Find compromising details about Karen and Ilya dating.
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban.

Succès 15/19 : Triangulated / Triangulé
Make someone go to the wrong place. / Faire aller quelqu'un au mauvais endroit.

\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU AND I WILL NOT GO AWAY ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture.
& Cliquez en haut à droite pour finir la journée.
Épisode 3 (1/2)
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « WAR is inevitable ».
<- « I hereby declare WAR on the government of The Nation, »
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\WAR is inevitable
<- « The government of The Nation have dragged my family into this conflict »
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
<- « Removed Contributor status from user Ilya »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Discussion: “I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU…
<- « If you’re not willing to go all the way with me, you are against me. You’ve been in my way for far too long already. »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Phone\Karen Levine-Vhart
<- « You are not my wife anymore! »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
-> « #SaveKarenAndIlya: How Raban Vhart is terrorizing his wife and brother after he learned of their affair »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: DESTROY THE MEDIA MONSTERS!!
<- « These awful creatures, who cannot be considered human, are again trying to damage my family members in order to get to me. They CANNOT tear us apart! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Karen Levine-Vhart
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « PC UID: PC-35207-1174 »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Trash\Beautiful Dewhurst
<- Image « Beautiful Dewhurst »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Case Report Patient No. PR-34207
<- « I strongly recommend to extend therapy and would like to keep him under close observation personally »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « The patient was initially very unresponsive and reclusive, even apathetic in therapy sessions. »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Private\saved_protocoll_raban83.txt
<- « I think we could have a beautiful wedding ceremony at Bonton City Park. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « UID SP-46813-3277 - Ilya Vhart »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\SkyChat\Karen Levine-Vhart
<- « Karen, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m going to leave for Dewhurst soon. Please come with me. »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\SkyChat\Cassandra Watergate
<- « Truth be told, I often dream about quitting… and not just quitting, but getting out and away from my brother. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “Arrival”
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Karen fancies me?! She doesn’t like me one bit. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « We have to find a way to escape the refugee camp at any cost ! »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
& Sélectionnez la catégorie « BACKGROUND » dans le profil de Raban.
-> « Bonton City Park »
<- « But if our marriage has brought any good, Raban and Ilya finally didn’t have to endure that awful camp any longer. »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
-> « #LiarsGetLeftBehind: After delicate pictures of them surfaced yesterday, Ilya declares sister-in-law Karen “love of his life” and wants to abscond to Dewhurst with her »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: THE BIG CONSPIRACY
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Blaine and Kassart are conspiring against US! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Ilya’s Timeline
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « This is just like back then in Parges when you got your poor parents Anastasia and Milovan in trouble! »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Notes
<- « Uncle Simos »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Contacts
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « +777 945 862 316 19 »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\e-ticket
<- « 1 ADULT Ticket type: one way Bonton transregional »
Épisode 3 (2/2)
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Initiative “Save Parges”
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « MESSAGE BOARD » à gauche.
-> « Simos »
& Cliquez sur « Thread: I don’t want to join this stupid war! ».
<- « I just got a note telling me to report for duty by next week! I was drafted! »
& Écoutez l’appel de Karen.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « I am going to talk to Oleg and get you exempted from service. It might cost me a few favors and take some time, but I will get you out. I promise. »
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Message board threads
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « Thread: CHECK MESSAGES ASAP »
<- « MOM AND DAD ARE GONE! THEY TOOK THEM! They sent soldiers to our home!! It was so horrible. They started hitting Dad and yelled that this was his punishment. »
& Écoutez l’appel de Karen.
<- « I’ll meet you at the central station. The train to Dewhurst, right? »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\e-ticket
<- « 2 ADULTS Ticket type: one way Bonton transregional »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\Know that I stand with you
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Karen’s mother Elizabeth Levine opposed your marriage and trued everything to prevent it »
\Reader\Campagn Elizabeth Levine\News
<- « The Party supports Karen Levine’s work directly via state funding. »
& Cliquez sur « The National Beholder: Exclusive interview with Elizabeth Levine »
<- « In any case, you can rest assured that my daughter Karen stands firmly behind me, as does my whole family. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Did you know this impertinent person invited soldiers into a school? »
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: The Pargesian army will protect Prava Secondary
<- « I have managed to make a deal Oleg Bakay, whose unit from the Pargesian army will protect our school »
\Reader\Pargesian Army\File: Vhart, Ilya
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « Attempt to flee from service, punished »
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s article.
-> « #TraitorWife: How Karen, wife of Raban Vhart, secretely works for The Party and gets financed by them in return »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: The National government KILLS
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « The National Governement ordered the shelling of Prava Secondary. »
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\RE: Know that I stand with you
<- « You have been with me from the start. The People’s Voice would not nearly have become what it is had you not been there. You’re more than a fan. You’re a true friend. »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “An unsung hero that you need to know about”
<- « You straight up lying to make me feel better will not change this! »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\not your friend
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « so i got my hands on some internal documents for you. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de David Johns.
<- « @X2_think »
<- « I could tell you about my new job… but then i’d have to make you desappear haha :P »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The Office\Search database
-> « X2_think »
<- « PC - UID PC - 72993-0237 »

Succès 16/19 : Connected / Connectés
Connect two loose ends. / Créer une connexion.

\Insider\David Johns\PC\Desktop\KEEP HANDS OFF\About my new job
-> « disappear »
<- « My name is Melissa Bethany Obrain. My call sign is Ampleford. »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The Office\Search database
-> « Ampleford »
<- « Head of Operation “War is Peace” »
\Reader\The Nation Gov - The Office\Operation IP-T4 - “War is Peace”
« Suboperation IP-T4 is part of the larger omgoing Operation “War is Peace.” The objective is the permanent entrapment in conflict and by that means the weakening of the cultural and economical society of the rival country Parges in order to ensure peace and properity for The Nation. »
\Reader\Percoleaks\Operation Flying Dog
& Cliquez sur le bouton « UPLOAD ».
-> « Operation “War is Peace”, the objective is the permanent entrapment in conflict and by that means the weakening of the cultural and economical society of the rival country Parges in order to ensure peace and properity for The Nation. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « THIS IS MY LAST ANNOUNCEMENT ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le podcast.

Succès 17/19 : Incited / Incité
Cause a stir. / Faire des vagues.
Troisième fois
Pour cette dernière fois, vous allez charger l’épisode 2 de votre première fois. Sélectionnez le profil puis « PROFILE OPTIONS », cliquez sur le deuxième épisode et enfin le bouton en bas « LOAD EPISODE ». Confirmez puis suivez les étapes ci-dessous.
Épisode 2
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to “The Government of The Nation IS LYING TO YOU”
<- « The People’s Voice will #FightBack against our so-called “president” Kassart!! »
& Écoutez l’appel de Raban Vhart.
<- « I’m relying on you both. If there is any weakness between us, they will find it, and they will exploit it. »
<- « This evening, i will send out a provocation against President Puppet. »
! Observe the activities of Raban Vhart for any sign of further interference.
! Provide exploitable data on illegal or questionable actions on Ilya or Karen before Raban Vhart can release his provocative article.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Karen’s Timeline
<- « Karen Levine-Vhart »
<- « Refugee counselor at Rehab Council »
<- « I organized this get-together specifically for the refugees and a National Army veteran I am counseling who courageously rejected the war and left the army. »
! Look for inconsistencies in Karen Levine-Vhart’s files regarding the National army veteran.
! Determine whether or not Karen Levine-Vhart is legally counseling the deserted National army veteran.
\Reader\Rehabilitation Council\Home
& Cliquez sur le profil de Mrs. Karen Levine-Vhart en haut à droite
<- « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « 95 Park Avenue, 98-A3 Bonton »
<- Photo de Karen avec un post-it « SP 71048 3237 »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Pattison, Bill
<- « my uTell Karen_Levine »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Molly
<- « war veterans like you, even if they weren’t dishonorably discharged »
<- « Looking forward to our session on the 13th! »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\SkyChat\Ilya
<- « the website I set up for you »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Calendar
<- « Patient Session Ilya Vhart »
! Look for inconsistencies in Karen Levine-Vhart’s files regarding the National army veteran.
! Find out the full name of the National army veteran Karen Levine-Vhart is counseling.
& Lisez les messages entre Karen et Molly.
<- « When I wrote you on that counseling website of yours »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Discussion: What have you done, Raban?!
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « Log »
<- « UID PC-31348-2809 »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\PC\Desktop\stuff 2\text.txt
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Counseling page title: Open Soteria »
& Lisez les messages entre Raban et Karen.
\Reader\Open Soteria\Welcome
& Cliquez sur le bouton « Read your messages » et sélectionnez le message de Molly.
<- « I would like to suggest the cafe at Freedom Plaza for the meeting. »
\Reader\Hologram\Karen’s Album
-> « Freedom Memorial »
<- « my very first session with Nina Maternova, who wanted to be addressed by Molly for some reason, »
& Lisez les messages entre Raban et Karen.
! Find out the full name of the National army veteran Karen Levine-Vhart is counseling.
« Nina isn’t official business. I’m counseling her, but as far as Council is concerned it’s for Ilya »
! Determine whether or not Karen Levine-Vhart is legally counseling the deserted National army veteran.
! Determine Karen Levine-Vhart’s current location.
& Lisez les messages entre Karen et Nina Maternova.
<- « I’m almost at the Circle Mall »
! Determine Karen Levine-Vhart’s current location.
& Écoutez l’appelle de Raban.

Succès 18/19 : Misplaced / Mal placée
Make someone go to the wrong place. / Faire aller quelqu'un au mauvais endroit.

\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU AND I WILL NOT GO AWAY ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture.
& Cliquez en haut à droite pour finir la journée.
Épisode 3 (1/2)
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « WAR is inevitable ».
<- « I hereby declare WAR on the government of The Nation, »
! Find out what Raban Vhart is up to.
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
\Reader\The People’s Voice\WAR is inevitable
<- « The government of The Nation have dragged my family into this conflict »
! Upload Raban’s core statement from his article.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
\Reader\Bonton Police Database\Levine-Vhart, Karen (April 14,2017)
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « the suspect was using her phone to call her husband Raban Vhart. »
\Listener\Karen Levine-Vhart\Raban Vhart
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « I will not allow to threaten the reputation of The People’s Voice! »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put in doubt that the government of The Nation dragged Raban Vhart’s family members into the conflict.
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
-> « #BlameOnRaban: Did Raban Vhart sell his wife Karen to the cops to get rid of her? Leaked chat protocol shows he had seen her as a threat to his work. »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Spread the narrative against Raban Vhart by dragging it into the Influencer.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: DESTROY THE MEDIA MONSTERS!!
<- « These awful creatures, who cannot be considered human, are again trying to damage my family members in order to get to me. They CANNOT tear us apart! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
<- « Removed Contributor status from user Ilya »
& Écoutez l’appel d’Ilya.
<- « You have done nothing but snub me ever since we left the encampment. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Administration Log
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « UID SP-46813-3277 - Ilya Vhart »
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\SkyChat\Cassandra Watergate
<- « Truth be told, I often dream about quitting… and not just quitting, but getting out and away from my brother. »
\Insider\Raban Vhart\Notebook\Desktop\Sys\Event log
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « PC-35207-1174 »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Rehab Council\Case Report Patient No. PR-34207
<- « I strongly recommend to extend therapy and would like to keep him under close observation personally »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « The patient was initially very unresponsive and reclusive, even apathetic in therapy sessions. »
\Insider\Karen Levine-Vhart\Desktop\Private\saved_protocoll_raban83.txt
<- « I think we could have a beautiful wedding ceremony at Bonton City Park. »
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “Arrival”
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Karen fancies me?! She doesn’t like me one bit.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to put the loyalty of Raban Vhart’s family members in doubt.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
-> « #TraitorOfThePeople: Ilya Vhart, editor at The People’s Voice, wanted to get away from the blog and his “abusive” brother for a long time »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: THE BIG CONSPIRACY
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Blaine and Kassart are conspiring against US! »
! Upload Raban’s next core statement.
Épisode 3 (2/2)
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Timelines\Ilya’s Timeline
<- « This is just like back then in Parges when you got you poor parents Anastasia and Milovan in trouble! »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Insider\Ilya Vhart\Phone\Desktop\Note
<- « Uncle Simos »
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Initiative “Save Parges”
& Cliquez sur « MESSAGE BOARD » à gauche.
-> « Simos »
& Cliquez sur « Thread: I don’t want to join this stupid war! ».
<- « I just got a note telling me to report for duty by next week! I was drafted! »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « I am going to talk to Oleg and get you exempted from service. It might cost me a few favors and take some time, but I will get you out. I promise. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « Mrs. Karen Levine-Vhart has passed away »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\Know that I stand with you
<- « Karen’s mother Elizabeth Levine opposed your marriage and tried everything to prevent it »
\Reader\Campaign Elizabeth Levine\News
& Cliquez sur « The National Beholder: Exclusive interview with Elizabeth Levine »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Karen Levine-Vhart.
<- « In any case, you can rest assured that my daughter Karen firmly behind me, as does my whole family. »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « Did you know this impertinent person invited soldiers into a school? »
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: The Pargesian army will protect Prava Secondary
<- « I have managed to make a deal with Oleg Bakay, whose unit from the Pargesian army will protect our school »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Oleg Bakay.
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\I have to disappoint you
<- « My unit was being targeted by someone unknown, that was all! »
\Reader\Initiative “Save Parges”\Message board threads
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « Thread: CHECK MESSAGES ASAP »
<- « MOM AND DAD ARE GONE! THEY TOOK THEM! They sent soldiers to our home!! It was so horrible. They started hitting Dad and yelled that this was his punishment. »
/Reader/Pargesian Army/File: Vhart, Ilya
<- Photo d’Ilya Vhart.
<- « Attempt to flee from service, punished »
! Find pairs of which can be used to construct a conspiracy theory about Raban Vhart.
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s article.
-> « #CowardBrother: Learn how Ilya Vhart got his parents punished for his own cowardice and his brother Raban covered for him »
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Keep searching for more possible narratives to spread. When you are done, spread a narrative to counter Raban Vhart’s artcile.
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Draft: The National government KILLS
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « The National Governement ordered the shelling of Prava Secondary. »
! Upload Raban Vhart’s next core statement.
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\RE: Know that I stand with you
<- « You have been with me from the start. The People’s Voice would not nearly have become what it is had you not been there. You’re more than a fan. You’re a true friend. »
& Sélectionnez le profil d’Ilya Vhart.
\Reader\The People’s Voice - Admin Panel\Article discussion: “An unsung hero that you need to know about”
<- « You straight up lying to make me feel better will not change this! »
\Listener\Raban Vhart\Mail\not your friend
& Cliquez sur « percoleaks.tna/pNpgRUdQ89 »
& Sélectionnez le profil de Raban Vhart.
<- « only one known civilian survivor, whom the Pargesian soldiers had managed to save, but was still seriously injured. The school’s principal Raban Vhart had been found wounded and retrieved from the ruins. »
<- « Raban Vhart was met with extreme aversion and had to be protected from them by the army. » good
\Reader\Prava City\Thread: My child died in the school bombing…
<- « all my pupils died in the bombing of Prava Secondary »
! Find pairs of datachunks which can be used to show that The Nation isn’t to blame for the bombing of Prava Secondary.
! Spread a narrative to destroy Raban Vhart.
& Cliquez sur « SPREAD ».
! Spread a narrative to destroy Raban Vhart.
\Reader\Blabber\@PeoplesVoice: Reactions to #LiesLiesLies
\Reader\The People’s Voice\Home
& Cliquez sur l’article « THIS IS MY LAST ANNOUNCEMENT ».
& Cliquez sur le bouton lecture et écoutez le podcast.

Succès 19/19 : Enraged / Enragé
Turn one on the other. / Retourner l’un contre l’autre.
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