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Stray 100% 全成就指南 / ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE
Készítő: kwk1001
Through images and text, this guide will help you find all collectibles related to achievements in the game and unlock all 24 achievements.

为方便对照阅读,指南将按游戏章节顺序展开,推荐利用快捷键 Ctrl + F 进行快速搜索。 To facilitate your reading, the guide will be written in the order of game chapters. It is recommended to use the Ctrl + F for quick search.
这是一份使用简体中文与英语编写的 100% 全成就指南,希望能够对各位有所帮助。如果喜欢的话不妨点赞收藏吧。
This is a 100% achievement guide written in simplified Chinese and English. I hope it can be helpful to you. If you like it, you might as well favorite the guide and give me a like please.

If there are any mistakes or inadequacies in the content, it is welcome to point them out through comment. Thank you very much!

本人已将全文转载至 bilibili 专栏,链接如下:
I have reprinted the full text to, and the links are as follows:

Stray 100% 全成就指南 1-6 章 / ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE Chapter 1-6[]
Stray 100% 全成就指南 7-12 章 / ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE Chapter 7-12[]

The copyright belongs to the author himself. Reprint requires permission.
0.剧情无关成就 Non-story-related Achievements
The following are 5 achievements that are not related to the story process, which can be easily unlocked during the process of the game.
> 喵喵不绝 / A Little Chatty
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Meow 100 times.

按左 Alt 键喵喵叫,100 次后解锁成就。
Press the left Alt button to say ‘meow’. After you do this for 100 times, the achievement will be unlocked.
> 猫咪弹射 / Cat-a-Pult
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Jump 500 times.

按 Space 键在场景中跳跃,500 次后解锁成就。
Press Space button to jump. After you do this for 500 times, the achievement will be unlocked.

> 充实的一天 / Productive Day
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Sleep for more than one hour.

在可以趴下睡觉的地方按 Q 键进入睡眠,持续 1 小时 (现实时间) 后解锁成就。
Press Q button in the place where you can lie down to sleep, and the achievement will be unlocked 1 hour after (real time).
Note: please don't let your device fall asleep (sleep mode)!

> 无命可求 / No More Lives
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Die 9 times.

死亡 9 次后即可解锁成就。不过游戏中可能造成猫猫死亡的方式其实并不多,仅包括被菌克啃咬致死以及被卫兵电击致死。
The Achievement will be unlocked after you die for 9 times. However, there are not many ways that may lead to death in the game. Including being bitten by zurks and being electrocuted by the Sentinels.
> 快如闪电 / I am Speed
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Complete the game in less than 2 hours.

如果不进行收集物的寻找和不必要的交流与探索,流畅地完成整个游戏流程大约需要 1.5 小时,相对成就要求来说是比较宽松的。建议完成其余所有成就后新开周目以挑战该成就。
It takes about 1.5 hours to complete the whole game without searching for collectibles and unnecessary communication and exploration, which is relatively loose compared with the requirements of achievement. It is suggested to challenge this achievement when other achievements are all unlocked.
1.收集品成就 Collectible-related Achievements
There are 5 achievements in the game that are related to collectibles. Some of them are in the specific chapters, while others run through the whole game process. In this part, we will introduce them first, and the collection process of the collectibles will be shown in the next part.

注意:达成收集任务或者获得收集品后,必须要经过存档点才会被保存,请勿提前退出游戏。 (按Esc键后将显示距上一次存档的时间,可以依此进行判断。)
Note: After you finish the collection task or obtain the collectibles, you must pass through the archive point or it will not be saved. Do not exit the game in advance. (When you press the Esc button, the time from the last archive will be displayed.)
> 喵喵之音 / Meowlody
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把所有乐谱带给 Morusque。
Bring all the music sheets to Morusque.

这一成就出现在第四章:贫民窟 (上) 中,你需要在整个地图中找到或通过解谜得到8段乐谱,并把它交给机器人 Morusque 来达成这一成就。在达成成就的同时,还可以从 Morusque 那里获得达成另一成就需要的音乐徽章。
This achievement appears in Chapter 4: The slums. You need to find 8 music sheets by exploring the whole map or solving puzzles, and give them to the robot named Morusque to unlock this achievement. As soon as you unlock the achievement, you will be awarded with the Music Badge, which is required by another achievement.
> 猫最好的朋友 / Cat’s Best Friend
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Nuzzle up against 5 robots.

在第四章:贫民窟 (上) 与第十章:中城中,你可以对共 10 位机器人进行轻蹭互动来向它们示好。
In Chapter 4: The Slums and Chapter 10: Midtown, you can nuzzle a total of 10 robots.
> 喵的地盘 / Territory
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Scratch in every chapter.

There are many places where you can perform your natural instinct, including but not limited to trees, carpets and sofas. You can unlock this achievement by scratching in every chapter of the game.
> 我想起来了! / I Remember!
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收集 B-12 的所有记忆。
Gather all B-12 memories.

你需要收集游戏共27处记忆来解锁这一成就。其中有些将在剧情中自动解锁,而有些记忆的位置较为隐蔽,需要仔细寻找。解锁这一成就后,B-12 会奖励你一个闪闪发光的背包。
You need to collect a total of 27 memories in the game to unlock this achievement. Some of which will be automatically unlocked in the game process, while some of the memories are well hidden and you need to search carefully. When you unlock this achievement, B-12 will reward you with a shiny backpack.
> 徽章大师喵 / Badges
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Collect all badges.

There are six different badges in the game. The achievement will be unlocked after all are collected. The badge you collected will be fixed on the backpack, and you can find out which of them you have not got yet.
2.剧情相关成就 Story-related Achievements
In this part, the way to unlock collectible-related achievements and other remaining achievements will be guided by images and texts in the order of the chapters. (The scratch point will be introduced only once each chapter)
第一章:墙内 / Chapter 1: Inside The Wall
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 1: 跟随着同伴向上前进,在跨越两个台阶之后将在左侧发现可以抓挠的大树。按 Q 键后鼠标不断左右点击进行抓挠,完成收集。

Scratch 1: Move forward with your partner. After crossing two steps, you will find a big tree on the left that can be scratched. Press Q button, click the mouse left and right continuously to scratch and complete the collection.

第二章:死城 / Chapter 2: Dead City
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

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抓挠 2: 用蓝色油漆砸碎玻璃进入房间后,将会遇上两块可以抓挠的地毯,任选其一完成收集。

Scratch 2: After you smash the glass with blue paint and enter the room, you will encounter two carpets that can be scratched. Choose one of them to complete the collection.
> 猫有失足 / Missed Jump
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Fall inside the city.

A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you enter the city through the sewer bar.
> 躲猫猫 / Can't Cat-ch Me
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Complete the first Zurk pursuit without being caught.

在第二章的中间,将会遭遇第一次与菌克的追逐战,如果能够在这场约持续1分钟的追逐战中保持一次都不被菌克啃咬,就能够解锁这一成就。在整个游戏中这属于较难获得的一个成就,其中也具有一定的运气成分。当被菌克抓住时可以按 Esc键,然后回到上一个存档点来反复尝试。
In the middle of Chapter 2, you will encounter your first Zurk pursuit. If you can keep from being bitten by Zurks during the whole pursuit that lasts about 1 minute, you can unlock this achievement. This is a difficult achievement even in the whole game, which also needs some luck. If you are caught by Zurks, you can press ESC button, and return to the previous archive point until you succeed.

Tips: Keep a zigzag route, and keep moving in the direction of the Zurks when you are close to them can reduce the probability of being caught.
第三章:公寓 / Chapter 3: The Flat
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

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抓挠 3: 进入公寓后向前走,在第二个房间的右侧将发现一块可以抓挠的地毯。

Scratch 3: Move forward after entering the flat, you will find a carpet that can be scratched on the right side of the second room.

记忆 1: 从电梯下来,将会遇到印着海边的壁画与明信片,靠近后自动解锁这一记忆。

Memory 1: When you get down from the elevator, you will encounter murals and postcards printed with seaside scenery. When you get close, you will automatically unlock this memory.
> 不再孤单 / Not Alone
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与 B-12 相遇。
Meet B-12.

这是一个剧情成就,当你为 B-12 充电后解锁。
A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you fully charge the B-12.
第四章:贫民窟 (上) / Chapter 4: The Slums
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges
乐谱 Sheet music
能量饮料 Energy Drinks

指引 Description
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轻蹭 1-4: 在本章中你一共可以轻蹭四位机器人,他们分别是守卫、祖母、Zakk 与 Rico,他们的位置如图所示。

Nuzzles 1-4: In this chapter, you can nuzzle a total of four robots. They are Guard, Granny, Zakk and Rico, and their positions are shown.

抓挠 4: 这一章中有许多地方可以进行抓挠,最简单的一处位于守卫身后的房间,抓挠正中间的地毯完成收集。

Scratch 4: There are many places you can scratch in this chapter. The simplest one is in the room behind Guard. Scratch the carpet in the middle to complete the collection.

记忆 2: 章节开始的通道中有一处交叉口,进入后在一台白色售货机旁发现一处记忆。(建议同时获取售货机贩卖的能量饮料)

Memory 2: There is a fork in the street at the beginning of the chapter. Enter the fork and you can find a memory next to a white vending machine. (It is recommended to obtain energy drinks at the same time)
记忆 3: 进入守卫对面的酒吧二楼,可以在台球桌旁的桌子上发现一处记忆。

Memory 3: Enter the second floor of the bar opposite the guard, you can find a memory on the table next to the billiard table.
记忆 4: 在靠近守卫的一处屋顶上,可以在损毁的机器人身上发现一处记忆。

Memory 4: On a roof near Guard, a memory can be found on a damaged robot.
记忆 5: 在 Momo 的家中有一幅 Back Home 2 的游戏海报,可以解锁一处记忆。

Memory 5: There is a Back Home 2 game poster in Momo's home, which can unlock a memory.
记忆 6: 祖母附近有一处公寓,挠挠门后会有机器人开门将你放入,前往二楼可以在盆栽处解锁一处记忆。

Memory 6: There is an apartment near Granny, where after scratching the door, a robot will open the door to let you in. Go to the second floor and you can unlock a memory at the potted plant.

记忆 7: 音乐家 Morusque 旁边有一个小分叉,进入后攀爬到二层,在招手的机器人壁画处可以解锁一个记忆。

Memory 7: There is a small fork next to Morusque the musician. Enter and climb to the second floor. A memory can be unlocked at the waving robot mural .
记忆 8: 用 3 个能量饮料可以在集市处换取一个记忆,能量饮料的位置将在下面介绍。

Memory 8: You can exchange three energy drinks for a memory at the market.The location of these energy drinks will be described below.

能量饮料 1: 从前文已介绍的白色售货机处获得。

Energy Drink 1: Obtained from the white vending machine described above.
能量饮料 2: 从靠近 Momo 住处一个屋顶上的红色售货机处获得,售货机的上方是 "喵不转睛" 成就中提到的电视机。

Energy Drink 2: Obtained from a red vending machine on the roof near Momo's home, above which is the television mentioned in achievement 'Télé à chat'.
能量饮料 3: 从音乐家 Morusque 对面的蓝色售货机处获得。

Energy Drink 3: Obtained from the blue vending machine opposite Morusque the musician.
能量饮料 4: 这个售货机比较隐蔽。祖母附近有一条尽头有木梯的街道,从木梯处向上爬,将会发现一个黄色售货机。

Energy Drink 4: This vending machine is relatively hidden. There is a street near grandma with a wooden ladder at the end. Climb up and you will find a yellow vending machine.

乐谱 1: 在 Momo 家侧边一个较暗的房间中获得。

Sheet Music 1: Obtained from a dark room at the left side of Momo's home.
乐谱 2: 在 Clementine 家入口侧边一个阳台上获得。

Sheet Music 2: Obtained from a balcony near the entrance of Clementine's home.
乐谱 3: 祖母附近有一处公寓,挠挠门后会有机器人开门将你放入,这份乐谱钉在一楼的墙面上。

Sheet Music 3: There is an apartment near Granny, where after scratching the door, a robot will open the door to let you in. The sheet music is nailed to the wall on the first floor.
乐谱 4: 用一瓶能量饮料从集市上购得。

Sheet Music 4: Buy it from the market with an energy drink.
乐谱 5: 位于守卫对面的酒吧二楼,可以在桌上找到。

Sheet Music 5: Located on the second floor of the bar opposite the guard, you can find it on the table.
乐谱 6: 位于 Clementine 家中的书架上。

Sheet Music 6: Located on a bookshelf in Clementine's home.
乐谱 7: 位于 Doc 家中的钢琴上。

Sheet Music 7: Located on the piano in Doc's home.
乐谱 8: 位于音乐家 Morusque 附近的保险箱中,需要通过解谜获得。其密码位于酒吧的一幅挂画后,将其摘下即可得到密码: 1283

Sheet Music 8: Located in the safe near Morusque the musician, it needs to be obtained by solving puzzles. The password is behind a hanging picture in the bar. Remove it to get the password: 1283 .

徽章 1: 将八份乐谱交给音乐家 Morusque 后,他将会奖励你一个音乐徽章

Badge 1: Give all 8 music sheets to Morusque the musician, and he will reward you with Music Badge.
> 猫不可言 / Cat Got Your Tongue?
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让 B-12 给机器人翻译。
Have B-12 translate a robot.

A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you enter the slum and talk to Guard.

> 看喵的 / Boom Chat Kalaka
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Dunk the basketball.

靠近集市的一侧有一个斜坡,坡顶是一个篮球,将其推入坡底的垃圾桶中即可解锁成就。每次存档时篮球会被重置,若推歪了,可以返回上一存档点或者通过将乐谱交给 Morusque 进行存档以重试。
There is a slope on one side near the market. On the top of the slope is a basketball. Push it into the garbage at the bottom of the slope, and you can unlock the achievement. Every time you archive, the basketball will be reset. If failed, you can return to the previous archive point or submit the music sheet to Morusque for archiving to try again.
> 好奇害死猫 / Curiosity Killed the Cat
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Wear the paper bag.

音乐家 Morusque 的身旁有一个纸袋子 (本章许多地方都有),按 Q 键戴上后解锁成就。戴上纸袋后运动方向将变得与方向键相反,一段时间后自动解除。
There is a paper bag beside Morusque the musician (is not unique). Press Q button to put it on and then the achievement will be unlocked. When wearing the paper bag, the direction of movement will become opposite to the direction button. The paper bag will be automatically removed after a period of time.
> 喵不转睛 / Télé à chat
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Browse through all of the TV channels.

靠近 Doc 住处的一个屋顶上有一台电视机,电视共能收到 8 个频道。使用遥控器可以切换频道,浏览完所有频道后成就解锁。
There is a TV set on the roof near Doc's residence, which can receive 8 channels in total. Use the remote control to switch channels, and the achievement will be unlocked after you browse all channels.
第五章:屋顶 / Chapter 5: Rooftops
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 5: 在本章的一开始便有一张地毯可以进行抓挠。

Scratch 5: There is a carpet to scratch at the very beginning of this chapter.

记忆 9: 在前进的道路上会遇到一个霓虹灯招牌,可以解锁一个记忆。

Memory 9: On the way forward, you will encounter a neon sign that can unlock a memory.
记忆 10: 在建筑工地的二层尽头有一块区域被菌克卵包裹,一个记忆位于其中间的招牌上。

Memory 10: At the end of the second floor of the construction site, there is an area wrapped by Zurk eggs, and a memory is located on the sign in the middle.

记忆 11: 将接收器成功安装至建筑顶部后,将会自动解锁一个记忆。

Memory 11: When the receiver is successfully installed on the top of the building, a memory will be automatically unlocked.
第六章:贫民窟 (下) / Chapter 6: The Slums – Part 2
本章的收集品列表 (去除第四章已介绍的):
The collectible list of this chapter (Except for these has been displayed in Chapter 4):

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 6: 本章的一开始,你将会回到 Momo 的家中,任选一块地毯进行抓挠便能完成收集。

Scratch 6: At the beginning of this chapter, you will be back at Momo's home. Scratch any carpet to complete the collection.
第七章:死路 / Chapter 7: Dead End
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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徽章 2: 在本章的一开始你将会自动获得外界者徽章作为信物。

Badge 2: At the beginning of this chapter, you will automatically obtain the Outsider Badge as a token.

记忆 12: 开门进入街道后,在第一个交叉口左转,可以找到一个记忆。

Memory 12: After you enter the street, turn left at the first intersection and you can find a memory.
记忆 13: 结束第一段追逐战后继续向前进,在分叉口保持向前,可以发现一个记忆。

Memory 13: After you finish the first Zurk pursuit, continue to move forward, and keep your direction at the fork, then you can find a memory.

记忆 14: Doc 的住处中有一个假人,在它身上可以发现一个记忆。

Memory 14: There is a dummy in Doc's residence, and a memory can be found on it.

抓挠 7: 进入 Doc 的住处后,在一层可以找到一面可以抓挠的墙壁。

Scratch 7: Enter Doc's residence, then you can find a wall that can be scratched on the first floor.
第八章:下水道 / Chapter 8: The Sewers
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 8: 本章的抓挠处在接近末尾的位置。在通过那扇解锁两个终端才能打开的门后,才能够找到一块可以抓挠的地毯。

Scratch 8: The scratch place is near the end of this chapter. After you go through the door that is unlocked through two terminals, you can find a carpet that can be scratched.

记忆 15: Momo 帮你拉开门之后不久,你将进入一条布满菌克卵的走廊。在走廊的某处向左转,可以在地上看到几个菌克卵,冲刺经过它们后跳入位于左侧的管道,不断向前走,最终可以发现一个记忆。

Memory 15: Soon after Momo opens the door for you, you will enter a corridor full of Zurk eggs. Turn left somewhere in the corridor, and you can see several eggs on the ground. After sprinting through them, jump into the pipe on the left and keep walking forward, and finally you can find a memory.

记忆 16: 当你第一次看到墙壁上的眼睛后,将开启一段追逐战。在追逐战的末尾你会跳到一段水管上,向着管道的左边 (正常流程的反方向) 前进,将会发现一个记忆。

Memory 16: When you first see the eyes on the wall, you will encounter a Zurk pursuit. At the end of the pursuit, you will jump on a section of water pipe. Keep moving towards the left side of the pipe (the opposite direction of the normal process), and you will find a memory.

> 和平主义者 / Pacifist
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Complete the Sewers without killing any Zurks.

To unlock this achievement, you can't kill any Zurk by ultraviolet light from the beginning to the end of this chapter. But the death of Zurks caused by jumping into water or other reasons will not be considered as killing them. In fact, it is not very difficult to unlock this achievement, because there are many archive points in this chapter, so that you can try again and again.

In a Zurk pursuit, keep a zigzag route can help you effectively get rid of Zurks. Here are some reference routes for the other scenes.

At the beginning of the chapter, you can start from the right side of the pull rod, sprint to pull down the pull rod and leave quickly from the front. Run about three circles around the platform with Zurks, and then you can jump on the boat to pass the scene.

After the first Zurk pursuit, you will come to an area where you can open the door only by unlocking two terminals at the same time. In this area, it is recommended to unlock the terminal on the left first, then sprint to the right side, and move through the water pipe to unlock the terminal on the right.
第九章:蚁村 / Chapter 9: Antvillage
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges
植物 Plants

指引 Description
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抓挠 9: 本章可以抓挠的位置较多,推荐离开前在最顶层抓挠地毯。

Scratch 9: There are many places you can scratch in this chapter. It is recommended to scratch the carpet on the top floor before leaving.

记忆 17: 一个由剧情解锁的记忆,将在刚进入蚁村时自动获得。

Memory 17: It is a memory unlocked during the story. It will automatically be obtained when you enter the Antvillage.
记忆 18: 在紫色植物旁的房间中通过墙壁上的涂鸦解锁。

Memory 18: It will be unlocked through the graffiti in the room next to the purple plants.

植物 1: 紫色植物,刚进入蚁村时便可看到,爬上树枝获得。

Plant 1: The purple plant. You can see it as soon as you enter the Antvillage. Climb the branches to get it.
植物 2: 红色植物,乘坐麻将桌背后的电梯到达底部,爬上树枝获得。

Plant 2: The red plant. Take the elevator behind the mahjong table to get to the bottom of the village, and climb the branches to get it.
植物 3: 黄色植物,在与 Zbaltazar 同层的饭店背后获得。

Plant 3: The yellow plant. Obtained behind the restaurant on the same floor as Zbaltazar.

徽章 3: 将紫色植物、红色植物和黄色植物交给最顶层的 Malo,然后她会奖励你一枚植物徽章

Badge 3: Give the purple plant, red plant and yellow plant to Malo, who is on the top floor of the village, and then she will reward you with Plant Badge.
> 玩一把 / Cat-a-strophe
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Try to play mahjong with the robots.

In the process of moving up, you will encounter two robots playing mahjong, who seem to leave a place for you. Jump on the table and destroy the game, and then the achievement will be unlocked.
第十章:中城 / Chapter 10: Midtown
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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轻蹭 5-10: 在本章中你一共可以轻蹭六位机器人,分别是 Ledoc,Bonobot (电梯后侧),Paoudre,Koondy 和 Krooni 以及和平缔造者198,他们的位置如图所示。

Nuzzles 5-10: In this chapter, you can nuzzle a total of six robots. They are Ledoc, Bonobot (behind the elevator), Paoudre, Koondy and Krooni and Peacemaker 198. Their positions are shown in these images.

抓挠 10: 这一章中有许多地方可以进行抓挠,最简单的一处位于电梯后侧,Bonobot 的面前。

Scratch 10: There are many places you can scratch in this chapter. The simplest one is at the back of the elevator, in front of bonobot.

记忆 19: 当你进入地铁站时,一个记忆会自动解锁。

Memory 19: When you enter the subway station, a memory will unlock automatically.
记忆 20: 离开地铁站后向右转,可以在 Ledoc身边解锁一处记忆。

Memory 20: Turn right after leaving the subway station and you can unlock a memory beside Ledoc.
记忆 21: 在路口右转,进入后朝着黄色光的位置向上爬,可以找到一处记忆。

Memory 21: Turn right at the fork, climb up towards the yellow light, and you can find a memory.

记忆 22: 在中心广场的一角找到这家店,沿着柜台向上爬,可以在夹层中找到一处记忆。

Memory 22: Find this store in the corner of the central square, climb up along the counter, and you can find a memory in the mezzanine.

记忆 23: 在前面那家店的对面,从窗口进入这家店,同样可以在上方夹层中找到一处记忆。

Memory 23: On the opposite side of the store above, enter this store from the window, and you can also find a memory in the upper mezzanine.

记忆 24: 当你通过工厂取得电池后,保安室的门才会打开,可以在里面发现一处记忆。

Memory 24: Only if you steal the battery in the factory, the door of the security room will open. And then you can find a memory in it.

记忆 25: 这处记忆在夜店中。进入吧台后侧的电梯,你将会自动被带到地下室,在这里可以发现一处记忆。

Memory 25: This memory is in the nightclub. Enter the elevator behind the bar, and you will be automatically taken to the basement, where you can find a memory.

徽章 4: 这处徽章位置比较隐蔽。首先来到这个转角,通过侧边爬到最上面一处通风管道,进入后可在一个损毁的机器人身上获得警察徽章

Badge 4: This badge is well hidden. Come to this corner, climb to the top ventilation duct by the side. After you enter the duct, you can get Police Badge on a damaged robot.

徽章 5: 进入这家店的内部,徽章在最里面的保险箱中。翻译柜子后的文字,可以得到密码 8542 ,输入保险箱后获得猫徽章

Badge 5: Enter the interior of the store, the badge is in the safe. Translate the text behind the cabinet, you can get the password 8542. Enter the password and you can get Cat Badge.

徽章 6: 当你帮助工厂内的机器人找到他的钥匙,他会奖励你最后一个徽章: Neco 徽章。钥匙位于图示的小岛上,当你获得钥匙后不需要原路返回,向前通过通道后拉下左侧的拉杆,即可轻松返回原先的位置。

Badge 6: When you help the robot in the factory find his key, he will reward you with the last badge: Neco Badge. The key is located on the island shown in the image. When you get the key, you don't need to return by the way you came. Just move forward and pull down the pull rod on the left, and you can get back easily.

> 优雅猫步 / Cat Walk
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Reach Midtown.

A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you leave the subway station and enter the streets of Midtown.
> 悄咪咪 / Sneakitty
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Go through Midtown without being detected by the Sentinels.

要解锁这一成就,你需要在从被抱入工厂开始,直到在夜店找到 Clementine 的整个过程中都不被卫兵发现,这意味着在整个过程中你需要让卫兵的观察范围保持蓝色,从未变色。本章的存档点间隔较长,因此解锁这一成就是有一定难度的。不过这一过程中的路线相对固定,技巧性不算高,只要你保持反复尝试的耐心,胜利就在眼前。
To unlock this achievement, you need to keep yourself from being detected by the Sentinels in the whole process from being carried into the factory to finding Clementine in the nightclub, which means that you need to keep the Sentinel's observation zone blue throughout the process. The interval between archive points in this chapter is long, so it is difficult to unlock this achievement. However, the route in this process is relatively fixed, so as long as you keep the patience of trying repeatedly, the victory is in front of you.
> 我挠 / Scratch
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Scratch the vinyl in the club.

在夜店最深处的桌上可以发现一张唱片,将其捡起并放到 DJ 机器人的面前,进行抓挠 (搓碟) 即可解锁成就。
You can find the vinyl on the table in the deepest part of the nightclub, pick it up and put it in front of the DJ robot, and scratch it (rub the disc), then the achievement will be unlocked.
第十一章:监狱 / Chapter 11: Jail
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 11: 本章可以抓挠的位置出现较晚,通过需要困住守卫的院子之后,有一棵可以抓挠的大树。

Scratch 11: The place that can be scratched appears at the end of this chapter. After passing through the yard where you need to lock the Sentinels, there is a big tree that can be scratched.

记忆 26: 通过第一个需要困住守卫的院子后,可以在一个损毁的机器人身上发现一处记忆。

Memory 26: After passing through the first yard where you need to lock the Sentinels, you can find a memory on a damaged robot.
> 叮当入狱 / Al-Cat-Raz
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Go to jail.

A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you complete Chapter 10, be stunned by the Sentinels and be jailed.
第十二章:控制室 / Chapter 12: Control Room
The collectible list of this chapter:

轻蹭 Nuzzles
抓挠 Scratches
记忆 Memories
徽章 Badges

指引 Description
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抓挠 12: 抓挠电线也是一种抓挠。

Scratch 12: Scratching wires is also a kind of scratching.

记忆 27: 当你进入控制室后将会自动获得最后一处记忆。

Memory 27: When you enter the control room, you will automatically unlock the last memory.
> 打开眼界 / Eye Opener
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Complete the game and open the city.

A story related achievement, which is unlocked when you open the dome and finish the story.

21 megjegyzés
ChrisK 2024. dec. 12., 9:22 
Aspireal 2024. aug. 3., 9:23 
Just for people who love to see hearts when you nuzzle: you can nuzlle Zbalthazar in Antvillage. Go behind his back, you'll see the action prompt, nuzzle him and BAM hearts on every screen.
Hamster 2023. jan. 12., 8:29 
Hamster 2023. jan. 12., 7:24 
Hamster 2023. jan. 12., 7:10 
Hamster 2023. jan. 12., 6:53 
kwk1001  [készítő] 2022. dec. 11., 23:31 
"Pacifist 和平主义者" 成就只需要在第八章:下水道这一章中不杀掉菌克就可以
Golden Wind 2022. dec. 11., 14:39 
[HTTYD] GLADOSCHELL 2022. aug. 12., 14:35 
Game finished in 103 mins, didn't get the achievement...
Orange_eee 2022. aug. 11., 18:34 