Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

36 人が評価
Volunteers As Anyone
287.414 KB
2022年7月22日 18時26分
2022年10月2日 8時45分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Volunteers As Anyone

Updated for By Blood Alone (1.12)
Couldn't find another mod that did this so I threw one together.

Does the following:
- All countries are allowed to send volunteers from the start.
- Doesn't change rules for volunteers relating to world tension or ideology since those can be disabled in the custom game options before you start your campaign.
- You cannot get achievements while using this.

Applies to every country on game start and should work with just about any mod or game version as long as the volunteers system doesn't change.

Here's another version if you only want it to apply to non-AI nations (players): https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2922894821

Let me know if there are any issues and have a great day.
23 件のコメント
Zooperdooper30 2024年9月15日 22時37分 
nice mod :spiffo:
Zooperdooper30 2024年9月15日 22時37分 
works in rt56
mewpet3  [作成者] 2024年8月25日 20時11分 
@Bring the Jubilee! Were you using it from the start of the game? Not sure it works if you add it mid-way.
It's been a while since I touched this but pretty sure how I did it was by applying it as soon as the game starts. So also might not apply to nations that don't exist at the start of the game.

If neither of these apply what does it say when you try? Is it something like "Your country is not allowed to send volunteer forces"?
Bring the Jubilee! 2024年8月25日 20時00分 
Didn't work for me on R56 last time I used it
D Wil 2023年12月1日 6時04分 
Ok. Thanks, I'll try to check it
mewpet3  [作成者] 2023年11月30日 17時09分 
@D Wil
I just loaded it up and tested it. It still works.

The mod doesn't change the game rules for volunteers such as the world tension or ideology requirements as those can be changed in the custom game rules before you start.

I think that might be the issue you were having?
D Wil 2023年11月30日 5時34分 
On (1.13) can't send volunteers. As if the mod doesn't work on it
mewpet3  [作成者] 2023年11月27日 12時47分 
@paudzis Yes, this version applies to all countries, the other version (linked in description) only applies to players.
I've not tested it on the current version of the game but it should still work.
paudzis 2023年11月26日 9時22分 
does the ai use it?:secretweapon_hoi:
mewpet3  [作成者] 2023年10月13日 12時12分 
@MOHHAMEDAUYO It should still work on the new update, it's just the version number that would need to be changed to get rid of the "made for a different version of the game" notification.

I'll update it soon to fix that anyway but it should still work if you want to use this as is.